/* Concerning the EPC reference: The formatting for blocks and properties has been implemented as a table which is filled using ALIASES. For maximum flexibility I implemented them in the \@code/\@encode style, this means that missing one or changing the order most certainly cause formatting errors. \@block block name \@context code sample of the block \@description the block's description \@endblock \@property property name \@parameters property's parameter list \@effect the property description (lol) \@endproperty */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "elementary_config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "elm_prefs_cc.h" /** * @page epcref Elementary Prefs Data Collection Reference * An Elementary Prefs Collection is a plain text file (normally * identified with the .epc extension), consisting of instructions for the * Elm Prefs Compiler. * * The syntax for the elementary prefs data files follows a simple structure of * "blocks { .. }" that can contain "properties: ..", more blocks, or both. * * @anchor sec_quickaccess Quick access to block descriptions: *
  • @ref sec_page "Page"
  • *
  • @ref sec_items "Items"
  • *
    • @ref sec_items_bool "Bool"
    • *
    • @ref sec_items_int "Int"
    • *
    • @ref sec_items_float "Float"
    • *
    • @ref sec_items_date "Date"
    • *
    • @ref sec_items_text "Text"
    • *
    • @ref sec_items_textarea "Text Area"
    • *
* * @author Ricardo de Almeida Gonzaga (ricardotk) ricardo@profusion.mobi * * */ static Elm_Prefs_Page_Node *current_page = NULL; static Elm_Prefs_Item_Node *current_item = NULL; /* objects and statments */ /* Collection */ static void ob_collection(void); /** @epcsection{page,Page} */ /** @page epcref @block page @context collection { .. page { name: "main"; version: 1; title: "Preference Widgets"; subtitle: "Subtitle"; widget: "elm/vertical_frame"; items { } } .. } @description A "page" block is a grouping of prefs items together. A prefs widget must always be bound to a page, that can address other pages in the collection too as @b sub-pages. @endblock @property name @parameters [page name] @effect The name of the page (to be referred by the application). It must be unique within the collection. @endproperty @property version @parameters [page version] @effect The page's version. @endproperty @property title @parameters [page title] @effect Set page's title. @endproperty @property subtitle @parameters [page subtitle] @effect Set page's subtitle. @endproperty @property widget @parameters [page widget] @effect Set the widget from among the available page widgets. Valid, built-in page widgets are: @li elm/horizontal_box @li elm/vertical_box @li elm/horizontal_frame @li elm/vertical_frame @endproperty @property style @parameters [page style] @effect Set page's style. @endproperty @property icon @parameters [page icon] @effect Set page's icon. @endproperty @property autosave @parameters [1 or 0] @effect Takes a boolean value specifying whether page is autosaved (1) or not (0). The default value is 1. @endproperty */ /* Page */ static void ob_collection_page(void); static void st_collection_page_name(void); static void st_collection_page_version(void); static void st_collection_page_title(void); static void st_collection_page_subtitle(void); static void st_collection_page_widget(void); static void st_collection_page_style(void); static void st_collection_page_icon(void); static void st_collection_page_autosave(void); /** @epcsection{items,Items} */ /** @page epcref @block items @context page { .. items { name: "item"; type: INT; label: "Just a item label..."; type { } } .. } @description An "item" block declares a new Prefs item, along with its properties. @endblock @property name @parameters [item name] @effect The item's name, to be referred by the application. It must be unique within the page. @endproperty @property type @parameters [TYPE] @effect Set the type (all types must be entered in capitals) from among the available types, that are: @li BOOL - Checkbox. @li INT - Slider. @li FLOAT - Slider. @li DATE - Date/time display and input widget. @li TEXT - Single-line text entry. @li TEXTAREA - Text entry. @li LABEL - Read-only label. @li PAGE - Prefs subpage object. @li SEPARATOR - Line that serves only to divide and organize prefs item. @li SWALLOW - Swallows an Evas_Object. @li SAVE - Button that will get all the values bounded to items and save it on CFG file. @li ACTION - Button that will emit a signal to .C file and call a smart callback. @li RESET - Button that will return all the values bounded to items as default declared on .EPC file. @endproperty @property label @parameters [a string to label] @effect Set a string to item's label. @endproperty @property icon @parameters [item icon] @effect This is the item icon. @endproperty @property persistent @parameters [1 or 0] @effect Takes a boolean value specifying whether item is persistent (1) or not (0). The default value is 1. A non persistent item doesn't save its values when saved. @endproperty @property editable @parameters [1 or 0] @effect Takes a boolean value specifying whether item is editable (1) or not (0). The default value is 1. @endproperty @property visible @parameters [1 or 0] @effect Takes a boolean value specifying whether item is visible (1) or not (0). The default value is 1. @endproperty @property style @parameters [item style] @effect This is the item's style. @endproperty @property widget @parameters [item widget] @effect This is the item's widget, for cases where a widget differs than the default assigned to the type is desired. @endproperty */ /* Items */ static void ob_collection_page_items(void); static void ob_collection_page_items_item(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_name(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_type(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_label(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_icon(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_persistent(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_editable(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_visible(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_source(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_style(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_widget(void); /** @epcsection{items_bool,Bool item sub blocks} */ /** @page epcref @block bool @context item { .. bool { default: true; } .. } @description @endblock @property default @parameters [true or false] @effect Takes a boolean value specifying whether item is checked (true) or not (false). @endproperty */ /* Item: Bool */ static void ob_collection_page_items_item_bool(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_bool_default(void); /** @epcsection{items_int,Int item sub blocks} */ /** @page epcref @block int @context item { .. int { default: 150; min: 0; max: 300; } .. } @description @endblock @property default @parameters [value] @effect Set a default (initial) value to the item. @endproperty @property min @parameters [value] @effect Set a minimum value to the item. Note that, without a minimum value, the widget implementing the item visually will get an available range of values bound to the minimum of the least integer number representable, and it might not be what you want. @endproperty @property max @parameters [value] @effect Set a maximum value to the item. Note that, without a maximum value, the widget implementing the item visually will get an available range of values bound to the maximum of the least integer number representable, and it might not be what you want. @endproperty */ /* Item: Integer */ static void ob_collection_page_items_item_int(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_int_default(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_int_max(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_int_min(void); /** @epcsection{items_float,Float item sub blocks} */ /** @page epcref @block float @context item { .. float { default: 0.5; min: 0; max: 1; } .. } @description @endblock @property default @parameters [value] @effect Set a default (initial) value to the item. @endproperty @property min @parameters [value] @effect Set a minimum value to the item. Note that, without a minimum value, the widget implementing the item visually will get an available range of values bound to the minimum of the least floating point number representable, and it might not be what you want. @endproperty @property max @parameters [value] @effect Set a maximum value to the item. Note that, without a maximum value, the widget implementing the item visually will get an available range of values bound to the maximum of the least floating point number representable, and it might not be what you want. @endproperty */ /* Item: Float */ static void ob_collection_page_items_item_float(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_float_default(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_float_max(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_float_min(void); /** @epcsection{items_date,Date item sub blocks} */ /** @page epcref @block date @context item { .. date { default: 2012 11 05; min: 1900 1 1; max: 2200 12 31; } .. } @description @endblock @property default @parameters [year month date] or "today" @effect Set a default (initial) date to the item. "today" will translate to current date. @endproperty @property min @parameters [year month date] or "today" @effect Set a minimum date to the item. "today" will translate to current date. @endproperty @property max @parameters [year month date] or "today" @effect Set a maximum date to the item. "today" will translate to current date. @endproperty */ /* Item: Date */ static void ob_collection_page_items_item_date(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_date_default(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_date_max(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_date_min(void); /** @epcsection{items_text,Text item sub blocks} */ /** @page epcref @block text @context item { .. text { default: "Default text"; placeholder: "Text:"; accept: "^[a-zA-Z ]$"; deny: ""; } .. } @description @endblock @property default @parameters [a string of text] @effect Set a default text. @endproperty @property placeholder @parameters [a string of text] @effect Set a placeholder. @endproperty @property accept @parameters [regular expression] @effect Set an acceptance regular expression. It must be a valid one. @endproperty @property deny @parameters [regular expression] @effect Set a denial regular expression. It must be a valid one. @endproperty */ /** @epcsection{items_textarea,Text Area item sub blocks} */ /** @page epcref @block textarea @context item { .. textarea { default: "Default text"; placeholder: "No Numbers!"; accept: ""; deny: "^[0-9]*$"; } .. } @description @endblock @property default @parameters [a string of text] @effect Set a default text. @endproperty @property placeholder @parameters [a string of text] @effect Set a placeholder. @endproperty @property accept @parameters [regular expression] @effect Set an acceptance regular expression. It must be a valid one. @endproperty @property deny @parameters [regular expression] @effect Set a denial regular expression. It must be a valid one. @endproperty */ /* Item: Text and Text Area */ static void ob_collection_page_items_item_text(void); static void ob_collection_page_items_item_textarea(void); /* String shared statements */ static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_default(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_placeholder(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_accept(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_deny(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_max(void); static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_min(void); /* Statement Array */ New_Statement_Handler statement_handlers[] = { {"collection.page.name", st_collection_page_name}, {"collection.page.name", st_collection_page_name}, {"collection.page.version", st_collection_page_version}, {"collection.page.title", st_collection_page_title}, {"collection.page.subtitle", st_collection_page_subtitle}, {"collection.page.widget", st_collection_page_widget}, {"collection.page.style", st_collection_page_style}, {"collection.page.icon", st_collection_page_icon}, {"collection.page.autosave", st_collection_page_autosave}, {"collection.page.items.item.name", st_collection_page_items_item_name}, {"collection.page.items.item.type", st_collection_page_items_item_type}, {"collection.page.items.item.label", st_collection_page_items_item_label}, {"collection.page.items.item.icon", st_collection_page_items_item_icon}, {"collection.page.items.item.persistent", st_collection_page_items_item_persistent}, {"collection.page.items.item.editable", st_collection_page_items_item_editable}, {"collection.page.items.item.visible", st_collection_page_items_item_visible}, {"collection.page.items.item.source", st_collection_page_items_item_source}, {"collection.page.items.item.style", st_collection_page_items_item_style}, {"collection.page.items.item.widget", st_collection_page_items_item_widget}, {"collection.page.items.item.bool.default", st_collection_page_items_item_bool_default}, {"collection.page.items.item.int.default", st_collection_page_items_item_int_default}, {"collection.page.items.item.int.max", st_collection_page_items_item_int_max}, {"collection.page.items.item.int.min", st_collection_page_items_item_int_min}, {"collection.page.items.item.float.default", st_collection_page_items_item_float_default}, {"collection.page.items.item.float.max", st_collection_page_items_item_float_max}, {"collection.page.items.item.float.min", st_collection_page_items_item_float_min}, {"collection.page.items.item.date.default", st_collection_page_items_item_date_default}, {"collection.page.items.item.date.max", st_collection_page_items_item_date_max}, {"collection.page.items.item.date.min", st_collection_page_items_item_date_min}, {"collection.page.items.item.text.placeholder", st_collection_page_items_item_string_placeholder}, {"collection.page.items.item.text.default", st_collection_page_items_item_string_default}, {"collection.page.items.item.text.accept", st_collection_page_items_item_string_accept}, {"collection.page.items.item.text.deny", st_collection_page_items_item_string_deny}, {"collection.page.items.item.text.max", st_collection_page_items_item_string_max}, {"collection.page.items.item.text.min", st_collection_page_items_item_string_min}, {"collection.page.items.item.textarea.placeholder", st_collection_page_items_item_string_placeholder}, {"collection.page.items.item.textarea.default", st_collection_page_items_item_string_default}, {"collection.page.items.item.textarea.accept", st_collection_page_items_item_string_accept}, {"collection.page.items.item.textarea.deny", st_collection_page_items_item_string_deny}, {"collection.page.items.item.textarea.max", st_collection_page_items_item_string_max}, {"collection.page.items.item.textarea.min", st_collection_page_items_item_string_min} }; /* Object Array */ New_Object_Handler object_handlers[] = { {"collection", ob_collection}, {"collection.page", ob_collection_page}, {"collection.page.items", ob_collection_page_items}, {"collection.page.items.item", ob_collection_page_items_item}, {"collection.page.items.item.bool", ob_collection_page_items_item_bool}, {"collection.page.items.item.int", ob_collection_page_items_item_int}, {"collection.page.items.item.float", ob_collection_page_items_item_float}, {"collection.page.items.item.date", ob_collection_page_items_item_date}, {"collection.page.items.item.text", ob_collection_page_items_item_text}, {"collection.page.items.item.textarea", ob_collection_page_items_item_textarea} }; int object_handler_num(void) { return sizeof(object_handlers) / sizeof (New_Object_Handler); } int statement_handler_num(void) { return sizeof(statement_handlers) / sizeof (New_Object_Handler); } static void ob_collection(void) { // NULL } static void ob_collection_page(void) { current_page = mem_alloc(SZ(Elm_Prefs_Page_Node)); if (current_page) elm_prefs_file->pages = eina_list_append(elm_prefs_file->pages, current_page); } static void st_collection_page_name(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_page->name = parse_str(0); //TODO: check for duplicated name entries. } static void st_collection_page_version(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_page->version = parse_int(0); } static void st_collection_page_title(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_page->title = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_subtitle(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_page->sub_title = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_widget(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_page->widget = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_style(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_page->style = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_icon(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_page->icon = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_autosave(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_page->autosave = parse_bool(0); } static void ob_collection_page_items(void) { // NULL } static void ob_collection_page_items_item(void) { current_item = mem_alloc(SZ(Elm_Prefs_Item_Node)); if (current_item) { current_item->visible = EINA_TRUE; current_item->persistent = EINA_TRUE; current_item->editable = EINA_TRUE; current_page->items = eina_list_append(current_page->items, current_item); } } static void st_collection_page_items_item_name(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->name = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_type(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->type = parse_enum(0, "ACTION", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_ACTION, "BOOL", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_BOOL, "INT", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_INT, "FLOAT", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_FLOAT, "DATE", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_DATE, "LABEL", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_LABEL, "PAGE", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_PAGE, "TEXT", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_TEXT, "TEXTAREA", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_TEXTAREA, "RESET", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_RESET, "SAVE", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_SAVE, "SEPARATOR", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_SEPARATOR, "SWALLOW", ELM_PREFS_TYPE_SWALLOW, NULL); switch (current_item->type) { case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_ACTION: case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_LABEL: case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_RESET: case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_SEPARATOR: case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_SWALLOW: current_item->editable = EINA_FALSE; current_item->persistent = EINA_FALSE; break; case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_INT: current_item->spec.i.max = INT_MAX; current_item->spec.i.min = INT_MIN; break; case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_FLOAT: current_item->spec.f.max = FLT_MAX; current_item->spec.f.min = -FLT_MAX; break; case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_DATE: { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *lt = localtime(&t); current_item->spec.d.def.y = lt->tm_year + 1900; current_item->spec.d.def.m = lt->tm_mon + 1; current_item->spec.d.def.d = lt->tm_mday; current_item->spec.d.min.y = 1900; current_item->spec.d.min.m = 1; current_item->spec.d.min.d = 1; current_item->spec.d.max.y = 10000 - 1900; current_item->spec.d.max.m = 1; current_item->spec.d.max.d = 1; } break; case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_TEXT: case ELM_PREFS_TYPE_TEXTAREA: current_item->spec.s.length.max = INT_MAX; break; default: break; } } static void st_collection_page_items_item_label(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->label = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_icon(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->icon = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_persistent(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->persistent = parse_bool(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_editable(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->editable = parse_bool(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_visible(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->visible = parse_bool(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_source(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.p.source = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_style(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->style = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_widget(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->widget = parse_str(0); } static void ob_collection_page_items_item_bool(void) { //TODO: check if current item type match } static void st_collection_page_items_item_bool_default(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.b.def = parse_bool(0); } static void ob_collection_page_items_item_int(void) { //TODO: check if current item type match } static void st_collection_page_items_item_int_default(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.i.def = parse_int(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_int_max(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.i.max = parse_int(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_int_min(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.i.min = parse_int(0); } static void ob_collection_page_items_item_float(void) { //TODO: check if current item type match } static void st_collection_page_items_item_float_default(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.f.def = parse_float(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_float_max(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.f.max = parse_float(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_float_min(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.f.min = parse_float(0); } static void ob_collection_page_items_item_date(void) { //TODO: check if current item type match } static void st_collection_page_items_item_date_default(void) { check_min_arg_count(1); if (params_min_check(1)) { check_arg_count(3); current_item->spec.d.def.y = parse_int_range(0, 1900, 10000); current_item->spec.d.def.m = parse_int_range(1, 1, 12); current_item->spec.d.def.d = parse_int_range(2, 1, 31); } else { const char *date = parse_str(0); if (!strcasecmp(date, "today")) { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *lt = localtime(&t); current_item->spec.d.def.y = lt->tm_year + 1900; current_item->spec.d.def.m = lt->tm_mon + 1; current_item->spec.d.def.d = lt->tm_mday; } } } static void st_collection_page_items_item_date_max(void) { check_min_arg_count(1); if (params_min_check(1)) { check_arg_count(3); current_item->spec.d.max.y = parse_int_range(0, 1900, 10000); current_item->spec.d.max.m = parse_int_range(1, 1, 12); current_item->spec.d.max.d = parse_int_range(2, 1, 31); } else { const char *date = parse_str(0); if (!strcasecmp(date, "today")) { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *lt = localtime(&t); current_item->spec.d.max.y = lt->tm_year + 1900; current_item->spec.d.max.m = lt->tm_mon + 1; current_item->spec.d.max.d = lt->tm_mday; } } } static void st_collection_page_items_item_date_min(void) { check_min_arg_count(1); if (params_min_check(1)) { check_arg_count(3); current_item->spec.d.min.y = parse_int_range(0, 1900, 10000); current_item->spec.d.min.m = parse_int_range(1, 1, 12); current_item->spec.d.min.d = parse_int_range(2, 1, 31); } else { const char *date = parse_str(0); if (!strcasecmp(date, "today")) { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *lt = localtime(&t); current_item->spec.d.min.y = lt->tm_year + 1900; current_item->spec.d.min.m = lt->tm_mon + 1; current_item->spec.d.min.d = lt->tm_mday; } } } static void ob_collection_page_items_item_text(void) { //TODO: check if current item type match } static void ob_collection_page_items_item_textarea(void) { //todo: check if current item type match } static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_placeholder(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.s.placeholder = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_default(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.s.def = parse_str(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_accept(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.s.accept = parse_str(0); check_regex(current_item->spec.s.accept); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_deny(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.s.deny = parse_str(0); check_regex(current_item->spec.s.deny); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_max(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.s.length.max = parse_int(0); } static void st_collection_page_items_item_string_min(void) { check_arg_count(1); current_item->spec.s.length.min = parse_int(0); }