class Efl.Canvas.Proxy (Efl.Canvas.Image.Internal, Efl.Gfx.Buffer) { [[Low-level proxy image object. A proxy is a special kind of image containing the pixels from a source object attached to it. It can be used to apply some sort of image transformation to any object (eg. filters, map or zoom). ]] data: null; methods { @property source { [[The source object for this proxy. The proxy object will mirror the rendering contents of a given source object in its drawing region, without affecting that source in any way. The source must be another valid @Evas.Object. Other effects may be applied to the proxy, such as a map (see to create a reflection of the original object (for example). Any existing source object will be removed after this call. Note: This property should be set as soon as creating a proxy object, otherwise the proxy will do nothing. Warning: You cannot set a proxy as another proxy's source. ]] set { return: bool; [[Returns $true in case of success.]] } get {} values { src: Evas.Object @nonull; [[Source object to use for the proxy.]] } } @property source_clip { [[Clip this proxy object with the source object's clipper. Use this if you want to overlay an existing object with its proxy, and apply some sort of transformation on it. $true means both objects will share the same clip. @since 1.8 ]] set {} get {} values { source_clip: bool; [[Whether $obj is clipped by the source clipper ($true) or not ($false).]] } } @property source_events { [[Defines whether the events on this object are repeated to the source. If $source is $true, it will make events on $obj to also be repeated for the source object (see @.source.set). Even the $obj and source geometries are different, the event position will be transformed to the source object's space. If $source is $false, events occurring on $obj will be processed only on it. @since 1.8 ]] set {} get {} values { repeat: bool; [[Whether this object should pass events ($true) or not ($false) to its source.]] } } } implements { Efl.Gfx.Buffer.buffer_map; Efl.Gfx.Buffer.buffer_unmap; } }