class Elm.Photo (Elm.Widget, Efl.File, Evas.Clickable_Interface, Evas.Draggable_Interface) { eo_prefix: elm_obj_photo; methods { @property editable { set { [[Set editability of the photo. An editable photo can be dragged to or from, and can be cut or pasted too. Note that pasting an image or dropping an item on the image will delete the existing content. ]] } get { [[Get editability of the photo.]] } values { set: bool; [[To set of clear editability.]] } } @property fill_inside { set { [[Set if the photo should be completely visible or not.]] } get { [[Get if the photo should be completely visible or not.]] } values { fill: bool; [[Photo visibility.]] } } @property aspect_fixed { set { [[Set whether the original aspect ratio of the photo should be kept on resize. The original aspect ratio (width / height) of the photo is usually distorted to match the object's size. Enabling this option will fix this original aspect, and the way that the photo is fit into the object's area. See also @.aspect_fixed.get. ]] } get { [[Get if the object keeps the original aspect ratio.]] } values { fixed: bool; [[$true if the photo should fix the aspect, $false otherwise.]] } } @property size { set { [[Set the size that will be used on the photo]] } get { [[Get the size that will be used on the photo]] } values { size: int; [[The size of the photo]] } } thumb_set @const { [[Set the file that will be used as thumbnail in the photo.]] params { @in file: const(char)* @nullable; [[The path to file that will be used as thumbnail.]] @in group: const(char)* @optional; [[The key used in case of an EET file.]] } } } implements { class.constructor; Eo.Base.constructor; Efl.File.file.set; Evas.Object_Smart.add; Evas.Object_Smart.del; Elm.Widget.theme_apply; } }