ABOUT: ----- EDBus provides easy access to D-Bus from EFL applications. EDBus allows connecting to both system and session buses acting as both client and service roles. Many official D-Bus specifications and interfaces are supported, namely: - org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer: full support (Ping and GetMachineId). - org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable: full support. - org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties: full support. - org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager: partial support (under dev). One can create client-side objects using the low-level methods from EDBus_Connection and EDBus_Object, or go high level with EDBus_Proxy. RELATION TO OLD E_DBUS: ----------------------- This is a replacement for old library "e_dbus". Its main purpose is to fix some core bugs and completely encapsulating D-Bus without exposing libdbus to end-user. One day libdbus may be completely removed as a dependency. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- - libdbus-1 - eina >= 1.7 - ecore >= 1.7 CONTACT: -------- Bugs, questions, ideas and comments should be addressed to: enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net COMPILING AND INSTALLING: ------------------------- Standard autotools process: ./autogen.sh # if trying development ./configure # if running from release tarball make sudo make install