local eolian = require("eolian") local eomap = require("docgen.mappings") local is_verbose = false local M = {} local stats = {} local stats_pd = function(n) local ret = 0 if n == 0 then return 1 end while (n ~= 0) do n = math.floor(n / 10) ret = ret + 1 end return ret end local fcol = 30 local ncol = 0 local get_percent = function(sv, svu) return (sv == 0) and 100 or math.floor(((sv - svu) / sv) * 100 + 0.5) end local print_stat = function(printname, statname) local sv = stats[statname] or 0 local svu = stats[statname .. "_undoc"] or 0 local percent = get_percent(sv, svu) local tb = (" "):rep(math.max(0, fcol - #printname - 1) + ncol - stats_pd(sv)) local dtb = (" "):rep(ncol - stats_pd(sv - svu)) local ptb = (" "):rep(3 - stats_pd(percent)) print(("%s:%s%d (documented: %s%d or %s%d%%)") :format(printname, tb, sv, dtb, sv - svu, ptb, percent)) end local get_secstats = function(...) local sv, svu = 0, 0 for i, v in ipairs({ ... }) do sv = sv + (stats[v] or 0) svu = svu + (stats[v .. "_undoc"] or 0) end return sv - svu, sv, get_percent(sv, svu) end M.print = function() for k, v in pairs(stats) do ncol = math.max(ncol, stats_pd(v)) end print(("=== CLASS SECTION: %d out of %d (%d%%) ===\n") :format(get_secstats("class", "interface", "mixin", "event"))) print_stat("Classes", "class") print_stat("Interfaces", "interface") print_stat("Mixins", "mixin") print_stat("Events", "event") print(("\n=== FUNCTION SECTION: %d out of %d (%d%%) ===\n") :format(get_secstats("method", "param", "mret", "getter", "gret", "gkey", "gvalue", "setter", "sret", "skey", "svalue"))) print_stat("Methods", "method") print_stat(" Method params", "param") print_stat(" Method returns", "mret") print_stat("Getters", "getter") print_stat(" Getter returns", "gret") print_stat(" Getter keys", "gkey") print_stat(" Getter values", "gvalue") print_stat("Setters", "setter") print_stat(" Setter returns", "sret") print_stat(" Setter keys", "skey") print_stat(" Setter values", "svalue") print(("\n=== TYPE SECTION: %d out of %d (%d%%) ===\n") :format(get_secstats("alias", "struct", "sfield", "enum", "efield"))) print_stat("Aliases", "alias") print_stat("Structs", "struct") print_stat("Struct fields", "sfield") print_stat("Enums", "enum") print_stat("Enum fields", "efield") print(("\n=== VARIABLE SECTION: %d out of %d (%d%%) ===\n") :format(get_secstats("constant", "global"))) print_stat("Constants", "constant") print_stat("Globals", "global") local sv, svu = 0, 0 for k, v in pairs(stats) do if k:match(".*_undoc$") then svu = svu + v else sv = sv + v end end print(("\n=== TOTAL: %d out of %d (%d%%) ===") :format(sv - svu, sv, get_percent(sv, svu))) end local stat_incr = function(name, missing) if not stats[name] then stats[name], stats[name .. "_undoc"] = 0, 0 end stats[name] = stats[name] + 1 if missing then stats[name .. "_undoc"] = stats[name .. "_undoc"] + 1 end end local print_missing = function(name, tp) if not is_verbose then return end print(tp .. " '" .. name .. "'" .. " missing documentation") end M.check_class = function(cl) local ct = eomap.classt_to_str[cl:type_get()] if not ct then return end if not cl:doc_get():exists() then print_missing(cl:full_name_get(), ct) stat_incr(ct, true) else stat_incr(ct, false) end for i, ev in ipairs(cl:events_get()) do if not ev:documentation_get() then print_missing(cl:full_name_get() .. "." .. ev:name_get(), "event") stat_incr("event", true) else stat_incr("event", false) end end end M.check_method = function(fn, cl) local fts = eolian.function_type local fulln = cl:full_name_get() .. "." .. fn:name_get() if fn:return_type_get(fts.METHOD) then if not fn:return_documentation_get(fts.METHOD) then print_missing(fulln, "method return") stat_incr("mret", true) else stat_incr("mret", false) end end if not fn:documentation_get(fts.METHOD) then print_missing(fulln, "method") stat_incr("method", true) else stat_incr("method", false) end for p in fn:parameters_get() do if not p:documentation_get() then print_missing(fulln .. "." .. p:name_get(), "method parameter") stat_incr("param", true) else stat_incr("param", false) end end end M.check_property = function(fn, cl, ft) local fts = eolian.function_type local pfxs = { [fts.PROP_GET] = "g", [fts.PROP_SET] = "s", } local pfx = pfxs[ft] local fulln = cl:full_name_get() .. "." .. fn:name_get() if fn:return_type_get(ft) then if not fn:return_documentation_get(ft) then print_missing(fulln, pfx .. "etter return") stat_incr(pfx .. "ret", true) else stat_incr(pfx .. "ret", false) end end if not fn:documentation_get(fts.PROPERTY) and not fn:documentation_get(ft) then print_missing(fulln, pfx .. "etter") stat_incr(pfx .. "etter", true) else stat_incr(pfx .. "etter", false) end for p in fn:property_keys_get(ft) do if not p:documentation_get() then print_missing(fulln .. "." .. p:name_get(), pfx .. "etter key") stat_incr(pfx .. "key", true) else stat_incr(pfx .. "key", false) end end for p in fn:property_values_get(ft) do if not p:documentation_get() then print_missing(fulln .. "." .. p:name_get(), pfx .. "etter value") stat_incr(pfx .. "value", true) else stat_incr(pfx .. "value", false) end end end M.check_alias = function(v) if not v:documentation_get() then print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "alias") stat_incr("alias", true) else stat_incr("alias", false) end end M.check_struct = function(v) if not v:documentation_get() then print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "struct") stat_incr("struct", true) else stat_incr("struct", false) end for fl in v:struct_fields_get() do if not fl:documentation_get() then print_missing(v:full_name_get() .. "." .. fl:name_get(), "struct field") stat_incr("sfield", true) else stat_incr("sfield", false) end end end M.check_enum = function(v) if not v:documentation_get() then print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "enum") stat_incr("enum", true) else stat_incr("enum", false) end for fl in v:enum_fields_get() do if not fl:documentation_get() then print_missing(v:full_name_get() .. "." .. fl:name_get(), "enum field") stat_incr("efield", true) else stat_incr("efield", false) end end end M.check_constant = function(v) if not v:documentation_get() then print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "constant") stat_incr("constant", true) else stat_incr("constant", false) end end M.check_global = function(v) if not v:documentation_get() then print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "global") stat_incr("global", true) else stat_incr("global", false) end end M.init = function(verbose) is_verbose = verbose end return M