#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "elementary_config.h" #endif #include #include "elm_priv.h" #include EAPI int ELM_EVENT_CONFIG_ALL_CHANGED = 0; Elm_Config *_elm_config = NULL; static char *_elm_profile = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_edd = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_font_overlay_edd = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_color_edd = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_color_palette_edd = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_color_overlay_edd = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_bindings_widget_edd = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_binding_key_edd = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_binding_modifier_edd = NULL; const char *_elm_preferred_engine = NULL; const char *_elm_accel_preference = NULL; static const char *_elm_gl_preference = NULL; static Eina_List *_font_overlays_del = NULL; static Eina_List *_color_overlays_del = NULL; static Ecore_Poller *_elm_cache_flush_poller = NULL; static void _elm_config_key_binding_hash(void); Eina_Bool _config_profile_lock = EINA_FALSE; static Ecore_Timer *_config_change_delay_timer = NULL; static Ecore_Timer *_config_profile_change_delay_timer = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_monitor_file_created_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_monitor_directory_created_handler = NULL; static Eio_Monitor *_eio_config_monitor = NULL; static Eio_Monitor *_eio_profile_monitor = NULL; Eina_Hash *_elm_key_bindings = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_WL2 Ecore_Wl2_Display *_elm_wl_display = NULL; #endif const char *_elm_engines[] = { "software_x11", "fb", "opengl_x11", "software_gdi", "sdl", "opengl_sdl", "buffer", "ews", "opengl_cocoa", "psl1ght", "wayland_shm", "wayland_egl", "drm", "ddraw", NULL }; /* whenever you want to add a new text class support into Elementary, declare it both here and in the (default) theme */ static const Elm_Text_Class _elm_text_classes[] = { {"button", "Button"}, {"calendar_year_text", "Year Text in Title Area"}, {"calendar_month_text", "Month Text in Title Area"}, {"calendar_weekday_text", "Weekday Text"}, {"calendar_day_text", "Day Text"}, {"calendar_day_text_holiday", "Holiday Text"}, {"calendar_day_text_today", "Today Text"}, {"calendar_day_text_disabled", "Disabled Day Text"}, {"datetime_separator_text", "Datetime Separator Text"}, {"datetime_separator_text_disabled", "Datetime Separator Disabled Text"}, {"label", "Label"}, {"entry_text", "Entry Text"}, {"entry_text_disabled", "Entry Disabled Text"}, {"entry_guide_text", "Entry Guide Text"}, {"entry", "Entry"}, {"index_highlight_text", "Index Highlight Text"}, {"index_item_text", "Index Items Text"}, {"index_item_text_selected", "Index Selected Items Text"}, {"multibuttonentry_item_text", "Multibuttonentry Items"}, {"multibuttonentry_item_text_pressed", "Multibuttonentry Pressed Items"}, {"multibuttonentry_item_text_disabled", "Multibuttonentry Disabled Items"}, {"title_bar", "Title Bar"}, {"list_item", "List Items"}, {"grid_item", "Grid Items"}, {"toolbar_item", "Toolbar Items"}, {"menu_item", "Menu Items"}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* whenever you want to add a new class class support into Elementary, declare it both here and in the (default) theme */ static const Elm_Color_Class _elm_color_classes[] = { {"button_text", "Button Text"}, {"button_text_disabled", "Button Disabled Text"}, {"button_text_anchor", "Anchor Button Text"}, {"button_text_anchor_disabled", "Anchor Button Disabled Text"}, {"calendar_year_text", "Year Text in Title Area"}, {"calendar_month_text", "Month Text in Title Area"}, {"calendar_weekday_text", "Weekday Text"}, {"calendar_day_text", "Day Text"}, {"calendar_day_text_holiday", "Holiday Text"}, {"calendar_day_text_today", "Today Text"}, {"calendar_day_text_disabled", "Disabled Day Text"}, {"calendar_day_selected", "Selected Day Effect"}, {"calendar_day_highlighted", "Highlighted Day Effect"}, {"calendar_day_checked", "Checked Day Effect"}, {"datetime_bg", "Datetime Background"}, {"datetime_separator_text", "Datetime Separator Text"}, {"datetime_separator_text_disabled", "Datetime Separator Disabled Text"}, {"hoversel_item_active", "Hoversel Item Text"}, {"hoversel_text_disabled", "Hoversel Item Disabled Text"}, {"radio_text", "Radio Text"}, {"frame", "Frame Text"}, {"entry_text", "Entry Text"}, {"entry_text_disabled", "Entry Disabled Text"}, {"entry_guide_text", "Entry Guide Text"}, {"entry_cursor", "Entry Cursor"}, {"entry_selection_handler", "Entry Selection Handler"}, {"entry_scrollframe_base", "Entry Scrollframe Base"}, {"check_text", "Check Text"}, {"check_on_text", "Check On Text"}, {"check_off_text", "Check Off Text"}, {"list_item_base", "List Item Base"}, {"list_item_base_odd", "List Odd Item Base"}, {"list_item_disabled", "List Item Disabled Base"}, {"list_item_selected", "List Item Selected Base"}, {"grid_item", "Grid Item Text"}, {"grid_item_disabled", "Grid Item Disabled Text"}, {"grid_item_selected", "Grid Item Selected Text"}, {"index_bg", "Index Background"}, {"index_item_bg", "Index Item Background"}, {"index_highlight_text", "Index Highlight Text"}, {"index_item_text", "Index Items Text"}, {"index_item_text_selected", "Index Selected Items Text"}, {"toolbar_item", "Toolbar Item Text"}, {"toolbar_item_disabled", "Toolbar Item Disabled Text"}, {"toolbar_item_selected", "Toolbar Item Selected Text"}, {"toolbar_item_active", "Toolbar Item Active Text"}, {"slider_text", "Slider Text"}, {"slider_text_disabled", "Slider Disabled Text"}, {"slider_indicator", "Slider Indicator Text"}, {"spinner_bg", "Spinner Background"}, {"progressbar_text", "Progressbar Text"}, {"progressbar_text_disabled", "Progressbar Disabled Text"}, {"progressbar_status", "Progressbar Status Text"}, {"bubble_text", "Bubble Text"}, {"bubble_info", "Bubble Info Text"}, {"menu_item_active", "Menu Item Text"}, {"menu_item_disabled", "Menu Item Disabled Text"}, {"multibuttonentry_bg", "Multibuttonentry Background"}, {"multibuttonentry_item_bg", "Multibuttonentry Item Background"}, {"multibuttonentry_item_bg_selected", "Multibuttonentry Item Selected Background"}, {"multibuttonentry_item_text", "Multibuttonentry Item Text"}, {"multibuttonentry_item_text_pressed", "Multibuttonentry Item Pressed Text"}, {"multibuttonentry_item_text_disabled", "Multibuttonentry Item Disabled Text"}, {"border_title", "Border Title Text"}, {"border_title_active", "Border Title Active Text"}, {"datetime_text", "Datetime Text"}, {"multibuttonentry_label", "Multibuttonentry Text"}, {"spinner", "Spinner Text"}, {"spinner_disabled", "Spinner Disabled Text"}, {NULL, NULL} }; static void _config_free(Elm_Config *cfg); static void _config_apply(void); static void _config_sub_apply(void); static void _config_update(void); static void _env_get(void); static void _color_overlays_cancel(void); #define ELM_CONFIG_VAL(edd, type, member, dtype) \ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(edd, type, #member, member, dtype) #define ELM_CONFIG_LIST(edd, type, member, eddtype) \ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST(edd, type, #member, member, eddtype) static void _elm_font_overlays_del_free(void) { char *text_class; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_font_overlays_del, l, text_class) eina_stringshare_del(text_class); _font_overlays_del = eina_list_free(_font_overlays_del); } static void _elm_config_font_overlays_cancel(void) { Elm_Font_Overlay *efd; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->font_overlays, l, efd) edje_text_class_del(efd->text_class); } static void _desc_init(void) { Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class eddc; EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Config); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_edd = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); if (!_config_edd) { ERR("EEEK! eet_data_descriptor_file_new() failed."); return; } memset(&eddc, 0, sizeof(eddc)); /* just in case... */ EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Font_Overlay); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_font_overlay_edd = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc); if (!_config_font_overlay_edd) { ERR("EEEK! eet_data_descriptor_stream_new() failed."); eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_edd); return; } memset(&eddc, 0, sizeof(eddc)); /* just in case... */ EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Color_RGBA); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_color_edd = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc); if (!_config_color_edd) { ERR("EEEK! eet_data_descriptor_stream_new() failed."); eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_edd); return; } memset(&eddc, 0, sizeof(eddc)); /* just in case... */ EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Custom_Palette); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_color_palette_edd = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc); if (!_config_color_palette_edd) { ERR("EEEK! eet_data_descriptor_stream_new() failed."); eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_edd); return; } memset(&eddc, 0, sizeof(eddc)); /* just in case... */ EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Color_Overlay); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_color_overlay_edd = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc); if (!_config_color_overlay_edd) { ERR("EEEK! eet_data_descriptor_stream_new() failed."); eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_edd); return; } memset(&eddc, 0, sizeof(eddc)); /* just in case... */ EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_bindings_widget_edd = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc); if (!_config_bindings_widget_edd) { ERR("EEEK! eet_data_descriptor_stream_new() failed."); eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_edd); return; } memset(&eddc, 0, sizeof(eddc)); /* just in case... */ EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Config_Binding_Key); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_binding_key_edd = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc); if (!_config_binding_key_edd) { ERR("EEEK! eet_data_descriptor_stream_new() failed."); eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_edd); return; } memset(&eddc, 0, sizeof(eddc)); /* just in case... */ EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Config_Binding_Modifier); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_binding_modifier_edd = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc); if (!_config_binding_modifier_edd) { ERR("EEEK! eet_data_descriptor_stream_new() failed."); eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_edd); return; } #define T_INT EET_T_INT #define T_DOUBLE EET_T_DOUBLE #define T_STRING EET_T_STRING #define T_UCHAR EET_T_UCHAR #define T Elm_Font_Overlay #define D _config_font_overlay_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, text_class, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, font, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, size, EET_T_INT); #undef T #undef D #define T Elm_Color_RGBA #define D _config_color_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, r, EET_T_UINT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, g, EET_T_UINT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, b, EET_T_UINT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, a, EET_T_UINT); #undef T #undef D #define T Elm_Custom_Palette #define D _config_color_palette_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, palette_name, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, color_list, _config_color_edd); #undef T #undef D #define T Elm_Color_Overlay #define D _config_color_overlay_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, color_class, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, color.r, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, color.g, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, color.b, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, color.a, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, outline.r, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, outline.g, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, outline.b, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, outline.a, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, shadow.r, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, shadow.g, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, shadow.b, EET_T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, shadow.a, EET_T_UCHAR); #undef T #undef D #define T Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget #define D _config_bindings_widget_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, name, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, key_bindings, _config_binding_key_edd); #undef T #undef D #define T Elm_Config_Binding_Key #define D _config_binding_key_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, context, EET_T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, key, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, action, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, params, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, modifiers, _config_binding_modifier_edd); #undef T #undef D #define T Elm_Config_Binding_Modifier #define D _config_binding_modifier_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, mod, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, flag, EET_T_UCHAR); #undef T #undef D #define T Elm_Config #define D _config_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, config_version, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, engine, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, accel, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, web_backend, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, accel_override, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, vsync, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_threshold, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_hold_threshold, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_momentum_threshold, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_flick_distance_tolerance, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_friction, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_min_friction, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_friction_standard, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_bounce_friction, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_border_friction, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_sensitivity_friction, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_acceleration_threshold, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_acceleration_time_limit, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_acceleration_weight, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, page_scroll_friction, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, bring_in_scroll_friction, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, zoom_friction, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, thumbscroll_bounce_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scroll_smooth_start_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scroll_animation_disable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scroll_accel_factor, T_DOUBLE); // ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scroll_smooth_time_interval, T_DOUBLE); // not used anymore ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scroll_smooth_amount, T_DOUBLE); // ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scroll_smooth_history_weight, T_DOUBLE); // not used anymore // ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scroll_smooth_future_time, T_DOUBLE); // not used anymore ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scroll_smooth_time_window, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, scale, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, bgpixmap, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, compositing, T_INT); /* EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST(D, T, "font_dirs", font_dirs, sub_edd); */ ELM_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, font_overlays, _config_font_overlay_edd); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, font_hinting, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, cache_flush_poll_interval, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, cache_flush_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, image_cache, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, font_cache, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, edje_cache, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, edje_collection_cache, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, finger_size, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, fps, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, theme, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, modules, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, tooltip_delay, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, cursor_engine_only, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, focus_highlight_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, focus_highlight_animate, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, focus_highlight_clip_disable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, focus_move_policy, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, focus_autoscroll_mode, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, context_menu_disabled, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, slider_indicator_visible_mode, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, item_select_on_focus_disable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, first_item_focus_on_first_focus_in, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, toolbar_shrink_mode, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, fileselector_expand_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, fileselector_double_tap_navigation_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, inwin_dialogs_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, icon_size, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, longpress_timeout, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, effect_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, desktop_entry, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, password_show_last, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, password_show_last_timeout, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_zoom_finger_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_zoom_finger_factor, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_zoom_wheel_factor, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_zoom_distance_tolerance, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_rotate_finger_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_rotate_angular_tolerance, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_line_min_length, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_line_distance_tolerance, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_line_angular_tolerance, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_flick_time_limit_ms, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_long_tap_start_timeout, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_double_tap_timeout, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, access_mode, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, selection_clear_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, glayer_continues_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, week_start, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, weekend_start, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, weekend_len, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, year_min, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, year_max, T_INT); ELM_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, color_overlays, _config_color_overlay_edd); ELM_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, color_palette, _config_color_palette_edd); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, softcursor_mode, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, auto_norender_withdrawn, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, auto_norender_iconified_same_as_withdrawn, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, auto_flush_withdrawn, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, auto_dump_withdrawn, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, auto_throttle, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, auto_throttle_amount, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, indicator_service_0, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, indicator_service_90, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, indicator_service_180, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, indicator_service_270, T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, disable_external_menu, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, clouseau_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, magnifier_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, magnifier_scale, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, audio_mute_effect, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, audio_mute_background, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, audio_mute_music, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, audio_mute_foreground, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, audio_mute_interface, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, audio_mute_input, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, audio_mute_alert, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, audio_mute_all, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, bindings, _config_bindings_widget_edd); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, atspi_mode, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, win_auto_focus_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, win_auto_focus_animate, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, transition_duration_factor, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, naviframe_prev_btn_auto_pushed, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, popup_horizontal_align, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, popup_vertical_align, T_DOUBLE); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, spinner_min_max_filter_enable, T_UCHAR); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, icon_theme, T_STRING); #undef T #undef D #undef T_INT #undef T_DOUBLE #undef T_STRING #undef T_UCHAR } static void _desc_shutdown(void) { if (_config_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_edd); _config_edd = NULL; } if (_config_font_overlay_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_font_overlay_edd); _config_font_overlay_edd = NULL; } if (_config_color_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_color_edd); _config_color_edd = NULL; } if (_config_color_palette_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_color_palette_edd); _config_color_palette_edd = NULL; } if (_config_color_overlay_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_color_overlay_edd); _config_color_overlay_edd = NULL; } if (_config_bindings_widget_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_bindings_widget_edd); _config_bindings_widget_edd = NULL; } if (_config_binding_key_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_binding_key_edd); _config_binding_key_edd = NULL; } if (_config_binding_modifier_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_binding_modifier_edd); _config_binding_modifier_edd = NULL; } } static int _sort_files_cb(const void *f1, const void *f2) { return strcmp(f1, f2); } const char * _elm_config_current_profile_get(void) { return _elm_profile; } static size_t _elm_data_dir_snprintf(char *dst, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...) { size_t data_dir_len, off; va_list ap; data_dir_len = eina_strlcpy(dst, _elm_data_dir, size); off = data_dir_len + 1; if (off >= size) goto end; va_start(ap, fmt); dst[data_dir_len] = '/'; off = off + vsnprintf(dst + off, size - off, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); end: return off; } size_t _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(char *dst, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *home = NULL; size_t user_dir_len = 0, off = 0; va_list ap; #if defined(HAVE_GETUID) && defined(HAVE_GETEUID) if (getuid() == geteuid()) #endif { #ifdef DOXDG home = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (home) { user_dir_len = eina_str_join_len (dst, size, '/', home, strlen(home), "elementary", sizeof("elementary") - 1); } else #endif { home = eina_environment_home_get(); if (!home) home = "/"; #ifdef DOXDG user_dir_len = eina_str_join_len (dst, size, '/', home, strlen(home), ".config", sizeof(".config") - 1, "elementary", sizeof("elementary") - 1); #else user_dir_len = eina_str_join_len (dst, size, '/', home, strlen(home), ELEMENTARY_BASE_DIR, sizeof(ELEMENTARY_BASE_DIR) - 1); #endif } off = user_dir_len + 1; if (off >= size) return off; dst[user_dir_len] = '/'; va_start(ap, fmt); off = off + vsnprintf(dst + off, size - off, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return off; } #if defined(HAVE_GETUID) && defined(HAVE_GETEUID) else #else { # if HAVE_GETPWENT struct passwd *pw = getpwent(); if ((!pw) || (!pw->pw_dir)) goto end; # ifdef DOXDG user_dir_len = eina_str_join_len (dst, size, '/', pw->pw_dir, strlen(pw->pw_dir), ".config", sizeof(".config") - 1, "elementary", sizeof("elementary") - 1); # else user_dir_len = eina_str_join_len (dst, size, '/', pw->pw_dir, strlen(pw->pw_dir), ELEMENTARY_BASE_DIR, sizeof(ELEMENTARY_BASE_DIR) - 1); # endif # endif /* HAVE_GETPWENT */ off = user_dir_len + 1; if (off >= size) return off; dst[user_dir_len] = '/'; va_start(ap, fmt); off = off + vsnprintf(dst + off, size - off, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return off; } #endif return 0; } typedef struct _Elm_Config_Derived Elm_Config_Derived; typedef struct _Elm_Config_Derived_Profile Elm_Config_Derived_Profile; struct _Elm_Config_Derived { Eina_List *profiles; }; struct _Elm_Config_Derived_Profile { const char *profile; const char *derive_options; }; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_derived_edd = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_config_derived_profile_edd = NULL; static void _elm_config_profile_derived_init(void) { Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class eddc; EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Config_Derived); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_derived_edd = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); memset(&eddc, 0, sizeof(eddc)); /* just in case... */ EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Elm_Config_Derived_Profile); eddc.func.str_direct_alloc = NULL; eddc.func.str_direct_free = NULL; _config_derived_profile_edd = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); #define T Elm_Config_Derived_Profile #define D _config_derived_profile_edd ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, profile, EET_T_STRING); ELM_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, derive_options, EET_T_STRING); #undef T #undef D #define T Elm_Config_Derived #define D _config_derived_edd ELM_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, profiles, _config_derived_profile_edd); #undef T #undef D } static void _elm_config_profile_derived_shutdown(void) { if (_config_derived_profile_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_derived_profile_edd); _config_derived_profile_edd = NULL; } if (_config_derived_edd) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_config_derived_edd); _config_derived_edd = NULL; } } static Elm_Config_Derived * _elm_config_derived_load(const char *profile) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; Eet_File *ef; Elm_Config_Derived *derived; if (!profile) profile = _elm_profile; _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s/derived.cfg", profile); ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_READ); if (ef) { derived = eet_data_read(ef, _config_derived_edd, "config"); eet_close(ef); if (derived) return derived; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/config/%s/derived.cfg", _elm_data_dir, profile); ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_READ); if (ef) { derived = eet_data_read(ef, _config_derived_edd, "config"); eet_close(ef); if (derived) return derived; } return NULL; } static void _elm_config_profile_derived_save(const char *profile, Elm_Config_Derived *derived) { Eet_File *ef; char buf[PATH_MAX], buf2[PATH_MAX]; int ret; _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s", profile ? profile : _elm_profile); ecore_file_mkpath(buf); _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s/derived.cfg.tmp", profile ? profile : _elm_profile); _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "config/%s/derived.cfg", profile ? profile : _elm_profile); ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE); if (ef) { ret = eet_data_write(ef, _config_derived_edd, "config", derived, 1); eet_close(ef); if (ret) { ecore_file_mv(buf, buf2); } else { ERR("Error saving Elementary's derived configuration profile file"); } } } static void _elm_config_derived_free(Elm_Config_Derived *derived) { Elm_Config_Derived_Profile *dp; if (!derived) return; EINA_LIST_FREE(derived->profiles, dp) { eina_stringshare_del(dp->profile); eina_stringshare_del(dp->derive_options); free(dp); } free(derived); } static void _elm_config_derived_option_op_apply(Elm_Config *cfg, const char *op, const char *params) { if (!strcmp(op, "scale-mul")) { int multiplier = atoi(params); if (multiplier > 0) { cfg->scale = cfg->scale * (((double)multiplier) / 100.0); } } // Add more derivation commands here } static void _elm_config_derived_option_apply(Elm_Config *cfg, const char *option) { const char *p; char *buf = alloca(strlen(option) + 1); char *bp = buf; p = option; bp = buf; for (;;) { if ((*p == 0) || (*p == ' ')) { if (*p == ' ') p++; *bp = 0; _elm_config_derived_option_op_apply(cfg, buf, p); return; } else { *bp = *p; bp++; } if (*p == 0) break; p++; } } static void _elm_config_derived_apply(Elm_Config *cfg, const char *derive_options) { // derive_options = "option1 param param2 ...; option2 param1 ..." const char *p; char *buf = alloca(strlen(derive_options) + 1); char *bp = buf; p = derive_options; for (;;) { if ((*p == 0) || (*p == ';')) { if (*p == ';') p++; *bp = 0; _elm_config_derived_option_apply(cfg, buf); bp = buf; } else { *bp = *p; bp++; } if (*p == 0) break; p++; } } static void _elm_config_derived_save(Elm_Config *cfg, Elm_Config_Derived *derived) { Elm_Config_Derived_Profile *dp; Eina_List *l; if (!derived) return; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(derived->profiles, l, dp) { if ((dp->profile) && (dp->derive_options)) { Elm_Config *cfg2; cfg2 = malloc(sizeof(Elm_Config)); if (cfg2) { memcpy(cfg2, cfg, sizeof(Elm_Config)); _elm_config_derived_apply(cfg2, dp->derive_options); _elm_config_save(cfg2, dp->profile); free(cfg2); } } } } EAPI void elm_config_profile_derived_add(const char *profile, const char *derive_options) { Elm_Config_Derived *derived; derived = _elm_config_derived_load(_elm_profile); if (!derived) derived = calloc(1, sizeof(Elm_Config_Derived)); if (derived) { Elm_Config_Derived_Profile *dp = calloc(1, sizeof(Elm_Config_Derived_Profile)); if (dp) { dp->profile = eina_stringshare_add(profile); dp->derive_options = eina_stringshare_add(derive_options); derived->profiles = eina_list_append(derived->profiles, dp); _elm_config_profile_derived_save(_elm_profile, derived); _elm_config_derived_save(_elm_config, derived); } _elm_config_derived_free(derived); } } EAPI void elm_config_profile_derived_del(const char *profile) { Elm_Config_Derived *derived; Elm_Config_Derived_Profile *dp; Eina_List *l; if (!profile) return; derived = _elm_config_derived_load(_elm_profile); if (derived) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(derived->profiles, l, dp) { if ((dp->profile) && (!strcmp(dp->profile, profile))) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s", profile); ecore_file_recursive_rm(buf); derived->profiles = eina_list_remove_list(derived->profiles, l); eina_stringshare_del(dp->profile); eina_stringshare_del(dp->derive_options); free(dp); _elm_config_profile_derived_save(_elm_profile, derived); _elm_config_derived_free(derived); return; } } _elm_config_derived_free(derived); } } const char * _elm_config_profile_dir_get(const char *prof, Eina_Bool is_user) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (!is_user) goto not_user; _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s", prof); if (ecore_file_is_dir(buf)) return strdup(buf); return NULL; not_user: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/config/%s", _elm_data_dir, prof); if (ecore_file_is_dir(buf)) return strdup(buf); return NULL; } Eina_List * _elm_config_font_overlays_list(void) { return _elm_config->font_overlays; } Eina_Bool _elm_config_access_get(void) { return _elm_config->access_mode; } void _elm_config_access_set(Eina_Bool is_access) { is_access = !!is_access; if (_elm_config->access_mode == is_access) return; _elm_config->access_mode = is_access; _elm_win_access(is_access); if (!is_access) _elm_access_shutdown(); } static Eina_Bool _elm_config_atspi_mode_get(void) { return _elm_config->atspi_mode; } static void _elm_config_atspi_mode_set(Eina_Bool is_enabled) { is_enabled = !!is_enabled; if (_elm_config->atspi_mode == is_enabled) return; _elm_config->atspi_mode = is_enabled; if (!is_enabled) _elm_atspi_bridge_shutdown(); else _elm_atspi_bridge_init(); } static Eina_Bool _elm_config_selection_unfocused_clear_get(void) { return _elm_config->selection_clear_enable; } static void _elm_config_selection_unfocused_clear_set(Eina_Bool enabled) { enabled = !!enabled; if (_elm_config->selection_clear_enable == enabled) return; _elm_config->selection_clear_enable = enabled; } void _elm_config_font_overlay_set(const char *text_class, const char *font, Evas_Font_Size size) { Elm_Font_Overlay *efd; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->font_overlays, l, efd) { if (strcmp(efd->text_class, text_class)) continue; eina_stringshare_del(efd->font); efd->font = eina_stringshare_add(font); efd->size = size; _elm_config->font_overlays = eina_list_promote_list(_elm_config->font_overlays, l); return; } /* the text class doesn't exist */ efd = calloc(1, sizeof(Elm_Font_Overlay)); efd->text_class = eina_stringshare_add(text_class); efd->font = eina_stringshare_add(font); efd->size = size; _elm_config->font_overlays = eina_list_prepend(_elm_config->font_overlays, efd); } void _elm_config_font_overlay_remove(const char *text_class) { Elm_Font_Overlay *efd; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->font_overlays, l, efd) { if (!efd->text_class) continue; if (strcmp(efd->text_class, text_class)) continue; _font_overlays_del = eina_list_append(_font_overlays_del, eina_stringshare_add(text_class)); _elm_config->font_overlays = eina_list_remove_list(_elm_config->font_overlays, l); eina_stringshare_del(efd->text_class); eina_stringshare_del(efd->font); free(efd); return; } } void _elm_config_font_overlay_apply(void) { Elm_Font_Overlay *efd; Eina_List *l; char *text_class; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_font_overlays_del, l, text_class) { edje_text_class_del(text_class); eina_stringshare_del(text_class); } _font_overlays_del = eina_list_free(_font_overlays_del); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->font_overlays, l, efd) edje_text_class_set(efd->text_class, efd->font, efd->size); } Eina_List * _elm_config_text_classes_get(void) { Eina_List *ret = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; _elm_text_classes[i].desc; i++) { Elm_Text_Class *tc; tc = malloc(sizeof(*tc)); if (!tc) continue; *tc = _elm_text_classes[i]; ret = eina_list_append(ret, tc); } return ret; } void _elm_config_text_classes_free(Eina_List *l) { Elm_Text_Class *tc; EINA_LIST_FREE(l, tc) free(tc); } Eina_List * _elm_config_color_classes_get(void) { Eina_List *ret = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; _elm_color_classes[i].desc; i++) { Elm_Color_Class *cc; cc = malloc(sizeof(*cc)); if (!cc) continue; *cc = _elm_color_classes[i]; ret = eina_list_append(ret, cc); } return ret; } void _elm_config_color_classes_free(Eina_List *l) { Elm_Color_Class *cc; EINA_LIST_FREE(l, cc) free(cc); } static void _color_overlays_cancel(void) { Elm_Color_Overlay *ecd; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->color_overlays, l, ecd) edje_color_class_del(ecd->color_class); } Eina_List * _elm_config_color_overlays_list(void) { return _elm_config->color_overlays; } void _elm_config_color_overlay_set(const char *color_class, int r, int g, int b, int a, int r2, int g2, int b2, int a2, int r3, int g3, int b3, int a3) { Elm_Color_Overlay *ecd; Eina_List *l; #define CHECK_COLOR_VAL(v) v = (v > 255)? 255 : (v < 0)? 0: v CHECK_COLOR_VAL(r); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(g); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(b); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(a); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(r2); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(g2); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(b2); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(a2); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(r3); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(g3); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(b3); CHECK_COLOR_VAL(a3); #undef CHECK_COLOR_VAL EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->color_overlays, l, ecd) { if (!eina_streq(ecd->color_class, color_class)) continue; ecd->color.r = r; ecd->color.g = g; ecd->color.b = b; ecd->color.a = a; ecd->outline.r = r2; ecd->outline.g = g2; ecd->outline.b = b2; ecd->outline.a = a2; ecd->shadow.r = r3; ecd->shadow.g = g3; ecd->shadow.b = b3; ecd->shadow.a = a3; _elm_config->color_overlays = eina_list_promote_list(_elm_config->color_overlays, l); return; } /* the color class doesn't exist */ ecd = calloc(1, sizeof(Elm_Color_Overlay)); if (!ecd) return; ecd->color_class = eina_stringshare_add(color_class); ecd->color.r = r; ecd->color.g = g; ecd->color.b = b; ecd->color.a = a; ecd->outline.r = r2; ecd->outline.g = g2; ecd->outline.b = b2; ecd->outline.a = a2; ecd->shadow.r = r3; ecd->shadow.g = g3; ecd->shadow.b = b3; ecd->shadow.a = a3; _elm_config->color_overlays = eina_list_prepend(_elm_config->color_overlays, ecd); } void _elm_config_color_overlay_remove(const char *color_class) { Elm_Color_Overlay *ecd; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->color_overlays, l, ecd) { if (!ecd->color_class) continue; if (!eina_streq(ecd->color_class, color_class)) continue; _color_overlays_del = eina_list_append(_color_overlays_del, eina_stringshare_add(color_class)); _elm_config->color_overlays = eina_list_remove_list(_elm_config->color_overlays, l); eina_stringshare_del(ecd->color_class); free(ecd); return; } } void _elm_config_color_overlay_apply(void) { Elm_Color_Overlay *ecd; Eina_List *l; char *color_class; EINA_LIST_FREE(_color_overlays_del, color_class) { edje_color_class_del(color_class); eina_stringshare_del(color_class); } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->color_overlays, l, ecd) edje_color_class_set(ecd->color_class, ecd->color.r, ecd->color.g, ecd->color.b, ecd->color.a, ecd->outline.r, ecd->outline.g, ecd->outline.b, ecd->outline.a, ecd->shadow.r, ecd->shadow.g, ecd->shadow.b, ecd->shadow.a); } Eina_List * _elm_config_color_list_get(const char *palette_name) { Eina_List *plist; Elm_Custom_Palette *cpalette; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->color_palette, plist, cpalette) { if (strcmp(cpalette->palette_name, palette_name)) continue; return cpalette->color_list; } return NULL; } void _elm_config_color_set(const char *palette_name, int r, int g, int b, int a) { Eina_List *plist; Elm_Custom_Palette *cpalette; Elm_Color_RGBA *color; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->color_palette, plist, cpalette) { if (strcmp(cpalette->palette_name, palette_name)) continue; color = calloc(1, sizeof(Elm_Color_RGBA)); color->r = r; color->g = g; color->b = b; color->a = a; cpalette->color_list = eina_list_prepend(cpalette->color_list, color); } } void _elm_config_colors_free(const char *palette_name) { Eina_List *plist; Elm_Custom_Palette *cpalette; Elm_Color_RGBA *color; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->color_palette, plist, cpalette) { if (strcmp(cpalette->palette_name, palette_name)) continue; EINA_LIST_FREE(cpalette->color_list, color) { free(color); } } } Eina_List * _elm_config_profiles_list(Eina_Bool hide_profiles) { Eina_File_Direct_Info *info; Eina_List *flist = NULL; Eina_Iterator *file_it; char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *dir; size_t len; len = _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config"); file_it = eina_file_stat_ls(buf); if (!file_it) goto sys; buf[len] = '/'; len++; len = sizeof(buf) - len; EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(file_it, info) { if (info->name_length >= len) continue; if ((hide_profiles) && (info->path[info->name_start] == '.')) continue; if (info->type == EINA_FILE_DIR) { flist = eina_list_sorted_insert(flist, _sort_files_cb, eina_stringshare_add (info->path + info->name_start)); } } eina_iterator_free(file_it); sys: len = eina_str_join_len(buf, sizeof(buf), '/', _elm_data_dir, strlen(_elm_data_dir), "config", sizeof("config") - 1); file_it = eina_file_stat_ls(buf); if (!file_it) goto list_free; buf[len] = '/'; len++; len = sizeof(buf) - len; EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(file_it, info) { if (info->name_length >= len) continue; if ((hide_profiles) && (info->path[info->name_start] == '.')) continue; switch (info->type) { case EINA_FILE_DIR: { const Eina_List *l; const char *tmp; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(flist, l, tmp) { if (!strcmp(info->path + info->name_start, tmp)) break; } if (!l) flist = eina_list_sorted_insert(flist, _sort_files_cb, eina_stringshare_add (info->path + info->name_start)); } break; default: continue; } } eina_iterator_free(file_it); return flist; list_free: EINA_LIST_FREE(flist, dir) eina_stringshare_del(dir); return NULL; } static void _profile_fetch_from_conf(void) { char buf[PATH_MAX], *p, *s; Eet_File *ef = NULL; int len = 0, i; // if env var - use profile without question s = getenv("ELM_PROFILE"); if (s) { _elm_profile = strdup(s); if (_elm_profile) { p = strchr(_elm_profile, '/'); if (p) *p = 0; } return; } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // user profile if (i == 0) _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/profile.cfg"); // system profile else if (i == 1) _elm_data_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/profile.cfg"); ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_READ); if (ef) { p = eet_read(ef, "config", &len); if (p) { _elm_profile = malloc(len + 1); if (_elm_profile) { memcpy(_elm_profile, p, len); _elm_profile[len] = 0; free(p); p = strchr(_elm_profile, '/'); if (p) *p = 0; } else free(p); eet_close(ef); return; } eet_close(ef); } } _elm_profile = strdup("default"); } static void _config_free(Elm_Config *cfg) { Elm_Font_Overlay *fo; const char *fontdir; Elm_Color_Overlay *co; Elm_Custom_Palette *palette; Elm_Color_RGBA *color; char *color_class; Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget *wb; Elm_Config_Binding_Key *kb; Elm_Config_Binding_Modifier *mb; if (!cfg) return; EINA_LIST_FREE(cfg->font_dirs, fontdir) { eina_stringshare_del(fontdir); } eina_stringshare_del(cfg->engine); eina_stringshare_del(cfg->accel); EINA_LIST_FREE(cfg->font_overlays, fo) { eina_stringshare_del(fo->text_class); eina_stringshare_del(fo->font); free(fo); } EINA_LIST_FREE(_color_overlays_del, color_class) eina_stringshare_del(color_class); EINA_LIST_FREE(cfg->color_overlays, co) { if (co->color_class) eina_stringshare_del(co->color_class); free(co); } EINA_LIST_FREE(cfg->color_palette, palette) { eina_stringshare_del(palette->palette_name); EINA_LIST_FREE(palette->color_list, color) free(color); free(palette); } EINA_LIST_FREE(cfg->bindings, wb) { eina_stringshare_del(wb->name); EINA_LIST_FREE(wb->key_bindings, kb) { eina_stringshare_del(kb->key); eina_stringshare_del(kb->action); eina_stringshare_del(kb->params); EINA_LIST_FREE(kb->modifiers, mb) { eina_stringshare_del(mb->mod); free(mb); } free(kb); } free(wb); } eina_stringshare_del(cfg->theme); eina_stringshare_del(cfg->modules); eina_stringshare_del(cfg->indicator_service_0); eina_stringshare_del(cfg->indicator_service_90); eina_stringshare_del(cfg->indicator_service_180); eina_stringshare_del(cfg->indicator_service_270); free(cfg); } static void _config_apply(void) { _elm_theme_parse(NULL, _elm_config->theme); ecore_animator_frametime_set(1.0 / _elm_config->fps); } static void _config_sub_apply(void) { edje_frametime_set(1.0 / _elm_config->fps); edje_scale_set(_elm_config->scale); edje_password_show_last_set(_elm_config->password_show_last); edje_password_show_last_timeout_set(_elm_config->password_show_last_timeout); edje_transition_duration_factor_set(_elm_config->transition_duration_factor); if (_elm_config->modules) _elm_module_parse(_elm_config->modules); edje_audio_channel_mute_set(EDJE_CHANNEL_EFFECT, _elm_config->audio_mute_effect); edje_audio_channel_mute_set(EDJE_CHANNEL_BACKGROUND, _elm_config->audio_mute_background); edje_audio_channel_mute_set(EDJE_CHANNEL_MUSIC, _elm_config->audio_mute_music); edje_audio_channel_mute_set(EDJE_CHANNEL_FOREGROUND, _elm_config->audio_mute_foreground); edje_audio_channel_mute_set(EDJE_CHANNEL_INTERFACE, _elm_config->audio_mute_interface); edje_audio_channel_mute_set(EDJE_CHANNEL_INPUT, _elm_config->audio_mute_input); edje_audio_channel_mute_set(EDJE_CHANNEL_ALERT, _elm_config->audio_mute_alert); edje_audio_channel_mute_set(EDJE_CHANNEL_ALL, _elm_config->audio_mute_all); } static Eina_Bool _elm_cache_flush_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { elm_cache_all_flush(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } /* kind of abusing this call right now -- shared between all of those * properties -- but they are not meant to be called that periodically * anyway */ void _elm_recache(void) { Eina_List *l; Evas_Object *win; elm_cache_all_flush(); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_win_list, l, win) { Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(win); evas_image_cache_set(e, _elm_config->image_cache * 1024); evas_font_cache_set(e, _elm_config->font_cache * 1024); } edje_file_cache_set(_elm_config->edje_cache); edje_collection_cache_set(_elm_config->edje_collection_cache); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_cache_flush_poller, ecore_poller_del); if (_elm_config->cache_flush_enable) { if (_elm_config->cache_flush_poll_interval > 0) { _elm_cache_flush_poller = ecore_poller_add(ECORE_POLLER_CORE, _elm_config->cache_flush_poll_interval, _elm_cache_flush_cb, NULL); } } } static Elm_Config * _config_user_load(void) { Elm_Config *cfg = NULL; Eet_File *ef; char buf[PATH_MAX]; _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s", _elm_profile); if (_eio_config_monitor) eio_monitor_del(_eio_config_monitor); _eio_config_monitor = eio_monitor_add(buf); _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s/base.cfg", _elm_profile); ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_READ); if (ef) { cfg = eet_data_read(ef, _config_edd, "config"); eet_close(ef); } if (cfg) { size_t len; len = _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "themes/"); if (len + 1 < sizeof(buf)) ecore_file_mkpath(buf); } return cfg; } static Elm_Config * _config_system_load(void) { Elm_Config *cfg = NULL; Eet_File *ef; char buf[PATH_MAX]; _elm_data_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s/base.cfg", _elm_profile); ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_READ); if (ef) { cfg = eet_data_read(ef, _config_edd, "config"); eet_close(ef); } return cfg; } static void _config_load(void) { _elm_config = _config_user_load(); if (_elm_config) { if ((_elm_config->config_version >> ELM_CONFIG_VERSION_EPOCH_OFFSET) < ELM_CONFIG_EPOCH) { WRN("User's elementary config seems outdated and unusable. Fallback to load system config."); _config_free(_elm_config); _elm_config = NULL; } else { if (_elm_config->config_version < ELM_CONFIG_VERSION) _config_update(); return; } } /* no user config, fallback for system. No need to check version for * this one, if it's not the right one, someone screwed up at the time * of installing it */ _elm_config = _config_system_load(); if (_elm_config) return; /* FIXME: config load could have failed because of a non-existent * profile. Fallback to default before moving on */ // config load fail - defaults // why are these here? well if they are, it means you can make a gui // config recovery app i guess... _elm_config = ELM_NEW(Elm_Config); _elm_config->config_version = ELM_CONFIG_VERSION; _elm_config->engine = NULL; _elm_config->accel = NULL; _elm_config->accel_override = 0; _elm_config->vsync = 0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_enable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->thumbscroll_threshold = 24; _elm_config->thumbscroll_hold_threshold = 24; _elm_config->thumbscroll_momentum_threshold = 100.0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_flick_distance_tolerance = 1000; _elm_config->thumbscroll_friction = 1.0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_min_friction = 0.5; _elm_config->thumbscroll_friction_standard = 1000.0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_friction = 0.5; _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_enable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_threshold = 500.0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_time_limit = 0.7; _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_weight = 1.5; _elm_config->page_scroll_friction = 0.5; _elm_config->bring_in_scroll_friction = 0.5; _elm_config->zoom_friction = 0.5; _elm_config->thumbscroll_border_friction = 0.5; _elm_config->thumbscroll_sensitivity_friction = 0.25; // magic number! just trial and error shows this makes it behave "nicer" and not run off at high speed all the time _elm_config->scroll_smooth_start_enable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->scroll_animation_disable = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->scroll_accel_factor = 7.0; // _elm_config->scroll_smooth_time_interval = 0.008; // not used anymore _elm_config->scroll_smooth_amount = 1.0; // _elm_config->scroll_smooth_history_weight = 0.3; // not used anymore // _elm_config->scroll_smooth_future_time = 0.0; // not used anymore _elm_config->scroll_smooth_time_window = 0.15; _elm_config->scale = 1.0; _elm_config->bgpixmap = 0; _elm_config->compositing = 1; _elm_config->font_hinting = 2; _elm_config->cache_flush_poll_interval = 512; _elm_config->cache_flush_enable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->font_dirs = NULL; _elm_config->image_cache = 4096; _elm_config->font_cache = 512; _elm_config->edje_cache = 32; _elm_config->edje_collection_cache = 64; _elm_config->finger_size = 10; _elm_config->fps = 60.0; _elm_config->theme = eina_stringshare_add("default"); _elm_config->modules = NULL; _elm_config->tooltip_delay = 1.0; _elm_config->cursor_engine_only = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->focus_highlight_enable = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->focus_highlight_animate = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->focus_highlight_clip_disable = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->focus_move_policy = ELM_FOCUS_MOVE_POLICY_CLICK; _elm_config->first_item_focus_on_first_focus_in = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->item_select_on_focus_disable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->toolbar_shrink_mode = 2; _elm_config->fileselector_expand_enable = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->fileselector_double_tap_navigation_enable = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->inwin_dialogs_enable = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->icon_size = 32; _elm_config->longpress_timeout = 1.0; _elm_config->effect_enable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->desktop_entry = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->context_menu_disabled = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->is_mirrored = EINA_FALSE; /* Read sys value in env_get() */ _elm_config->password_show_last = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->password_show_last_timeout = 2.0; _elm_config->glayer_zoom_finger_enable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->glayer_zoom_finger_factor = 1.0; _elm_config->glayer_zoom_wheel_factor = 0.05; _elm_config->glayer_zoom_distance_tolerance = 1.0; /* 1 times elm_config_finger_size_get() */ _elm_config->glayer_rotate_finger_enable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->glayer_rotate_angular_tolerance = 2.0; /* 2 DEG */ _elm_config->glayer_line_min_length = 1.0; /* 1 times elm_config_finger_size_get() */ _elm_config->glayer_line_distance_tolerance = 3.0; /* 3 times elm_config_finger_size_get() */ _elm_config->glayer_line_angular_tolerance = 20.0; /* 20 DEG */ _elm_config->glayer_flick_time_limit_ms = 120; /* ms to finish flick */ _elm_config->glayer_long_tap_start_timeout = 1.2; /* 1.2 second to start long-tap */ _elm_config->glayer_double_tap_timeout = 0.25; /* 0.25 seconds between 2 mouse downs of a tap. */ _elm_config->glayer_continues_enable = EINA_TRUE; /* Continue gestures default */ _elm_config->access_mode = ELM_ACCESS_MODE_OFF; _elm_config->selection_clear_enable = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->week_start = 1; /* monday */ _elm_config->weekend_start = 6; /* saturday */ _elm_config->weekend_len = 2; _elm_config->year_min = 2; _elm_config->year_max = 137; _elm_config->softcursor_mode = 0; /* 0 = auto, 1 = on, 2 = off */ _elm_config->color_palette = NULL; _elm_config->auto_norender_withdrawn = 0; _elm_config->auto_norender_iconified_same_as_withdrawn = 1; _elm_config->auto_flush_withdrawn = 0; _elm_config->auto_dump_withdrawn = 0; _elm_config->auto_throttle = 0; _elm_config->auto_throttle_amount = 0.1; _elm_config->indicator_service_0 = eina_stringshare_add("elm_indicator_portrait"); _elm_config->indicator_service_90 = eina_stringshare_add("elm_indicator_landscape"); _elm_config->indicator_service_180 = eina_stringshare_add("elm_indicator_portrait"); _elm_config->indicator_service_270 = eina_stringshare_add("elm_indicator_landscape"); _elm_config->disable_external_menu = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->magnifier_enable = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->spinner_min_max_filter_enable = EINA_FALSE; _elm_config->magnifier_scale = 1.5; _elm_config->audio_mute_effect = 0; _elm_config->audio_mute_background = 0; _elm_config->audio_mute_music = 0; _elm_config->audio_mute_foreground = 0; _elm_config->audio_mute_interface = 0; _elm_config->audio_mute_input = 0; _elm_config->audio_mute_alert = 0; _elm_config->audio_mute_all = 0; _elm_config->win_auto_focus_enable = 1; _elm_config->win_auto_focus_animate = 1; _elm_config->atspi_mode = ELM_ATSPI_MODE_OFF; _elm_config->gl_depth = 0; _elm_config->gl_msaa = 0; _elm_config->gl_stencil = 0; _elm_config->transition_duration_factor = 1.0; _elm_config->naviframe_prev_btn_auto_pushed = EINA_TRUE; _elm_config->popup_horizontal_align = 0.5; _elm_config->popup_vertical_align = 0.5; _elm_config->icon_theme = eina_stringshare_add(ELM_CONFIG_ICON_THEME_ELEMENTARY); } static void _config_flush_get(void) { Eina_Bool is_mirrored; Eina_Bool translate; is_mirrored = _elm_config->is_mirrored; translate = _elm_config->translate; _elm_config_font_overlays_cancel(); _color_overlays_cancel(); _config_free(_elm_config); _elm_config = NULL; _config_load(); _env_get(); /* restore prev value which is not part of the EET file */ _elm_config->is_mirrored = is_mirrored; _elm_config->translate = translate; _config_apply(); _config_sub_apply(); evas_font_reinit(); _elm_config_font_overlay_apply(); _elm_config_color_overlay_apply(); _elm_rescale(); _elm_recache(); _elm_clouseau_reload(); _elm_config_key_binding_hash(); if (_elm_config) _elm_win_access(_elm_config->access_mode); ecore_event_add(ELM_EVENT_CONFIG_ALL_CHANGED, NULL, NULL, NULL); } static const char * _elm_config_eet_close_error_get(Eet_File *ef, char *file) { Eet_Error err; const char *erstr = NULL; err = eet_close(ef); switch (err) { case EET_ERROR_WRITE_ERROR: erstr = "An error occurred while saving Elementary's " "settings to disk. The error could not be " "deterimined. The file where the error occurred was: " "%s. This file has been deleted to avoid corrupt data."; break; case EET_ERROR_WRITE_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG: erstr = "Elementary's settings files are too big " "for the file system they are being saved to. " "This error is very strange as the files should " "be extremely small. Please check the settings " "for your home directory. " "The file where the error occurred was: %s ." "This file has been deleted to avoid corrupt data."; break; case EET_ERROR_WRITE_ERROR_IO_ERROR: erstr = "An output error occurred when writing the settings " "files for Elementary. Your disk is having troubles " "and possibly needs replacement. " "The file where the error occurred was: %s ." "This file has been deleted to avoid corrupt data."; break; case EET_ERROR_WRITE_ERROR_OUT_OF_SPACE: erstr = "Elementary cannot write its settings file " "because it ran out of space to write the file. " "You have either run out of disk space or have " "gone over your quota limit. " "The file where the error occurred was: %s ." "This file has been deleted to avoid corrupt data."; break; case EET_ERROR_WRITE_ERROR_FILE_CLOSED: erstr = "Elementary unexpectedly had the settings file " "it was writing closed on it. This is very unusual. " "The file where the error occurred was: %s " "This file has been deleted to avoid corrupt data."; break; default: break; } if (erstr) { /* delete any partially-written file */ ecore_file_unlink(file); return strdup(erstr); } return NULL; } static Eina_Bool _elm_config_profile_save(const char *profile) { Elm_Config_Derived *derived; char buf[4096], buf2[4096]; int ok = 0, ret; const char *err; Eet_File *ef; size_t len; len = _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/profile.cfg"); if (len + 1 >= sizeof(buf)) return EINA_FALSE; len = _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "config/profile.cfg.tmp"); if (len + 1 >= sizeof(buf2)) return EINA_FALSE; ef = eet_open(buf2, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE); if (!ef) return EINA_FALSE; ok = eet_write(ef, "config", _elm_profile, strlen(_elm_profile), 0); if (!ok) goto err; err = _elm_config_eet_close_error_get(ef, buf2); if (err) { ERR("%s", err); free((void *)err); goto err; } ret = ecore_file_mv(buf2, buf); if (!ret) { ERR("Error saving Elementary's configuration profile file"); goto err; } ecore_file_unlink(buf2); derived = _elm_config_derived_load(profile ? profile : _elm_profile); if (derived) { _elm_config_derived_save(_elm_config, derived); _elm_config_derived_free(derived); } return EINA_TRUE; err: ecore_file_unlink(buf2); return EINA_FALSE; } Eina_Bool _elm_config_save(Elm_Config *cfg, const char *profile) { char buf[4096], buf2[4096]; int ok = 0, ret; const char *err; Eet_File *ef; size_t len; len = _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "themes/"); if (len + 1 >= sizeof(buf)) return EINA_FALSE; ok = ecore_file_mkpath(buf); if (!ok) { ERR("Problem accessing Elementary's user configuration directory: %s", buf); return EINA_FALSE; } len = _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s", profile ? profile : _elm_profile); if (len + 1 >= sizeof(buf)) return EINA_FALSE; ok = ecore_file_mkpath(buf); if (!ok) { ERR("Problem accessing Elementary's user configuration directory: %s", buf); return EINA_FALSE; } if (!profile) { if (!_elm_config_profile_save(NULL)) return EINA_FALSE; } buf[len] = '/'; len++; if (len + sizeof("base.cfg") >= sizeof(buf) - len) return EINA_FALSE; memcpy(buf + len, "base.cfg", sizeof("base.cfg")); len += sizeof("base.cfg") - 1; if (len + sizeof(".tmp") >= sizeof(buf)) return EINA_FALSE; memcpy(buf2, buf, len); memcpy(buf2 + len, ".tmp", sizeof(".tmp")); ef = eet_open(buf2, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE); if (!ef) return EINA_FALSE; ok = eet_data_write(ef, _config_edd, "config", cfg, 1); if (!ok) goto err; err = _elm_config_eet_close_error_get(ef, buf2); if (err) { ERR("%s", err); free((void *)err); goto err; } ret = ecore_file_mv(buf2, buf); if (!ret) { ERR("Error saving Elementary's configuration file"); goto err; } ecore_file_unlink(buf2); return EINA_TRUE; err: ecore_file_unlink(buf2); return EINA_FALSE; } static void _config_update(void) { Elm_Config *tcfg; tcfg = _config_system_load(); if (!tcfg) { /* weird profile or something? We should probably fill * with hardcoded defaults, or get from default previx */ return; } #define IFCFG(v) if ((_elm_config->config_version & 0xffff) < (v)) { #define IFCFGELSE } else { #define IFCFGEND } #define COPYVAL(x) do {_elm_config->x = tcfg->x; } while (0) #define COPYPTR(x) do {_elm_config->x = tcfg->x; tcfg->x = NULL; } while (0) #define COPYSTR(x) COPYPTR(x) /* we also need to update for property changes in the root window * if needed, but that will be dependent on new properties added * with each version */ IFCFG(0x0002) _elm_config->win_auto_focus_enable = tcfg->win_auto_focus_enable;; _elm_config->win_auto_focus_animate = tcfg->win_auto_focus_animate; IFCFGEND IFCFG(0x0003) _elm_config->transition_duration_factor = tcfg->transition_duration_factor; IFCFGEND IFCFG(0x0004) Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget *wb, *twb = NULL; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(tcfg->bindings, l, wb) { if (wb->name && !strcmp(wb->name, "Elm_Hoversel")) { twb = wb; break; } } if (twb) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->bindings, l, wb) { if (wb->name && !strcmp(wb->name, "Elm_Hoversel")) { // simply swap bindngs for Elm_Hoversel with system ones Eina_List *tmp = wb->key_bindings; wb->key_bindings = twb->key_bindings; twb->key_bindings = tmp; break; } } } IFCFGEND IFCFG(0x0005) _elm_config->naviframe_prev_btn_auto_pushed = tcfg->naviframe_prev_btn_auto_pushed; IFCFGEND IFCFG(0x0006) _elm_config->cursor_engine_only = 0; IFCFGEND IFCFG(0x0007) Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget *wb, *twb = NULL; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(tcfg->bindings, l, wb) { if (wb->name && !strcmp(wb->name, "Elm_Combobox")) { twb = wb; break; } } if (twb) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->bindings, l, wb) { if (wb->name && !strcmp(wb->name, "Elm_Combobox")) { // simply swap bindngs for Elm_Combobox with system ones Eina_List *tmp = wb->key_bindings; wb->key_bindings = twb->key_bindings; twb->key_bindings = tmp; break; } } } IFCFGEND IFCFG(0x0008) _elm_config->popup_horizontal_align = 0.5; _elm_config->popup_vertical_align = 0.5; IFCFGEND IFCFG(0x0009) _elm_config->scroll_accel_factor = 7.0; IFCFGEND IFCFG(0x000a) _elm_config->icon_theme = eina_stringshare_add(ELM_CONFIG_ICON_THEME_ELEMENTARY); IFCFGEND /** * Fix user config for current ELM_CONFIG_EPOCH here. **/ #undef COPYSTR #undef COPYPTR #undef COPYVAL #undef IFCFGEND #undef IFCFGELSE #undef IFCFG _elm_config->config_version = ELM_CONFIG_VERSION; /* after updating user config, we must save */ _config_free(tcfg); _elm_config_save(_elm_config, NULL); } static void _env_get(void) { char *s; double friction; s = getenv("ELM_ENGINE"); if (s) { if ((!strcasecmp(s, "x11")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "x")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "software-x11")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "software_x11"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_SOFTWARE_X11); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "opengl")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "gl")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "opengl-x11")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "opengl_x11"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_OPENGL_X11); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "fb")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "software-fb")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "software_fb"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_SOFTWARE_FB); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "psl1ght"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_SOFTWARE_PSL1GHT); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "sdl")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "software-sdl")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "software_sdl"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_SOFTWARE_SDL); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "opengl-sdl")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "opengl_sdl")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "gl-sdl")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "gl_sdl"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_OPENGL_SDL); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "opengl-cocoa")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "opengl_cocoa")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "gl-cocoa")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "gl_cocoa"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_OPENGL_COCOA); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "gdi")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "software-gdi")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "software_gdi"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_SOFTWARE_WIN32); else if (!strcasecmp(s, "buffer")) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_BUFFER); else if ((!strncmp(s, "shot:", 5))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, s); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "ews"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_EWS); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "wayland_shm")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "wayland-shm"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_WAYLAND_SHM); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "wayland_egl")) || (!strcasecmp(s, "wayland-egl"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_WAYLAND_EGL); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "drm"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_DRM); else if ((!strcasecmp(s, "ddraw"))) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->engine, ELM_SOFTWARE_DDRAW); else ERR("Unknown engine '%s'.", s); if (_elm_config->engine) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_preferred_engine, _elm_config->engine); } s = getenv("ELM_VSYNC"); if (s) _elm_config->vsync = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_THRESHOLD"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_threshold = atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_HOLD_THRESHOLD"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_hold_threshold = atoi(s); // FIXME: floatformat locale issues here 1.0 vs 1,0 - should just be 1.0 s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_MOMENTUM_THRESHOLD"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_momentum_threshold = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_FLICK_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_flick_distance_tolerance = atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_FRICTION"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_friction = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_MIN_FRICTION"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_min_friction = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_FRICTION_STANDARD"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_friction_standard = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_BOUNCE_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_BOUNCE_FRICTION"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_friction = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_ACCELERATION_THRESHOLD"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_threshold = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_ACCELERATION_TIME_LIMIT"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_time_limit = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_ACCELERATION_WEIGHT"); if (s) _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_weight = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_PAGE_SCROLL_FRICTION"); if (s) _elm_config->page_scroll_friction = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_BRING_IN_SCROLL_FRICTION"); if (s) _elm_config->bring_in_scroll_friction = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_ZOOM_FRICTION"); if (s) _elm_config->zoom_friction = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_BORDER_FRICTION"); if (s) { friction = _elm_atof(s); if (friction < 0.0) friction = 0.0; if (friction > 1.0) friction = 1.0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_border_friction = friction; } s = getenv("ELM_THUMBSCROLL_SENSITIVITY_FRICTION"); if (s) { friction = _elm_atof(s); if (friction < 0.1) friction = 0.1; if (friction > 1.0) friction = 1.0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_sensitivity_friction = friction; } s = getenv("ELM_SCROLL_SMOOTH_START_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->scroll_smooth_start_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_SCROLL_ANIMATION_DISABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->scroll_animation_disable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_SCROLL_ACCEL_FACTOR"); if (s) _elm_config->scroll_accel_factor = atof(s); // s = getenv("ELM_SCROLL_SMOOTH_TIME_INTERVAL"); // not used anymore // if (s) _elm_config->scroll_smooth_time_interval = atof(s); // not used anymore s = getenv("ELM_SCROLL_SMOOTH_AMOUNT"); if (s) _elm_config->scroll_smooth_amount = _elm_atof(s); // s = getenv("ELM_SCROLL_SMOOTH_HISTORY_WEIGHT"); // not used anymore // if (s) _elm_config->scroll_smooth_history_weight = _elm_atof(s); // not used anymore // s = getenv("ELM_SCROLL_SMOOTH_FUTURE_TIME"); // not used anymore // if (s) _elm_config->scroll_smooth_future_time = _elm_atof(s); // not used anymore s = getenv("ELM_SCROLL_SMOOTH_TIME_WINDOW"); if (s) _elm_config->scroll_smooth_time_window = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_FOCUS_AUTOSCROLL_MODE"); if (s) { if (!strcmp(s, "ELM_FOCUS_AUTOSCROLL_MODE_NONE")) _elm_config->focus_autoscroll_mode = ELM_FOCUS_AUTOSCROLL_MODE_NONE; else if (!strcmp(s, "ELM_FOCUS_AUTOSCROLL_MODE_BRING_IN")) _elm_config->focus_autoscroll_mode = ELM_FOCUS_AUTOSCROLL_MODE_BRING_IN; else _elm_config->focus_autoscroll_mode = ELM_FOCUS_AUTOSCROLL_MODE_SHOW; } s = getenv("ELM_SLIDER_INDICATOR_VISIBLE_MODE"); if (s) { if (!strcmp(s, "ELM_SLIDER_INDICATOR_VISIBLE_MODE_DEFAULT")) _elm_config->slider_indicator_visible_mode = ELM_SLIDER_INDICATOR_VISIBLE_MODE_DEFAULT; else if (!strcmp(s, "ELM_SLIDER_INDICATOR_VISIBLE_MODE_ALWAYS")) _elm_config->slider_indicator_visible_mode = ELM_SLIDER_INDICATOR_VISIBLE_MODE_ALWAYS; else if (!strcmp(s, "ELM_SLIDER_INDICATOR_VISIBLE_MODE_ON_FOCUS")) _elm_config->slider_indicator_visible_mode = ELM_SLIDER_INDICATOR_VISIBLE_MODE_ON_FOCUS; else _elm_config->slider_indicator_visible_mode = ELM_SLIDER_INDICATOR_VISIBLE_MODE_NONE; } s = getenv("ELM_THEME"); if (s) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->theme, s); s = getenv("ELM_FONT_HINTING"); if (s) { if (!strcasecmp(s, "none")) _elm_config->font_hinting = 0; else if (!strcasecmp(s, "auto")) _elm_config->font_hinting = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(s, "bytecode")) _elm_config->font_hinting = 2; } s = getenv("ELM_FONT_PATH"); if (s) { const char *p, *pp; char *buf2; EINA_LIST_FREE(_elm_config->font_dirs, p) { eina_stringshare_del(p); } buf2 = alloca(strlen(s) + 1); p = s; pp = p; for (;; ) { if ((*p == ':') || (*p == 0)) { int len; len = p - pp; strncpy(buf2, pp, len); buf2[len] = 0; _elm_config->font_dirs = eina_list_append(_elm_config->font_dirs, eina_stringshare_add(buf2)); if (*p == 0) break; p++; pp = p; } else { if (*p == 0) break; p++; } } } s = getenv("ELM_IMAGE_CACHE"); if (s) _elm_config->image_cache = atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_FONT_CACHE"); if (s) _elm_config->font_cache = atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_SCALE"); if (s) _elm_config->scale = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_FINGER_SIZE"); if (s) _elm_config->finger_size = atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_PASSWORD_SHOW_LAST"); if (s) _elm_config->password_show_last = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_PASSWORD_SHOW_LAST_TIMEOUT"); if (s) { double pw_show_last_timeout = _elm_atof(s); if (pw_show_last_timeout >= 0.0) _elm_config->password_show_last_timeout = pw_show_last_timeout; } s = getenv("ELM_FPS"); if (s) _elm_config->fps = _elm_atof(s); if (_elm_config->fps < 1.0) _elm_config->fps = 1.0; s = getenv("ELM_MODULES"); if (s) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->modules, s); s = getenv("ELM_TOOLTIP_DELAY"); if (s) { double delay = _elm_atof(s); if (delay >= 0.0) _elm_config->tooltip_delay = delay; } s = getenv("ELM_CURSOR_ENGINE_ONLY"); if (s) _elm_config->cursor_engine_only = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_FOCUS_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->focus_highlight_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_FOCUS_HIGHLIGHT_ANIMATE"); if (s) _elm_config->focus_highlight_animate = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_FOCUS_HIGHLIGHT_CLIP_DISABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->focus_highlight_clip_disable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_FOCUS_MOVE_POLICY"); if (s) _elm_config->focus_move_policy = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_ITEM_SELECT_ON_FOCUS_DISABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->item_select_on_focus_disable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_FIRST_ITEM_FOCUS_ON_FIRST_FOCUS_IN"); if (s) _elm_config->first_item_focus_on_first_focus_in = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_TOOLBAR_SHRINK_MODE"); if (s) _elm_config->toolbar_shrink_mode = atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_FILESELECTOR_EXPAND_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->fileselector_expand_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_FILESELECTOR_DOUBLE_TAP_NAVIGATION_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->fileselector_double_tap_navigation_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_INWIN_DIALOGS_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->inwin_dialogs_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_ICON_SIZE"); if (s) _elm_config->icon_size = atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_CONTEXT_MENU_DISABLED"); if (s) _elm_config->context_menu_disabled = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_LONGPRESS_TIMEOUT"); if (s) _elm_config->longpress_timeout = _elm_atof(s); if (_elm_config->longpress_timeout < 0.0) _elm_config->longpress_timeout = 0.0; s = getenv("ELM_EFFECT_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->effect_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_DESKTOP_ENTRY"); if (s) _elm_config->desktop_entry = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_ACCESS_MODE"); if (s) _elm_config->access_mode = ELM_ACCESS_MODE_ON; s = getenv("ELM_SELECTION_CLEAR_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->selection_clear_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_AUTO_THROTTLE"); if (s) _elm_config->auto_throttle = EINA_TRUE; s = getenv("ELM_AUTO_THROTTLE_AMOUNT"); if (s) _elm_config->auto_throttle_amount = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_AUTO_NORENDER_WITHDRAWN"); if (s) _elm_config->auto_norender_withdrawn = EINA_TRUE; s = getenv("ELM_AUTO_NORENDER_ICONIFIED_SAME_AS_WITHDRAWN"); if (s) _elm_config->auto_norender_iconified_same_as_withdrawn = EINA_TRUE; s = getenv("ELM_AUTO_FLUSH_WITHDRAWN"); if (s) _elm_config->auto_flush_withdrawn = EINA_TRUE; s = getenv("ELM_AUTO_DUMP_WIDTHDRAWN"); if (s) _elm_config->auto_dump_withdrawn = EINA_TRUE; s = getenv("ELM_INDICATOR_SERVICE_0"); if (s) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->indicator_service_0, s); s = getenv("ELM_INDICATOR_SERVICE_90"); if (s) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->indicator_service_90, s); s = getenv("ELM_INDICATOR_SERVICE_180"); if (s) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->indicator_service_180, s); s = getenv("ELM_INDICATOR_SERVICE_270"); if (s) eina_stringshare_replace(&_elm_config->indicator_service_270, s); s = getenv("ELM_DISABLE_EXTERNAL_MENU"); if (s) _elm_config->disable_external_menu = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_CLOUSEAU"); if (s) _elm_config->clouseau_enable = atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_MAGNIFIER_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->magnifier_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_MAGNIFIER_SCALE"); if (s) _elm_config->magnifier_scale = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_ATSPI_MODE"); if (s) _elm_config->atspi_mode = ELM_ATSPI_MODE_ON; s = getenv("ELM_SPINNER_MIN_MAX_FILTER_ENABLE"); if (s) _elm_config->spinner_min_max_filter_enable = !!atoi(s); s = getenv("ELM_TRANSITION_DURATION_FACTOR"); if (s) _elm_config->transition_duration_factor = atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_POPUP_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN"); if (s) _elm_config->popup_horizontal_align = _elm_atof(s); s = getenv("ELM_POPUP_VERTICAL_ALIGN"); if (s) _elm_config->popup_vertical_align = _elm_atof(s); } static void _elm_config_key_binding_hash(void) { Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget *wb; Eina_List *l; if (_elm_key_bindings) eina_hash_free(_elm_key_bindings); _elm_key_bindings = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->bindings, l, wb) { eina_hash_add(_elm_key_bindings, wb->name, wb->key_bindings); } } static Eina_Bool _elm_config_modifier_check(const Evas_Modifier *m, Eina_List *mod_list) { Eina_List *l; Elm_Config_Binding_Modifier *mod; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(mod_list, l, mod) { if ((evas_key_modifier_is_set(m, mod->mod)) ^ (mod->flag)) return EINA_FALSE; } return EINA_TRUE; } Eina_Bool _elm_config_key_binding_call(Evas_Object *obj, const char *name, const Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev, const Elm_Action *actions) { Elm_Config_Binding_Key *binding; Eina_List *binding_list, *l; int i = 0; binding_list = eina_hash_find(_elm_key_bindings, name); if (binding_list) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(binding_list, l, binding) { if (binding->key && (!strcmp(binding->key, ev->key)) && _elm_config_modifier_check(ev->modifiers, binding->modifiers)) { while (actions[i].name) { if (!strcmp(binding->action, actions[i].name)) return actions[i].func(obj, binding->params); i++; } break; } } } return EINA_FALSE; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_mirrored_get(void) { return _elm_config->is_mirrored; } EAPI void elm_config_mirrored_set(Eina_Bool mirrored) { mirrored = !!mirrored; if (_elm_config->is_mirrored == mirrored) return; _elm_config->is_mirrored = mirrored; _elm_rescale(); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_cursor_engine_only_get(void) { return _elm_config->cursor_engine_only; } EAPI void elm_config_cursor_engine_only_set(Eina_Bool engine_only) { engine_only = !!engine_only; _elm_config->cursor_engine_only = engine_only; } EAPI double elm_config_tooltip_delay_get(void) { return _elm_config->tooltip_delay; } EAPI void elm_config_tooltip_delay_set(double delay) { if (delay < 0.0) return; _elm_config->tooltip_delay = delay; } EAPI double elm_config_scale_get(void) { return _elm_config->scale; } EAPI void elm_config_scale_set(double scale) { if (scale < 0.0) return; if (_elm_config->scale == scale) return; _elm_config->scale = scale; _elm_rescale(); } EAPI const char * elm_config_icon_theme_get(void) { return _elm_config->icon_theme; } EAPI void elm_config_icon_theme_set(const char *theme) { eina_stringshare_del(_elm_config->icon_theme); if (theme) _elm_config->icon_theme = eina_stringshare_add(theme); else _elm_config->icon_theme = eina_stringshare_add(ELM_CONFIG_ICON_THEME_ELEMENTARY); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_password_show_last_get(void) { return _elm_config->password_show_last; } EAPI void elm_config_password_show_last_set(Eina_Bool password_show_last) { if (_elm_config->password_show_last == password_show_last) return; _elm_config->password_show_last = password_show_last; edje_password_show_last_set(_elm_config->password_show_last); } EAPI double elm_config_password_show_last_timeout_get(void) { return _elm_config->password_show_last_timeout; } EAPI void elm_config_password_show_last_timeout_set(double password_show_last_timeout) { if (password_show_last_timeout < 0.0) return; if (_elm_config->password_show_last_timeout == password_show_last_timeout) return; _elm_config->password_show_last_timeout = password_show_last_timeout; edje_password_show_last_timeout_set(_elm_config->password_show_last_timeout); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_save(void) { return _elm_config_save(_elm_config, NULL); } EAPI void elm_config_reload(void) { _elm_config_reload(); } EAPI const char * elm_config_profile_get(void) { return _elm_config_current_profile_get(); } EAPI const char * elm_config_profile_dir_get(const char *profile, Eina_Bool is_user) { return _elm_config_profile_dir_get(profile, is_user); } EAPI void elm_config_profile_dir_free(const char *p_dir) { free((void *)p_dir); } EAPI Eina_List * elm_config_profile_list_get(void) { return _elm_config_profiles_list(EINA_TRUE); } EAPI Eina_List * elm_config_profile_list_full_get(void) { return _elm_config_profiles_list(EINA_FALSE); } EAPI void elm_config_profile_list_free(Eina_List *l) { const char *dir; EINA_LIST_FREE(l, dir) eina_stringshare_del(dir); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_profile_exists(const char *profile) { char buf[PATH_MAX], buf2[PATH_MAX]; if (!profile) return EINA_FALSE; _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config/%s/base.cfg", profile); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) return EINA_TRUE; snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "config/%s/base.cfg", profile); eina_str_join_len(buf, sizeof(buf), '/', _elm_data_dir, strlen(_elm_data_dir), buf2, strlen(buf2)); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) return EINA_TRUE; return EINA_FALSE; } EAPI void elm_config_profile_set(const char *profile) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(profile); _elm_config_profile_set(profile); } EAPI void elm_config_profile_save(const char *profile) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(profile); _elm_config_save(_elm_config, profile); } EAPI const char * elm_config_engine_get(void) { return _elm_config->engine; } EAPI void elm_config_engine_set(const char *engine) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(engine); _elm_config_engine_set(engine); } EAPI Eina_List * elm_config_text_classes_list_get(void) { return _elm_config_text_classes_get(); } EAPI void elm_config_text_classes_list_free(Eina_List *list) { _elm_config_text_classes_free(list); } EAPI const Eina_List * elm_config_font_overlay_list_get(void) { return _elm_config_font_overlays_list(); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_access_get(void) { return _elm_config_access_get(); } EAPI void elm_config_access_set(Eina_Bool is_access) { _elm_config_access_set(is_access); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_atspi_mode_get(void) { return _elm_config_atspi_mode_get(); } EAPI void elm_config_atspi_mode_set(Eina_Bool is_enable) { _elm_config_atspi_mode_set(is_enable); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_selection_unfocused_clear_get(void) { return _elm_config_selection_unfocused_clear_get(); } EAPI void elm_config_selection_unfocused_clear_set(Eina_Bool enabled) { _elm_config_selection_unfocused_clear_set(enabled); } EAPI void elm_config_font_overlay_set(const char *text_class, const char *font, Evas_Font_Size size) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(text_class); _elm_config_font_overlay_set(text_class, font, size); } EAPI void elm_config_font_overlay_unset(const char *text_class) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(text_class); _elm_config_font_overlay_remove(text_class); } EAPI void elm_config_font_overlay_apply(void) { _elm_config_font_overlay_apply(); _elm_rescale(); } EAPI Eina_List * elm_config_color_classes_list_get(void) { return _elm_config_color_classes_get(); } EAPI void elm_config_color_classes_list_free(Eina_List *list) { _elm_config_color_classes_free(list); } EAPI const Eina_List * elm_config_color_overlay_list_get(void) { return _elm_config_color_overlays_list(); } EAPI void elm_config_color_overlay_set(const char *color_class, int r, int g, int b, int a, int r2, int g2, int b2, int a2, int r3, int g3, int b3, int a3) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(color_class); _elm_config_color_overlay_set(color_class, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, a2, r3, g3, b3, a3); } EAPI void elm_config_color_overlay_unset(const char *color_class) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(color_class); _elm_config_color_overlay_remove(color_class); } EAPI void elm_config_color_overlay_apply(void) { _elm_config_color_overlay_apply(); } EAPI Evas_Coord elm_config_finger_size_get(void) { return _elm_config->finger_size; } EAPI void elm_config_finger_size_set(Evas_Coord size) { if (size < 0) return; if (_elm_config->finger_size == size) return; _elm_config->finger_size = size; _elm_rescale(); } EAPI int elm_config_cache_flush_interval_get(void) { return _elm_config->cache_flush_poll_interval; } EAPI void elm_config_cache_flush_interval_set(int size) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN(size > 0); if (_elm_config->cache_flush_poll_interval == size) return; _elm_config->cache_flush_poll_interval = size; _elm_recache(); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_cache_flush_enabled_get(void) { return _elm_config->cache_flush_enable; } EAPI void elm_config_cache_flush_enabled_set(Eina_Bool enabled) { enabled = !!enabled; if (_elm_config->cache_flush_enable == enabled) return; _elm_config->cache_flush_enable = enabled; _elm_recache(); } EAPI int elm_config_cache_font_cache_size_get(void) { return _elm_config->font_cache; } EAPI void elm_config_cache_font_cache_size_set(int size) { if (size < 0) return; if (_elm_config->font_cache == size) return; _elm_config->font_cache = size; _elm_recache(); } EAPI int elm_config_cache_image_cache_size_get(void) { return _elm_config->image_cache; } EAPI void elm_config_cache_image_cache_size_set(int size) { if (size < 0) return; if (_elm_config->image_cache == size) return; _elm_config->image_cache = size; _elm_recache(); } EAPI void elm_config_font_hint_type_set(int type) { Eina_List *l; Evas_Object *win; if ((type < 0) || (type > 2)) return; _elm_config->font_hinting = type; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_win_list, l, win) { Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(win); if (!_elm_config->font_hinting) evas_font_hinting_set(e, EVAS_FONT_HINTING_NONE); else if (_elm_config->font_hinting == 1) evas_font_hinting_set(e, EVAS_FONT_HINTING_AUTO); else if (_elm_config->font_hinting == 2) evas_font_hinting_set(e, EVAS_FONT_HINTING_BYTECODE); } } EAPI int elm_config_cache_edje_file_cache_size_get() { return _elm_config->edje_cache; } EAPI void elm_config_cache_edje_file_cache_size_set(int size) { if (size < 0) return; if (_elm_config->edje_cache == size) return; _elm_config->edje_cache = size; _elm_recache(); } EAPI int elm_config_cache_edje_collection_cache_size_get(void) { return _elm_config->edje_collection_cache; } EAPI void elm_config_cache_edje_collection_cache_size_set(int size) { if (_elm_config->edje_collection_cache == size) return; _elm_config->edje_collection_cache = size; _elm_recache(); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_vsync_get(void) { return _elm_config->vsync; } EAPI void elm_config_vsync_set(Eina_Bool enabled) { _elm_config->vsync = enabled; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_accel_preference_override_get(void) { return _elm_config->accel_override; } EAPI void elm_config_accel_preference_override_set(Eina_Bool enabled) { _elm_config->accel_override = enabled; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_focus_highlight_enabled_get(void) { return _elm_config->focus_highlight_enable; } EAPI void elm_config_focus_highlight_enabled_set(Eina_Bool enable) { _elm_config->focus_highlight_enable = !!enable; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_focus_highlight_animate_get(void) { return _elm_config->focus_highlight_animate; } EAPI void elm_config_focus_highlight_animate_set(Eina_Bool animate) { _elm_config->focus_highlight_animate = !!animate; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_focus_highlight_clip_disabled_get(void) { return _elm_config->focus_highlight_clip_disable; } EAPI void elm_config_focus_highlight_clip_disabled_set(Eina_Bool disable) { _elm_config->focus_highlight_clip_disable = !!disable; } EAPI Elm_Focus_Move_Policy elm_config_focus_move_policy_get(void) { return _elm_config->focus_move_policy; } EAPI void elm_config_focus_move_policy_set(Elm_Focus_Move_Policy policy) { _elm_config->focus_move_policy = policy; _elm_win_focus_reconfigure(); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_item_select_on_focus_disabled_get(void) { return _elm_config->item_select_on_focus_disable; } EAPI void elm_config_item_select_on_focus_disabled_set(Eina_Bool disable) { _elm_config->item_select_on_focus_disable = !!disable; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_first_item_focus_on_first_focusin_get(void) { return _elm_config->first_item_focus_on_first_focus_in; } EAPI void elm_config_first_item_focus_on_first_focusin_set(Eina_Bool enable) { _elm_config->first_item_focus_on_first_focus_in = !!enable; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_scroll_bounce_enabled_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_enable; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_bounce_enabled_set(Eina_Bool enabled) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_enable = enabled; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_bounce_friction_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_friction; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_bounce_friction_set(double friction) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_bounce_friction = friction; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_page_scroll_friction_get(void) { return _elm_config->page_scroll_friction; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_page_scroll_friction_set(double friction) { _elm_config->page_scroll_friction = friction; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_bring_in_scroll_friction_get(void) { return _elm_config->bring_in_scroll_friction; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_bring_in_scroll_friction_set(double friction) { _elm_config->bring_in_scroll_friction = friction; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_zoom_friction_get(void) { return _elm_config->zoom_friction; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_zoom_friction_set(double friction) { _elm_config->zoom_friction = friction; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_enabled_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_enable; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_enabled_set(Eina_Bool enabled) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_enable = enabled; } EAPI unsigned int elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_threshold_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_threshold; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_threshold_set(unsigned int threshold) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_threshold = threshold; } EAPI unsigned int elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_hold_threshold_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_hold_threshold; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_hold_threshold_set(unsigned int threshold) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_hold_threshold = threshold; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_momentum_threshold_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_momentum_threshold; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_momentum_threshold_set(double threshold) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_momentum_threshold = threshold; } EAPI unsigned int elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_flick_distance_tolerance_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_flick_distance_tolerance; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_flick_distance_tolerance_set(unsigned int distance) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_flick_distance_tolerance = distance; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_friction_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_friction; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_friction_set(double friction) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_friction = friction; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_min_friction_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_min_friction; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_min_friction_set(double friction) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_min_friction = friction; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_friction_standard_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_friction_standard; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_friction_standard_set(double standard) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_friction_standard = standard; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_border_friction_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_border_friction; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_border_friction_set(double friction) { if (friction < 0.0) friction = 0.0; if (friction > 1.0) friction = 1.0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_border_friction = friction; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_sensitivity_friction_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_sensitivity_friction; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_context_menu_disabled_get(void) { return _elm_config->context_menu_disabled; } EAPI void elm_config_context_menu_disabled_set(Eina_Bool disabled) { _elm_config->context_menu_disabled = !!disabled; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_sensitivity_friction_set(double friction) { if (friction < 0.1) friction = 0.1; if (friction > 1.0) friction = 1.0; _elm_config->thumbscroll_sensitivity_friction = friction; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_smooth_start_get(void) { return _elm_config->scroll_smooth_start_enable; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_smooth_start_set(Eina_Bool enable) { _elm_config->scroll_smooth_start_enable = enable; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_scroll_animation_disable_get(void) { return _elm_config->scroll_animation_disable; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_animation_disable_set(Eina_Bool disable) { _elm_config->scroll_animation_disable = !!disable; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_accel_factor_set(double factor) { if (factor < 0.0) factor = 0.0; if (factor > 10.0) factor = 10.0; _elm_config->scroll_accel_factor = factor; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_accel_factor_get(void) { return _elm_config->scroll_accel_factor; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_smooth_amount_set(double amount) { if (amount < 0.0) amount = 0.0; if (amount > 1.0) amount = 1.0; _elm_config->scroll_smooth_amount = amount; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_smooth_amount_get(void) { return _elm_config->scroll_smooth_amount; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_smooth_time_window_set(double amount) { if (amount < 0.0) amount = 0.0; if (amount > 1.0) amount = 1.0; _elm_config->scroll_smooth_time_window = amount; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_smooth_time_window_get(void) { return _elm_config->scroll_smooth_time_window; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_acceleration_threshold_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_threshold; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_acceleration_threshold_set(double threshold) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_threshold = threshold; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_acceleration_time_limit_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_time_limit; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_acceleration_time_limit_set(double time_limit) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_time_limit = time_limit; } EAPI double elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_acceleration_weight_get(void) { return _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_weight; } EAPI void elm_config_scroll_thumbscroll_acceleration_weight_set(double weight) { _elm_config->thumbscroll_acceleration_weight = weight; } EAPI Elm_Focus_Autoscroll_Mode elm_config_focus_autoscroll_mode_get(void) { return _elm_config->focus_autoscroll_mode; } EAPI void elm_config_slider_indicator_visible_mode_set(Elm_Slider_Indicator_Visible_Mode mode) { _elm_config->slider_indicator_visible_mode = mode; } EAPI Elm_Slider_Indicator_Visible_Mode elm_config_slider_indicator_visible_mode_get(void) { return _elm_config->slider_indicator_visible_mode; } EAPI void elm_config_focus_autoscroll_mode_set(Elm_Focus_Autoscroll_Mode mode) { _elm_config->focus_autoscroll_mode = mode; } EAPI void elm_config_longpress_timeout_set(double longpress_timeout) { _elm_config->longpress_timeout = longpress_timeout; } EAPI double elm_config_longpress_timeout_get(void) { return _elm_config->longpress_timeout; } EAPI void elm_config_softcursor_mode_set(Elm_Softcursor_Mode mode) { _elm_config->softcursor_mode = mode; } EAPI Elm_Softcursor_Mode elm_config_softcursor_mode_get(void) { return _elm_config->softcursor_mode; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_disable_external_menu_get(void) { return _elm_config->disable_external_menu; } EAPI void elm_config_disable_external_menu_set(Eina_Bool disable) { _elm_config->disable_external_menu = !!disable; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_clouseau_enabled_get(void) { return _elm_config->clouseau_enable; } EAPI void elm_config_clouseau_enabled_set(Eina_Bool enable) { _elm_config->clouseau_enable = !!enable; _elm_clouseau_reload(); } EAPI double elm_config_glayer_long_tap_start_timeout_get(void) { return _elm_config->glayer_long_tap_start_timeout; } EAPI void elm_config_glayer_long_tap_start_timeout_set(double long_tap_timeout) { _elm_config->glayer_long_tap_start_timeout = long_tap_timeout; } EAPI double elm_config_glayer_double_tap_timeout_get(void) { return _elm_config->glayer_double_tap_timeout; } EAPI void elm_config_glayer_double_tap_timeout_set(double double_tap_timeout) { _elm_config->glayer_double_tap_timeout = double_tap_timeout; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_magnifier_enable_get(void) { return _elm_config->magnifier_enable; } EAPI void elm_config_magnifier_enable_set(Eina_Bool enable) { _elm_config->magnifier_enable = !!enable; } EAPI double elm_config_magnifier_scale_get(void) { return _elm_config->magnifier_scale; } EAPI void elm_config_magnifier_scale_set(double scale) { _elm_config->magnifier_scale = scale; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_audio_mute_get(Edje_Channel channel) { switch (channel) { case EDJE_CHANNEL_EFFECT: return _elm_config->audio_mute_effect; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_BACKGROUND: return _elm_config->audio_mute_background; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_MUSIC: return _elm_config->audio_mute_music; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_FOREGROUND: return _elm_config->audio_mute_foreground; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_INTERFACE: return _elm_config->audio_mute_interface; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_INPUT: return _elm_config->audio_mute_input; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_ALERT: return _elm_config->audio_mute_alert; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_ALL: return _elm_config->audio_mute_all; break; default: break; } return EINA_FALSE; } EAPI void elm_config_audio_mute_set(Edje_Channel channel, Eina_Bool mute) { switch (channel) { case EDJE_CHANNEL_EFFECT: _elm_config->audio_mute_effect = mute; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_BACKGROUND: _elm_config->audio_mute_background = mute; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_MUSIC: _elm_config->audio_mute_music = mute; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_FOREGROUND: _elm_config->audio_mute_foreground = mute; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_INTERFACE: _elm_config->audio_mute_interface = mute; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_INPUT: _elm_config->audio_mute_input = mute; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_ALERT: _elm_config->audio_mute_alert = mute; break; case EDJE_CHANNEL_ALL: _elm_config->audio_mute_all = mute; break; default: break; } edje_audio_channel_mute_set(channel, mute); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_window_auto_focus_enable_get(void) { return _elm_config->win_auto_focus_enable; } EAPI void elm_config_window_auto_focus_enable_set(Eina_Bool enable) { _elm_config->win_auto_focus_enable = enable; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_config_window_auto_focus_animate_get(void) { return _elm_config->win_auto_focus_animate; } EAPI void elm_config_window_auto_focus_animate_set(Eina_Bool enable) { _elm_config->win_auto_focus_animate = enable; } EAPI void elm_config_all_flush(void) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; int ok = 0; size_t len; len = _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "themes/"); if (len + 1 >= sizeof(buf)) return; ok = ecore_file_mkpath(buf); if (!ok) { ERR("Problem accessing Elementary's user configuration directory: %s", buf); return; } len = _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config"); if (len + 1 >= sizeof(buf)) return; ok = ecore_file_mkpath(buf); if (!ok) { ERR("Problem accessing Elementary's user configuration directory: %s", buf); return; } if (!_elm_config_profile_save(NULL)) { ERR("Failed to save profile"); return; } elm_config_save(); return; } static void _translation_init(void) { #ifdef ENABLE_NLS const char *cur_dom = textdomain(NULL); const char *trans_comment = gettext(""); const char *msg_locale = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, NULL); /* Same concept as what glib does: * We shouldn't translate if there are no translations for the * application in the current locale + domain. (Unless locale is * en_/C where translating only parts of the interface make some * sense). */ _elm_config->translate = !(strcmp (cur_dom, "messages") && !*trans_comment && strncmp (msg_locale, "en_", 3) && strcmp (msg_locale, "C")); /* Get RTL orientation from system */ if (_elm_config->translate) { bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALE_DIR); _elm_config->is_mirrored = !strcmp(E_("default:LTR"), "default:RTL"); } #endif } void _elm_config_init(void) { if (!ELM_EVENT_CONFIG_ALL_CHANGED) ELM_EVENT_CONFIG_ALL_CHANGED = ecore_event_type_new(); _desc_init(); _elm_config_profile_derived_init(); _profile_fetch_from_conf(); _config_load(); _env_get(); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_accel_preference, eina_stringshare_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_gl_preference, eina_stringshare_del); _translation_init(); _config_apply(); _elm_config_font_overlay_apply(); _elm_config_color_overlay_apply(); _elm_recache(); _elm_clouseau_reload(); _elm_config_key_binding_hash(); } void _elm_config_sub_shutdown(void) { #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_X if (ecore_x_display_get()) ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_WL2 if (_elm_wl_display) { ecore_wl2_display_disconnect(_elm_wl_display); ecore_wl2_shutdown(); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_WIN32 ecore_win32_shutdown(); #endif ELM_SAFE_FREE(_eio_config_monitor, eio_monitor_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_eio_profile_monitor, eio_monitor_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_config_change_delay_timer, ecore_timer_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_config_profile_change_delay_timer, ecore_timer_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_monitor_file_created_handler, ecore_event_handler_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_monitor_directory_created_handler, ecore_event_handler_del); } static Eina_Bool _config_profile_change_delay_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { char *pprof = NULL; if (_elm_profile) pprof = strdup(_elm_profile); _profile_fetch_from_conf(); if ((!pprof) || (!(!strcmp(pprof, _elm_profile)))) { _config_flush_get(); } free(pprof); _config_profile_change_delay_timer = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static Eina_Bool _config_change_delay_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { _elm_config_reload(); _config_change_delay_timer = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static Eina_Bool _elm_config_file_monitor_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type, void *event) { Eio_Monitor_Event *ev = event; const char *file = ecore_file_file_get(ev->filename); char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (ev->monitor == _eio_config_monitor) { if (type == EIO_MONITOR_FILE_CREATED) { if (!strcmp(file, "base.cfg")) { if (_config_change_delay_timer) ecore_timer_del(_config_change_delay_timer); _config_change_delay_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.1, _config_change_delay_cb, NULL); } } } if (ev->monitor == _eio_profile_monitor) { if (type == EIO_MONITOR_FILE_CREATED) { if ((!_config_profile_lock) && (!strcmp(file, "profile.cfg"))) { if (_config_profile_change_delay_timer) ecore_timer_del(_config_profile_change_delay_timer); _config_profile_change_delay_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.1, _config_profile_change_delay_cb, NULL); } } else if (type == EIO_MONITOR_DIRECTORY_CREATED) { if (!_eio_config_monitor) { _eio_config_monitor = eio_monitor_add(ev->filename); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/base.cfg", ev->filename); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) { if (_config_change_delay_timer) ecore_timer_del(_config_change_delay_timer); _config_change_delay_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.1, _config_change_delay_cb, NULL); } } } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } void _elm_config_sub_init(void) { #if defined(HAVE_ELEMENTARY_X) || defined(HAVE_ELEMENTARY_WL2) || defined(HAVE_ELEMENTARY_WIN32) const char *ev = getenv("ELM_DISPLAY"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_X Eina_Bool init_x = EINA_FALSE; Eina_Bool have_display = !!getenv("DISPLAY"); if (ev) /* If ELM_DISPLAY is specified */ { if (!strcmp(ev, "x11")) /* and it is X11 */ { if (!have_display) /* if there is no $DISPLAY */ { ERR("$ELM_DISPLAY is set to x11 but $DISPLAY is not set"); init_x = EINA_FALSE; } else /* if there is */ init_x = EINA_TRUE; } else /* not X11 */ init_x = EINA_FALSE; } else /* ELM_DISPLAY not specified */ { if (have_display) /* If there is a $DISPLAY */ init_x = EINA_TRUE; else /* No $DISPLAY */ init_x = EINA_FALSE; } if (init_x) { ecore_x_init(NULL); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_WL2 Eina_Bool init_wl = EINA_FALSE; Eina_Bool have_wl_display = !!getenv("WAYLAND_DISPLAY"); if (ev) /* If ELM_DISPLAY is specified */ { if (!strcmp(ev, "wl")) /* and it is X11 */ { if (!have_wl_display) /* if there is no $DISPLAY */ { ERR("$ELM_DISPLAY is set to wl but $WAYLAND_DISPLAY is not set"); init_wl = EINA_FALSE; } else /* if there is */ init_wl = EINA_TRUE; } else /* not wl */ init_wl = EINA_FALSE; } else /* ELM_DISPLAY not specified */ { if (have_wl_display) /* If there is a $WAYLAND_DISPLAY */ init_wl = EINA_TRUE; else /* No $WAYLAND_DISPLAY */ init_wl = EINA_FALSE; } if (init_wl) { if (!ecore_wl2_init()) { ERR("Could not initialize Ecore_Wl2"); goto end; } _elm_wl_display = ecore_wl2_display_connect(NULL); if (!_elm_wl_display) { ERR("Could not connect to Wayland Display"); goto end; } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_COCOA ecore_cocoa_init(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_WIN32 ecore_win32_init(); #endif char buf[PATH_MAX]; int ok = 0; _elm_config_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "config"); ok = ecore_file_mkpath(buf); if (!ok) { ERR("Problem accessing Elementary's user configuration directory: %s", buf); goto end; } _eio_profile_monitor = eio_monitor_add(buf); _monitor_file_created_handler = ecore_event_handler_add (EIO_MONITOR_FILE_CREATED, _elm_config_file_monitor_cb, NULL); _monitor_directory_created_handler = ecore_event_handler_add (EIO_MONITOR_DIRECTORY_CREATED, _elm_config_file_monitor_cb, NULL); end: _config_sub_apply(); } void _elm_config_reload(void) { Eina_Bool is_mirrored; Eina_Bool translate; is_mirrored = _elm_config->is_mirrored; translate = _elm_config->translate; _config_free(_elm_config); _elm_config = NULL; _config_load(); /* restore prev value which is not part of the EET file */ _elm_config->is_mirrored = is_mirrored; _elm_config->translate = translate; _config_apply(); _elm_config_font_overlay_apply(); _elm_config_color_overlay_apply(); _elm_rescale(); _elm_recache(); _elm_clouseau_reload(); _elm_config_key_binding_hash(); ecore_event_add(ELM_EVENT_CONFIG_ALL_CHANGED, NULL, NULL, NULL); } void _elm_config_engine_set(const char *engine) { eina_stringshare_replace(&(_elm_config->engine), engine); } EAPI const char * elm_config_preferred_engine_get(void) { return _elm_preferred_engine; } EAPI void elm_config_preferred_engine_set(const char *engine) { if (engine) eina_stringshare_replace(&(_elm_preferred_engine), engine); else { ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_preferred_engine, eina_stringshare_del); } } EAPI const char * elm_config_accel_preference_get(void) { if (_elm_gl_preference) return _elm_gl_preference; if (_elm_accel_preference) return _elm_accel_preference; return _elm_config->accel; } EAPI void elm_config_accel_preference_set(const char *pref) { if (pref) { Eina_Bool is_hw_accel = EINA_FALSE; unsigned int tokens = 0, i; char **arr; /* Accel preference's string has the window surface configuration as a hw accel, depth, stencil and msaa. * The string format is "{HW Accel}:depth{value}:stencil{value}:msaa{msaa string}" * Especially, msaa string is related Evas GL MSAA enum value(low, mid, high) * so msaa string has four types as msaa, msaa_low, msaa_mid, msaa_high * For instance, "opengl:depth24:stencil8:msaa_high". * It means that using hw accelation, window surface depth buffer's size is 24, stencil buffer's size 8 and msaa bits is the highest. * The other use-case is "opengl:depth24". * It measn that using hw accelation, depth buffer size is 24. stencil and msaa are not used. * The simple case is "opengl:depth:stencil:msaa". * It means that depth, stencil and msaa are setted by pre-defined value(depth:24, stencil:8, msaa:low) */ DBG("accel preference's string: %s",pref); /* full string */ eina_stringshare_replace(&(_elm_gl_preference), pref); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_accel_preference, eina_stringshare_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_config->accel, eina_stringshare_del); /* split GL items (hw accel, gl depth, gl stencil, gl msaa */ arr = eina_str_split_full(pref, ":", 0, &tokens); for (i = 0; arr && arr[i]; i++) { if ((!strcasecmp(arr[i], "gl")) || (!strcasecmp(arr[i], "opengl")) || (!strcasecmp(arr[i], "3d")) || (!strcasecmp(arr[i], "hw")) || (!strcasecmp(arr[i], "accel")) || (!strcasecmp(arr[i], "hardware")) ) { eina_stringshare_replace(&(_elm_accel_preference), arr[i]); eina_stringshare_replace(&(_elm_config->accel), arr[i]); is_hw_accel = EINA_TRUE; } else if (!strncmp(arr[i], "depth", 5)) { char *value_str = arr[i] + 5; if ((value_str) && (isdigit(*value_str))) _elm_config->gl_depth = atoi(value_str); else _elm_config->gl_depth = 24; } else if (!strncmp(arr[i], "stencil", 7)) { char *value_str = arr[i] + 7; if ((value_str) && (isdigit(*value_str))) _elm_config->gl_stencil = atoi(value_str); else _elm_config->gl_stencil = 8; } else if (!strncmp(arr[i], "msaa_low", 8)) _elm_config->gl_msaa = 1; // 1 means msaa low else if (!strncmp(arr[i], "msaa_mid", 8)) _elm_config->gl_msaa = 2; // 2 means msaa mid else if (!strncmp(arr[i], "msaa_high", 9)) _elm_config->gl_msaa = 4; // 4 means msaa high else if (!strncmp(arr[i], "msaa", 4)) _elm_config->gl_msaa = 1; // 1 means msaa low } DBG("accel: %s", _elm_accel_preference); DBG("gl depth: %d", _elm_config->gl_depth); DBG("gl stencil: %d", _elm_config->gl_stencil); DBG("gl msaa: %d", _elm_config->gl_msaa); free(arr[0]); free(arr); if (is_hw_accel == EINA_FALSE) { ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_accel_preference, eina_stringshare_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_config->accel, eina_stringshare_del); } } else { ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_gl_preference, eina_stringshare_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_accel_preference, eina_stringshare_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_config->accel, eina_stringshare_del); } } EAPI const char * elm_config_indicator_service_get(int rotation) { switch (rotation) { case 0: return _elm_config->indicator_service_0; case 90: return _elm_config->indicator_service_90; case 180: return _elm_config->indicator_service_180; case 270: return _elm_config->indicator_service_270; default: return NULL; } } EAPI void elm_config_transition_duration_factor_set(double factor) { if (factor < 0.0) return; if (_elm_config->transition_duration_factor == factor) return; _elm_config->transition_duration_factor = factor; edje_transition_duration_factor_set(_elm_config->transition_duration_factor); } EAPI double elm_config_transition_duration_factor_get(void) { return _elm_config->transition_duration_factor; } EAPI void elm_config_web_backend_set(const char *backend) { if (_elm_web_init(backend)) _elm_config->web_backend = backend; } EAPI const char * elm_config_web_backend_get(void) { return _elm_config->web_backend; } void _elm_config_profile_set(const char *profile) { Eina_Bool is_mirrored; Eina_Bool translate; is_mirrored = _elm_config->is_mirrored; translate = _elm_config->translate; if (!profile) return; if (_elm_profile) { if (!strcmp(_elm_profile, profile)) return; free(_elm_profile); } _elm_profile = strdup(profile); _color_overlays_cancel(); _config_free(_elm_config); _elm_config = NULL; _config_load(); /* restore prev value which is not part of the EET file */ _elm_config->is_mirrored = is_mirrored; _elm_config->translate = translate; _config_apply(); _elm_config_font_overlay_apply(); _elm_config_color_overlay_apply(); _elm_rescale(); _elm_recache(); _elm_clouseau_reload(); _elm_config_key_binding_hash(); } void _elm_config_shutdown(void) { ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_config, _config_free); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_preferred_engine, eina_stringshare_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_accel_preference, eina_stringshare_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_profile, free); _elm_font_overlays_del_free(); _elm_config_profile_derived_shutdown(); _desc_shutdown(); ELM_SAFE_FREE(_elm_key_bindings, eina_hash_free); }