abstract Elm.Widget (Evas.Object_Smart, Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible, Elm_Interface_Atspi_Component) { eo_prefix: elm_obj_widget; data: Elm_Widget_Smart_Data; methods { @property focus { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { focus: bool; } } @property drag_lock_y { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { lock: bool; } } @property focus_highlight_style { set { /*@ This function set the widget focus highlight style. */ return: bool; } get { /*@ This function returns the widget focus highlight style. */ } values { style: const(char)*; } } @property tree_unfocusable { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { tree_unfocusable: bool; } } @property mirrored { set { /*@ Sets the widget's mirrored mode. */ } get { /*@ Returns the widget's mirrored mode. */ } values { mirrored: bool; } } @property theme { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { th: Elm_Theme * @nullable; } } @property disabled { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { disabled: bool; } } @property highlight_ignore { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { ignore: bool; } } @property mirrored_automatic { set { /*@ Sets the widget's mirrored mode setting. */ } get { /*@ Returns the widget's mirrored mode setting. */ } values { automatic: bool; } } @property orientation_mode_disabled { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { disabled: bool; } } @property style { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { style: const(char)*; } } @property scale { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { scale: double; } } @property focus_custom_chain { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ values { objs: list*; } } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ values { objs: const(list)*; } } } @property can_focus { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { can_focus: bool; } } @property highlight_in_theme { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { highlight: bool; } } @property parent { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { parent: Evas.Object * @nullable; } } @property access_info { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { txt: const(char)* @nullable; } } @property drag_lock_x { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { lock: bool; } } @property access_highlight_in_theme { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { highlight: bool; /*@ highlight */ } } @property parent_highlight { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { highlighted: bool; } } @property theme_object { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; } values { edj: Evas.Object *; wname: const(char)*; welement: const(char)*; wstyle: const(char)*; } } @property hover_object { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { sobj: Evas.Object * @nullable; } } @property display_mode { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { dispmode: Evas_Display_Mode; } } @property on_show_region_hook { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { func: region_hook_func_type @nullable; data: void * @optional; } } @property domain_part_text_translatable { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { part: const(char)*; domain: const(char)*; translatable: bool; } } @property orientation { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { rotation: int; } } @property resize_object { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { sobj: Evas.Object * @nullable; sub_obj: bool; } } @property domain_translatable_part_text { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { part: const(char)*; domain: const(char)*; label: const(char)*; } } @property scrollable_children { get { /*@ Function to operate on a given widget's scrollabe children when necessary. @warning free the returned list with eina_list_free(). */ return: free(own(list *), eina_list_free) @warn_unused; } } @property scroll_hold { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: int; } } @property drag_child_locked_y { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: int; } } @property item_loop_enabled { set { /*@ Set enable or disable item loop feature. */ } get { /*@ Get the value whether item loop feature is enabled or not. */ } values { enable: bool; } } @property child_can_focus { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; } } @property scroll_freeze { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: int; } } @property focus_region { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; } values { x: Evas.Coord; y: Evas.Coord; w: Evas.Coord; h: Evas.Coord; } } @property top { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: Evas.Object *; } } @property focus_order { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: uint; } } @property drag_child_locked_x { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: int; } } @property can_focus_child_list { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: free(own(list *), eina_list_free) @warn_unused; } } @property focused_item { get { /*@ Get the focused widget item. */ return: Elm_Object_Item *; } } @property parents_bounce { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { horiz: bool; vert: bool; } } @property parent_widget { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: Evas.Object *; legacy: null; } } @property highlight { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; } } @property focused_object { get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: Evas.Object *; } } @property parent2 { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { parent: Evas.Object * @nullable; } } @property part_text { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } keys { part: const(char)*; } values { label: const(char)*; } } newest_focus_order_get @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: Evas.Object *; params { @out newest_focus_order: uint; @in can_focus_only: bool; } } scroll_hold_push { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } cursor_add { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in cur: Elm_Cursor *; } } focus_next_object_set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in next: Evas.Object * @nullable; @in dir: Elm_Focus_Direction; } } focus_next_object_get @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: Evas.Object *; params { @in dir: Elm_Focus_Direction; } } focus_tree_unfocusable_handle { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } focus_custom_chain_prepend { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in child: Evas.Object *; @in relative_child: Evas.Object * @optional; } } part_text_translate { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: const(char)*; params { @in part: const(char)*; @in text: const(char)*; } } focus_highlight_geometry_get @const { /*@ Get the focus highlight geometry of widget. */ params { @in x: Evas.Coord *; @in y: Evas.Coord *; @in w: Evas.Coord *; @in h: Evas.Coord *; } } activate { /*@ 'Virtual' function to activate widget. */ params { @in act: Elm_Activate; } return: bool; legacy: null; /* the legacy API has not the same number of parameter to we don't generate it. */ } sub_object_add { /*@ 'Virtual' function handling sub objects being added. */ return: bool; params { @in sobj: Evas.Object *; } } focus_direction_manager_is { /*@ 'Virtual' function which checks if handling of passing focus to sub-objects in given direction is supported by widget. */ return: bool; legacy: null; } event { /*@ 'Virtual' function handling input events on the widget. */ params { @in source: Evas.Object *; @in type: Evas_Callback_Type; @in event_info: void *; } return: bool; } event_callback_add { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in func: Elm_Event_Cb; @in data: const(void)* @optional; } } access { /*@ 'Virtual' function on the widget being set access. */ params { @in acs: bool; } legacy: null; } cursor_del { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in cur: Elm_Cursor *; } } event_callback_del { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: void *; params { @in func: Elm_Event_Cb; @in data: const(void)* @nullable; } } on_focus { /*@ 'Virtual' function handling focus in/out events on the widget. return EINA_TRUE if this widget can handle focus, EINA_FALSE otherwise */ return: bool; } on_focus_region { /*@ 'Virtual' function returning an inner area of a widget that should be brought into the visible area of a broader viewport, may this context arise. */ params { @out x: Evas.Coord; @out y: Evas.Coord; @out w: Evas.Coord; @out h: Evas.Coord; } return: bool; } focus_cycle { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in dir: Elm_Focus_Direction; } } focus_direction { /*@ 'Virtual' function handling passing focus to sub-objects given a direction, in degrees. */ params { @in base: const(Evas.Object)*; @in degree: double; @out direction: Evas.Object *; @out weight: double; } return: bool; } event_propagate { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; params { @in type: Evas_Callback_Type; @in event_info: void *; @in event_flags: Evas_Event_Flags *; } } signal_callback_add { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in emission: const(char)*; @in source: const(char)*; @in func: Edje_Signal_Cb; @in data: void *; } } focus_next_manager_is { /*@ 'Virtual' function which checks if handling of passing focus to sub-objects is supported by widget. */ return: bool; } name_find @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: Evas.Object *; params { @in name: const(char)*; @in recurse: int; } } focus_list_direction_get @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; params { @in base: const(Evas.Object)*; @in items: const(list)*; @in list_data_get: list_data_get_func_type; @in degree: double; @out direction: Evas.Object *; @out weight: double; } } focused_object_clear { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } focus_direction_go { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; params { @in degree: double; } } show_region_set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in x: Evas.Coord; @in y: Evas.Coord; @in w: Evas.Coord; @in h: Evas.Coord; @in forceshow: bool; } } show_region_get @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @out x: Evas.Coord @optional; @out y: Evas.Coord @optional; @out w: Evas.Coord @optional; @out h: Evas.Coord @optional; } } scroll_freeze_pop { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } tooltip_del { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in tt: Elm_Tooltip *; } } focus_next_get @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; params { @in dir: Elm_Focus_Direction; @out next: Evas.Object *; } } translatable_part_text_get @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: const(char)*; params { @in part: const(char)*; } } focus_restore { /*@ @internal Restore the focus state of the sub-tree. This API will restore the focus state of the sub-tree to the latest state. If a sub-tree is unfocused and wants to get back to the latest focus state, this API will be helpful. @ingroup Widget */ } scroll_hold_pop { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } translate { /*@ 'Virtual' function handling language changes on Elementary. */ return: bool; legacy: null; } scroll_freeze_push { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } focus_custom_chain_unset { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } focus_steal { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } focus_hide_handle { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } focus_next { /*@ 'Virtual' function handling passing focus to sub-objects. */ params { @in dir: Elm_Focus_Direction; @out next: Evas.Object *; } return: bool; } focus_list_next_get @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; params { @in items: const(list)*; @in list_data_get: list_data_get_func_type; @in dir: Elm_Focus_Direction; @out next: Evas.Object *; } } focus_mouse_up_handle { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ legacy: null; } theme_apply { /*@ 'Virtual' function on the widget being re-themed. */ return: bool; } focus_direction_get @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: bool; params { @in base: const(Evas.Object)*; @in degree: double; @out direction: Evas.Object *; @out weight: double; } } signal_callback_del { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ return: void *; params { @in emission: const(char)*; @in source: const(char)*; @in func: Edje_Signal_Cb; } } signal_emit { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in emission: const(char)*; @in source: const(char)*; } } disable { /*@ 'Virtual' function on the widget being disabled. */ return: bool; } sub_object_del { /*@ 'Virtual' function handling sub objects being removed. */ return: bool; params { @in sobj: Evas.Object *; } } tooltip_add { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in tt: Elm_Tooltip *; } } focus_region_show @const { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } focus_disabled_handle { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } focus_custom_chain_append { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ params { @in child: Evas.Object *; @in relative_child: Evas.Object * @optional; } } @property focus_move_policy { set { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } get { /*@ No description supplied by the EAPI. */ } values { policy: Elm_Focus_Move_Policy; } } } implements { class.constructor; Eo.Base.constructor; Eo.Base.destructor; Eo.Base.dbg_info_get; Evas.Object_Smart.hide; Evas.Object_Smart.calculate; Evas.Object_Smart.clip_unset; Evas.Object_Smart.show; Evas.Object_Smart.color.set; Evas.Object_Smart.move; Evas.Object_Smart.member_del; Evas.Object_Smart.add; Evas.Object_Smart.del; Evas.Object_Smart.clip.set; Evas.Object_Smart.member_add; Evas.Object_Smart.resize; @virtual .focus_direction; @virtual .focus_next; @virtual .parent_widget.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.name.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.description.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.description.set; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.role.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.role.set; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.state_set.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.children.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.parent.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.parent.set; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.attributes.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible.relation_set.get; Elm_Interface_Atspi_Component.focus_grab; } }