interface @beta Efl.Ui.I18n { [[A common Internationalization interface for UI objects.]] c_prefix: efl_ui; methods { @property mirrored { [[Whether this object should be mirrored. If mirrored, an object is in RTL (right to left) mode instead of LTR (left to right). ]] values { rtl: bool(false); [[$true for RTL, $false for LTR (default).]] } } @property mirrored_automatic { [[Whether the property @.mirrored should be set automatically. If enabled, the system or application configuration will be used to set the value of @.mirrored. This property may be implemented by high-level widgets (in Efl.Ui) but not by low-level widgets (in @Efl.Canvas.Scene) as the configuration should affect only high-level widgets. ]] values { automatic: bool(true); [[Whether the widget uses automatic mirroring]] } } @property language { [[The (human) language for this object.]] set { } get { } values { language: string; [[The current language.]] } } } }