This folder content: common - common sources necessary to build efl with MSVC sys - gettimeofday function implementation time.c - source time.h - header dirent.c - directory functions source dirent.h - directory functions header fnmatch.c - fnmatch function implementation source fnmatch_list_of_states.c - fnmatch auxiliary source fnmatch.h - fnmatch header fnmatch_private.h - fnmatch private header vs8 - Visual Studio 8 project files start.bat - batch script to start work with the solution evil.sln - Evil MSVC solution libdlfcn.vcproj - libdlfcn project libevil.vcproj - libevil project libmman.vcproj - libmman project set_env.bat - common environment startup MANIFEST.txt - this file README.txt - about this folder