/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_EVIL # include #endif #include #include "evas_common.h" #include "evas_private.h" #include "evas_image_private.h" #define SCALECACHE 1 #define MAX_SCALEITEMS 32 #define MIN_SCALE_USES 3 //#define MIN_SCALE_AGE_GAP 5000 #define MAX_SCALECACHE_DIM 3200 #define FLOP_ADD 4 #define MAX_FLOP_COUNT 16 #define FLOP_DEL 1 #define SCALE_CACHE_SIZE 4 * 1024 * 1024 //#define SCALE_CACHE_SIZE 0 typedef struct _Scaleitem Scaleitem; struct _Scaleitem { EINA_INLIST; unsigned long long usage; unsigned long long usage_count; RGBA_Image *im, *parent_im; int src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h; int dst_w, dst_h; int flop; int size_adjust; Eina_Bool forced_unload : 1; Eina_Bool smooth : 1; Eina_Bool populate_me : 1; }; #ifdef SCALECACHE static unsigned long long use_counter = 0; #ifdef BUILD_PTHREAD static LK(cache_lock); #endif static Eina_Inlist *cache_list = NULL; static int cache_size = 0; static int init = 0; static int max_cache_size = SCALE_CACHE_SIZE; static int max_dimension = MAX_SCALECACHE_DIM; static int max_flop_count = MAX_FLOP_COUNT; static int max_scale_items = MAX_SCALEITEMS; static int min_scale_uses = MIN_SCALE_USES; #endif void evas_common_scalecache_init(void) { #ifdef SCALECACHE const char *s; init++; if (init > 1) return; use_counter = 0; LKI(cache_lock); s = getenv("EVAS_SCALECACHE_SIZE"); if (s) max_cache_size = atoi(s) * 1024; s = getenv("EVAS_SCALECACHE_MAX_DIMENSION"); if (s) max_dimension = atoi(s); s = getenv("EVAS_SCALECACHE_MAX_FLOP_COUNT"); if (s) max_flop_count = atoi(s); s = getenv("EVAS_SCALECACHE_MAX_ITEMS"); if (s) max_scale_items = atoi(s); s = getenv("EVAS_SCALECACHE_MIN_USES"); if (s) min_scale_uses = atoi(s); #endif } void evas_common_scalecache_shutdown(void) { #ifdef SCALECACHE init--; LKD(cache_lock); #endif } void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_init(Image_Entry *ie) { #ifdef SCALECACHE RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; LKI(im->cache.lock); #endif } void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_shutdown(Image_Entry *ie) { #ifdef SCALECACHE RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_dirty(ie); LKD(im->cache.lock); #endif } void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_dirty(Image_Entry *ie) { #ifdef SCALECACHE RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; LKL(im->cache.lock); while (im->cache.list) { Scaleitem *sci; sci = im->cache.list->data; im->cache.list = eina_list_remove(im->cache.list, sci); if (sci->im) { // INF(" 0- %i", sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4); LKL(cache_lock); evas_common_rgba_image_free(&sci->im->cache_entry); if (!sci->forced_unload) cache_size -= sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4; else cache_size -= sci->size_adjust; cache_list = eina_inlist_remove(cache_list, (Eina_Inlist *)sci); LKU(cache_lock); } free(sci); } LKU(im->cache.lock); #endif } void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_orig_use(Image_Entry *ie) { #ifdef SCALECACHE RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; LKL(im->cache.lock); use_counter++; // FIXME: if orig not loaded, reload // FIXME: mark orig with current used counter im->cache.orig_usage++; im->cache.usage_count = use_counter; LKU(im->cache.lock); #endif } int evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_usage_get(Image_Entry *ie) { #ifdef SCALECACHE RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; int size = 0; Eina_List *l; Scaleitem *sci; LKL(im->cache.lock); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(im->cache.list, l, sci) { if (sci->im) size += sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4; } LKU(im->cache.lock); return size; #else return 0; #endif } #ifdef SCALECACHE static void _sci_fix_newest(RGBA_Image *im) { Eina_List *l; Scaleitem *sci; im->cache.newest_usage = 0; im->cache.newest_usage_count = 0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(im->cache.list, l, sci) { if (sci->usage > im->cache.newest_usage) im->cache.newest_usage = sci->usage; if (sci->usage_count > im->cache.newest_usage_count) im->cache.newest_usage_count = sci->usage_count; } // INF("_sci_fix_newest! -> %i", im->cache.newest_usage); } static Scaleitem * _sci_find(RGBA_Image *im, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc __UNUSED__, int smooth, int src_region_x, int src_region_y, int src_region_w, int src_region_h, int dst_region_w, int dst_region_h) { Eina_List *l; Scaleitem *sci; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(im->cache.list, l, sci) { if ( (sci->src_w == src_region_w) && (sci->src_h == src_region_h) && (sci->dst_w == dst_region_w) && (sci->dst_h == dst_region_h) && (sci->src_x == src_region_x) && (sci->src_y == src_region_y) && (sci->smooth == smooth) ) { if (im->cache.list != l) { im->cache.list = eina_list_remove_list(im->cache.list, l); im->cache.list = eina_list_prepend(im->cache.list, sci); } return sci; } } if (eina_list_count(im->cache.list) > max_scale_items) { l = eina_list_last(im->cache.list); sci = l->data; im->cache.list = eina_list_remove_list(im->cache.list, l); if ((sci->usage == im->cache.newest_usage) || (sci->usage_count == im->cache.newest_usage_count)) _sci_fix_newest(im); if (sci->im) { evas_common_rgba_image_free(&sci->im->cache_entry); if (!sci->forced_unload) cache_size -= sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4; else cache_size -= sci->size_adjust; // INF(" 1- %i", sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4); cache_list = eina_inlist_remove(cache_list, (Eina_Inlist *)sci); } if (max_scale_items < 1) return NULL; } else { if (max_scale_items < 1) return NULL; if (eina_list_count(im->cache.list) > (max_scale_items - 1)) return NULL; sci = malloc(sizeof(Scaleitem)); memset(sci, 0, sizeof(Eina_Inlist)); sci->parent_im = im; } sci->usage = 0; sci->usage_count = 0; sci->populate_me = 0; sci->smooth = smooth; sci->forced_unload = 0; sci->flop = 0; sci->im = NULL; sci->src_x = src_region_x; sci->src_y = src_region_y; sci->src_w = src_region_w; sci->src_h = src_region_h; sci->dst_w = dst_region_w; sci->dst_h = dst_region_h; im->cache.list = eina_list_prepend(im->cache.list, sci); return sci; } static void _cache_prune(Scaleitem *notsci, Eina_Bool copies_only) { Scaleitem *sci; while (cache_size > max_cache_size) { if (!cache_list) break; sci = (Scaleitem *)(cache_list); if (copies_only) { while ((sci) && (!sci->parent_im->image.data)) sci = (Scaleitem *)(((Eina_Inlist *)sci)->next); if (!sci) return; } if (sci == notsci) return; if (sci->im) { evas_common_rgba_image_free(&sci->im->cache_entry); sci->im = NULL; sci->usage = 0; sci->usage_count = 0; sci->flop += FLOP_ADD; if (!sci->forced_unload) cache_size -= sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4; else cache_size -= sci->size_adjust; // INF(" 2- %i", sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4); cache_list = eina_inlist_remove(cache_list, (Eina_Inlist *)sci); memset(sci, 0, sizeof(Eina_Inlist)); } // INF("FLUSH %i > %i", cache_size, max_cache_size); } } #endif EAPI void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_size_set(int size) { #ifdef SCALECACHE LKL(cache_lock); if (size != max_cache_size) { max_cache_size = size; _cache_prune(NULL, 1); } LKU(cache_lock); #endif } EAPI int evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_size_get(void) { #ifdef SCALECACHE int t; LKL(cache_lock); t = max_cache_size; LKU(cache_lock); return t; #else return 0; #endif } EAPI void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_flush(void) { #ifdef SCALECACHE int t; LKL(cache_lock); t = max_cache_size; max_cache_size = 0; _cache_prune(NULL, 1); max_cache_size = t; LKU(cache_lock); #endif } EAPI void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_prepare(Image_Entry *ie, RGBA_Image *dst __UNUSED__, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int smooth, int src_region_x, int src_region_y, int src_region_w, int src_region_h, int dst_region_x __UNUSED__, int dst_region_y __UNUSED__, int dst_region_w, int dst_region_h) { #ifdef SCALECACHE RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; Scaleitem *sci; if (!im->image.data) return; if ((dst_region_w == 0) || (dst_region_h == 0) || (src_region_w == 0) || (src_region_h == 0)) return; LKL(im->cache.lock); use_counter++; if ((src_region_w == dst_region_w) && (src_region_h == dst_region_h)) { // 1:1 scale. im->cache.orig_usage++; im->cache.usage_count = use_counter; LKU(im->cache.lock); return; } if ((!im->cache_entry.flags.alpha) && (!smooth)) { // solid nearest scaling - it's actually the same speed cached or not, // or in some cases faster not cached im->cache.orig_usage++; im->cache.usage_count = use_counter; LKU(im->cache.lock); return; } LKL(cache_lock); sci = _sci_find(im, dc, smooth, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); if (!sci) { LKU(cache_lock); LKU(im->cache.lock); return; } // INF("%10i | %4i %4i %4ix%4i -> %4i %4i %4ix%4i | %i", // (int)use_counter, // src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, // dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h, // smooth); if ((sci->usage >= min_scale_uses) && (ie->scale_hint != EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_DYNAMIC) // && (sci->usage_count > (use_counter - MIN_SCALE_AGE_GAP)) ) { if (!sci->im) { if ((sci->dst_w < max_dimension) && (sci->dst_h < max_dimension)) { if (sci->flop <= max_flop_count) { sci->populate_me = 1; im->cache.populate_count++; } } } } sci->usage++; sci->usage_count = use_counter; LKU(cache_lock); if (sci->usage > im->cache.newest_usage) im->cache.newest_usage = sci->usage; // INF("newset? %p %i > %i", im, // (int)sci->usage, // (int)im->cache.newest_usage); if (sci->usage_count > im->cache.newest_usage_count) im->cache.newest_usage_count = sci->usage_count; // INF(" -------------- used %8i#, %8i@", (int)sci->usage, (int)sci->usage_count); LKU(im->cache.lock); #endif } #ifdef SCALECACHE //static int pops = 0; //static int hits = 0; //static int misses = 0; //static int noscales = 0; #endif EAPI void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_do(Image_Entry *ie, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int smooth, int src_region_x, int src_region_y, int src_region_w, int src_region_h, int dst_region_x, int dst_region_y, int dst_region_w, int dst_region_h) { #ifdef SCALECACHE RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; Scaleitem *sci; int didpop = 0; int dounload = 0; /* static int i = 0; i++; if (i > 2000) { INF("p: %6i, h: %6i, m: %6i, n: %6i", pops, hits, misses, noscales); i = 0; } */ if ((dst_region_w == 0) || (dst_region_h == 0) || (src_region_w == 0) || (src_region_h == 0)) return; LKL(im->cache.lock); if ((src_region_w == dst_region_w) && (src_region_h == dst_region_h)) { if (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); evas_common_image_colorspace_normalize(im); // noscales++; if (im->image.data) { if (smooth) evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_smooth(im, dst, dc, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); else evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_sample(im, dst, dc, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); } LKU(im->cache.lock); return; } LKL(cache_lock); sci = _sci_find(im, dc, smooth, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); LKU(cache_lock); if (!sci) { if (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); evas_common_image_colorspace_normalize(im); // misses++; LKU(im->cache.lock); if (im->image.data) { if (smooth) evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_smooth(im, dst, dc, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); else evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_sample(im, dst, dc, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); } return; } if (sci->populate_me) { int size, osize, used; size = dst_region_w * dst_region_h; if (((((dst_region_w > 640) || (dst_region_h > 640)) && (size > (480 * 480))) || (ie->scale_hint == EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC)) && (ie->scale_hint != EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_DYNAMIC)) { Eina_List *l; Scaleitem *sci2; dounload = 1; osize = sci->parent_im->cache_entry.w * sci->parent_im->cache_entry.h; used = 0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(im->cache.list, l, sci2) { if (sci2->im) used += sci2->dst_w * sci2->dst_h; } if ((size < osize) && (used == 0)) sci->size_adjust = 0; else { osize -= used; if (osize < 0) osize = 0; size -= osize; sci->size_adjust = size * 4; } } else { size *= sizeof(DATA32); if ((cache_size + size) > max_cache_size) { sci->populate_me = 0; im->cache.populate_count--; } } } if (sci->populate_me) { // INF("##! populate!"); sci->im = evas_common_image_new (dst_region_w, dst_region_h, im->cache_entry.flags.alpha); if (sci->im) { static RGBA_Draw_Context *ct = NULL; LKL(cache_lock); im->cache.orig_usage++; im->cache.usage_count = use_counter; im->cache.populate_count--; // pops++; if (!ct) { // FIXME: static ct - never can free on shutdown? not a leak // or real harm - just annoying valgrind bitch ct = evas_common_draw_context_new(); evas_common_draw_context_set_render_op(ct, _EVAS_RENDER_COPY); } if (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); evas_common_image_colorspace_normalize(im); if (im->image.data) { if (smooth) evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_smooth (im, sci->im, ct, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, 0, 0, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); else evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_sample (im, sci->im, ct, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, 0, 0, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); sci->populate_me = 0; #if 0 // visual debug of cached images { int xx, yy; DATA32 *pp; pp = sci->im->image.data; for (yy = 0; yy < dst_region_h; yy++) { for (xx = 0; xx < dst_region_w; xx++) { if (yy & 0x1) { if (xx & 0x1) *pp = 0x882288ff; } else { if (!(xx & 0x1)) *pp = 0x882288ff; } pp++; } } } #endif } if (dounload) { sci->forced_unload = 1; cache_size += sci->size_adjust; } else { cache_size += sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4; } // INF(" + %i @ flop: %i (%ix%i)", // sci->dst_w * sci->dst_h * 4, sci->flop, // sci->dst_w, sci->dst_h); cache_list = eina_inlist_append(cache_list, (Eina_Inlist *)sci); _cache_prune(sci, 0); LKU(cache_lock); didpop = 1; } } if (sci->im) { if (!didpop) { LKL(cache_lock); cache_list = eina_inlist_remove(cache_list, (Eina_Inlist *)sci); cache_list = eina_inlist_append(cache_list, (Eina_Inlist *)sci); LKU(cache_lock); } else { if (sci->flop > 0) sci->flop -= FLOP_DEL; } // INF("use cached!"); evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_sample (sci->im, dst, dc, 0, 0, dst_region_w, dst_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); // hits++; // INF("check %p %i < %i", // im, // (int)im->cache.orig_usage, // (int)im->cache.newest_usage); if ((dounload) || ((im->cache_entry.flags.loaded) && ((!im->cs.no_free) #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE || (ie->data1) #endif ) && (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888))) { if ((dounload) || (im->cache.orig_usage < (im->cache.newest_usage / 20))) { evas_common_rgba_image_unload(&im->cache_entry); } } LKU(im->cache.lock); } else { if (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); evas_common_image_colorspace_normalize(im); // misses++; LKU(im->cache.lock); if (im->image.data) { if (smooth) evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_smooth(im, dst, dc, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); else evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_sample(im, dst, dc, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); } } #else RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; if (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); evas_common_image_colorspace_normalize(im); if (im->image.data) { if (smooth) evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_smooth(im, dst, dc, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); else evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_sample(im, dst, dc, src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h); } #endif } #if 0 // to be done void evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_XXX(Image_Entry *ie) { #ifdef SCALECACHE RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie; LKL(im->cache.lock); // FIXME: XXX LKU(im->cache.lock); #endif } #endif