import efl_net_ssl_types; class Efl.Net.Ssl.Context (Efl.Object) { [[A SSL Context that is used to start a SSL socket wrapper. The context will contain common configurations such as certificates, private keys, certificate revocation lists (CRLs), certificate authorities (CAs) and so on. The method @.setup must be called once before @Efl.Object.finalize in order to define the mandatory operational parameters. \@note All setter methods must be called before @Efl.Object.finalize. @since 1.19 ]] methods { @property default_dialer @class { [[The default context for dialers. It will start with: - default_paths_load = true - cipher = auto - verify_mode = required - verify_hostname = true ]] get { } values { default_client_context: Efl.Net.Ssl.Context; [[Default SSL context]] } } setup { [[Defines the context mandatory operation parameters]] params { cipher: Efl.Net.Ssl.Cipher; [[Cipher to use, prefer]] is_dialer: bool; [[If $true, this SSL context is targeted at dialers connecting to a remote serer]] } } @property certificates { [[The list of paths to certificates to use. Can only be set during object construction! ]] values { paths: iterator @owned; [[Path list for certificates]] } } @property private_keys { [[The list of paths to private keys to use. Can only be set during object construction! ]] values { paths: iterator @owned; [[Path list for private keys]] } } @property certificate_revocation_lists { [[The list of paths to CRL (certificate revocation list) to use. Can only be set during object construction! ]] values { paths: iterator @owned; [[Path list for CRL's]] } } @property certificate_authorities { [[The list of paths to CA (certificate authoritie) to use. Can only be set during object construction! ]] values { paths: iterator @owned; [[Path list for CA's]] } } @property default_paths_load { [[If $true, will use system's default certificate storage Can only be set during object construction! ]] values { default_paths_load: bool; [[$if true use system default paths for loading, $false otherwise]] } } @property verify_mode { [[How to verify the remote peer.]] values { verify_mode: Efl.Net.Ssl.Verify_Mode; [[Remote verification mode]] } } @property hostname_verify { [[Defines if hostname should be verified. This will check the socket hostname (without the port in case of an IP) or the overriden value from @.hostname. ]] values { hostname_verify: bool; [[$true if the hostname will be verified, $false otherwise]] } } @property hostname { [[Defines the hostname to use for sockets. This is useful to avoid replicating a hostname in all socket wrapper with hostname_override. If NULL, then sockets wrappers will will fetch from adopted socket using address_remote or address_dial. It's only used if @.hostname_verify is $true. ]] values { hostname: string @nullable; [[Hostname for this socket]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.Object.finalize; } }