import eldbus_types; class Eldbus.Model.Method (Eldbus.Model.Arguments) { [[Eldbus model method class]] methods { @property proxy { [[Custom Eldbus_Model_Method constructor. @since 1.21]] set {} values { proxy: ptr(Eldbus.Proxy); [[Eldbus proxy]] } } @property method { [[Object]] set {} values { @cref method: Eldbus.Introspection.Method; [[The introspected interface]] } } call { [[Calls the method. The properties must have been set. The event EMODEL_EVENT_PROPERTIES_CHANGED is raised for output arguments (properties). The event ELDBUS_MODEL_METHOD_EVENT_METHOD_CALLED is raised for a successful call. Otherwise @since 1.16]] } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.finalize; } constructors { .proxy; .method; } events { successful,call; [[Event dispatched for a successful method call.]] } }