/* * Copyright 2019 by its authors. See AUTHORS. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #if !WIN32 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using static EldbusTestUtil; using static Test; public static class EldbusTestUtil { public const string DBusBus = "org.freedesktop.DBus"; public const string DBusInterface = "org.freedesktop.DBus"; public const string DBusPath = "/org/freedesktop/DBus"; [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] public delegate bool Ecore_Task_Cb(IntPtr data); } namespace TestSuite { class TestEldbusConnection { public static void eldbus_connection_new_session() { var conn = new eldbus.Connection(eldbus.Connection.Type.Session); conn.Dispose(); } public static void eldbus_connection_new_starter() { var conn = new eldbus.Connection(eldbus.Connection.Type.Starter); conn.Dispose(); } public static void eldbus_connection_new_private_session() { var conn = eldbus.Connection.GetPrivate(eldbus.Connection.Type.Session); conn.Dispose(); } public static void eldbus_connection_new_private_starter() { var conn = eldbus.Connection.GetPrivate(eldbus.Connection.Type.Starter); conn.Dispose(); } public static void eldbus_connection_get_unique_name() { var conn = new eldbus.Connection(eldbus.Connection.Type.Session); Console.WriteLine(conn.GetUniqueName()); conn.Dispose(); } } class TestEldbusObject { public static void utc_eldbus_object_send_info_get_p() { var app = Efl.App.AppMain; var conn = new eldbus.Connection(eldbus.Connection.Type.Session); var obj = new eldbus.Object(conn, DBusBus, DBusPath); string busFromObject = obj.GetBusName(); AssertEquals(DBusBus, busFromObject); string pathFromObject = obj.GetPath(); AssertEquals(DBusPath, pathFromObject); obj.Ref(); obj.Unref(); { var connectionFromObj = obj.GetConnection(); Assert(conn.Handle == connectionFromObj.Handle); connectionFromObj.Dispose(); } int messageCapture = 0; bool isSuccess = false; eldbus.MessageDelegate objectMessageCb = delegate(eldbus.Message msg, eldbus.Pending p) { try { string errname; string errmsg; if (messageCapture == 5) { if (!msg.GetError(out errname, out errmsg)) { string txt; if (msg.Get(out txt)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) isSuccess = true; } } } } finally { app.Quit(0); } }; var methodName = "GetId"; var message = obj.NewMethodCall(DBusInterface, methodName); eldbus.Pending pending = obj.Send(message, objectMessageCb, -1); AssertEquals(pending.GetMethod(), methodName); var timer = new Efl.LoopTimer(app, 2.0); timer.TimerTickEvent += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { app.Quit(0); }; messageCapture = 5; app.Begin(); Assert(isSuccess, $"Method {methodName} is not call"); timer.Dispose(); message.Dispose(); obj.Dispose(); conn.Dispose(); } public static void utc_eldbus_introspect_p() { var app = Efl.App.AppMain; var conn = new eldbus.Connection(eldbus.Connection.Type.Session); var obj = new eldbus.Object(conn, DBusBus, DBusPath); int messageCapture = 0; bool isSuccess = false; eldbus.MessageDelegate objectMessageCb = delegate(eldbus.Message msg, eldbus.Pending p) { try { string errname; string errmsg; if (messageCapture == 5) { if (!msg.GetError(out errname, out errmsg)) { string txt; if (msg.Get(out txt)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) isSuccess = true; } } } } finally { app.Quit(0); } }; eldbus.Pending pending = obj.Introspect(objectMessageCb); AssertEquals(pending.GetMethod(), "Introspect"); var timer = new Efl.LoopTimer(app, 2.0); timer.TimerTickEvent += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { app.Quit(0); }; messageCapture = 5; app.Begin(); Assert(isSuccess, "Method Introspect is not call"); timer.Dispose(); obj.Dispose(); conn.Dispose(); } } class TestEldbusMessage { private static bool isSuccess = false; private static void ActivatableList(eldbus.MessageDelegate messageCb) { isSuccess = false; var app = Efl.App.AppMain; var conn = new eldbus.Connection(eldbus.Connection.Type.Session); eldbus.Pending pending = conn.ActivatableList(messageCb); AssertEquals(pending.GetMethod(), "ListActivatableNames"); var timer = new Efl.LoopTimer(app, 2.0); timer.TimerTickEvent += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { app.Quit(0); }; app.Begin(); Assert(isSuccess, "Method ListActivatableNames is not call"); timer.Dispose(); conn.Dispose(); } public static void utc_eldbus_message_iterator_activatable_list_p() { eldbus.MessageDelegate responseMessageCb = delegate(eldbus.Message msg, eldbus.Pending p) { try { string errname, errmsg; if (msg.GetError(out errname, out errmsg)) { return; } eldbus.MessageIterator iterMain = msg.GetMessageIterator(); string signature = iterMain.GetSignature(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(signature)) { return; } eldbus.MessageIterator iterator; iterMain.Get(out iterator, signature); string bus_name; bool isHasData = false; while (iterator.GetAndNext(out bus_name)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bus_name)) { return; } isHasData = true; } isSuccess = isHasData; } finally { Efl.App.AppMain.Quit(0); } }; ActivatableList(responseMessageCb); } public static void utc_eldbus_message_info_data_get_p() { isSuccess = false; var app = Efl.App.AppMain; var conn = new eldbus.Connection(eldbus.Connection.Type.Session); string methodName = "GetId"; eldbus.Message msg = eldbus.Message.NewMethodCall(DBusBus, DBusPath, DBusInterface, methodName); string interfaceMsg = msg.GetInterface(); AssertEquals(DBusInterface, interfaceMsg); string methodMsg = msg.GetMember(); AssertEquals(methodName, methodMsg); string pathMsg = msg.GetPath(); AssertEquals(DBusPath, pathMsg); eldbus.MessageDelegate messageMethodCb = delegate(eldbus.Message m, eldbus.Pending p) { try { string errname, errmsg; if (!m.GetError(out errname, out errmsg)) { string txt; if (m.Get(out txt)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) { if (m.GetSender() == DBusBus && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.GetDestination())) { isSuccess = true; } } } } } finally { app.Quit(0); } }; const int timeoutSendMs = 1000; eldbus.Pending pending = conn.Send(msg, messageMethodCb, timeoutSendMs); AssertEquals(pending.GetMethod(), methodName); var timer = new Efl.LoopTimer(app, 2.0); timer.TimerTickEvent += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { app.Quit(0); }; app.Begin(); Assert(isSuccess, $"Method {methodName} is not call"); timer.Dispose(); msg.Dispose(); conn.Dispose(); } public static void utc_eldbus_message_ref_unref_p() { var conn = new eldbus.Connection(eldbus.Connection.Type.Session); eldbus.Message msg = eldbus.Message.NewMethodCall(DBusBus, DBusPath, DBusInterface, "GetId"); msg.Ref(); msg.Unref(); string pathMsg = msg.GetPath(); AssertEquals(DBusPath, pathMsg); msg.Unref(); msg.Own = false; msg.Dispose(); conn.Dispose(); } public static void utc_eldbus_message_iter_next_p() { eldbus.MessageDelegate activatableListResponseCb = delegate(eldbus.Message msg, eldbus.Pending p) { try { string errname, errmsg; if (msg.GetError(out errname, out errmsg)) { return; } eldbus.MessageIterator iterMain = msg.GetMessageIterator(); string signature = iterMain.GetSignature(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(signature)) { return; } eldbus.MessageIterator iterator; iterMain.Get(out iterator, signature); bool isHasData = false; do { string busName; iterator.Get(out busName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(busName)) { return; } isHasData = true; } while (iterator.Next()); isSuccess = isHasData; } finally { Efl.App.AppMain.Quit(0); } }; ActivatableList(activatableListResponseCb); } } } #endif