#include #include #include #include #include #include double get_time(void); double get_time(void) { struct timeval timev; gettimeofday(&timev, NULL); return (double)timev.tv_sec + (((double)timev.tv_usec) / 1000000); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Display *d; Visual *vis; Colormap cmap; Window win; int win_w, win_h; int i, a, w, h; Evas e; Evas_Object o[128], o_rect; int down; double t1, t2; char *imgs[8] = { "img/mush.png", "img/book.png", "img/bulb.png", "img/term.png", "img/calc.png", "img/worlds.png", "img/spider.png", "img/mouse.png" }; win_w = 640; win_h = 480; if (argc == 4) { win_w = atoi(argv[1]); win_h = atoi(argv[2]); } e = evas_new(); if (!strcmp(argv[3], "software")) evas_set_output_method(e, RENDER_METHOD_ALPHA_SOFTWARE); else evas_set_output_method(e, RENDER_METHOD_3D_HARDWARE); d = XOpenDisplay(NULL); vis = evas_get_optimal_visual(e, d); cmap = evas_get_optimal_colormap(e, d); { XSetWindowAttributes att; att.colormap = cmap; att.border_pixel = 0; att.event_mask = 0; win = XCreateWindow(d, RootWindow(d, DefaultScreen(d)), 0, 0, win_w, win_h, 0, imlib_get_visual_depth(d, vis), InputOutput, vis, CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask, &att); XSelectInput(d, win, ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | ExposureMask); XMapWindow(d, win); XSync(d, False); } evas_font_add_path(e, "./fnt"); evas_set_output(e, d, win, vis, cmap); evas_set_output_size(e, win_w, win_h); evas_set_output_viewport(e, 0, 0, win_w, win_h); o[0] = evas_add_image_from_file(e, "img/sky001.png"); evas_show(e, o[0]); o[1] = evas_add_image_from_file(e, "img/logo001.png"); evas_get_image_size(e, o[1], &w, &h); w /= 2; h /= 2; evas_show(e, o[1]); for (i = 2 ; i < 100; i++) { o[i] = evas_add_image_from_file(e, "img/mush.png"); evas_show(e, o[i]); evas_set_layer(e, o[i], 100); } for (i = 100; i < 128; i++) { o[i] = evas_add_text(e, "notepad", 20, imgs[i & 0x7]); evas_set_color(e, o[i], rand()&0xff, rand()&0xff, rand()&0xff, 255); evas_show(e, o[i]); evas_set_layer(e, o[i], 100); } o_rect = evas_add_rectangle(e); evas_show(e, o_rect); evas_move(e, o_rect, 100, 100); evas_resize(e, o_rect, 200, 100); evas_set_color(e, o_rect, rand()&0xff, rand()&0xff, rand()&0xff, 120); evas_set_layer(e, o_rect, 150); evas_raise(e, o[1]); evas_move(e, o[0], 0, 0); evas_resize(e, o[0], win_w, win_h); evas_set_image_fill(e, o[0], 0, 0, win_w, win_h); a = 0; down = 0; t1 = get_time(); for (;;) { double x, y; XEvent ev; while (XPending(d)) /* do*/ { XNextEvent(d, &ev); switch(ev.type) { case ButtonPress: { int button, mouse_x, mouse_y; down = 1; button = ev.xbutton.button; mouse_x = ev.xbutton.x; mouse_y = ev.xbutton.y; evas_move(e, o[1], mouse_x - w, mouse_y - h); evas_set_layer(e, o[1], 200); } break; case ButtonRelease: { int button, mouse_x, mouse_y; down = 0; button = ev.xbutton.button; mouse_x = ev.xbutton.x; mouse_y = ev.xbutton.y; evas_move(e, o[1], mouse_x - w, mouse_y - h); evas_set_layer(e, o[1], 1); } break; case MotionNotify: { int mouse_x, mouse_y; mouse_x = ev.xmotion.x; mouse_y = ev.xmotion.y; if (down) evas_move(e, o[1], mouse_x - w, mouse_y - h); } break; case Expose: { evas_update_rect(e, ev.xexpose.x, ev.xexpose.y, ev.xexpose.width, ev.xexpose.height); } break; default: break; } } /* while (XPending(d));*/ for (i = 2; i < 128; i++) { int j, k; j = (i * 50) + i; k = (i * -60) - (i * 2); x = (win_w + (cos((double)(a + j) * 2 * 3.141592654 / 1000) * (win_h - 100))) / 2; y = (win_h + (sin((double)(a + k) * 2 * 3.141592654 / 1000) * (win_h - 100))) / 2; if (i < 100) evas_set_image_file(e, o[i], imgs[(i) & 0x7]); evas_move(e, o[i], x, y); } evas_render(e); a++; if ((a % 25) == 0) { t2 = get_time() - t1; t1 = get_time(); printf("%3.3f fps\n", 25 / t2); } if (a >= 1000) { a = 0; } } } #if 0 #include "../src/evas_gl_routines.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { Display *d; Visual *vis; Colormap cmap; Window win; int win_w, win_h; d = XOpenDisplay(NULL); __evas_gl_init(d, DefaultScreen(d)); vis = __evas_gl_get_visual(d, DefaultScreen(d)); cmap = __evas_gl_get_colormap(d, DefaultScreen(d)); win_w = 640; win_h = 480; if (argc == 3) { win_w = atoi(argv[1]); win_h = atoi(argv[2]); } { XSetWindowAttributes att; att.colormap = cmap; att.border_pixel = 0; att.event_mask = 0; win = XCreateWindow(d, RootWindow(d, DefaultScreen(d)), 0, 0, win_w, win_h, 0, (__evas_gl_get_visual_info(d, DefaultScreen(d)))->depth, InputOutput, vis, CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask, &att); XMapWindow(d, win); } if (__evas_gl_capable(d)) { int a = 0, aa = 0; double t1, t2; Evas_GL_Image *i[4], *bg, *l, *sel, *ic, *tm; Evas_GL_Font *fn[4]; Evas_GL_Graident *gr; bg = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/sky001.png"); i[0] = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/fog1001.png"); i[1] = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/fog2001.png"); i[2] = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/fog3001.png"); i[3] = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/fog4001.png"); ic = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/mush.png"); tm = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/tm.png"); l = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/logo001.png"); sel = __evas_gl_image_new_from_file(d, "img/sel.png"); __evas_gl_image_set_borders(sel, 3, 3, 3, 3); __evas_gl_text_font_add_path("./fnt"); fn[0] = __evas_gl_text_font_new(d, "cinema", 24); fn[1] = __evas_gl_text_font_new(d, "grunge", 16); fn[2] = __evas_gl_text_font_new(d, "morpheus", 24); fn[3] = __evas_gl_text_font_new(d, "notepad", 24); gr = __evas_gl_gradient_new(d); __evas_gl_gradient_color_add(gr, 255, 255, 255, 255, 4); __evas_gl_gradient_color_add(gr, 255, 255, 0, 200, 4); __evas_gl_gradient_color_add(gr, 255, 0, 0, 100, 4); __evas_gl_gradient_color_add(gr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4); if (!bg) { printf("cannot find images!\n"); exit(1); } t1 = 0; for(;;) { int j, k; if (a == 0) t1 = get_time(); __evas_gl_draw_add_rect(d, win, 0, 0, win_w, win_h); __evas_gl_image_draw(bg, d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, __evas_gl_image_get_width(bg), __evas_gl_image_get_height(bg), 0, 0, win_w, win_h); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int xx, yy; j = 3 - (k % 4); xx = (((k + 1) * a) / 2) % win_w; yy = 0; if (k == 2) __evas_gl_image_draw(l, d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, __evas_gl_image_get_width(l), __evas_gl_image_get_height(l), (win_w - __evas_gl_image_get_width(l)) / 2, (win_h - __evas_gl_image_get_height(l)) /2, __evas_gl_image_get_width(l), __evas_gl_image_get_height(l)); __evas_gl_image_draw(i[j], d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, __evas_gl_image_get_width(i[j]), __evas_gl_image_get_height(i[j]), xx, yy, win_w, win_h); __evas_gl_image_draw(i[j], d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, __evas_gl_image_get_width(i[j]), __evas_gl_image_get_height(i[j]), xx - win_w, yy, win_w, win_h); } __evas_gl_text_draw(fn[0], d, win, win_w, win_h, 30, 50, "This is a line...", 255, 255, 255, 255); __evas_gl_text_draw(fn[1], d, win, win_w, win_h, 30, 100, "Of anti-aliased text drawn nicely...", 255, 100, 100, 255); __evas_gl_text_draw(fn[2], d, win, win_w, win_h, 30, 150, "With evas... Oh goodie isn't this fun!", 100, 100, 255, 200); __evas_gl_text_draw(fn[3], d, win, win_w, win_h, 30, 200, "With Lots of colors & transparency too!", 50, 200, 100, 100); __evas_gl_rectangle_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 80, 100, 100, 30, 200, 40, 100, 100); __evas_gl_rectangle_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 150, 110, 25, 25, 200, 40, 100, 255); __evas_gl_rectangle_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 170, 160, 200, 180, 30, 40, 200, 120); __evas_gl_line_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 10, 20, 100, 160, 255, 255, 255, 255); __evas_gl_line_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 10, 20, 100, 40, 0, 0, 255, 180); __evas_gl_line_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 10, 20, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 255); __evas_gl_line_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 10, 20, 100, 5, 255, 0, 0, 255); __evas_gl_line_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 10, 20, 12, 2, 80, 160, 80, 255); __evas_gl_line_draw(d, win, win_w, win_h, 10, 20, 10, 200, 255, 255, 0, 100); __evas_gl_image_draw(tm, d, win, win_w, win_h, (__evas_gl_image_get_width(tm) / 2) - (((a / 4) + 4) / 2), (__evas_gl_image_get_height(tm) / 2) - (((a / 4) + 4) / 2), (a / 4) + 4, (a / 4) + 4, 360, 220, 200, 250); __evas_gl_image_draw(tm, d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, (a / 4) + 4, (a / 4) + 4, 110, 320, 100, 100); __evas_gl_image_draw(sel, d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, __evas_gl_image_get_width(sel), __evas_gl_image_get_height(sel), 10, 50, abs(sin((double)a / win_w) * 300) + 20, abs(cos((double)a / win_w) * 300) + 20); __evas_gl_gradient_draw(gr, d, win, win_w, win_h, 300, 100, 200, 200, ((double)a * 360) / (double)win_w); __evas_gl_image_draw(ic, d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, __evas_gl_image_get_width(ic), __evas_gl_image_get_height(ic), a / 4, a / 8, __evas_gl_image_get_width(ic), __evas_gl_image_get_height(ic)); __evas_gl_image_draw(ic, d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, __evas_gl_image_get_width(ic), __evas_gl_image_get_height(ic), a / 4, a / 4, __evas_gl_image_get_width(ic), __evas_gl_image_get_height(ic)); __evas_gl_image_draw(ic, d, win, win_w, win_h, 0, 0, __evas_gl_image_get_width(ic), __evas_gl_image_get_height(ic), a / 8, a / 4, __evas_gl_image_get_width(ic), __evas_gl_image_get_height(ic)); __evas_gl_flush_draw(d, win); a++; if (a == (win_w * 4)) { double pixels; double tim; t2 = get_time(); tim = t2 - t1; pixels = (((((double)k + 1) * (double)win_w * (double)win_h) + ((double)__evas_gl_image_get_width(l) * (double)__evas_gl_image_get_height(l))) * (double)a); printf("%3.0f pixels in %3.3f seconds\n", pixels, tim); printf("..... %4.1f Mpixels/second\n", pixels / (tim * 1000000)); __evas_gl_image_set_smooth_scaling(aa & 0x1); aa++; a = 0; } } } else { printf("Your X server is unable to do GLX - no go buddy.\n"); } argv = NULL; argc = 0; return 0; } #endif