Evas Examples ------------- This directory contains various examples for learning how to use Evas. The list below groups them topically. Examples labeled "Introduction" are more extensively commented to explain basic concepts and are good points to start from in learning more advanced topics. == Basic Evas == evas-init-shutdown.c - Introduction to Evas evas-buffer-simple.c - Using the Evas buffer engine evas-transparent.c - Introduction to Ecore-Evas evas-object-manipulation.c - Introduction to object manipulation == Event Handling == evas-events.c - Introduction to callbacks evas-event-filter.c - evas-multiseat-events.c - Multi-seat events evas-multi-touch.c - Multi-touch == Text objects == evas-text.c - Introduction to text objects evas-textblock-obstacles.c - Textblock obstacles == Image Objects == evas-images.c - Introduction to image objects evas-images2.c - Handling events for image objects evas-images3.c - Saving data for image objects evas-images4.c - Rotating and flipping image objects evas-images5.c - Using the newer APIs == Smart Objects == evas-smart-interface.c - Introduction to smart interfaces evas-smart-object.c - Customizing smart interfaces == Scene Layout and Management == evas-hints.c - Setting hints on objects evas-aspect-hints.c - Aspect control evas-box.c - Box based layout of objects evas-stacking.c - Object stacking and layers evas-table.c - Introduction to table objects == Maps == evas-map-utils.c - Introduction to map utilities evas-map-aa.c - Maps and anti-aliasing == Eo API == evas-object-manipulation-eo.c - Eo API evas-map-utils-eo.c - Eo API evas-map-aa-eo.c - Eo API == 2D Vector Graphics == evas-vg-simple.c - Introduction to vector graphics evas-vg-batman.c - Animated vector graphics evas-vg-json.c - Play Lottie files == 3D Graphics - Basics == evas-gl.c - Introduction to GL in Evas evas-3d-cube.c - Introduction to meshes for 3D objects evas-3d-cube-rotate.c - Introduction to events for 3D objects evas-3d-proxy.c - Introduction to textures for 3D objects evas-3d-shadows.c - Introduction to lighting and anti-aliasing == 3D Graphics - File formats == evas-3d-eet.c - eet file format evas-3d-md2.c - md2 file format evas-3d-obj.c - obj file format evas-3d-ply.c - ply file format evas-3d-mmap-set.c - Import meshes from various file formats == 3D Graphics - Advanced Topics == evas-3d-aabb.c - Axis aligned bounding boxes evas-3d-blending.c - Blending modes evas-3d-pick.c - Picking nodes and meshes by screen coordinates evas-3d-colorpick.c - Picking nodes and meshes by color evas-3d-cube2.c - Animation evas-3d-fog.c - Fog effect evas-3d-static-lod.c - Static LOD techniques evas-3d-frustum.c - Frustrum culling evas-3d-hull.c - Convex hull models and comparison with Blender evas-3d-parallax-occlusion.c - Parallax occlusion shading and texture animation