#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef STDC_HEADERS # include # include #else # ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H # include # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include #elif !defined alloca # ifdef __GNUC__ # define alloca __builtin_alloca # elif defined _AIX # define alloca __alloca # elif defined _MSC_VER # include # define alloca _alloca # elif !defined HAVE_ALLOCA # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" # endif void *alloca (size_t); # endif #endif #include #ifdef EMOTION_HAVE_EEZE # include # include # include # include # ifdef HAVE_V4L2 # include # endif # include # include #endif #include #include "Emotion.h" #include "emotion_private.h" static Emotion_Version _version = { VMAJ, VMIN, VMIC, VREV }; static int emotion_pending_objects = 0; EAPI Emotion_Version *emotion_version = &_version; EAPI int EMOTION_WEBCAM_UPDATE = 0; struct ext_match_s { unsigned int length; const char *extension; }; #define MATCHING(Ext) \ { sizeof (Ext), Ext } static const struct ext_match_s matchs[] = { /* map extensions to know if it's a emotion playable content for good first-guess tries */ MATCHING(".264"), MATCHING(".3g2"), MATCHING(".3gp"), MATCHING(".3gp2"), MATCHING(".3gpp"), MATCHING(".3gpp2"), MATCHING(".3p2"), MATCHING(".asf"), MATCHING(".avi"), MATCHING(".bdm"), MATCHING(".bdmv"), MATCHING(".clpi"), MATCHING(".clp"), MATCHING(".fla"), MATCHING(".flv"), MATCHING(".m1v"), MATCHING(".m2v"), MATCHING(".m2t"), MATCHING(".m4v"), MATCHING(".mkv"), MATCHING(".mov"), MATCHING(".mp2"), MATCHING(".mp2ts"), MATCHING(".mp4"), MATCHING(".mpe"), MATCHING(".mpeg"), MATCHING(".mpg"), MATCHING(".mpl"), MATCHING(".mpls"), MATCHING(".mts"), MATCHING(".mxf"), MATCHING(".nut"), MATCHING(".nuv"), MATCHING(".ogg"), MATCHING(".ogm"), MATCHING(".ogv"), MATCHING(".rm"), MATCHING(".rmj"), MATCHING(".rmm"), MATCHING(".rms"), MATCHING(".rmx"), MATCHING(".rmvb"), MATCHING(".swf"), MATCHING(".ts"), MATCHING(".weba"), MATCHING(".webm"), MATCHING(".wmv") }; Eina_Bool _emotion_object_extension_can_play_generic_get(const void *data __UNUSED__, const char *file) { unsigned int length; unsigned int i; length = eina_stringshare_strlen(file) + 1; if (length < 5) return EINA_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (matchs) / sizeof (struct ext_match_s); ++i) { if (matchs[i].length > length) continue; if (!strcasecmp(matchs[i].extension, file + length - matchs[i].length)) return EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } EAPI Eina_Bool emotion_object_extension_may_play_fast_get(const char *file) { if (!file) return EINA_FALSE; return _emotion_object_extension_can_play_generic_get(NULL, file); } EAPI Eina_Bool emotion_object_extension_may_play_get(const char *file) { const char *tmp; Eina_Bool result; if (!file) return EINA_FALSE; tmp = eina_stringshare_add(file); result = emotion_object_extension_may_play_fast_get(tmp); eina_stringshare_del(tmp); return result; } typedef struct _Emotion_Webcams Emotion_Webcams; struct _Emotion_Webcams { Eina_List *webcams; }; struct _Emotion_Webcam { EINA_REFCOUNT; const char *syspath; const char *device; const char *name; const char *custom; const char *filename; }; static int _emotion_webcams_count = 0; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_webcam_edd; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_webcams_edd; static Emotion_Webcams *_emotion_webcams = NULL; static Eet_File *_emotion_webcams_file = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor * _emotion_webcams_data(void) { Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class eddc; EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Emotion_Webcam); _webcam_edd = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(_webcam_edd, Emotion_Webcam, "device", device, EET_T_STRING); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(_webcam_edd, Emotion_Webcam, "name", name, EET_T_STRING); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(_webcam_edd, Emotion_Webcam, "custom", custom, EET_T_STRING); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(_webcam_edd, Emotion_Webcam, "filename", filename, EET_T_STRING); EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Emotion_Webcams); _webcams_edd = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST(_webcams_edd, Emotion_Webcams, "webcams", webcams, _webcam_edd); return _webcams_edd; } #ifdef EMOTION_HAVE_EEZE static Eeze_Udev_Watch *eeze_watcher = NULL; static void emotion_webcam_destroy(Emotion_Webcam *ew) { if (!ew->custom) { eina_stringshare_del(ew->syspath); eina_stringshare_del(ew->device); eina_stringshare_del(ew->name); } free(ew); } static void _emotion_check_device(Emotion_Webcam *ew) { #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 Emotion_Webcam *check; Eina_List *l; struct v4l2_capability caps; int fd; #endif if (!ew) return ; #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 if (!ew->device) goto on_error; fd = open(ew->filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) goto on_error; if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &caps) == -1) goto on_error; /* Likely not a webcam */ if (!caps.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) goto on_error; if (caps.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_TUNER || caps.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_RADIO || caps.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_MODULATOR) goto on_error; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_emotion_webcams->webcams, l, check) if (check->device == ew->device) goto on_error; _emotion_webcams->webcams = eina_list_append(_emotion_webcams->webcams, ew); EINA_REFCOUNT_INIT(ew); return ; on_error: #endif fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a webcam ['%s']\n", ew->name, strerror(errno)); eina_stringshare_del(ew->syspath); eina_stringshare_del(ew->device); eina_stringshare_del(ew->name); free(ew); } static Emotion_Webcam * _emotion_webcam_new(const char *syspath) { Emotion_Webcam *test; const char *device; char *local; test = malloc(sizeof (Emotion_Webcam)); if (!test) return NULL; test->custom = NULL; test->syspath = eina_stringshare_ref(syspath); test->name = eeze_udev_syspath_get_sysattr(syspath, "name"); device = eeze_udev_syspath_get_property(syspath, "DEVNAME"); local = alloca(eina_stringshare_strlen(device) + 8); snprintf(local, eina_stringshare_strlen(device) + 8, "v4l2://%s", device); test->device = eina_stringshare_add(local); eina_stringshare_del(device); test->filename = test->device + 7; return test; } static void _emotion_enumerate_all_webcams(void) { Eina_List *devices; const char *syspath; devices = eeze_udev_find_by_type(EEZE_UDEV_TYPE_V4L, NULL); EINA_LIST_FREE(devices, syspath) { Emotion_Webcam *test; test = _emotion_webcam_new(syspath); if (test) _emotion_check_device(test); eina_stringshare_del(syspath); } } static void _emotion_eeze_events(const char *syspath, Eeze_Udev_Event ev, void *data __UNUSED__, Eeze_Udev_Watch *watcher __UNUSED__) { if (ev == EEZE_UDEV_EVENT_REMOVE) { Emotion_Webcam *check; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_emotion_webcams->webcams, l, check) if (check->syspath == syspath) { _emotion_webcams->webcams = eina_list_remove_list(_emotion_webcams->webcams, l); EINA_REFCOUNT_UNREF(check) emotion_webcam_destroy(check); break ; } } else if (ev == EEZE_UDEV_EVENT_ADD) { Emotion_Webcam *test; test = _emotion_webcam_new(syspath); if (test) _emotion_check_device(test); } ecore_event_add(EMOTION_WEBCAM_UPDATE, NULL, NULL, NULL); } #endif EAPI Eina_Bool emotion_init(void) { char buffer[4096]; if (_emotion_webcams_count++) return EINA_TRUE; ecore_init(); snprintf(buffer, 4096, "%s/emotion.cfg", PACKAGE_DATA_DIR); _emotion_webcams_file = eet_open(buffer, EET_FILE_MODE_READ); if (_emotion_webcams_file) { Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd; edd = _emotion_webcams_data(); _emotion_webcams = eet_data_read(_emotion_webcams_file, edd, "config"); eet_data_descriptor_free(_webcams_edd); _webcams_edd = NULL; eet_data_descriptor_free(_webcam_edd); _webcam_edd = NULL; } if (!_emotion_webcams) { _emotion_webcams = calloc(1, sizeof (Emotion_Webcams)); if (!_emotion_webcams) return EINA_FALSE; } #ifdef EMOTION_HAVE_EEZE EMOTION_WEBCAM_UPDATE = ecore_event_type_new(); eeze_init(); _emotion_enumerate_all_webcams(); eeze_watcher = eeze_udev_watch_add(EEZE_UDEV_TYPE_V4L, (EEZE_UDEV_EVENT_ADD | EEZE_UDEV_EVENT_REMOVE), _emotion_eeze_events, NULL); #endif return EINA_TRUE; } EAPI Eina_Bool emotion_shutdown(void) { Emotion_Webcam *ew; double start; if (_emotion_webcams_count <= 0) { EINA_LOG_ERR("Init count not greater than 0 in shutdown."); return EINA_FALSE; } if (--_emotion_webcams_count) return EINA_TRUE; EINA_LIST_FREE(_emotion_webcams->webcams, ew) { #ifdef EMOTION_HAVE_EEZE /* There is currently no way to refcount from the outside, this help, but could lead to some issue */ EINA_REFCOUNT_UNREF(ew) emotion_webcam_destroy(ew); #endif } free(_emotion_webcams); _emotion_webcams = NULL; if (_emotion_webcams_file) { /* As long as there is no one reference any pointer, you are safe */ eet_close(_emotion_webcams_file); _emotion_webcams_file = NULL; } #ifdef EMOTION_HAVE_EEZE eeze_udev_watch_del(eeze_watcher); eeze_watcher = NULL; eeze_shutdown(); #endif start = ecore_time_get(); while (emotion_pending_objects && ecore_time_get() - start < 0.5) ecore_main_loop_iterate(); if (emotion_pending_objects) { EINA_LOG_ERR("There is still %i Emotion pipeline running", emotion_pending_objects); } ecore_shutdown(); return EINA_TRUE; } EAPI const Eina_List * emotion_webcams_get(void) { return _emotion_webcams->webcams; } EAPI const char * emotion_webcam_name_get(const Emotion_Webcam *ew) { if (!ew) return NULL; return ew->name; } EAPI const char * emotion_webcam_device_get(const Emotion_Webcam *ew) { if (!ew) return NULL; return ew->device; } EAPI const char * emotion_webcam_custom_get(const char *device) { const Emotion_Webcam *ew; const Eina_List *l; if (_emotion_webcams) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_emotion_webcams->webcams, l, ew) if (ew->device && strcmp(device, ew->device) == 0) return ew->custom; } return NULL; } EAPI void _emotion_pending_object_ref(void) { emotion_pending_objects++; } EAPI void _emotion_pending_object_unref(void) { emotion_pending_objects--; }