Elementary 1.1.0 Changes since Elementary 1.0.0: ------------------------- Additions: * Focus can be moved in all directions by elm_widget_focus_go function. * Reload theme when it change on disk. * Fileselector: Add a wheel spinner that show/spin while EIO is working * Add elm_map_overlays_get & elm_map_overlay_visible_get functions. * Toolbar: Add elm_toolbar_standard_priority_set/get APIs. * Add elm_object_scroll_hold/freeze_get. * Add ELM_CALENDAR_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH enum type * Add elm_progressbar_format_function_set API function * Add elm_map_overlay_del_cb_set API function * Add "changed" signal to the progressbar widgets * Use Edje to enable accessibility on TEXTBLOCK. * Initialize Emotion when necessary. Fixes: * Genlist : Fixed genlist expandable effect bug when we expand/contract items with many children very quickly. * Genlist : Realize move items during tree effect only when the item is not in the queue. * Add missing files in the tarball. * Fileselector : honor the folder_only option when using EIO * Segment Selector : do not abuse user object item data. Improvements: * Allocate once and reuse Evas_Map. Removal: