class Elm.Diskselector.Item(Elm.Widget.Item) { legacy_prefix: elm_diskselector_item; eo_prefix: elm_obj_diskselector_item; methods { @property prev { get { [[Get the item before $item in diskselector. The list of items follows append order. So it will return item appended just before $item and that wasn't deleted. If it is the first item, $null will be returned. First item can be get by \@ref elm_diskselector_first_item_get. See also \@ref elm_diskselector_item_append, \@ref elm_diskselector_items_get. ]] } values { item: Elm.Widget.Item *; [[The item before $item, or $null if none or on failure.]] } } @property next { get { [[Get the item after $item in diskselector. The list of items follows append order. So it will return item appended just after $item and that wasn't deleted. If it is the last item, $null will be returned. Last item can be get by \@ref elm_diskselector_last_item_get. See also \@ref elm_diskselector_item_append, \@ref elm_diskselector_items_get. ]] } values { item: Elm.Widget.Item *; [[The item after $item, or $null if none or on failure.]] } } @property selected { get { [[Get whether the $item is selected or not. See also \@ref elm_diskselector_selected_item_set for details, \@ref elm_diskselector_item_selected_get. ]] } set { [[Set the selected state of an item. This sets the selected state of the given $item as $true, for selected and $false for not selected. If a new item is selected the previously selected will be unselected. Previously selected item can be get with function \@ref elm_diskselector_selected_item_get. If the $item is unselected, the first item of diskselector will be selected. Selected items will be visible on center position of diskselector. So if it was on another position before selected, or was invisible, diskselector will animate items until the selected item reaches center position. See also \@ref elm_diskselector_item_selected_get, \@ref elm_diskselector_selected_item_get. ]] } values { selected: bool; [[The selected state]] } } /* init { FIXME params { Evas_Smart_Cb func; const(void)* data; } }*/ } implements { Eo.Base.constructor; Eo.Base.destructor; Elm.Widget.Item.part_text.get; Elm.Widget.Item.part_text.set; Elm.Widget.Item.part_content.get; Elm.Widget.Item.part_content.set; } }