#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "elementary_config.h" #endif #define EFL_ACCESS_IMAGE_PROTECTED #define EFL_ACCESS_OBJECT_PROTECTED #define EFL_ACCESS_COMPONENT_PROTECTED #define EFL_ACCESS_WIDGET_ACTION_PROTECTED #define EFL_LAYOUT_CALC_PROTECTED #define EFL_INPUT_CLICKABLE_PROTECTED #include #include "elm_priv.h" #include "efl_ui_widget_image.h" #define FMT_SIZE_T "%zu" #define MY_CLASS EFL_UI_IMAGE_CLASS #define MY_CLASS_NAME "Efl.Ui.Image" #define NON_EXISTING (void *)-1 static const char *icon_theme = NULL; static const char SIG_DND[] = "drop"; static const char SIG_CLICKED[] = "clicked"; static const char SIG_DOWNLOAD_START[] = "download,start"; static const char SIG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS[] = "download,progress"; static const char SIG_DOWNLOAD_DONE[] = "download,done"; static const char SIG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR[] = "download,error"; static const char SIG_LOAD_OPEN[] = "load,open"; static const char SIG_LOAD_READY[] = "load,ready"; static const char SIG_LOAD_ERROR[] = "load,error"; static const char SIG_LOAD_CANCEL[] = "load,cancel"; static const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description _smart_callbacks[] = { {SIG_DND, ""}, {SIG_CLICKED, ""}, {SIG_DOWNLOAD_START, ""}, {SIG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, ""}, {SIG_DOWNLOAD_DONE, ""}, {SIG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, ""}, {SIG_LOAD_OPEN, "Triggered when the file has been opened (image size is known)"}, {SIG_LOAD_READY, "Triggered when the image file is ready for display"}, {SIG_LOAD_ERROR, "Triggered whenener an I/O or decoding error occurred"}, {SIG_LOAD_CANCEL, "Triggered whenener async I/O was cancelled"}, {NULL, NULL} }; static Eina_Bool _key_action_activate(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params); static Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_smart_internal_file_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd); static void _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cancel(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd); static void _efl_ui_image_model_properties_changed_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *event); static void _on_size_hints_changed(void *data, const Efl_Event *e); static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_download(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, const char *url); static void _update_viewmodel(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd); static const Elm_Action key_actions[] = { {"activate", _key_action_activate}, {NULL, NULL} }; typedef struct _Async_Open_Data Async_Open_Data; struct _Async_Open_Data { Eo *obj; Eina_Stringshare *file, *key; Eina_File *f_set, *f_open; void *map; }; static void _prev_img_del(Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { elm_widget_sub_object_del(sd->self, sd->prev_img); evas_object_smart_member_del(sd->prev_img); evas_object_del(sd->prev_img); sd->prev_img = NULL; } static void _recover_status(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { int r, g, b, a; Evas_Object *pclip = efl_canvas_object_clipper_get(obj); if (pclip) efl_canvas_object_clipper_set(sd->img, pclip); efl_gfx_color_get(obj, &r, &g, &b, &a); efl_gfx_color_set(sd->img, r, g, b, a); efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(sd->img, sd->show); } static void _on_image_preloaded(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event EINA_UNUSED) { Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd = data; Evas_Load_Error err; sd->preload_status = EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADED; if (sd->show) evas_object_show(obj); _prev_img_del(sd); err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(obj); if (!err) evas_object_smart_callback_call(sd->self, SIG_LOAD_READY, NULL); else evas_object_smart_callback_call(sd->self, SIG_LOAD_ERROR, NULL); } static void _on_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info) { ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(data, wd); Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = event_info; if (ev->button != 1) return; if (ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD) return; if (!wd->still_in) return; evas_object_smart_callback_call(data, "clicked", NULL); } static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_animate_cb(void *data) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(data, sd); if (!sd->anim) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; sd->cur_frame++; if ((sd->frame_count > 0) && (sd->cur_frame > sd->frame_count)) sd->cur_frame = sd->cur_frame % sd->frame_count; evas_object_image_animated_frame_set(sd->img, sd->cur_frame); sd->frame_duration = evas_object_image_animated_frame_duration_get (sd->img, sd->cur_frame, 0); if (sd->frame_duration > 0) ecore_timer_interval_set(sd->anim_timer, sd->frame_duration / sd->playback_speed); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Evas_Object * _img_new(Evas_Object *obj) { Evas_Object *img; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); img = evas_object_image_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); evas_object_image_scale_hint_set(img, EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC); evas_object_event_callback_add (img, EVAS_CALLBACK_IMAGE_PRELOADED, _on_image_preloaded, sd); evas_object_smart_member_add(img, obj); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, img); return img; } static void _image_sizing_eval(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Evas_Object *img) { Evas_Coord x = 0, y = 0, w = 1, h = 1; int ox, oy, ow, oh; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, &ox, &oy, &ow, &oh); if (efl_isa(img, EFL_CANVAS_LAYOUT_CLASS)) { x = ox; y = oy; w = ow; h = oh; goto done; } else { double alignh = 0.5, alignv = 0.5; int iw = 0, ih = 0, offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0; //1. Get the original image size (iw x ih) evas_object_image_size_get(img, &iw, &ih); //Exception Case if ((iw == 0) || (ih == 0) || (ow == 0) || (oh == 0)) { evas_object_resize(img, 0, 0); evas_object_resize(sd->hit_rect, 0, 0); return; } iw = ((double)iw) * sd->scale; ih = ((double)ih) * sd->scale; if (iw < 1) iw = 1; if (ih < 1) ih = 1; //2. Calculate internal image size (w x h) // according to (iw x ih), (ow x oh), and scale_type switch (sd->scale_type) { case EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_NONE: w = iw; h = ih; break; case EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FILL: w = ow; h = oh; break; case EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FIT: w = ow; h = ((double)ih * w) / (double)iw; if (h > oh) { h = oh; w = ((double)iw * h) / (double)ih; } break; case EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FIT_WIDTH: w = ow; h = ((double)ih * w) / (double)iw; break; case EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FIT_HEIGHT: h = oh; w = ((double)iw * h) / (double)ih; break; case EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_EXPAND: if ((iw - ow) < (ih - oh)) { w = ow; h = ((double)ih * w) / (double)iw; } else { h = oh; w = ((double)iw * h) / (double)ih; } break; case EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_TILE: evas_object_geometry_get(obj, &x, &y, &w, &h); evas_object_image_fill_set(img, x, y, iw, ih); goto done; } if (((!sd->scale_up) && (w > iw)) || ((!sd->scale_down) && (w < iw))) { w = iw; } if (((!sd->scale_up) && (h > ih)) || ((!sd->scale_down) && (h < ih))) { h = ih; } //3. Calculate offset according to align value if (!elm_widget_is_legacy(sd->self)) { offset_x = ((ow - w) * sd->align_x); offset_y = ((oh - h) * sd->align_y); } else { evas_object_size_hint_align_get(sd->self, &alignh, &alignv); if (EINA_DBL_EQ(alignh, EVAS_HINT_FILL)) alignh = 0.5; if (EINA_DBL_EQ(alignv, EVAS_HINT_FILL)) alignv = 0.5; offset_x = ((ow - w) * alignh); offset_y = ((oh - h) * alignv); } x = ox + offset_x; y = oy + offset_y; //4. Fill, move, resize if (offset_x >= 0) offset_x = 0; if (offset_y >= 0) offset_y = 0; evas_object_image_fill_set(img, offset_x, offset_y, w, h); if (offset_x < 0) { x = ox; w = ow; } if (offset_y < 0) { y = oy; h = oh; } } done: evas_object_geometry_set(img, x, y, w, h); evas_object_geometry_set(sd->hit_rect, x, y, w, h); } static inline void _async_open_data_free(Async_Open_Data *data) { if (!data) return; eina_stringshare_del(data->file); eina_stringshare_del(data->key); if (data->map) eina_file_map_free(data->f_open, data->map); if (data->f_open) eina_file_close(data->f_open); if (data->f_set) eina_file_close(data->f_set); free(data); } static void _efl_ui_image_async_open_do(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { Async_Open_Data *todo = data; Eina_File *f; void *map = NULL; size_t size; if (ecore_thread_check(thread)) return; if (todo->f_set) f = eina_file_dup(todo->f_set); else if (todo->file) { // blocking f = eina_file_open(todo->file, EINA_FALSE); if (!f) return; } else { CRI("Async open has no input file!"); return; } if (ecore_thread_check(thread)) { if (!todo->f_set) eina_file_close(f); return; } // Read just enough data for map to actually do something. size = eina_file_size_get(f); // Read and ensure all pages are in memory for sure first just // 1 byte per page will do. also keep a limit on how much we will // blindly load in here to let's say 32KB (Should be enough to get // image headers without getting to much data from the hard drive). size = size > 32 * 1024 ? 32 * 1024 : size; map = eina_file_map_all(f, EINA_FILE_SEQUENTIAL); eina_file_map_populate(f, EINA_FILE_POPULATE, map, 0, size); if (ecore_thread_check(thread)) { if (map) eina_file_map_free(f, map); if (!todo->f_set) eina_file_close(f); return; } todo->f_open = f; todo->map = map; } static void _async_clear(Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { sd->async.th = NULL; sd->async.todo = NULL; eina_stringshare_del(sd->async.file); eina_stringshare_del(sd->async.key); sd->async.file = NULL; sd->async.key = NULL; } static void _async_cancel(Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->async.th) { ecore_thread_cancel(sd->async.th); ((Async_Open_Data *)(sd->async.todo))->obj = NULL; _async_clear(sd); } } static void _efl_ui_image_async_open_cancel(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { Async_Open_Data *todo = data; DBG("Async open thread was canceled"); if (todo->obj) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(todo->obj, sd); if (sd) { evas_object_smart_callback_call(todo->obj, SIG_LOAD_CANCEL, NULL); if (thread == sd->async.th) _async_clear(sd); } } _async_open_data_free(todo); } static void _efl_ui_image_async_open_done(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { Async_Open_Data *todo = data; const char *key; Eina_Bool ok; Eina_File *f; void *map; if (todo->obj) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(todo->obj, sd); if (sd) { if (thread == sd->async.th) { DBG("Async open succeeded"); _async_clear(sd); key = todo->key; map = todo->map; f = todo->f_open; ok = f && map; if (ok) { efl_file_key_set(sd->self, key); ok = !efl_file_mmap_set(sd->self, f); if (ok) { if (sd->edje) { _prev_img_del(sd); ok = edje_object_mmap_set(sd->img, f, key); } else ok = !_efl_ui_image_smart_internal_file_set(sd->self, sd); } } if (ok) evas_object_smart_callback_call(sd->self, SIG_LOAD_OPEN, NULL); else evas_object_smart_callback_call(sd->self, SIG_LOAD_ERROR, NULL); } } } // close f, map and free strings _async_open_data_free(todo); } static Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_async_file_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { Async_Open_Data *todo; const char *file = efl_file_get(obj); const char *key = efl_file_key_get(obj); const Eina_File *f = efl_file_mmap_get(obj); if (sd->async.th && ((file == sd->async.file) || (file && sd->async.file && !strcmp(file, sd->async.file))) && ((key == sd->async.key) || (key && sd->async.key && !strcmp(key, sd->async.key)))) return 0; todo = calloc(1, sizeof(Async_Open_Data)); if (!todo) return EINA_FALSE; _async_cancel(sd); todo->obj = obj; todo->file = eina_stringshare_add(file); todo->key = eina_stringshare_add(key); todo->f_set = f ? eina_file_dup(f) : NULL; eina_stringshare_replace(&sd->async.file, file); eina_stringshare_replace(&sd->async.key, key); sd->async.todo = todo; sd->async.th = ecore_thread_run(_efl_ui_image_async_open_do, _efl_ui_image_async_open_done, _efl_ui_image_async_open_cancel, todo); if (sd->async.th) return 0; _async_open_data_free(todo); _async_clear(sd); DBG("Could not spawn an async thread!"); return EFL_GFX_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_GENERIC; } static Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_edje_file_set(Evas_Object *obj) { Eina_Error err; const Eina_File *f; const char *key; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); err = efl_file_load(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); if (err) return err; f = efl_file_mmap_get(obj); key = efl_file_key_get(obj); _prev_img_del(sd); if (!sd->edje) { evas_object_del(sd->img); /* Edje object instead */ sd->img = edje_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); _recover_status(obj, sd); sd->edje = EINA_TRUE; evas_object_smart_member_add(sd->img, obj); } _async_cancel(sd); if (!sd->async_enable) { efl_file_key_set(sd->img, key); err = efl_file_mmap_set(sd->img, f); if (!err) err = efl_file_load(sd->img); if (err) { ERR("failed to set edje file '%s', group '%s': %s", eina_file_filename_get(f), key, edje_load_error_str(edje_object_load_error_get(sd->img))); return err; } } else return _efl_ui_image_async_file_set(obj, sd); /* FIXME: do i want to update icon on file change ? */ efl_canvas_group_change(obj); return 0; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_smooth_scale_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool smooth) { sd->smooth = smooth; if (sd->img && (!sd->edje)) evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(sd->img, smooth); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_smooth_scale_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->smooth; } static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_drag_n_drop_cb(void *elm_obj, Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Selection_Data *drop) { Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; ret = efl_file_simple_load(obj, drop->data, NULL); if (ret) { DBG("dnd: %s, %s, %s", elm_widget_type_get(elm_obj), SIG_DND, (char *)drop->data); efl_event_callback_legacy_call(elm_obj, EFL_UI_IMAGE_EVENT_DROP, drop->data); return EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_canvas_group_group_add(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *priv) { efl_canvas_group_add(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); priv->hit_rect = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); evas_object_smart_member_add(priv->hit_rect, obj); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, priv->hit_rect); evas_object_color_set(priv->hit_rect, 0, 0, 0, 0); evas_object_show(priv->hit_rect); evas_object_repeat_events_set(priv->hit_rect, EINA_TRUE); if (elm_widget_is_legacy(obj)) { evas_object_event_callback_add (priv->hit_rect, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _on_mouse_up, obj); } else { efl_ui_action_connector_bind_clickable_to_object(priv->hit_rect, obj); } priv->smooth = EINA_TRUE; priv->fill_inside = EINA_TRUE; priv->aspect_fixed = EINA_TRUE; priv->load_size = EINA_SIZE2D(0, 0); priv->scale = 1.0; priv->scale_up = EINA_TRUE; priv->scale_down = EINA_TRUE; priv->align_x = 0.5; priv->align_y = 0.5; elm_widget_can_focus_set(obj, EINA_FALSE); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_canvas_group_group_del(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { Efl_Model *model; if (elm_widget_is_legacy(obj)) efl_event_callback_del(obj, EFL_GFX_ENTITY_EVENT_HINTS_CHANGED, _on_size_hints_changed, sd); ecore_timer_del(sd->anim_timer); evas_object_del(sd->img); _prev_img_del(sd); _async_cancel(sd); if (sd->remote.copier) _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cancel(obj, sd); if (sd->remote.binbuf) ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->remote.binbuf, eina_binbuf_free); ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->remote.key, eina_stringshare_del); model = efl_ui_view_model_get(obj); if (model) { efl_event_callback_del(model, EFL_MODEL_EVENT_PROPERTIES_CHANGED, _efl_ui_image_model_properties_changed_cb, obj); } efl_canvas_group_del(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); } /* this function exists solely to call efl_canvas_group_change */ EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_entity_position_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Position2D pos) { if (_evas_object_intercept_call(obj, EVAS_OBJECT_INTERCEPT_CB_MOVE, 0, pos.x, pos.y)) return; efl_gfx_entity_position_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), pos); efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } /* this function exists solely to call efl_canvas_group_change */ EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_entity_size_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Size2D sz) { if (_evas_object_intercept_call(obj, EVAS_OBJECT_INTERCEPT_CB_RESIZE, 0, sz.w, sz.h)) return; efl_gfx_entity_size_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), sz); efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } static void _efl_ui_image_show(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { sd->show = EINA_TRUE; efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), EINA_TRUE); if (sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING) return; if (sd->img) efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(sd->img, EINA_TRUE); _prev_img_del(sd); } static void _efl_ui_image_hide(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { sd->show = EINA_FALSE; efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), EINA_FALSE); if (sd->img) efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(sd->img, EINA_FALSE); _prev_img_del(sd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool vis) { if (_evas_object_intercept_call(obj, EVAS_OBJECT_INTERCEPT_CB_VISIBLE, 0, vis)) return; if (vis) _efl_ui_image_show(obj, sd); else _efl_ui_image_hide(obj, sd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_canvas_group_group_member_add(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Evas_Object *member) { efl_canvas_group_member_add(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), member); if (sd->hit_rect) evas_object_raise(sd->hit_rect); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_color_color_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, int r, int g, int b, int a) { if (_evas_object_intercept_call(obj, EVAS_OBJECT_INTERCEPT_CB_COLOR_SET, 0, r, g, b, a)) return; efl_gfx_color_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), r, g, b, a); evas_object_color_set(sd->hit_rect, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (sd->img) evas_object_color_set(sd->img, r, g, b, a); if (sd->prev_img) evas_object_color_set(sd->prev_img, r, g, b, a); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_canvas_object_clipper_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Evas_Object *clip) { if (_evas_object_intercept_call(obj, EVAS_OBJECT_INTERCEPT_CB_CLIP_SET, 0, clip)) return; efl_canvas_object_clipper_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), clip); if (sd->img) evas_object_clip_set(sd->img, clip); if (sd->prev_img) evas_object_clip_set(sd->prev_img, clip); } EOLIAN static Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_efl_ui_widget_theme_apply(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd EINA_UNUSED) { Eina_Error int_ret = EFL_UI_THEME_APPLY_ERROR_GENERIC; if (sd->stdicon) _elm_theme_object_icon_set(obj, sd->stdicon, elm_widget_style_get(obj)); int_ret = efl_ui_widget_theme_apply(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); if (int_ret == EFL_UI_THEME_APPLY_ERROR_GENERIC) return int_ret; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); return int_ret; } static Eina_Bool _key_action_activate(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params EINA_UNUSED) { if (elm_widget_is_legacy(obj)) evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, "clicked", NULL); else efl_event_callback_call(obj, EFL_INPUT_EVENT_CLICKED, NULL); return EINA_TRUE; } static void _efl_ui_image_efl_canvas_group_group_calculate(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { Evas_Coord minw = -1, minh = -1, maxw = -1, maxh = -1; Eina_Size2D sz; double ts; sd->in_calc = EINA_TRUE; // TODO: remove this function after using the widget's scale value instead of image's scale value, if (sd->no_scale) sd->scale = 1.0; else sd->scale = efl_gfx_entity_scale_get(obj) * elm_config_scale_get(); ts = sd->scale; sd->scale = 1.0; sz = efl_gfx_view_size_get(obj); sd->scale = ts; evas_object_size_hint_combined_min_get(obj, &minw, &minh); if (sd->no_scale) { maxw = minw = sz.w; maxh = minh = sz.h; if ((sd->scale > 1.0) && (sd->scale_up)) { maxw = minw = sz.w * sd->scale; maxh = minh = sz.h * sd->scale; } else if ((sd->scale < 1.0) && (sd->scale_down)) { maxw = minw = sz.w * sd->scale; maxh = minh = sz.h * sd->scale; } } else { if (!sd->scale_down) { minw = sz.w * sd->scale; minh = sz.h * sd->scale; } if (!sd->scale_up) { maxw = sz.w * sd->scale; maxh = sz.h * sd->scale; } } efl_gfx_hint_size_restricted_min_set(obj, EINA_SIZE2D(minw, minh)); efl_gfx_hint_size_restricted_max_set(obj, EINA_SIZE2D(maxw, maxh)); if (sd->img) { //Retained way. Nothing does, if either way hasn't been changed. if (!sd->edje) efl_gfx_image_orientation_set(sd->img, sd->orient); _image_sizing_eval(obj, sd, sd->img); if (sd->prev_img) _image_sizing_eval(obj, sd, sd->prev_img); } sd->in_calc = EINA_FALSE; } static void _efl_ui_image_load_size_set_internal(Evas_Object *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { Eina_Size2D sz = sd->load_size; if ((sz.w <= 0) || (sz.h <= 0)) sz = efl_gfx_view_size_get(obj); evas_object_image_load_size_set(sd->img, sz.w, sz.h); } static void _efl_ui_image_file_set_do(Evas_Object *obj) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->prev_img, evas_object_del); sd->prev_img = sd->img; sd->img = _img_new(obj); _recover_status(obj, sd); sd->edje = EINA_FALSE; evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(sd->img, sd->smooth); evas_object_image_load_orientation_set(sd->img, EINA_TRUE); _efl_ui_image_load_size_set_internal(obj, sd); } static void _on_size_hints_changed(void *data, const Efl_Event *ev) { Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd = data; if (!pd->in_calc) efl_canvas_group_change(ev->object); } static void _efl_ui_image_model_changed(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Efl_Model_Changed_Event *ev = event->info; if (ev->previous) efl_event_callback_del(ev->previous, EFL_MODEL_EVENT_PROPERTIES_CHANGED, _efl_ui_image_model_properties_changed_cb, event->object); if (ev->current) efl_event_callback_add(ev->current, EFL_MODEL_EVENT_PROPERTIES_CHANGED, _efl_ui_image_model_properties_changed_cb, event->object); _update_viewmodel(event->object, data); } EOLIAN static Eo * _efl_ui_image_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { obj = efl_constructor(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); evas_object_smart_callbacks_descriptions_set(obj, _smart_callbacks); efl_access_object_role_set(obj, EFL_ACCESS_ROLE_IMAGE); pd->scale_type = EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FIT; pd->self = obj; /* legacy elm_image starts paused */ pd->paused = elm_widget_is_legacy(obj); pd->playback_speed = 1; return obj; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_object_invalidate(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED) { Efl_Model *model; if (pd->property_watch) efl_event_callback_del(obj, EFL_UI_VIEW_EVENT_MODEL_CHANGED, _efl_ui_image_model_changed, pd); model = efl_ui_view_model_get(obj); if (model) efl_event_callback_del(model, EFL_MODEL_EVENT_PROPERTIES_CHANGED, _efl_ui_image_model_properties_changed_cb, obj); efl_invalidate(efl_super(obj, EFL_UI_IMAGE_CLASS)); } static const Eina_Slice remote_uri[] = { EINA_SLICE_STR_LITERAL("http://"), EINA_SLICE_STR_LITERAL("https://"), EINA_SLICE_STR_LITERAL("ftp://"), { } }; static inline Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_is_remote(const char *file) { Eina_Slice s = EINA_SLICE_STR(file); const Eina_Slice *itr; for (itr = remote_uri; itr->mem; itr++) if (eina_slice_startswith(s, *itr)) return EINA_TRUE; return EINA_FALSE; } EOLIAN Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_efl_file_load(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { Eina_Error ret; const char *file = efl_file_get(obj); if (efl_file_loaded_get(obj)) return 0; _async_cancel(sd); /* stop preloading as it may hit to-be-freed memory */ if (sd->img && sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING) evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, EINA_TRUE); if (sd->remote.copier) _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cancel(obj, sd); if (sd->remote.binbuf) ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->remote.binbuf, eina_binbuf_free); if (sd->anim) { ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->anim_timer, ecore_timer_del); sd->paused = elm_widget_is_legacy(obj); sd->anim = EINA_FALSE; sd->frame_count = -1; sd->cur_frame = -1; sd->frame_duration = -1; } if (file && _efl_ui_image_is_remote(file)) { evas_object_hide(sd->img); if (_efl_ui_image_download(obj, sd, file)) { evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_DOWNLOAD_START, NULL); return 0; } } if (!sd->async_enable) ret = _efl_ui_image_smart_internal_file_set(obj, sd); else ret = _efl_ui_image_async_file_set(obj, sd); return ret; } EOLIAN void _efl_ui_image_efl_file_unload(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { _async_cancel(sd); /* stop preloading as it may hit to-be-freed memory */ if (sd->img && sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING) evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, EINA_TRUE); if (sd->remote.copier) _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cancel(obj, sd); if (sd->remote.binbuf) ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->remote.binbuf, eina_binbuf_free); if (sd->anim) { ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->anim_timer, ecore_timer_del); sd->paused = elm_widget_is_legacy(obj); sd->anim = EINA_FALSE; sd->frame_count = -1; sd->cur_frame = -1; sd->frame_duration = -1; } if (sd->prev_img) _prev_img_del(sd); _efl_ui_image_file_set_do(obj); efl_file_unload(sd->img); efl_file_unload(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); if (sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOAD_DISABLED) _prev_img_del(sd); else { evas_object_hide(sd->img); sd->preload_status = EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING; evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, EINA_FALSE); } efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } static Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_smart_internal_file_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { Eina_Error err; const Eina_File *f; const char *key; const char *file = efl_file_get(obj); efl_file_unload(obj); if (eina_str_has_extension(file, ".edj")) return _efl_ui_image_edje_file_set(obj); err = efl_file_load(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); if (err) return err; f = efl_file_mmap_get(obj); key = efl_file_key_get(obj); _efl_ui_image_file_set_do(obj); evas_object_image_mmap_set(sd->img, f, key); err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(sd->img); if (err) { if (file || f) { if (key) ERR("Failed to load image '%s' '%s': %s. (%p)", eina_file_filename_get(f), key, evas_load_error_str(err), obj); else ERR("Failed to load image '%s': %s. (%p)", eina_file_filename_get(f), evas_load_error_str(err), obj); } else { ERR("NULL image file passed! (%p)", obj); } _prev_img_del(sd); return err; } if (sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOAD_DISABLED) _prev_img_del(sd); else { evas_object_hide(sd->img); sd->preload_status = EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING; evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, EINA_FALSE); } efl_canvas_group_change(obj); return 0; } static void _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_del(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { Eo *dialer = efl_io_copier_source_get(event->object); efl_del(dialer); } static void _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cancel(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { Eo *copier = sd->remote.copier; if (!copier) return; /* copier is flagged as close_on_invalidate, thus: * efl_del() * -> efl_io_closer_close() * -> "done" event * -> _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_done() * * flag sd->remote.copier = NULL so _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_done() * knows about it. */ sd->remote.copier = NULL; efl_del(copier); } static void _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_done(void *data, const Efl_Event *event EINA_UNUSED) { Eo *obj = data; Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, MY_CLASS); Eina_File *f; Eo *dialer; const char *url; Eina_Error ret; /* we're called from _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cancel() */ if (!sd->remote.copier) return; /* stop preloading as it may hit to-be-freed memory */ if (sd->img && sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING) evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, EINA_TRUE); if (sd->remote.binbuf) eina_binbuf_free(sd->remote.binbuf); sd->remote.binbuf = efl_io_copier_binbuf_steal(sd->remote.copier); dialer = efl_io_copier_source_get(sd->remote.copier); url = efl_net_dialer_address_dial_get(dialer); f = eina_file_virtualize(url, eina_binbuf_string_get(sd->remote.binbuf), eina_binbuf_length_get(sd->remote.binbuf), EINA_FALSE); efl_file_mmap_set(obj, f); ret = _efl_ui_image_smart_internal_file_set(obj, sd); eina_file_close(f); if (ret) { Efl_Ui_Image_Error err = { 0, EINA_TRUE }; ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->remote.binbuf, eina_binbuf_free); evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, &err); } else { if (sd->preload_status != EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOAD_DISABLED) { sd->preload_status = EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING; evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, EINA_FALSE); } evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_DOWNLOAD_DONE, NULL); } ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->remote.key, eina_stringshare_del); ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->remote.copier, efl_del); } static void _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_error(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Eo *obj = data; Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, MY_CLASS); Eina_Error *perr = event->info; Efl_Ui_Image_Error err = { *perr, EINA_FALSE }; evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, &err); _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cancel(obj, sd); ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->remote.key, eina_stringshare_del); } static void _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_progress(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Eo *obj = data; Efl_Ui_Image_Progress progress; uint64_t now, total; efl_io_copier_progress_get(event->object, &now, NULL, &total); progress.now = now; progress.total = total; evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, &progress); } EFL_CALLBACKS_ARRAY_DEFINE(_efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cbs, { EFL_EVENT_DEL, _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_del }, { EFL_IO_COPIER_EVENT_DONE, _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_done }, { EFL_IO_COPIER_EVENT_ERROR, _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_error }, { EFL_IO_COPIER_EVENT_PROGRESS, _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_progress }); static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_download(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, const char *url) { Eo *dialer; Efl_Ui_Image_Error img_err = { ENOSYS, EINA_FALSE }; Eina_Error err; const char *key = efl_file_key_get(obj); dialer = efl_add(EFL_NET_DIALER_HTTP_CLASS, obj, efl_net_dialer_http_allow_redirects_set(efl_added, EINA_TRUE)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(dialer, error_dialer); sd->remote.copier = efl_add(EFL_IO_COPIER_CLASS, obj, efl_io_copier_source_set(efl_added, dialer), efl_io_closer_close_on_invalidate_set(efl_added, EINA_TRUE), efl_event_callback_array_add(efl_added, _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cbs(), obj)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(sd->remote.copier, error_copier); eina_stringshare_replace(&sd->remote.key, key); err = efl_net_dialer_dial(dialer, url); if (err) { img_err.status = err; ERR("Could not download %s: %s", url, eina_error_msg_get(err)); evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, &img_err); goto error_dial; } return EINA_TRUE; error_dial: evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, &img_err); _efl_ui_image_remote_copier_cancel(obj, sd); return EINA_FALSE; error_copier: efl_del(dialer); error_dialer: evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, &img_err); return EINA_FALSE; } EOLIAN static const char* _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_group_group_data_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, const char *key) { if (sd->edje) return edje_object_data_get(sd->img, key); return NULL; } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_group_part_exist_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, const char *part) { if (sd->edje) return edje_object_part_exists(sd->img, part); return EINA_FALSE; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_signal_signal_emit(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, const char *emission, const char *source) { if (sd->edje) edje_object_signal_emit(sd->img, emission, source); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_signal_message_send(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, int id, const Eina_Value msg) { if (pd->edje) efl_layout_signal_message_send(pd->img, id, msg); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_signal_signal_callback_add(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, const char *emission, const char *source, void *func_data, EflLayoutSignalCb func, Eina_Free_Cb func_free_cb) { if (pd->edje) return efl_layout_signal_callback_add(pd->img, emission, source, func_data, func, func_free_cb); return EINA_FALSE; } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_signal_signal_callback_del(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, const char *emission, const char *source, void *func_data, EflLayoutSignalCb func, Eina_Free_Cb func_free_cb) { if (pd->edje) return efl_layout_signal_callback_del(pd->img, emission, source, func_data, func, func_free_cb); return EINA_FALSE; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_signal_signal_process(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Eina_Bool recurse) { if (pd->edje) efl_layout_signal_process(pd->img, recurse); } EOLIAN static Eina_Size2D _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_group_group_size_min_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) return efl_layout_group_size_min_get(sd->img); else return EINA_SIZE2D(0, 0); } EOLIAN static Eina_Size2D _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_group_group_size_max_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) return efl_layout_group_size_max_get(sd->img); else return EINA_SIZE2D(0, 0); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_calc_calc_force(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) edje_object_calc_force(sd->img); } EOLIAN static Eina_Size2D _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_calc_calc_size_min(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Size2D restricted) { if (sd->edje) return efl_layout_calc_size_min(sd->img, restricted); else { // Ignore restricted here? Combine with min? Hmm... return efl_gfx_hint_size_combined_min_get(sd->img); } } EOLIAN Eina_Rect _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_calc_calc_parts_extends(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) return efl_layout_calc_parts_extends(sd->img); return efl_gfx_entity_geometry_get(sd->img); } EOLIAN static int _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_calc_calc_freeze(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) return edje_object_freeze(sd->img); return 0; } EOLIAN static int _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_calc_calc_thaw(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) { int ret = edje_object_thaw(sd->img); efl_canvas_group_calculate(obj); return ret; } return 0; } EOLIAN void _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_calc_calc_auto_update_hints_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool update) { if (sd->edje) efl_layout_calc_auto_update_hints_set(sd->img, update); } EOLIAN Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_layout_calc_calc_auto_update_hints_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) return efl_layout_calc_auto_update_hints_get(sd->img); return EINA_TRUE; } #if 0 // Kept for reference: wait for async open to complete - probably unused. static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_file_async_wait(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { Eina_Bool ok = EINA_TRUE; if (!pd->async.th) return ok; if (!ecore_thread_wait(pd->async.th, 1.0)) { ERR("Failed to wait on async file open!"); ok = EINA_FALSE; } return ok; } #endif /* Legacy style async API. While legacy only, this is new from 1.19. * Tizen has used elm_image_async_open_set() internally for a while, despite * EFL upstream not exposing a proper async API. */ EAPI void elm_image_async_open_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool async) { Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd; EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN(efl_isa(obj, MY_CLASS)); pd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, MY_CLASS); if (pd->async_enable == async) return; pd->async_enable = async; if (!async) _async_cancel(pd); } EOLIAN static Eina_Size2D _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_view_view_size_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { int tw, th; if (!sd->img) { tw = 0; th = 0; } else if (efl_isa(sd->img, EFL_CANVAS_LAYOUT_CLASS)) edje_object_size_min_get(sd->img, &tw, &th); else evas_object_image_size_get(sd->img, &tw, &th); return EINA_SIZE2D(tw, th); } EOLIAN static Eina_Size2D _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_image_size_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (!sd->img || sd->edje) return EINA_SIZE2D(0, 0); return efl_gfx_image_size_get(sd->img); } EOLIAN static double _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_ratio_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return 1.0; //documented value for the case that ratio cannot be calculated return efl_gfx_image_ratio_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static Eina_Rect _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_content_region_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) { Eina_Size2D size = efl_gfx_entity_size_get(pd->img); return EINA_RECT(0, 0, size.w, size.h); } return efl_gfx_image_content_region_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_border_insets_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, int l, int r, int t, int b) { if (pd->edje) return; efl_gfx_image_border_insets_set(pd->img, l, r, t, b); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_border_insets_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, int *l, int *r, int *t, int *b) { if (pd->edje) { if (l) *l = 0; if (r) *r = 0; if (t) *t = 0; if (b) *b = 0; } else { efl_gfx_image_border_insets_get(pd->img, l, r, t, b); } } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_border_insets_scale_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, double scale) { if (pd->edje) return; efl_gfx_image_border_insets_scale_set(pd->img, scale); } EOLIAN static double _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_border_insets_scale_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return 0.0; return efl_gfx_image_border_insets_scale_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_center_fill_mode_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Efl_Gfx_Center_Fill_Mode fill) { if (pd->edje) return; efl_gfx_image_center_fill_mode_set(pd->img, fill); } EOLIAN static Efl_Gfx_Center_Fill_Mode _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_center_fill_mode_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EFL_GFX_CENTER_FILL_MODE_DEFAULT; return efl_gfx_image_center_fill_mode_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_stretch_region_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Eina_Iterator *horizontal, Eina_Iterator *vertical) { if (pd->edje) { eina_iterator_free(horizontal); eina_iterator_free(vertical); return EINA_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } else { return efl_gfx_image_stretch_region_set(pd->img, horizontal, vertical); } } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_stretch_region_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Eina_Iterator **horizontal, Eina_Iterator **vertical) { if (pd->edje) { if (horizontal) *horizontal = NULL; if (vertical) *vertical = NULL; } else { efl_gfx_image_stretch_region_get(pd->img, horizontal, vertical); } } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_scale_hint_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Efl_Gfx_Image_Scale_Hint hint) { if (pd->edje) return; return efl_gfx_image_scale_hint_set(pd->img, hint); } EOLIAN static Efl_Gfx_Image_Scale_Hint _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_scale_hint_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_NONE; return efl_gfx_image_scale_hint_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_content_hint_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Efl_Gfx_Image_Content_Hint hint) { if (pd->edje) return; return efl_gfx_image_content_hint_set(pd->img, hint); } EOLIAN static Efl_Gfx_Image_Content_Hint _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_content_hint_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EFL_GFX_IMAGE_CONTENT_HINT_NONE; return efl_gfx_image_content_hint_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_image_load_error_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EINA_ERROR_NO_ERROR; return efl_gfx_image_load_error_get(pd->img); } EAPI void elm_image_prescale_set(Evas_Object *obj, int size) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj); efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_size_set(obj, EINA_SIZE2D(size, size)); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_size_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Size2D sz) { sd->load_size = sz; if (!sd->img) return; _efl_ui_image_load_size_set_internal(obj, sd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_async_start(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return; efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_async_start(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_async_cancel(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return; efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_async_cancel(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_dpi_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, double dpi) { if (pd->edje) return; efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_dpi_set(pd->img, dpi); } EOLIAN static double _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_dpi_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return 0.0; return efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_dpi_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_orientation_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Eina_Bool enable) { if (pd->edje) return; efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_orientation_set(pd->img, enable); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_orientation_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EINA_FALSE; return efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_orientation_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_scale_down_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, int div) { if (pd->edje) return; efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_scale_down_set(pd->img, div); } EOLIAN static int _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_scale_down_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EINA_FALSE; return efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_scale_down_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_skip_header_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Eina_Bool skip) { if (pd->edje) return; return efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_skip_header_set(pd->img, skip); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_skip_header_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EINA_FALSE; return efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_skip_header_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_region_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, Eina_Rect region) { if (pd->edje) return; return efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_region_set(pd->img, region); } EOLIAN static Eina_Rect _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_region_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EINA_RECT(0, 0, 0, 0); return efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_region_get(pd->img); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_region_support_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { if (pd->edje) return EINA_FALSE; return EINA_TRUE; } EAPI int elm_image_prescale_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { Eina_Size2D sz; EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) 0; sz = efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_size_get(obj); return MAX(sz.w, sz.h); } EOLIAN static Eina_Size2D _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_load_controller_load_size_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->load_size; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_orientable_image_orientation_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Efl_Gfx_Image_Orientation orient) { if (sd->edje) return; if (sd->orient == orient) return; sd->orient = orient; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EOLIAN static Efl_Gfx_Image_Orientation _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_orientable_image_orientation_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->orient; } /** * Turns on editing through drag and drop and copy and paste. */ EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_ui_draggable_drag_target_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool edit) { if (sd->edje) { WRN("No editing edje objects yet (ever)\n"); return; } edit = !!edit; if (edit == sd->edit) return; sd->edit = edit; if (sd->edit) elm_drop_target_add (obj, ELM_SEL_FORMAT_IMAGE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _efl_ui_image_drag_n_drop_cb, obj); else elm_drop_target_del (obj, ELM_SEL_FORMAT_IMAGE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _efl_ui_image_drag_n_drop_cb, obj); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_ui_draggable_drag_target_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->edit; } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_animated_available_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { return efl_playable_get(obj); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_playable_playable_get(const Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) return EINA_TRUE; return evas_object_image_animated_get(elm_image_object_get(obj)); } static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_animated_set_internal(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool anim) { anim = !!anim; if (sd->anim == anim) return EINA_TRUE; if (sd->edje) { edje_object_animation_set(sd->img, anim); sd->anim = anim; return EINA_TRUE; } sd->img = elm_image_object_get(obj); if (elm_widget_is_legacy(obj)) sd->anim = anim; //legacy if (!evas_object_image_animated_get(sd->img)) return EINA_FALSE; sd->anim = anim; if (anim) { sd->frame_count = evas_object_image_animated_frame_count_get(sd->img); sd->cur_frame = 0; sd->frame_duration = evas_object_image_animated_frame_duration_get (sd->img, sd->cur_frame, 0); evas_object_image_animated_frame_set(sd->img, sd->cur_frame); if (!sd->paused)//legacy sd->anim_timer = ecore_timer_add (sd->frame_duration / sd->playback_speed, _efl_ui_image_animate_cb, obj); } else { sd->frame_count = -1; sd->cur_frame = -1; sd->frame_duration = -1; ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->anim_timer, ecore_timer_del); } return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_animated_get_internal(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) return edje_object_animation_get(sd->img); return sd->anim; } EAPI void elm_image_animated_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool anim) { Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, MY_CLASS); if (!sd) return; _efl_ui_image_animated_set_internal(obj, sd, anim); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_animated_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, MY_CLASS); if (!sd) return EINA_FALSE; return _efl_ui_image_animated_get_internal(obj, sd); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_player_playing_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool playing) { return _efl_ui_image_animated_set_internal(obj, sd, playing); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_player_playing_get(const Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return _efl_ui_image_animated_get_internal(obj, sd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_player_playback_speed_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, double factor) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(factor < 0.0); EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(EINA_DBL_EQ(factor, 0.0)); if (EINA_DBL_EQ(sd->playback_speed, factor)) return; sd->playback_speed = factor; if (sd->edje) efl_player_playback_speed_set(sd->img, factor); else if (sd->anim_timer) { ecore_timer_interval_set(sd->anim_timer, sd->frame_duration / sd->playback_speed); ecore_timer_reset(sd->anim_timer); } } EOLIAN static double _efl_ui_image_efl_player_playback_speed_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->playback_speed; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_player_playback_position_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, double sec) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(sec < 0.0); if (sd->edje) efl_player_playback_position_set(sd->img, sec); else if ((sd->frame_count > 0) && (sd->frame_duration > 0.0)) { /* validate total animation time */ EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(sd->frame_count * sd->frame_duration < sec); sd->cur_frame = lround(sec / sd->frame_duration); } } EOLIAN static double _efl_ui_image_efl_player_playback_position_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) efl_player_playback_position_get(sd->img); else if ((sd->frame_count > 0) && (sd->frame_duration > 0.0)) return sd->cur_frame * sd->frame_duration; return 0.0; } EOLIAN static double _efl_ui_image_efl_player_playback_progress_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) efl_player_playback_progress_get(sd->img); else if (sd->frame_count > 1) return sd->cur_frame / (sd->frame_count - 1); return 0.0; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_player_playback_progress_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, double progress) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(progress > 1 || progress < 0); if (sd->edje) efl_player_playback_progress_set(sd->img, progress); else if (sd->frame_count > 1) sd->cur_frame = lround(progress * (sd->frame_count - 1)); else sd->cur_frame = 0; } static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_animated_paused_set_internal(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool paused) { paused = !!paused; if (!sd->anim) return EINA_FALSE; if (sd->paused == paused) return EINA_TRUE; sd->paused = paused; if (sd->edje) { edje_object_play_set(sd->img, !paused); return EINA_TRUE; } if (!paused) { sd->anim_timer = ecore_timer_add (sd->frame_duration / sd->playback_speed, _efl_ui_image_animate_cb, obj); } else { ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->anim_timer, ecore_timer_del); } return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_animated_paused_get_internal(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { if (sd->edje) return !edje_object_play_get(sd->img); return sd->paused; } EAPI void elm_image_animated_play_set(Elm_Image *obj, Eina_Bool play) { Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, MY_CLASS); if (!sd) return; _efl_ui_image_animated_paused_set_internal(obj, sd, !play); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_animated_play_get(const Elm_Image *obj) { Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, MY_CLASS); if (!sd) return EINA_FALSE; return !_efl_ui_image_animated_paused_get_internal(obj, sd); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_player_paused_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool paused) { return _efl_ui_image_animated_paused_set_internal(obj, sd, paused); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_player_paused_get(const Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return _efl_ui_image_animated_paused_get_internal(obj, sd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_scale_method_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Gfx_Image_Scale_Method scale_type) { if (scale_type == sd->scale_type) return; sd->scale_type = scale_type; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EOLIAN static Efl_Gfx_Image_Scale_Method _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_scale_method_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->scale_type; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_can_upscale_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool can_upscale) { if (can_upscale == sd->scale_up) return; sd->scale_up = !!can_upscale; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_can_upscale_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->scale_up; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_can_downscale_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, Eina_Bool can_downscale) { if (can_downscale == sd->scale_down) return; sd->scale_down = !!can_downscale; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_image_can_downscale_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->scale_down; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_arrangement_content_align_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, double align_x, double align_y) { if (align_x > 1.0) align_x = 1.0; else if (align_x < 0.0) align_x = 0.0; if (align_y > 1.0) align_y = 1.0; else if (align_y < 0.0) align_y = 0.0; if ((EINA_DBL_EQ(align_x, sd->align_x)) && (EINA_DBL_EQ(align_y, sd->align_y))) return; sd->align_x = align_x; sd->align_y = align_y; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_image_efl_gfx_arrangement_content_align_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd, double *align_x, double *align_y) { if (align_x) *align_x = sd->align_x; if (align_y) *align_y = sd->align_y; } // A11Y EOLIAN static Eina_Rect _efl_ui_image_efl_access_component_extents_get(const Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Bool screen_coords) { int ee_x, ee_y; Eina_Rect r; Evas_Object *image = elm_image_object_get(obj); r.x = r.y = r.w = r.h = -1; if (!image) return r; evas_object_geometry_get(image, &r.x, &r.y, NULL, NULL); if (screen_coords) { Ecore_Evas *ee = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(evas_object_evas_get(image)); if (!ee) return r; ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, &ee_x, &ee_y, NULL, NULL); r.x += ee_x; r.y += ee_y; } elm_image_object_size_get(obj, &r.w, &r.h); return r; } EOLIAN const Efl_Access_Action_Data * _efl_ui_image_efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED) { static Efl_Access_Action_Data atspi_actions[] = { { "activate", "activate", NULL, _key_action_activate }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; return &atspi_actions[0]; } static Eina_Bool _icon_standard_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *name) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); if (_elm_theme_object_icon_set(obj, name, "default")) { /* TODO: elm_unneed_efreet() */ sd->freedesktop.use = EINA_FALSE; return EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _icon_freedesktop_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *name, int size) { const char *path; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); elm_need_efreet(); if (icon_theme == NON_EXISTING) return EINA_FALSE; if (!icon_theme) { Efreet_Icon_Theme *theme; /* TODO: Listen for EFREET_EVENT_ICON_CACHE_UPDATE */ theme = efreet_icon_theme_find(elm_config_icon_theme_get()); if (!theme) { const char **itr; static const char *themes[] = { "gnome", "Human", "oxygen", "hicolor", NULL }; for (itr = themes; *itr; itr++) { theme = efreet_icon_theme_find(*itr); if (theme) break; } } if (!theme) { icon_theme = NON_EXISTING; return EINA_FALSE; } else icon_theme = eina_stringshare_add(theme->name.internal); } path = efreet_icon_path_find(icon_theme, name, size); sd->freedesktop.use = !!path; if (sd->freedesktop.use) { sd->freedesktop.requested_size = size; efl_file_simple_load(obj, path, NULL); return EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } static inline int _icon_size_min_get(Evas_Object *image) { int w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(image, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); return MAX(16, MIN(w, h)); } /* FIXME: move this code to ecore */ #ifdef _WIN32 static Eina_Bool _path_is_absolute(const char *path) { //TODO: Check if this works with all absolute paths in windows return (isalpha(*path)) && (*(path + 1) == ':') && ((*(path + 2) == '\\') || (*(path + 2) == '/')); } #else static Eina_Bool _path_is_absolute(const char *path) { return *path == '/'; } #endif static Eina_Bool _internal_efl_ui_image_icon_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *name, Eina_Bool *fdo) { char *tmp; Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); /* try locating the icon using the specified theme */ if (!strcmp(ELM_CONFIG_ICON_THEME_ELEMENTARY, elm_config_icon_theme_get())) { ret = _icon_standard_set(obj, name); if (ret && fdo) *fdo = EINA_FALSE; } else { ret = _icon_freedesktop_set(obj, name, _icon_size_min_get(obj)); if (ret && fdo) *fdo = EINA_TRUE; } if (ret) { eina_stringshare_replace(&sd->stdicon, name); efl_canvas_group_change(obj); return EINA_TRUE; } else eina_stringshare_replace(&sd->stdicon, NULL); if (_path_is_absolute(name)) { if (fdo) *fdo = EINA_FALSE; return efl_file_simple_load(obj, name, NULL); } /* if that fails, see if icon name is in the format size/name. if so, try locating a fallback without the size specification */ if (!(tmp = strchr(name, '/'))) return EINA_FALSE; ++tmp; if (*tmp) return _internal_efl_ui_image_icon_set(obj, tmp, fdo); /* give up */ return EINA_FALSE; } static void _efl_ui_image_icon_resize_cb(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(data, sd); const char *refup = eina_stringshare_ref(sd->stdicon); Eina_Bool fdo = EINA_FALSE; if (!_internal_efl_ui_image_icon_set(obj, sd->stdicon, &fdo) || (!fdo)) evas_object_event_callback_del_full (obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _efl_ui_image_icon_resize_cb, data); eina_stringshare_del(refup); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_image_icon_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *_pd EINA_UNUSED, const char *name) { Eina_Bool fdo = EINA_FALSE; if (!name) return EINA_FALSE; evas_object_event_callback_del_full (obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _efl_ui_image_icon_resize_cb, obj); Eina_Bool int_ret = _internal_efl_ui_image_icon_set(obj, name, &fdo); if (fdo) evas_object_event_callback_add (obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _efl_ui_image_icon_resize_cb, obj); return int_ret; } EOLIAN static const char* _efl_ui_image_icon_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *sd) { return sd->stdicon; } void _update_viewmodel(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd) { Eina_Value *vfile = NULL; Eina_Value *vkey = NULL; Eina_File *f = NULL; char *file = NULL; char *key = NULL; Efl_Model *model; if (!pd->property.file) return ; if (!pd->property_watch) { efl_event_callback_add(obj, EFL_UI_VIEW_EVENT_MODEL_CHANGED, _efl_ui_image_model_changed, pd); pd->property_watch = EINA_TRUE; } model = efl_ui_view_model_get(obj); if (!model) return ; vfile = efl_model_property_get(model, pd->property.file); if (!vfile) return; vkey = efl_model_property_get(model, pd->property.key); if (eina_value_type_get(vfile) == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR) goto err; if (pd->property.icon) { file = eina_value_to_string(vfile); efl_ui_image_icon_set(obj, file); } else { if (vkey && eina_value_type_get(vkey) != EINA_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR) key = eina_value_to_string(vkey); if (eina_value_type_get(vfile) == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_FILE) { eina_value_get(vfile, &f); efl_file_simple_mmap_load(obj, f, key); } else { file = eina_value_to_string(vfile); efl_file_simple_load(obj, file, key); } } free(file); free(key); err: eina_value_free(vfile); eina_value_free(vkey); } static void _efl_ui_image_model_properties_changed_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Efl_Model_Property_Event *evt = event->info; Eina_Array_Iterator it; Eo *obj = data; const char *prop; unsigned int i; Eina_Bool refresh = EINA_FALSE; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, pd); if (!evt->changed_properties) return; EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT(evt->changed_properties, i, prop, it) { if (pd->property.file && (pd->property.file == prop || !strcmp(pd->property.file, prop))) { refresh = EINA_TRUE; break ; } if (pd->property.key && (pd->property.key == prop || !strcmp(pd->property.key, prop))) { refresh = EINA_TRUE; break ; } } if (refresh) _update_viewmodel(obj, pd); } EOLIAN static Eina_Error _efl_ui_image_efl_ui_property_bind_property_bind(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Image_Data *pd, const char *key, const char *property) { Eina_Stringshare *sk; if (efl_ui_property_bind(efl_super(obj, EFL_UI_IMAGE_CLASS), key, property) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(key, "filename") == 0) { pd->property.icon = EINA_FALSE; eina_stringshare_replace(&pd->property.file, property); } else if (strcmp(key, "icon") == 0) { pd->property.icon = EINA_TRUE; eina_stringshare_replace(&pd->property.file, property); eina_stringshare_replace(&pd->property.key, NULL); } else if (strcmp(key, "key") == 0) { eina_stringshare_replace(&pd->property.key, property); } else { return EFL_PROPERTY_ERROR_INVALID_KEY; } _update_viewmodel(obj, pd); sk = eina_stringshare_add(key); efl_event_callback_call(obj, EFL_UI_PROPERTY_BIND_EVENT_PROPERTY_BOUND, (void*) sk); eina_stringshare_del(sk); return 0; } EAPI void elm_image_smooth_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool smooth) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN(efl_isa(obj, MY_CLASS)); efl_gfx_image_smooth_scale_set(obj, smooth); efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_smooth_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN_VAL(efl_isa(obj, MY_CLASS), EINA_FALSE); return efl_gfx_image_smooth_scale_get(obj); } // A11Y - END /* Legacy deprecated functions */ EAPI void elm_image_editable_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool edit) { efl_ui_draggable_drag_target_set(obj, edit); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_editable_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { return efl_ui_draggable_drag_target_get(obj); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_file_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *file, const char *group) { Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) EINA_FALSE; ret = efl_file_simple_load(obj, file, group); efl_canvas_group_change(obj); return ret; } EAPI void elm_image_file_get(const Eo *obj, const char **file, const char **group) { efl_file_simple_get((Eo *) obj, file, group); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_mmap_set(Evas_Object *obj, const Eina_File *file, const char *group) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) EINA_FALSE; return efl_file_simple_mmap_load(obj, file, group); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_memfile_set(Evas_Object *obj, const void *img, size_t size, const char *format, const char *key) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(img, EINA_FALSE); Evas_Load_Error err; EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) EINA_FALSE; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); _efl_ui_image_file_set_do(obj); evas_object_image_memfile_set (sd->img, (void *)img, size, (char *)format, (char *)key); if (sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOAD_DISABLED) _prev_img_del(sd); else { sd->preload_status = EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING; evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, EINA_FALSE); } err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(sd->img); if (err != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE) { if (img) ERR("Failed to load image from memory block (" FMT_SIZE_T " bytes): %s (%p)", size, evas_load_error_str(err), sd->img); else ERR("NULL image data passed (%p)", sd->img); _prev_img_del(sd); return EINA_FALSE; } efl_canvas_group_change(obj); return EINA_TRUE; } EAPI void elm_image_fill_outside_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool fill_outside) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj); EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); fill_outside = !!fill_outside; if (sd->fill_inside == !fill_outside) return; sd->fill_inside = !fill_outside; if (sd->aspect_fixed) { if (sd->fill_inside) sd->scale_type = EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FIT; else sd->scale_type = EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_EXPAND; } else sd->scale_type = EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FILL; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_fill_outside_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) EINA_FALSE; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); return !sd->fill_inside; } // TODO: merge preload and async code EAPI void elm_image_preload_disabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool disable) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj); EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); if (sd->edje || !sd->img) return; if (disable) { if (sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING) { evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, disable); if (sd->show) evas_object_show(sd->img); _prev_img_del(sd); } sd->preload_status = EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOAD_DISABLED; } else if (sd->preload_status == EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOAD_DISABLED) { sd->preload_status = EFL_UI_IMAGE_PRELOADING; evas_object_image_preload(sd->img, disable); } } EAPI void elm_image_orient_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Image_Orient elm_orient) { // This array takes an Elm_Image_Orient and turns it into an Efl_Gfx_Image_Orientation static const Efl_Gfx_Image_Orientation efl_orient[8] = { EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_NONE, EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_RIGHT, EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_DOWN, EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_LEFT, EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_FLIP_HORIZONTAL, EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_FLIP_VERTICAL, EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_LEFT | EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_FLIP_VERTICAL, EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_RIGHT | EFL_GFX_IMAGE_ORIENTATION_FLIP_VERTICAL }; EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj); EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN(elm_orient >= 0 && elm_orient < 8); sd->image_orient = elm_orient; efl_gfx_image_orientation_set(obj, efl_orient[elm_orient]); } EAPI Elm_Image_Orient elm_image_orient_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) ELM_IMAGE_ORIENT_NONE; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); return sd->image_orient; } EAPI Evas_Object* elm_image_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) NULL; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); if (!sd->img) sd->img = _img_new((Evas_Object *)obj); return sd->img; } EAPI void elm_image_object_size_get(const Evas_Object *obj, int *w, int *h) { Eina_Size2D sz; sz = efl_gfx_view_size_get(obj); if (w) *w = sz.w; if (h) *h = sz.h; } EAPI void elm_image_no_scale_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool no_scale) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj); EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); sd->no_scale = no_scale; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_no_scale_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) EINA_FALSE; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); return sd->no_scale; } EAPI void elm_image_resizable_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool up, Eina_Bool down) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj); EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); sd->scale_up = !!up; sd->scale_down = !!down; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EAPI void elm_image_resizable_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool *size_up, Eina_Bool *size_down) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj); EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); if (size_up) *size_up = sd->scale_up; if (size_down) *size_down = sd->scale_down; } EAPI void elm_image_aspect_fixed_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool fixed) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj); EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); fixed = !!fixed; if (sd->aspect_fixed == fixed) return; sd->aspect_fixed = fixed; if (sd->aspect_fixed) { if (sd->fill_inside) sd->scale_type = EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FIT; else sd->scale_type = EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_EXPAND; } else sd->scale_type = EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_FILL; efl_canvas_group_change(obj); } EAPI Eina_Bool elm_image_aspect_fixed_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { EFL_UI_IMAGE_CHECK(obj) EINA_FALSE; EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, sd); return sd->aspect_fixed; } /* Standard widget overrides */ ELM_WIDGET_KEY_DOWN_DEFAULT_IMPLEMENT(efl_ui_image, Efl_Ui_Image_Data) /* Internal EO APIs and hidden overrides */ #define EFL_UI_IMAGE_EXTRA_OPS \ EFL_CANVAS_GROUP_ADD_DEL_OPS(efl_ui_image), \ EFL_CANVAS_GROUP_CALC_OPS(efl_ui_image) #include "efl_ui_image.eo.c" #include "efl_ui_image_legacy_eo.h" #define MY_CLASS_NAME_LEGACY "elm_image" static void _efl_ui_image_legacy_class_constructor(Efl_Class *klass) { evas_smart_legacy_type_register(MY_CLASS_NAME_LEGACY, klass); } EOLIAN static Eo * _efl_ui_image_legacy_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, void *pd EINA_UNUSED) { obj = efl_constructor(efl_super(obj, EFL_UI_IMAGE_LEGACY_CLASS)); efl_canvas_object_type_set(obj, MY_CLASS_NAME_LEGACY); return obj; } EAPI Evas_Object * elm_image_add(Evas_Object *parent) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(parent, NULL); Evas_Object *obj = elm_legacy_add(EFL_UI_IMAGE_LEGACY_CLASS, parent); EFL_UI_IMAGE_DATA_GET(obj, priv); efl_event_callback_add(obj, EFL_GFX_ENTITY_EVENT_HINTS_CHANGED, _on_size_hints_changed, priv); return obj; } #include "efl_ui_image_legacy_eo.c"