/** * Example illustrating usage of fog effect. * * @verbatim * gcc -o evas-3d-fog evas-3d-fog.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags evas ecore ecore-evas eo`-lm * @endverbatim */ #define EFL_EO_API_SUPPORT #define EFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT #include #include #include #include #include #define WIDTH 1024 #define HEIGHT 1024 #define FOG_COLOR 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 #define FOG_FACTOR 0.2 static double pi = 3.14159265359; typedef struct _Scene_Data { Eo *scene; Eo *root_node; Eo *camera_node; Eo *light_node; Eo *mesh_node; Eo *mesh_node1; Eo *camera; Eo *light; Eo *mesh; Eo *mesh1; Eo *material; } Scene_Data; typedef struct _vec3 { float x; float y; float z; } vec3; typedef struct _vec4 { float x; float y; float z; float w; } vec4; Ecore_Evas *ecore_evas = NULL; Evas *evas = NULL; Eo *background = NULL; Eo *image = NULL; static void _on_delete(Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED) { ecore_main_loop_quit(); } static void _on_canvas_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee) { int w, h; ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); evas_object_resize(background, w, h); eo_do(background, evas_obj_size_set(w, h)); eo_do(image, evas_obj_size_set(w, h)); } static Eina_Bool _animate_scene(void *data) { static float angle = 0.0f; Scene_Data *scene = (Scene_Data *)data; angle += 0.5; eo_do(scene->mesh_node, evas_3d_node_orientation_angle_axis_set(angle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); if (angle > 360.0) angle -= 360.0f; return EINA_TRUE; } static void _camera_setup(Scene_Data *data) { data->camera = eo_add(EVAS_3D_CAMERA_CLASS, evas); eo_do(data->camera, evas_3d_camera_projection_perspective_set(60.0, 1.0, 2.0, 50.0)); data->camera_node = eo_add_custom(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_CAMERA)); eo_do(data->camera_node, evas_3d_node_camera_set(data->camera), evas_3d_node_position_set(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), evas_3d_node_look_at_set(EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); eo_do(data->root_node, evas_3d_node_member_add(data->camera_node)); } static void _light_setup(Scene_Data *data) { data->light = eo_add(EVAS_3D_LIGHT_CLASS, evas); eo_do(data->light, evas_3d_light_ambient_set(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0), evas_3d_light_diffuse_set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_light_specular_set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); data->light_node = eo_add_custom(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_LIGHT)); eo_do(data->light_node, evas_3d_node_light_set(data->light), evas_3d_node_position_set(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), evas_3d_node_look_at_set(EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); eo_do(data->root_node, evas_3d_node_member_add(data->light_node)); } static void _set_ball(Eo *mesh, double r, double x, double y, double z, int p, Evas_3D_Material *material) { int vcount, icount, vccount, i, j; double dtheta, dfi, sinth, costh, fi, theta, sinfi, cosfi; unsigned short *indices, *index; icount = p * p * 6; vccount = p + 1; vcount = vccount * vccount; dtheta = pi / p; dfi = 2 * pi / p; vec3 *vertices = malloc(sizeof(vec3) * vcount); vec3 *normals = malloc(sizeof(vec3) * vcount); for (j = 0; j < vccount; j++) { theta = j * dtheta; sinth = sin(theta); costh = cos(theta); for (i = 0; i < vccount; i++) { fi = i * dfi; sinfi = sin(fi); cosfi = cos(fi); vertices[i + j * vccount].x = r * sinth * cosfi + x; vertices[i + j * vccount].y = r * sinth * sinfi + y; vertices[i + j * vccount].z = r * costh + z; normals[i + j * vccount].x = sinth * cosfi; normals[i + j * vccount].y = sinth * sinfi; normals[i + j * vccount].z = costh; } } indices = malloc(sizeof(short) * icount); index = &indices[0]; for(j = 0; j < p; j++) for(i = 0; i < p; i++) { *index++ = (unsigned short)(i + vccount * j); *index++ = i + vccount * (j + 1); *index++ = i + 1 + vccount * (j + 1); *index++ = i + vccount * j; *index++ = i + 1 + vccount * j; *index++ = i + vccount * (j + 1) + 1; } eo_do(mesh, evas_3d_mesh_vertex_count_set(vcount), evas_3d_mesh_frame_add(0); evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_set(0, EVAS_3D_VERTEX_POSITION, sizeof(vec3), &vertices[0]); evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_set(0, EVAS_3D_VERTEX_NORMAL, sizeof(vec3), &normals[0]); evas_3d_mesh_index_data_set(EVAS_3D_INDEX_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_SHORT, icount , &indices[0]); evas_3d_mesh_vertex_assembly_set(EVAS_3D_VERTEX_ASSEMBLY_TRIANGLES); evas_3d_mesh_shade_mode_set(EVAS_3D_SHADE_MODE_PHONG); evas_3d_mesh_frame_material_set(0, material)); } static void _mesh_setup(Scene_Data *data) { data->material = eo_add(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_CLASS, evas); eo_do(data->material, evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_AMBIENT, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_SPECULAR, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_AMBIENT, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_SPECULAR, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_material_shininess_set(100.0)); data->mesh = eo_add(EVAS_3D_MESH_CLASS, evas); data->mesh1 = eo_add(EVAS_3D_MESH_CLASS, evas); _set_ball(data->mesh, 1, 4, 0, 0, 100, data->material); _set_ball(data->mesh1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 100, data->material); data->mesh_node = eo_add_custom(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_MESH)); eo_do(data->root_node, evas_3d_node_member_add(data->mesh_node)); eo_do(data->mesh_node, evas_3d_node_mesh_add(data->mesh)); data->mesh_node1 = eo_add_custom(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_MESH)); eo_do(data->root_node, evas_3d_node_member_add(data->mesh_node1)); eo_do(data->mesh_node1, evas_3d_node_mesh_add(data->mesh1)); eo_do(data->mesh, evas_3d_mesh_fog_enable_set(EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_mesh_fog_color_set(FOG_COLOR, FOG_FACTOR)); eo_do(data->mesh1, evas_3d_mesh_fog_enable_set(EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_mesh_fog_color_set(FOG_COLOR, FOG_FACTOR)); } static void _scene_setup(Scene_Data *data) { data->scene = eo_add(EVAS_3D_SCENE_CLASS, evas); eo_do(data->scene, evas_3d_scene_size_set(WIDTH, HEIGHT); evas_3d_scene_background_color_set(FOG_COLOR, 1)); data->root_node = eo_add_custom(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_NODE)); _camera_setup(data); _light_setup(data); _mesh_setup(data); eo_do(data->scene, evas_3d_scene_root_node_set(data->root_node), evas_3d_scene_camera_node_set(data->camera_node)); } int main(void) { //Unless Evas 3D supports Software renderer, we set gl backened forcely. setenv("ECORE_EVAS_ENGINE", "opengl_x11", 1); Scene_Data data; Ecore_Animator *anim; if (!ecore_evas_init()) return 0; ecore_evas = ecore_evas_new("opengl_x11", 10, 10, WIDTH, HEIGHT, NULL); if (!ecore_evas) return 0; ecore_evas_callback_delete_request_set(ecore_evas, _on_delete); ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(ecore_evas, _on_canvas_resize); ecore_evas_show(ecore_evas); evas = ecore_evas_get(ecore_evas); _scene_setup(&data); /* Add a background rectangle objects. */ background = eo_add(EVAS_RECTANGLE_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(background); eo_do(background, evas_obj_color_set(0, 0, 0, 255), evas_obj_size_set(WIDTH, HEIGHT), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); /* Add an image object for 3D scene rendering. */ image = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas); eo_do(image, evas_obj_size_set(WIDTH, HEIGHT), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); /* Set the image object as render target for 3D scene. */ eo_do(image, evas_obj_image_scene_set(data.scene)); /* Add animation timer callback. */ ecore_animator_frametime_set(0.008); anim = ecore_animator_add(_animate_scene, &data); /* Enter main loop. */ ecore_main_loop_begin(); ecore_evas_free(ecore_evas); ecore_evas_shutdown(); ecore_animator_del(anim); return 0; }