class Evas_3D_Mesh (Evas_3D_Object, Evas_Common_Interface) { legacy_prefix: evas_3d_mesh; data: Evas_3D_Mesh_Data; methods { file_set { /** * Load mesh data from file. * * Loading a mesh from existing file is supported. Currently, only MD2 file * format is supported. * * @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; params { @in Evas_3D_Mesh_File_Type type; /*@ The type of the mesh file. */ @in const char *file; /*@ Path to the mesh file. */ @in const char *key; /*@ Key in the mesh file. */ } } frame_vertex_data_set { /*@ Set the vertex data of the key frame of the given mesh. This function make evas read from the given buffer whenever it requires. If you want to release the buffer after calling this functions, use evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_copy_set() instead. After setting the vertex data, further modifications should be protected by map/unmap pair. @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_copy_set() @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_map() @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_unmap() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; params { @in int frame; /*@ The number of the key frame. */ @in Evas_3D_Vertex_Attrib attrib; /*@ Vertex attribute ID. */ @in int stride; /*@ Stride to go to the next vertex (in bytes). */ @in const void *data; /*@ Pointer to the vertex data buffer. */ } } frame_vertex_data_copy_set { /*@ Set the vertex data of the key frame of the given mesh by copying from a buffer. This function allocates internal vertex buffer and copy from the given buffer. So you can release the buffer. If you want to modify the vertex data use evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_map(). After finishing the modifications, you should call evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_unmap(). @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_set() @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_map() @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_unmap() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; params { @in int frame; /*@ The number of the key frame. */ @in Evas_3D_Vertex_Attrib attrib; /*@ Vertex attribute ID. */ @in int stride; /*@ Stride to go to the next vertex (in bytes). */ @in const void *data; /*@ Pointer to the vertex data buffer. */ } } frame_vertex_data_map { /*@ Map the vertex buffer of the key frame of the given mesh. After manipulating the mapped buffer, evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_unmap() should be called to properly download the data to the engine. If the data was set using evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_set(), pointer to the original buffer will be returned. Otherwise, the returned pointer can differ every time calling this function. @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_unmap() @return Starting address of the mapped vertex buffer. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; return void *; params { @in int frame; /*@ The number of the key frame. */ @in Evas_3D_Vertex_Attrib attrib; /*@ Vertex attribute ID. */ } } frame_vertex_data_unmap { /* Unmap the vertex buffer of the key frame of the given mesh. @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_map() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; params { @in int frame; /*@ The number of the key frame. */ @in Evas_3D_Vertex_Attrib attrib; /*@ Vertex attribute ID. */ } } frame_vertex_stride_get { /* Get the vertex buffer stride of the key frame of the given mesh. This function returns valid stride only when the vertex buffer is mapped. If the data was set with evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_set(), the original stride will be returned unchanged. @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_vertex_data_map() @return Stride to go to the next vertex (in bytes). @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; const; return int ; params { @in int frame; /*@ The number of the key frame. */ @in Evas_3D_Vertex_Attrib attrib; /*@ Vertex attribute ID. */ } } index_data_set { /* Set the vertex index data of the given mesh. When the index data is set, Evas 3D assembles vertices using the index data. If you want to free the data buffer, use evas_3d_mesh_index_data_copy_set(). Further modifications should be made within map/unmap pair. @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_copy_set() @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_map() @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_unmap() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; params { @in Evas_3D_Index_Format format; /*@ Vertex index data format. */ @in int count; /*@ Vertex index count. */ @in const void *indices; /*@ Pointer to the index data. */ } } index_data_copy_set { /* Set the vertex index data of the given mesh by copying from a buffer. This function allocates internal index buffer any copy data from the given buffer. Futher modifications can be made within map/unmap pair. @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_set() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; return void ; params { @in Evas_3D_Index_Format format; /*@ Vertex index data format. */ @in int count; /*@ Vertex index count. */ @in const void *indices; /*@ Pointer to the index data. */ } } index_format_get { /* Get the format of the index data of the given mesh. Returns valid format only when the index buffer is mapped. First map the index buffer and then query the properties of the mapped buffer. If the index data was set by evas_3d_mesh_index_data_set(), the original format will be returned. Otherwise the format can differ every time you call the evas_3d_mesh_index_data_map() function. @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_map() @return Format of the index data. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; const; return Evas_3D_Index_Format ; } index_count_get { /* Get the count of the index data of the given mesh. This function returns the index count of the last called data_set function. @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_set() @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_copy_set() @return Index data count. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; const; return int ; } index_data_map { /* Map the index buffer of the given mesh. evas_3d_mesh_index_data_unmap() should be called after modifications. If the data was set using evas_3d_mesh_index_data_set(), the original pointer will be returned, otherwise, the returned pointer may differ every time you call this function. @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_unmap() @return Pointer to the mapped buffer. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; return void * ; } index_data_unmap { /* Unmap the index buffer of the given mesh. @see evas_3d_mesh_index_data_map() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; } frame_add { /* Add a key frame to the given mesh. @param mesh The given mesh. @param frame The number of the key frame to be added. If specified frame is already exist, error message will be generated. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; params { @in int frame; /*@ The number of the key frame to be added. */ } } frame_del { /* Delete a key frame from the given mesh. @param mesh The given mesh. @param frame The number of the key frame to be deleted. @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_add() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; params { @in int frame; /*@ The number of the key frame to be added. */ } } vertex_count_set { /*@ Set the vertex count of the given mesh. Each key frame should have same vertex count to be properly interpolated. Key frames have their own vertex data and the data should have more vertices than the mesh's vertex count. Default vertex count is 0. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; params { @in unsigned int count; /*@ Vertex count.*/ } } vertex_count_get { /*@ Get the vertex count of the given mesh. @see evas_3d_mesh_vertex_count_set() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; const; return int; } } properties { shade_mode { set { /** * Set the shade mode of the given mesh. * * Default shade mode is EVAS_3D_SHADE_MODE_VERTEX_COLOR. * * @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; } get { /** * Get the shade mode of the given mesh. * * @see eavs_3d_mesh_shade_mode_set() * * @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; } values { Evas_3D_Shade_Mode mode; /*@ The shade mode.*/ } } frame_material { set { /** Set the material of the key frame of the given mesh. Setting different materials for each key frame is useful for doing animations like GIF images or color changing animationas. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; } get { /** Get the material of the key frame of the given mesh. @see evas_3d_mesh_frame_material_set() @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; } keys { int frame; /*@ The number of the key frame.*/ } values { Evas_3D_Material *material; /*@ The material to be set to the key frame.*/ } } vertex_assembly { set { /* Set the vertex assembly of the given mesh. Vertex assembly defines how the engine organizes vertices into geometric primitives. Default vertex assembly is EVAS_3D_VERTEX_ASSEMBLY_TRIANGLES. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; } get { /* Get the vertex assembly of the given mesh. @see evas_3d_mesh_vertex_assembly_set() @return The vertex assembly. @ingroup Evas_3D_Mesh */ legacy null; } values { Evas_3D_Vertex_Assembly assembly; /*@ Vertex assembly.*/ } } } implements { Eo_Base::constructor; Eo_Base::destructor; Evas_3D_Object::update_notify; Evas_3D_Object::change_notify; } }