class Efl.Net.Server_Simple extends Efl.Loop_Consumer implements Efl.Net.Server { [[A network server wrapper that creates clients based on @Efl.Net.Socket_Simple. This is just a wrapper server. It takes an actual server using @.inner_server or creates one using @.inner_class. @since 1.19 ]] methods { @property inner_class { [[The class used to create @.inner_server if none was provided. This class must be set at build time and will be used to create the inner socket during @Efl.Object.finalize. It is a helper for users, saving them the trouble of manually creating and specifying a dialer object. ]] get { [[The internal class used to create the inner dialer.]] } set { [[Constructor-only property to define the class used to create the inner dialer.]] } values { klass: const(Efl.Class); [[The class]] } } @property inner_server { [[The inner @Efl.Net.Server this wrapper operates on.]] get { [[The internal server used for actual operations, use with care!]] } set { [[Constructor-only property to set the inner_server.]] } values { server: Efl.Object; [[The server instance]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.finalize; Efl.Object.invalidate; Efl.Net.Server.serve; Efl.Net.Server.client_announce; Efl.Net.Server.address { get; } Efl.Net.Server.clients_count { get; } Efl.Net.Server.clients_limit { get; set; } Efl.Net.Server.serving { get; } } }