/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ /* * TODO: * - manage priority * - manage I/O pipes * - add events for data and error * - manage SetConsoleCtrlHandler ? */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_EVIL # include #endif #include "ecore_private.h" #include "Ecore.h" #ifdef _WIN32 # ifndef _WIN32_WCE #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define ECORE_EXE_WIN32_TIMEOUT 3000 typedef enum { ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGINT, ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGQUIT, ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGTERM, ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGKILL } Ecore_Exe_Win32_Signal; struct _Ecore_Exe { EINA_INLIST; ECORE_MAGIC; HANDLE process2; HANDLE process; /* CloseHandle */ HANDLE thread; DWORD process_id; DWORD thread_id; void *data; char *tag; char *cmd; Ecore_Exe_Win32_Signal sig; int is_suspended : 1; }; static Ecore_Exe *exes = NULL; static Ecore_Win32_Handler *h = NULL; static BOOL CALLBACK _ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure(HWND window, LPARAM data); static void _ecore_exe_event_add_free(void *data, void *ev); static void _ecore_exe_event_del_free(void *data __UNUSED__, void *ev); static int _ecore_exe_close_cb(void *data, Ecore_Win32_Handler *wh); EAPI int ECORE_EXE_EVENT_ADD = 0; EAPI int ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL = 0; EAPI int ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DATA = 0; EAPI int ECORE_EXE_EVENT_ERROR = 0; void _ecore_exe_init(void) { ECORE_EXE_EVENT_ADD = ecore_event_type_new(); ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL = ecore_event_type_new(); /* ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DATA = ecore_event_type_new(); */ /* ECORE_EXE_EVENT_ERROR = ecore_event_type_new(); */ } void _ecore_exe_shutdown(void) { while (exes) ecore_exe_free(exes); } EAPI void ecore_exe_run_priority_set(int pri) { } EAPI int ecore_exe_run_priority_get(void) { } EAPI Ecore_Exe *ecore_exe_run(const char *exe_cmd, const void *data) { return ecore_exe_pipe_run(exe_cmd, 0, data); } EAPI Ecore_Exe *ecore_exe_pipe_run(const char *exe_cmd, Ecore_Exe_Flags flags, const void *data) { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; Ecore_Exe_Event_Add *e; Ecore_Exe *exe; char *ret = NULL; exe = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Exe)); if (!exe) return NULL; if ((flags & ECORE_EXE_USE_SH) || ((ret = strrchr(exe_cmd, ".bat")) && (ret[4] == '\0'))) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "cmd.exe /c %s", exe_cmd); exe->cmd = strdup(buf); } else exe->cmd = strdup(exe_cmd); if (!exe->cmd) goto free_exe; ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); /* si.hStdError = g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr; */ /* si.hStdOutput = g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr; */ /* si.hStdInput = g_hChildStd_IN_Rd; */ /* si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; */ /* FIXME: gerer la priorite */ if (!CreateProcess(NULL, exe->cmd, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) goto free_exe_cmd; /* be sure that the child process is running */ /* FIXME: This does not work if the child is an EFL-based app */ if (WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, INFINITE) != 0) goto free_exe_cmd; ECORE_MAGIC_SET(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE); exe->process = pi.hProcess; exe->thread = pi.hThread; exe->process_id = pi.dwProcessId; exe->thread_id = pi.dwThreadId; exe->data = (void *)data; if (!(exe->process2 = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME | PROCESS_TERMINATE | SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, pi.dwProcessId))) goto close_thread; h = ecore_main_win32_handler_add(exe->process2, _ecore_exe_close_cb, exe); exes = (Ecore_Exe *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(exes), EINA_INLIST_GET(exe)); e = (Ecore_Exe_Event_Add *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Exe_Event_Add)); if (!e) goto close_process2; e->exe = exe; ecore_event_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_ADD, e, _ecore_exe_event_add_free, NULL); return exe; close_process2: CloseHandle(exe->process2); close_thread: CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); free_exe_cmd: free(exe->cmd); free_exe: free(exe); return NULL; } EAPI int ecore_exe_send(Ecore_Exe *exe, void *data, int size) { } EAPI void ecore_exe_close_stdin(Ecore_Exe *exe) { } EAPI void ecore_exe_auto_limits_set(Ecore_Exe *exe, int start_bytes, int end_bytes, int start_lines, int end_lines) { } EAPI Ecore_Exe_Event_Data *ecore_exe_event_data_get(Ecore_Exe *exe, Ecore_Exe_Flags flags) { } EAPI void ecore_exe_event_data_free(Ecore_Exe_Event_Data *data) { } EAPI void *ecore_exe_free(Ecore_Exe *exe) { void *data; if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_free"); return NULL; } data = exe->data; CloseHandle(exe->thread); CloseHandle(exe->process); CloseHandle(exe->process2); free(exe->cmd); exes = (Ecore_Exe *) eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(exes), EINA_INLIST_GET(exe)); ECORE_MAGIC_SET(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_NONE); if (exe->tag) free(exe->tag); free(exe); return data; } EAPI pid_t ecore_exe_pid_get(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_pid_get"); return -1; } return exe->process_id; } EAPI void ecore_exe_tag_set(Ecore_Exe *exe, const char *tag) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_tag_set"); return; } IF_FREE(exe->tag); if (tag) exe->tag = strdup(tag); } EAPI char *ecore_exe_tag_get(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_tag_get"); return NULL; } return exe->tag; } EAPI char *ecore_exe_cmd_get(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_cmd_get"); return NULL; } return exe->cmd; } EAPI void *ecore_exe_data_get(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_data_get"); return NULL; } return exe->data; } EAPI void ecore_exe_pause(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_pause"); return; } if (exe->is_suspended) return; if (SuspendThread(exe->thread) != (DWORD)-1) exe->is_suspended = 1; } EAPI void ecore_exe_continue(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_continue"); return; } if (!exe->is_suspended) return; if (ResumeThread(exe->thread) != (DWORD)-1) exe->is_suspended = 0; } EAPI void ecore_exe_interrupt(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_interrupt"); return; } CloseHandle(exe->thread); CloseHandle(exe->process); exe->sig = ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGINT; while (EnumWindows(_ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure, (LPARAM)exe)); } EAPI void ecore_exe_quit(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_quit"); return; } CloseHandle(exe->thread); CloseHandle(exe->process); exe->sig = ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGQUIT; while (EnumWindows(_ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure, (LPARAM)exe)); } EAPI void ecore_exe_terminate(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_terminate"); return; } /* CloseHandle(exe->thread); */ CloseHandle(exe->process); exe->sig = ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGTERM; while (EnumWindows(_ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure, (LPARAM)exe)); } EAPI void ecore_exe_kill(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_kill"); return; } CloseHandle(exe->thread); CloseHandle(exe->process); exe->sig = ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGKILL; while (EnumWindows(_ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure, (LPARAM)exe)); } EAPI void ecore_exe_signal(Ecore_Exe *exe, int num) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_signal"); return; } /* does nothing */ } EAPI void ecore_exe_hup(Ecore_Exe *exe) { if (!ECORE_MAGIC_CHECK(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE)) { ECORE_MAGIC_FAIL(exe, ECORE_MAGIC_EXE, "ecore_exe_hup"); return; } /* does nothing */ } static DWORD WINAPI _ecore_exe_thread_procedure(LPVOID data) { GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_C_EVENT, 0); GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, 0); return 1; } static BOOL CALLBACK _ecore_exe_enum_windows_procedure(HWND window, LPARAM data) { Ecore_Exe *exe; DWORD thread_id; exe = (Ecore_Exe *)data; thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, NULL); if (thread_id == exe->thread_id) { /* Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break */ if (CreateRemoteThread(exe->process, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)_ecore_exe_thread_procedure, NULL, 0, NULL)) { printf ("remote thread\n"); return FALSE; } if ((exe->sig == ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGINT) || (exe->sig == ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGQUIT)) { printf ("int or quit\n"); return FALSE; } /* WM_CLOSE message */ PostMessage(window, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); if (WaitForSingleObject(exe->process, ECORE_EXE_WIN32_TIMEOUT) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { printf ("CLOSE\n"); return FALSE; } /* WM_QUIT message */ PostMessage(window, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); if (WaitForSingleObject(exe->process, ECORE_EXE_WIN32_TIMEOUT) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { printf ("QUIT\n"); return FALSE; } /* Exit process */ if (CreateRemoteThread(exe->process, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ExitProcess, NULL, 0, NULL)) { printf ("remote thread 2\n"); return FALSE; } if (exe->sig == ECORE_EXE_WIN32_SIGTERM) { printf ("term\n"); return FALSE; } TerminateProcess(exe->process, 0); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void _ecore_exe_event_add_free(void *data __UNUSED__, void *ev) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Add *e; e = ev; free(e); } static void _ecore_exe_event_del_free(void *data __UNUSED__, void *ev) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Del *e; e = (Ecore_Exe_Event_Del *)ev; if (e->exe) ecore_exe_free(e->exe); free(e); } static int _ecore_exe_close_cb(void *data, Ecore_Win32_Handler *wh) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Del *e; Ecore_Exe *exe; DWORD exit_code = 0; printf ("closing...\n"); e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Exe_Event_Del)); if (!e) return 0; exe = (Ecore_Exe *)data; if (GetExitCodeProcess(exe->process2, &exit_code)) { printf ("exit code : %d\n", (int)exit_code); e->exit_code = exit_code; e->exited = 1; } else { char *msg; msg = evil_last_error_get(); printf("%s\n", msg); free(msg); } e->pid = exe->process_id; e->exe = exe; _ecore_event_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL, e, _ecore_exe_event_del_free, NULL); return 1; } # else void _ecore_exe_init(void) { } void _ecore_exe_shutdown(void) { } # endif #endif