#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "ephysics_private.h" #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct _EPhysics_World_Callback EPhysics_World_Callback; struct _EPhysics_World_Callback { EINA_INLIST; void (*func) (void *data, EPhysics_World *world, void *event_info); void *data; EPhysics_Callback_World_Type type; }; struct _EPhysics_World { btBroadphaseInterface* broadphase; btDefaultCollisionConfiguration* collision; btCollisionDispatcher* dispatcher; btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver* solver; btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* dynamics_world; EPhysics_Body *boundaries[4]; EPhysics_Camera *camera; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; Eina_Inlist *callbacks; Eina_List *bodies; double last_update; double rate; Eina_Bool running:1; Eina_Bool active:1; Eina_Bool outside_autodel:1; Eina_Bool outside_top:1; Eina_Bool outside_bottom:1; Eina_Bool outside_left:1; Eina_Bool outside_right:1; double max_sleeping_time; }; static int _ephysics_world_init_count = 0; static int _worlds_running = 0; static Eina_List *_worlds = NULL; static Ecore_Animator *_anim_simulate = NULL; static void _ephysics_world_tick_cb(btDynamicsWorld *dynamics_world, btScalar timeStep) { EPhysics_World *world; btCollisionObjectArray objects = dynamics_world->getCollisionObjectArray(); EPhysics_World_Callback *cb; Eina_Bool world_active = EINA_FALSE; world = (EPhysics_World *) dynamics_world->getWorldUserInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { EPhysics_Body *body; btRigidBody *rigid_body = btRigidBody::upcast(objects[i]); if (!rigid_body) continue; body = (EPhysics_Body *) rigid_body->getUserPointer(); if (rigid_body->isActive()) { ephysics_body_active_set(body, EINA_TRUE); ephysics_body_evas_object_update_select(body); world_active = EINA_TRUE; } else ephysics_body_active_set(body, EINA_FALSE); } if (world->active == world_active) return; world->active = world_active; if (world_active) return; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(world->callbacks, cb) if (cb->type == EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_WORLD_STOPPED) cb->func(cb->data, world, NULL); } static Eina_Bool _simulate_worlds(void *data) { Eina_List *l, *lworlds = (Eina_List *) data; double time_now; void *ldata; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(lworlds, l, ldata) { double time_now, delta; EPhysics_World *world = (EPhysics_World *) ldata; if (!world->running) continue; time_now = ecore_time_get(); delta = time_now - world->last_update; world->last_update = time_now; gDeactivationTime = world->max_sleeping_time; world->dynamics_world->stepSimulation(delta, 1, 1/40.f); } return EINA_TRUE; } static bool _ephysics_world_contact_processed_cb(btManifoldPoint &cp, void *b0, void *b1) { btRigidBody *rigid_body_0, *rigid_body_1; EPhysics_Body *body_0, *body_1; rigid_body_0 = (btRigidBody *) b0; rigid_body_1 = (btRigidBody *) b1; body_0 = (EPhysics_Body *) rigid_body_0->getUserPointer(); body_1 = (EPhysics_Body *) rigid_body_1->getUserPointer(); ephysics_body_contact_processed(body_0, body_1); ephysics_body_contact_processed(body_1, body_0); } static void _ephysics_world_boundary_del_cb(void *data, EPhysics_Body *body, void *event_info) { EPhysics_World *world = (EPhysics_World *) data; int i; for (i = 0; i < EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_LAST; i++) { if (world->boundaries[i] == body) { world->boundaries[i] = NULL; return; } } } Eina_Bool ephysics_world_body_add(EPhysics_World *world, const EPhysics_Body *body, btRigidBody *rigid_body) { world->bodies = eina_list_append(world->bodies, body); if (eina_error_get()) { ERR("Couldn't add body to bodies list."); return EINA_FALSE; } world->dynamics_world->addRigidBody(rigid_body); return EINA_TRUE; } void ephysics_world_body_del(EPhysics_World *world, const EPhysics_Body *body, btRigidBody *rigid_body) { world->dynamics_world->removeRigidBody(rigid_body); world->bodies = eina_list_remove(world->bodies, body); } void ephysics_world_constraint_add(EPhysics_World *world, btTypedConstraint *bt_constraint) { world->dynamics_world->addConstraint(bt_constraint); } void ephysics_world_constraint_del(EPhysics_World *world, btTypedConstraint *bt_constraint) { world->dynamics_world->removeConstraint(bt_constraint); } int ephysics_world_init(void) { if (++_ephysics_world_init_count != 1) return _ephysics_world_init_count; gContactProcessedCallback = _ephysics_world_contact_processed_cb; INF("EPhysics World initialized."); return _ephysics_world_init_count; } int ephysics_world_shutdown(void) { void *ldata; if (--_ephysics_world_init_count != 0) return _ephysics_world_init_count; if (_anim_simulate) { ecore_animator_del(_anim_simulate); _anim_simulate = NULL; } EINA_LIST_FREE(_worlds, ldata) { EPhysics_World *world = (EPhysics_World *) ldata; ephysics_world_del(world); } _worlds_running = 0; INF("EPhysics World shutdown."); return _ephysics_world_init_count; } void ephysics_world_boundary_set(EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_World_Boundary boundary, EPhysics_Body *body) { world->boundaries[boundary] = body; ephysics_body_event_callback_add(body, EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_BODY_DEL, _ephysics_world_boundary_del_cb, world); } EPhysics_Body * ephysics_world_boundary_get(const EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_World_Boundary boundary) { return world->boundaries[boundary]; } EAPI EPhysics_World * ephysics_world_new(void) { EPhysics_World *world; world = (EPhysics_World *) calloc(1, sizeof(EPhysics_World)); if (!world) { ERR("Couldn't create a new world instance."); return NULL; } world->camera = ephysics_camera_add(world); if (!world->camera) { ERR("Couldn't create a camera for this world."); goto no_camera; } world->broadphase = new btDbvtBroadphase(); if (!world->broadphase) { ERR("Couldn't set broadphase."); goto no_broadphase; } world->collision = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration(); if (!world->collision) { ERR("Couldn't configure collision."); goto no_collision; } world->dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(world->collision); if (!world->dispatcher) { ERR("Couldn't create dispatcher."); goto no_dispatcher; } world->solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver; if (!world->solver) { ERR("Couldn't create solver."); goto no_solver; } world->dynamics_world = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld( world->dispatcher, world->broadphase, world->solver, world->collision); if (!world->dynamics_world) { ERR("Couldn't create dynamic world."); goto no_world; } _worlds = eina_list_append(_worlds, world); if (eina_error_get()) { ERR("Couldn't add world to worlds list."); goto no_list; } world->dynamics_world->getSolverInfo().m_solverMode ^= EPHYSICS_WORLD_SOLVER_SIMD; world->dynamics_world->setGravity(btVector3(0, -9.8, 0)); world->rate = 30; world->dynamics_world->setInternalTickCallback(_ephysics_world_tick_cb, (void *) world); world->max_sleeping_time = 2.0; world->running = EINA_TRUE; world->last_update = ecore_time_get(); _worlds_running++; if (!_anim_simulate) _anim_simulate = ecore_animator_add(_simulate_worlds, _worlds); INF("World %p added.", world); return world; no_list: delete world->dynamics_world; no_world: delete world->solver; no_solver: delete world->dispatcher; no_dispatcher: delete world->collision; no_collision: delete world->broadphase; no_broadphase: ephysics_camera_del(world->camera); no_camera: free(world); return NULL; } EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_serialize(const EPhysics_World *world, const char *path) { btDefaultSerializer *serializer; FILE *file; if (!world) { WRN("Could not serialize, world not provided."); return EINA_FALSE; } file = fopen(path, "wb"); if (!file) { WRN("Could not serialize, could not open file: %s", path); return EINA_FALSE; } serializer = new btDefaultSerializer(); world->dynamics_world->serialize(serializer); if (!fwrite(serializer->getBufferPointer(), serializer->getCurrentBufferSize(), 1, file)) { WRN("Problems on writing to: %s.", path); fclose(file); delete serializer; return EINA_FALSE; } fclose(file); delete serializer; INF("Serialization of world %p written to file: %s.", world, path); return EINA_TRUE; } EAPI void ephysics_world_del(EPhysics_World *world) { EPhysics_World_Callback *cb; void *data; if (!world) { ERR("Can't delete world, it wasn't provided."); return; } EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(world->callbacks, cb) { if (cb->type == EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_WORLD_DEL) cb->func(cb->data, world, NULL); } ephysics_world_running_set(world, EINA_FALSE); _worlds = eina_list_remove(_worlds, world); while (world->callbacks) { cb = EINA_INLIST_CONTAINER_GET(world->callbacks, EPhysics_World_Callback); world->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(world->callbacks, world->callbacks); free(cb); } EINA_LIST_FREE(world->bodies, data) ephysics_orphan_body_del((EPhysics_Body *) data); ephysics_camera_del(world->camera); delete world->dynamics_world; delete world->solver; delete world->dispatcher; delete world->collision; delete world->broadphase; free(world); INF("World %p deleted.", world); } EAPI void ephysics_world_running_set(EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool running) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't (un)pause world, it wasn't provided."); return; } if ((!!running) == world->running) return; world->running = !!running; if (world->running) { world->last_update = ecore_time_get(); _worlds_running++; INF("World unpaused."); } else { _worlds_running--; INF("World paused."); } if (!_worlds_running) { if (_anim_simulate) { ecore_animator_del(_anim_simulate); _anim_simulate = NULL; } return; } if (_anim_simulate) return; _anim_simulate = ecore_animator_add(_simulate_worlds, _worlds); } EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_running_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("No world, no running status for you."); return EINA_FALSE; } return world->running; } EAPI void ephysics_world_max_sleeping_time_set(EPhysics_World *world, double sleeping_time) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set the world's max sleeping time, world is null."); return; } world->max_sleeping_time = sleeping_time; } EAPI double ephysics_world_max_sleeping_time_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get the world's max sleeping time, world is null."); return 0; } return world->max_sleeping_time; } EAPI void ephysics_world_gravity_set(EPhysics_World *world, double gx, double gy) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set gravity, no world provided."); return; } world->dynamics_world->setGravity(btVector3(gx / world->rate, -gy / world->rate, 0)); DBG("World %p gravity set to X:%lf, Y:%lf.", world, gx, gy); } EAPI void ephysics_world_constraint_solver_iterations_set(EPhysics_World *world, int iterations) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set constraint solver iterations, world is null."); return; } world->dynamics_world->getSolverInfo().m_numIterations = iterations; } EAPI int ephysics_world_constraint_solver_iterations_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get constraint solver iterations, world is null."); return 0; } return world->dynamics_world->getSolverInfo().m_numIterations; } EAPI void ephysics_world_constraint_solver_mode_enable_set(EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_World_Solver_Mode solver_mode, Eina_Bool enable) { int current_solver_mode; if (!world) { ERR("Can't enable/disable constraint solver mode, world is null."); return; } current_solver_mode = world->dynamics_world->getSolverInfo().m_solverMode; if ((enable && !(current_solver_mode & solver_mode)) || (!enable && (current_solver_mode & solver_mode))) world->dynamics_world->getSolverInfo().m_solverMode ^= solver_mode; } EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_constraint_solver_mode_enable_get(const EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_World_Solver_Mode solver_mode) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get constraint solver mode status, world is null."); return EINA_FALSE; } return world->dynamics_world->getSolverInfo().m_solverMode & solver_mode; } EAPI void ephysics_world_gravity_get(const EPhysics_World *world, double *gx, double *gy) { btVector3 vector; if (!world) { ERR("No world, can't get gravity."); return; } vector = world->dynamics_world->getGravity(); if (gx) *gx = vector.x() * world->rate; if (gy) *gy = -vector.y() * world->rate; } EAPI void ephysics_world_rate_set(EPhysics_World *world, double rate) { if (!world) { ERR("No world, can't set rate."); return; } if (rate <= 0) { ERR("Rate should be a positive value. Keeping the old value: %lf.", world->rate); return; } /* FIXME update objects considering new rate */ world->rate = rate; } EAPI double ephysics_world_rate_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("No world, can't get rate."); return 0; } return world->rate; } EAPI EPhysics_Camera * ephysics_world_camera_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("No world, no camera for you."); return NULL; } return world->camera; } EAPI void ephysics_world_event_callback_add(EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_Callback_World_Type type, EPhysics_World_Event_Cb func, const void *data) { EPhysics_World_Callback *cb; if (!world) { ERR("Can't set world event callback, world is null."); return; } if (!func) { ERR("Can't set world event callback, function is null."); return; } if ((type < 0) || (type >= EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_WORLD_LAST)) { ERR("Can't set world event callback, callback type is wrong."); return; } cb = (EPhysics_World_Callback *) malloc(sizeof(EPhysics_World_Callback)); if (!cb) { ERR("Can't set world event callback, can't create cb instance."); return; } cb->func = func; cb->type = type; cb->data = (void *) data; world->callbacks = eina_inlist_append(world->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(cb)); } EAPI void * ephysics_world_event_callback_del(EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_Callback_World_Type type, EPhysics_World_Event_Cb func) { EPhysics_World_Callback *cb; void *cb_data; if (!world) { ERR("Can't delete world event callback, world is null."); return NULL; } EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(world->callbacks, cb) { if ((cb->type == type) && (cb->func == func)) { cb_data = cb->data; world->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(world->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(cb)); free(cb); return cb_data; } } return NULL; } EAPI void * ephysics_world_event_callback_del_full(EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_Callback_World_Type type, EPhysics_World_Event_Cb func, void *data) { EPhysics_World_Callback *cb; void *cb_data; if (!world) { ERR("Can't delete world event callback, world is null."); return NULL; } EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(world->callbacks, cb) { if ((cb->type == type) && (cb->func == func) && (cb->data == data)) { cb_data = cb->data; world->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(world->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(cb)); free(cb); return cb_data; } } return NULL; } EAPI const Eina_List * ephysics_world_bodies_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Couldn't get the bodies list, no world provided."); return NULL; } return world->bodies; } EAPI void ephysics_world_render_geometry_set(EPhysics_World *world, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set geometry, world wasn't provided."); return; } if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0)) { ERR("Invalid width or height sizes. They must to be positive values."); return; } world->x = x; world->y = y; world->w = w; world->h = h; ephysics_body_world_boundaries_resize(world); } EAPI void ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(const EPhysics_World *world, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get geometry, world is null."); return; } if (x) *x = world->x; if (y) *y = world->y; if (w) *w = world->w; if (h) *h = world->h; } EAPI void ephysics_world_linear_slop_set(EPhysics_World *world, double linear_slop) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set linear slop, world is null."); return; } world->dynamics_world->getSolverInfo().m_linearSlop = btScalar(linear_slop); } EAPI double ephysics_world_linear_slop_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get linear slop, world is null."); return 0; } return world->dynamics_world->getSolverInfo().m_linearSlop; } EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_top_autodel_set(EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set autodelete mode, world is null."); return; } world->outside_top = !!autodel; world->outside_autodel = world->outside_top || world->outside_bottom || world->outside_left || world->outside_right; } EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_top_autodel_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get autodelete mode, world is null."); return EINA_FALSE; } return world->outside_top; } EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_bottom_autodel_set(EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set autodelete mode, world is null."); return; } world->outside_bottom = !!autodel; world->outside_autodel = world->outside_top || world->outside_bottom || world->outside_left || world->outside_right; } EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_bottom_autodel_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get autodelete mode, world is null."); return EINA_FALSE; } return world->outside_bottom; } EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_left_autodel_set(EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set autodelete mode, world is null."); return; } world->outside_left = !!autodel; world->outside_autodel = world->outside_top || world->outside_bottom || world->outside_left || world->outside_right; } EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_left_autodel_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get autodelete mode, world is null."); return EINA_FALSE; } return world->outside_left; } EAPI void ephysics_world_bodies_outside_right_autodel_set(EPhysics_World *world, Eina_Bool autodel) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't set autodelete mode, world is null."); return; } world->outside_right = !!autodel; world->outside_autodel = world->outside_top || world->outside_bottom || world->outside_left || world->outside_right; } EAPI Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_right_autodel_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get autodelete mode, world is null."); return EINA_FALSE; } return world->outside_right; } Eina_Bool ephysics_world_bodies_outside_autodel_get(const EPhysics_World *world) { if (!world) { ERR("Can't get autodelete mode, world is null."); return EINA_FALSE; } return world->outside_autodel; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif