/* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et: */ #include "Efreet.h" #include "efreet_private.h" static Ecore_Hash *efreet_ini_parse(const char *file); static char *efreet_ini_unescape(const char *str); static void efreet_ini_section_save(Ecore_Hash_Node *node, FILE *f); static void efreet_ini_value_save(Ecore_Hash_Node *node, FILE *f); /** * The number of times the Ini subsytem has been initialized */ static int init = 0; /** * @internal * @return Returns > 0 on success or 0 on failure * @brief Initialize the Ini parser subsystem */ int efreet_ini_init(void) { if (init++) return init; if (!ecore_string_init()) return --init; return init; } /** * @internal * @returns the number of initializations left for this system * @brief Attempts to shut down the subsystem if nothing else is using it */ int efreet_ini_shutdown(void) { if (--init) return init; ecore_string_shutdown(); return init; } /** * @internal * @param file: The file to parse * @return Returns a new Efreet_Ini structure initialized with the contents * of @a file, or NULL on memory allocation failure * @brief Creates and initializes a new Ini structure with the contents of * @a file, or NULL on failure */ Efreet_Ini * efreet_ini_new(const char *file) { Efreet_Ini *ini; ini = NEW(Efreet_Ini, 1); if (!ini) return NULL; ini->data = efreet_ini_parse(file); return ini; } /** * @internal * @param file The file to parse * @return Returns an Ecore_Hash with the contents of @a file, or NULL on failure * @brief Parses the ini file @a file into an Ecore_Hash */ static Ecore_Hash * efreet_ini_parse(const char *file) { FILE *f; /* a static buffer for quick reading of lines that fit */ char static_buf[4096]; int static_buf_len = 4096; /* a big buffer to allocate for lines that are larger than the static one */ char *big_buf = NULL; int big_buf_len = 0; int big_buf_step = static_buf_len; /* the current location to read into (with fgets) and the amount to read */ char *read_buf; int read_len; /* the current buffer to parse */ char *buf; Ecore_Hash *data, *section = NULL; /* start with the static buffer */ buf = read_buf = static_buf; read_len = static_buf_len; f = fopen(file, "rb"); if (!f) return NULL; data = ecore_hash_new(ecore_str_hash, ecore_str_compare); ecore_hash_free_key_cb_set(data, ECORE_FREE_CB(ecore_string_release)); ecore_hash_free_value_cb_set(data, ECORE_FREE_CB(ecore_hash_destroy)); /* if a line is longer than the buffer size, this \n will get overwritten. */ read_buf[read_len - 2] = '\n'; while (fgets(read_buf, read_len, f) != NULL) { char *key, *value, *p; char *sep; /* handle lines longer than the buffer size */ if (read_buf[read_len-2] != '\n') { int len; len = strlen(buf); if (!big_buf) { /* create new big buffer and copy in contents of static buf */ big_buf_len = 2 * big_buf_step; big_buf = malloc(big_buf_len * sizeof(char)); strncpy(big_buf, buf, len + 1); } else if (buf == big_buf) { /* already using the big buffer. increase its size for the next read */ big_buf_len += big_buf_step; big_buf = realloc(big_buf, big_buf_len); } else { /* the big buffer exists, but we aren't using it yet. copy contents of static buf in */ strncpy(big_buf, buf, len); } /* use big_buffer for next fgets and subsequent parsing */ buf = big_buf; read_buf = big_buf + len; read_len = big_buf_len - len; read_buf[read_len-2] = '\n'; continue; } /* skip empty lines and comments */ if (buf[0] == '\0' || buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#') goto next_line; /* new section */ if (buf[0] == '[') { char *header, *p; header = buf + 1; p = strchr(header, ']'); if (p) { Ecore_Hash *old; *p = '\0'; section = ecore_hash_new(ecore_str_hash, ecore_str_compare); ecore_hash_free_key_cb_set(section, ECORE_FREE_CB(ecore_string_release)); ecore_hash_free_value_cb_set(section, ECORE_FREE_CB(free)); old = ecore_hash_remove(data, header); //if (old) printf("[efreet] Warning: duplicate section '%s' in file '%s'\n", header, file); IF_FREE_HASH(old); ecore_hash_set(data, (void *)ecore_string_instance(header), section); } else { /* invalid file - skip line? or refuse to parse file? */ /* just printf for now till we figure out what to do */ printf("Invalid file (%s) (missing ] on group name)\n", file); } goto next_line; } /* parse key=value pair */ sep = strchr(buf, '='); key = buf; if (sep) { /* trim whitespace from end of key */ p = sep; while (p > key && isspace(*(p - 1))) p--; *p = '\0'; value = sep + 1; /* trim whitespace from start of value */ while (*value && isspace(*value)) value++; /* trim \n off of end of value */ p = value + strlen(value) - 1; while (p > value && (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r')) p--; *(p + 1) = '\0'; if (key && value && *key && *value) { char *old; old = ecore_hash_remove(section, key); //if (old) printf("[efreet] Warning: duplicate key '%s' in file '%s'\n", key, file); IF_FREE(old); ecore_hash_set(section, (void *)ecore_string_instance(key), efreet_ini_unescape(value)); } } else { /* check if line is all whitespace, if so, skip it */ int nonwhite = 0; p = buf; while (*p) { if (!isspace(*p)) { nonwhite = 1; break; } p++; } if (!nonwhite) goto next_line; /* invalid file... */ printf("Invalid file (%s) (missing = from key=value pair)\n", file); } next_line: /* finished parsing a line. use static buffer for next line */ buf = read_buf = static_buf; read_len = static_buf_len; read_buf[read_len - 2] = '\n'; } fclose(f); if (big_buf) free(big_buf); return data; } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efreet_Ini to work with * @return Returns no value * @brief Frees the given Efree_Ini structure. */ void efreet_ini_free(Efreet_Ini *ini) { if (!ini) return; IF_FREE_HASH(ini->data); FREE(ini); } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efreet_Ini to work with * @param file: The file to load * @return Returns no value * @brief Saves the given Efree_Ini structure. */ int efreet_ini_save(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *file) { FILE *f; if (!ini || !ini->data) return 0; f = fopen(file, "wb"); if (!f) return 0; ecore_hash_for_each_node(ini->data, ECORE_FOR_EACH(efreet_ini_section_save), f); fclose(f); return 1; } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efreet_Ini to work with * @param section: The section of the ini file we want to get values from * @return Returns 1 if the section exists, otherwise 0 * @brief Sets the current working section of the ini file to @a section */ int efreet_ini_section_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *section) { if (!ini || !ini->data || !section) return 0; ini->section = ecore_hash_get(ini->data, section); return (ini->section ? 1 : 0); } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efreet_Ini to work with * @param section: The section of the ini file we want to add * @return Returns no value * @brief Adds a new working section of the ini file to @a section */ void efreet_ini_section_add(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *section) { Ecore_Hash *hash; if (!ini || !section) return; if (!ini->data) { ini->data = ecore_hash_new(ecore_str_hash, ecore_str_compare); ecore_hash_free_key_cb_set(ini->data, ECORE_FREE_CB(ecore_string_release)); ecore_hash_free_value_cb_set(ini->data, ECORE_FREE_CB(ecore_hash_destroy)); } if (ecore_hash_get(ini->data, section)) return; hash = ecore_hash_new(ecore_str_hash, ecore_str_compare); ecore_hash_free_key_cb_set(hash, ECORE_FREE_CB(ecore_string_release)); ecore_hash_free_value_cb_set(hash, ECORE_FREE_CB(free)); ecore_hash_set(ini->data, (void *)ecore_string_instance(section), hash); } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efree_Ini to work with * @param key: The key to lookup * @return Returns the string associated with the given key or NULL if not * found. * @brief Retrieves the value for the given key or NULL if none found. */ const char * efreet_ini_string_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key) { if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return NULL; return ecore_hash_get(ini->section, key); } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efree_Ini to work with * @param key: The key to use * @param value: The value to set * @return Returns no value * @brief Sets the value for the given key */ void efreet_ini_string_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key, const char *value) { if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return; ecore_hash_set(ini->section, (void *)ecore_string_instance(key), strdup(value)); } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efree_Ini to work with * @param key: The key to lookup * @return Returns the integer associated with the given key or -1 if not * found. * @brief Retrieves the value for the given key or -1 if none found. */ int efreet_ini_int_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key) { const char *str; if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return -1; str = efreet_ini_string_get(ini, key); if (str) return atoi(str); return -1; } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efree_Ini to work with * @param key: The key to use * @param value: The value to set * @return Returns no value * @brief Sets the value for the given key */ void efreet_ini_int_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key, int value) { char str[12]; if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return; snprintf(str, 12, "%d", value); efreet_ini_string_set(ini, key, str); } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efree_Ini to work with * @param key: The key to lookup * @return Returns the double associated with the given key or -1 if not * found. * @brief Retrieves the value for the given key or -1 if none found. */ double efreet_ini_double_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key) { const char *str; if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return -1; str = efreet_ini_string_get(ini, key); if (str) return atof(str); return -1; } /** * @internal * @param ini: The Efree_Ini to work with * @param key: The key to use * @param value: The value to set * @return Returns no value * @brief Sets the value for the given key */ void efreet_ini_double_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key, double value) { char str[512]; size_t len; if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return; snprintf(str, 512, "%.6f", value); len = strlen(str) - 1; /* Strip trailing zero's */ while (str[len] == '0' && str[len - 1] != '.') str[len--] = '\0'; efreet_ini_string_set(ini, key, str); } /** * @internal * @param ini: The ini struct to work with * @param key: The key to search for * @return Returns 1 if the boolean is true, 0 otherwise * @brief Retrieves the boolean value at key @a key from the ini @a ini */ unsigned int efreet_ini_boolean_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key) { const char *str; if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return 0; str = efreet_ini_string_get(ini, key); if (str && !strcmp("true", str)) return 1; return 0; } /** * @internal * @param ini: The ini struct to work with * @param key: The key to use * @param value: The value to set * @return Returns no value * @brief Sets the value for the given key */ void efreet_ini_boolean_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key, unsigned int value) { if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return; if (value) efreet_ini_string_set(ini, key, "true"); else efreet_ini_string_set(ini, key, "false"); } /** * @internal * @param ini: The ini struct to work with * @param key: The key to search for * @return Returns the utf8 encoded string associated with @a key, or NULL * if none found * @brief Retrieves the utf8 encoded string associated with @a key in the current locale or NULL if none found */ const char * efreet_ini_localestring_get(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key) { const char *lang, *country, *modifier; const char *val = NULL; char *buf; int maxlen = 5; /* _, @, [, ] and \0 */ int found = 0; if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return NULL; lang = efreet_lang_get(); country = efreet_lang_country_get(); modifier = efreet_lang_modifier_get(); maxlen += strlen(key); if (lang) maxlen += strlen(lang); if (country) maxlen += strlen(country); if (modifier) maxlen += strlen(modifier); buf = malloc(maxlen * sizeof(char)); if (lang && modifier && country) { snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s[%s_%s@%s]", key, lang, country, modifier); val = efreet_ini_string_get(ini, buf); if (val) found = 1; } if (!found && lang && country) { snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s[%s_%s]", key, lang, country); val = efreet_ini_string_get(ini, buf); if (val) found = 1; } if (!found && lang && modifier) { snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s[%s@%s]", key, lang, modifier); val = efreet_ini_string_get(ini, buf); if (val) found = 1; } if (!found && lang) { snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s[%s]", key, lang); val = efreet_ini_string_get(ini, buf); if (val) found = 1; } if (!found) val = efreet_ini_string_get(ini, key); FREE(buf); return val; } /** * @internal * @param ini: The ini struct to work with * @param key: The key to use * @param value: The value to set * @return Returns no value * @brief Sets the value for the given key */ void efreet_ini_localestring_set(Efreet_Ini *ini, const char *key, const char *value) { const char *lang, *country, *modifier; char *buf; int maxlen = 5; /* _, @, [, ] and \0 */ if (!ini || !key || !ini->section) return; lang = efreet_lang_get(); country = efreet_lang_country_get(); modifier = efreet_lang_modifier_get(); maxlen += strlen(key); if (lang) maxlen += strlen(lang); if (country) maxlen += strlen(country); if (modifier) maxlen += strlen(modifier); buf = malloc(maxlen * sizeof(char)); if (lang && modifier && country) snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s[%s_%s@%s]", key, lang, country, modifier); else if (lang && country) snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s[%s_%s]", key, lang, country); else if (lang && modifier) snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s[%s@%s]", key, lang, modifier); else if (lang) snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s[%s]", key, lang); else return; efreet_ini_string_set(ini, buf, value); FREE(buf); } /** * @param str The string to unescape * @return An allocated unescaped string * @brief Unescapes backslash escapes in a string */ static char * efreet_ini_unescape(const char *str) { char *buf, *dest; const char *p; if (!str) return NULL; if (!strchr(str, '\\')) return strdup(str); buf = malloc(strlen(str) + 1); p = str; dest = buf; while(*p) { if (*p == '\\') { p++; switch (*p) { case 's': *(dest++) = ' '; break; case 'n': *(dest++) = '\n'; break; case 't': *(dest++) = '\t'; break; case 'r': *(dest++) = '\r'; break; case '\\': *(dest++) = '\\'; break; default: (*dest++) = '\\'; (*dest++) = *p; } } else *(dest++) = *p; p++; } *(dest) = '\0'; return buf; } static void efreet_ini_section_save(Ecore_Hash_Node *node, FILE *f) { fprintf(f, "[%s]\n", (char *)node->key); ecore_hash_for_each_node(node->value, ECORE_FOR_EACH(efreet_ini_value_save), f); } static void efreet_ini_value_save(Ecore_Hash_Node *node, FILE *f) { fprintf(f, "%s=%s\n", (char *)node->key, (char *)node->value); }