import evas_types; type Elm_Fileselector_Filter_Func: __undefined_type; enum Elm.Fileselector.Mode { [[Defines how a file selector widget is to layout its contents (file system entries). ]] legacy: elm_fileselector; list = 0, [[Layout as a list.]] grid, [[Layout as a grid.]] last [[Sentinel (helper) value, not used.]] } enum Elm.Fileselector.Sort { by_filename_asc = 0, by_filename_desc, by_type_asc, by_type_desc, by_size_asc, by_size_desc, by_modified_asc, by_modified_desc, last [[Sentinel (helper) value, not used.]] } interface Elm.Interface.Fileselector () { eo_prefix: elm_interface_fileselector; methods { @property folder_only { set { [[Enable/disable folder-only view for a given file selector widget]] } get { [[Get whether folder-only view is set for a given file selector]] } values { only: bool; } } @property thumbnail_size { set { [[Set the size for the thumbnail of the file selector widget's view.]] } get { [[Get the size for the thumbnail of a given file selector widget]] } values { w: Evas.Coord; h: Evas.Coord; } } @property hidden_visible { set { [[Enable or disable visibility of hidden files/directories in the file selector widget.]] } get { [[Get if hiden files/directories in the file selector are visible or not.]] } values { multi: bool; } } @property sort_method { set { [[Set the sort method of the file selector widget.]] } get { [[Get the sort method of the file selector widget.]] } values { sort: Elm.Fileselector.Sort; } } @property multi_select { set { [[Enable or disable multi-selection in the fileselector]] } get { [[Gets if multi-selection in fileselector is enabled or disabled.]] } values { multi: bool; } } @property expandable { set { [[Enable/disable a tree view in the given file selector widget, if it's in]] } get { [[Get whether tree view is enabled for the given file selector]] } values { expand: bool; } } @property model { set { [[Set, programmatically, the directory that a given file selector widget will display contents from]] } get { [[Get the directory's model that a given file selector selector widget display contents from]] } values { model: Efl.Model; } } @property mode { set { [[Set the mode in which a given file selector widget will display (layout) file system entries in its view]] } get { [[Get the mode in which a given file selector widget is displaying]] } values { mode: Elm.Fileselector.Mode; } } @property is_save { set { [[Enable/disable the file name entry box where the user can type in a name for a file, in a given file selector widget]] } get { [[Get whether the given file selector is in "saving dialog" mode]] } values { is_save: bool; } } @property selected_models { get { [[Get a list of models selected in the fileselector.]] } values { ret: const(list); } } @property current_name { set { } get { } values { name: string; } } selected_model_set { [[Set, programmatically, the currently selected file/directory in the given file selector widget]] params { @in model: Efl.Model; [[Model to be set]] @inout promise: promise; [[Promise returning the recorded selected model or error]] } } selected_model_get { [[Get the currently selected item's model, in the given file the given file selector widget]] return: Efl.Model; } custom_filter_append { [[Append custom filter into filter list]] params { @in func: Elm_Fileselector_Filter_Func; [[function]] @in data: void_ptr; @in filter_name: string; } return: bool; } filters_clear { [[Clear all filters registered]] } mime_types_filter_append { [[Append mime type based filter into filter list]] params { @in mime_types: string; @in filter_name: string; } return: bool; } } }