using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using EinaTestData; using static EinaTestData.BaseData; namespace TestSuite { class TestInheritance { internal class Inherit1 : Dummy.TestObject { override public void IntOut (int x, out int y) { y = 10*x; } } internal class Inherit2 : Dummy.TestObject, Dummy.IInheritIface { override public void IntOut (int x, out int y) { Console.WriteLine("IntOut"); y = 10*x; } public string StringshareTest (string i) { Console.WriteLine("StringshareTest"); return "Hello World"; } } internal class Inherit3Parent : Dummy.TestObject { public bool disposed = false; public bool childDisposed = false; ~Inherit3Parent() { Console.WriteLine("finalizer called for parent"); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { Console.WriteLine("Dispose parent"); base.Dispose(disposing); } } internal class Inherit3Child : Dummy.TestObject { Inherit3Parent parent; public Inherit3Child(Inherit3Parent parent) : base(parent) { // WARNING: Uncommenting the line below causes the parent-child cycle to leak. // The GC won't be able to collect it. // this.parent = parent; } ~Inherit3Child() { Console.WriteLine("finalizer called for child"); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { /* parent.childDisposed = true; */ Console.WriteLine("Dispose parent"); base.Dispose(disposing); } } public static void test_inherit_from_regular_class() { var obj = new Inherit1(); int i = Dummy.InheritHelper.ReceiveDummyAndCallIntOut(obj); Test.AssertEquals (50, i); } public static void test_inherit_from_iface() { var obj = new Inherit2(); int i = Dummy.InheritHelper.ReceiveDummyAndCallIntOut(obj); Test.AssertEquals (50, i); string s = Dummy.InheritHelper.ReceiveDummyAndCallInStringshare(obj); Test.AssertEquals ("Hello World", s); } private static void CreateAndCheckInheritedObjects(out WeakReference parentWRef, out WeakReference childWRef) { var parent = new Inherit3Parent(); var child = new Inherit3Child(parent); parentWRef = new WeakReference(parent); childWRef = new WeakReference(child); Console.WriteLine($"Parent [{parent.ToString()}] has {Efl.Eo.Globals.efl_ref_count(parent.NativeHandle)} refs"); Console.WriteLine($"Child [{child.ToString()}] has {Efl.Eo.Globals.efl_ref_count(child.NativeHandle)} refs"); child = null; System.GC.Collect(System.GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true, true); System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Efl.App.AppMain.Iterate(); child = (Inherit3Child) childWRef.Target; Test.AssertNotNull(parent); Test.AssertNotNull(child); Test.AssertEquals(false, parent.disposed); Test.AssertEquals(false, parent.childDisposed); Console.WriteLine($"Parent [{parent.ToString()}] has {Efl.Eo.Globals.efl_ref_count(parent.NativeHandle)} refs"); Console.WriteLine($"Child [{child.ToString()}] has {Efl.Eo.Globals.efl_ref_count(child.NativeHandle)} refs"); parent = null; child = null; } public static void test_inherit_lifetime() { WeakReference parentWRef; WeakReference childWRef; CreateAndCheckInheritedObjects(out parentWRef, out childWRef); // Two invocations to iterate a the child wasn't being released with a single one Test.CollectAndIterate(); Test.CollectAndIterate(); var parent = (Dummy.TestObject) parentWRef.Target; var child = (Dummy.TestObject) childWRef.Target; Test.AssertNull(parent); Test.AssertNull(child); } } }