class Efl.Ui.Win_Socket (Efl.Ui.Win) { [[An off-screen window to be displayed in a remote process. The window is rendered onto an image buffer to be displayed in another process' plug image object. No actual window is created for this type. The window contents can then be sent over a socket so that another process displays it inside a plug image. ]] methods { socket_listen { [[Create a socket to provide the service for Plug widget.]] return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise]] params { @in svcname: string; [[The name of the service to be advertised. Ensure that it is unique (when combined with $svcnum) otherwise creation may fail.]] @in svcnum: int; [[A number (any value, 0 being the common default) to differentiate multiple instances of services with the same name.]] @in svcsys: bool; [[A boolean that if true, specifies to create a system-wide service all users can connect to, otherwise the service is private to the user id that created the service.]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.finalize; } }