#include #include #include #include "emotion_private.h" #include "emotion_gstreamer.h" #include "Emotion.h" int _emotion_gstreamer_log_domain = -1; /* Callbacks to get the eos */ static void _for_each_tag (GstTagList const* list, gchar const* tag, void *data); static void _free_metadata (Emotion_Gstreamer_Metadata *m); /* Interface */ static unsigned char em_init (Evas_Object *obj, void **emotion_video, Emotion_Module_Options *opt); static unsigned char em_file_open (const char *file, Evas_Object *obj, void *video); static void em_file_close (void *video); static void em_play (void *video, double pos); static void em_stop (void *video); static void em_size_get (void *video, int *width, int *height); static void em_pos_set (void *video, double pos); static double em_len_get (void *video); static int em_fps_num_get (void *video); static int em_fps_den_get (void *video); static double em_fps_get (void *video); static double em_pos_get (void *video); static void em_vis_set (void *video, Emotion_Vis vis); static Emotion_Vis em_vis_get (void *video); static Eina_Bool em_vis_supported (void *video, Emotion_Vis vis); static double em_ratio_get (void *video); static int em_video_handled (void *video); static int em_audio_handled (void *video); static int em_seekable (void *video); static void em_frame_done (void *video); static Emotion_Format em_format_get (void *video); static void em_video_data_size_get (void *video, int *w, int *h); static int em_yuv_rows_get (void *video, int w, int h, unsigned char **yrows, unsigned char **urows, unsigned char **vrows); static int em_bgra_data_get (void *video, unsigned char **bgra_data); static void em_event_feed (void *video, int event); static void em_event_mouse_button_feed (void *video, int button, int x, int y); static void em_event_mouse_move_feed (void *video, int x, int y); static int em_video_channel_count (void *video); static void em_video_channel_set (void *video, int channel); static int em_video_channel_get (void *video); static const char *em_video_channel_name_get (void *video, int channel); static void em_video_channel_mute_set (void *video, int mute); static int em_video_channel_mute_get (void *video); static int em_audio_channel_count (void *video); static void em_audio_channel_set (void *video, int channel); static int em_audio_channel_get (void *video); static const char *em_audio_channel_name_get (void *video, int channel); static void em_audio_channel_mute_set (void *video, int mute); static int em_audio_channel_mute_get (void *video); static void em_audio_channel_volume_set (void *video, double vol); static double em_audio_channel_volume_get (void *video); static int em_spu_channel_count (void *video); static void em_spu_channel_set (void *video, int channel); static int em_spu_channel_get (void *video); static const char *em_spu_channel_name_get (void *video, int channel); static void em_spu_channel_mute_set (void *video, int mute); static int em_spu_channel_mute_get (void *video); static int em_chapter_count (void *video); static void em_chapter_set (void *video, int chapter); static int em_chapter_get (void *video); static const char *em_chapter_name_get (void *video, int chapter); static void em_speed_set (void *video, double speed); static double em_speed_get (void *video); static int em_eject (void *video); static const char *em_meta_get (void *video, int meta); static GstBusSyncReply _eos_sync_fct(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *message, gpointer data); /* Module interface */ static Emotion_Video_Module em_module = { em_init, /* init */ em_shutdown, /* shutdown */ em_file_open, /* file_open */ em_file_close, /* file_close */ em_play, /* play */ em_stop, /* stop */ em_size_get, /* size_get */ em_pos_set, /* pos_set */ em_len_get, /* len_get */ em_fps_num_get, /* fps_num_get */ em_fps_den_get, /* fps_den_get */ em_fps_get, /* fps_get */ em_pos_get, /* pos_get */ em_vis_set, /* vis_set */ em_vis_get, /* vis_get */ em_vis_supported, /* vis_supported */ em_ratio_get, /* ratio_get */ em_video_handled, /* video_handled */ em_audio_handled, /* audio_handled */ em_seekable, /* seekable */ em_frame_done, /* frame_done */ em_format_get, /* format_get */ em_video_data_size_get, /* video_data_size_get */ em_yuv_rows_get, /* yuv_rows_get */ em_bgra_data_get, /* bgra_data_get */ em_event_feed, /* event_feed */ em_event_mouse_button_feed, /* event_mouse_button_feed */ em_event_mouse_move_feed, /* event_mouse_move_feed */ em_video_channel_count, /* video_channel_count */ em_video_channel_set, /* video_channel_set */ em_video_channel_get, /* video_channel_get */ em_video_channel_name_get, /* video_channel_name_get */ em_video_channel_mute_set, /* video_channel_mute_set */ em_video_channel_mute_get, /* video_channel_mute_get */ em_audio_channel_count, /* audio_channel_count */ em_audio_channel_set, /* audio_channel_set */ em_audio_channel_get, /* audio_channel_get */ em_audio_channel_name_get, /* audio_channel_name_get */ em_audio_channel_mute_set, /* audio_channel_mute_set */ em_audio_channel_mute_get, /* audio_channel_mute_get */ em_audio_channel_volume_set, /* audio_channel_volume_set */ em_audio_channel_volume_get, /* audio_channel_volume_get */ em_spu_channel_count, /* spu_channel_count */ em_spu_channel_set, /* spu_channel_set */ em_spu_channel_get, /* spu_channel_get */ em_spu_channel_name_get, /* spu_channel_name_get */ em_spu_channel_mute_set, /* spu_channel_mute_set */ em_spu_channel_mute_get, /* spu_channel_mute_get */ em_chapter_count, /* chapter_count */ em_chapter_set, /* chapter_set */ em_chapter_get, /* chapter_get */ em_chapter_name_get, /* chapter_name_get */ em_speed_set, /* speed_set */ em_speed_get, /* speed_get */ em_eject, /* eject */ em_meta_get, /* meta_get */ NULL /* handle */ }; static Emotion_Video_Stream * emotion_video_stream_new(Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev) { Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; if (!ev) return NULL; vstream = (Emotion_Video_Stream *)calloc(1, sizeof(Emotion_Video_Stream)); if (!vstream) return NULL; ev->video_streams = eina_list_append(ev->video_streams, vstream); if (eina_error_get()) { free(vstream); return NULL; } return vstream; } static void emotion_video_stream_free(Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev, Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream) { if (!ev || !vstream) return; ev->video_streams = eina_list_remove(ev->video_streams, vstream); free(vstream); } static const char * emotion_visualization_element_name_get(Emotion_Vis visualisation) { switch (visualisation) { case EMOTION_VIS_NONE: return NULL; case EMOTION_VIS_GOOM: return "goom"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_BUMPSCOPE: return "libvisual_bumpscope"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_CORONA: return "libvisual_corona"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_DANCING_PARTICLES: return "libvisual_dancingparticles"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_GDKPIXBUF: return "libvisual_gdkpixbuf"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_G_FORCE: return "libvisual_G-Force"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_GOOM: return "libvisual_goom"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_INFINITE: return "libvisual_infinite"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_JAKDAW: return "libvisual_jakdaw"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_JESS: return "libvisual_jess"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_LV_ANALYSER: return "libvisual_lv_analyzer"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_LV_FLOWER: return "libvisual_lv_flower"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_LV_GLTEST: return "libvisual_lv_gltest"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_LV_SCOPE: return "libvisual_lv_scope"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_MADSPIN: return "libvisual_madspin"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_NEBULUS: return "libvisual_nebulus"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_OINKSIE: return "libvisual_oinksie"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_PLASMA: return "libvisual_plazma"; default: return "goom"; } } static unsigned char em_init(Evas_Object *obj, void **emotion_video, Emotion_Module_Options *opt __UNUSED__) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; GError *error; if (!emotion_video) return 0; ev = calloc(1, sizeof(Emotion_Gstreamer_Video)); if (!ev) return 0; ev->obj = obj; /* Initialization of gstreamer */ if (!gst_init_check(NULL, NULL, &error)) goto failure; /* Default values */ ev->ratio = 1.0; ev->vis = EMOTION_VIS_NONE; ev->volume = 0.8; ev->play_started = 0; ev->delete_me = EINA_FALSE; ev->threads = NULL; *emotion_video = ev; return 1; failure: free(ev); return 0; } int em_shutdown(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev) return 0; if (ev->threads) { Ecore_Thread *t; EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->threads, t) ecore_thread_cancel(t); ev->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; return 1; } if (ev->in != ev->out) { ev->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; return 1; } if (ev->eos_bus) { gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(ev->eos_bus)); ev->eos_bus = NULL; } if (ev->pipeline) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->sink), "ev", NULL, NULL); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->sink), "evas-object", NULL, NULL); gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(ev->pipeline); ev->pipeline = NULL; ev->sink = NULL; } EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->audio_streams, astream) free(astream); EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->video_streams, vstream) free(vstream); free(ev); return 1; } static unsigned char em_file_open(const char *file, Evas_Object *obj, void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Eina_Strbuf *sbuf = NULL; const char *uri; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!file) return EINA_FALSE; if (strstr(file, "://") == NULL) { sbuf = eina_strbuf_new(); eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, "file://"); if (strncmp(file, "./", 2) == 0) file += 2; if (strstr(file, ":/") != NULL) { /* We absolutely need file:///C:/ under Windows, so adding it here */ eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, "/"); } else if (*file != '/') { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; if (getcwd(tmp, PATH_MAX)) { eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, tmp); eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, "/"); } } eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, file); } ev->play_started = 0; uri = sbuf ? eina_strbuf_string_get(sbuf) : file; DBG("setting file to '%s'", uri); ev->pipeline = gstreamer_video_sink_new(ev, obj, uri); if (sbuf) eina_strbuf_free(sbuf); if (!ev->pipeline) return EINA_FALSE; ev->eos_bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(ev->pipeline)); if (!ev->eos_bus) { ERR("could not get the bus"); return EINA_FALSE; } gst_bus_set_sync_handler(ev->eos_bus, _eos_sync_fct, ev); /* Evas Object */ ev->obj = obj; ev->position = 0.0; return 1; } static void em_file_close(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev) return; if (ev->eos_bus) { gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(ev->eos_bus)); ev->eos_bus = NULL; } if (ev->threads) { Ecore_Thread *t; EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->threads, t) ecore_thread_cancel(t); } if (ev->pipeline) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->sink), "ev", NULL, NULL); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->sink), "evas-object", NULL, NULL); gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(ev->pipeline); ev->pipeline = NULL; ev->sink = NULL; } /* we clear the stream lists */ EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->audio_streams, astream) free(astream); EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->video_streams, vstream) free(vstream); ev->pipeline_parsed = EINA_FALSE; ev->play_started = 0; /* shutdown eos */ if (ev->metadata) { _free_metadata(ev->metadata); ev->metadata = NULL; } } static void em_play(void *video, double pos __UNUSED__) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return ; gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); ev->play = 1; ev->play_started = 1; } static void em_stop(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return ; gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PAUSED); ev->play = 0; } static void em_size_get(void *video, int *width, int *height) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) goto on_error; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) { if (width) *width = vstream->width; if (height) *height = vstream->height; return ; } on_error: if (width) *width = 0; if (height) *height = 0; } static void em_pos_set(void *video, double pos) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; gboolean res; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return ; if (ev->play) res = gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PAUSED); res = gst_element_seek(ev->pipeline, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME, GST_SEEK_FLAG_ACCURATE | GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH, GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET, (gint64)(pos * (double)GST_SECOND), GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE, -1); if (ev->play) res = gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); } static double em_len_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; Eina_List *l; GstFormat fmt; gint64 val; gboolean ret; ev = video; fmt = GST_FORMAT_TIME; if (!ev->pipeline) return 0.0; ret = gst_element_query_duration(ev->pipeline, &fmt, &val); if (!ret) goto fallback; if (fmt != GST_FORMAT_TIME) { DBG("requrested duration in time, but got %s instead.", gst_format_get_name(fmt)); goto fallback; } if (val <= 0.0) goto fallback; return val / 1000000000.0; fallback: if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return 0.0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ev->audio_streams, l, astream) if (astream->length_time >= 0) return astream->length_time; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ev->video_streams, l, vstream) if (vstream->length_time >= 0) return vstream->length_time; return 0.0; } static int em_fps_num_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return 0; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) return vstream->fps_num; return 0; } static int em_fps_den_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return 1; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) return vstream->fps_den; return 1; } static double em_fps_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return 0.0; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) return (double)vstream->fps_num / (double)vstream->fps_den; return 0.0; } static double em_pos_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; GstFormat fmt; gint64 val; gboolean ret; ev = video; fmt = GST_FORMAT_TIME; if (!ev->pipeline) return 0.0; ret = gst_element_query_position(ev->pipeline, &fmt, &val); if (!ret) return ev->position; if (fmt != GST_FORMAT_TIME) { ERR("requrested position in time, but got %s instead.", gst_format_get_name(fmt)); return ev->position; } ev->position = val / 1000000000.0; return ev->position; } static void em_vis_set(void *video, Emotion_Vis vis) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; ev->vis = vis; } static Emotion_Vis em_vis_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->vis; } static Eina_Bool em_vis_supported(void *ef __UNUSED__, Emotion_Vis vis) { const char *name; GstElementFactory *factory; if (vis == EMOTION_VIS_NONE) return EINA_TRUE; name = emotion_visualization_element_name_get(vis); if (!name) return EINA_FALSE; factory = gst_element_factory_find(name); if (!factory) return EINA_FALSE; gst_object_unref(factory); return EINA_TRUE; } static double em_ratio_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->ratio; } static int em_video_handled(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); if (!eina_list_count(ev->video_streams)) return 0; return 1; } static int em_audio_handled(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); if (!eina_list_count(ev->audio_streams)) return 0; return 1; } static int em_seekable(void *video __UNUSED__) { return 1; } static void em_frame_done(void *video __UNUSED__) { } static Emotion_Format em_format_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return EMOTION_FORMAT_NONE; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) { switch (vstream->fourcc) { case GST_MAKE_FOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0'): return EMOTION_FORMAT_I420; case GST_MAKE_FOURCC('Y', 'V', '1', '2'): return EMOTION_FORMAT_YV12; case GST_MAKE_FOURCC('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2'): return EMOTION_FORMAT_YUY2; case GST_MAKE_FOURCC('A', 'R', 'G', 'B'): return EMOTION_FORMAT_BGRA; default: return EMOTION_FORMAT_NONE; } } return EMOTION_FORMAT_NONE; } static void em_video_data_size_get(void *video, int *w, int *h) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) goto on_error; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) { *w = vstream->width; *h = vstream->height; return ; } on_error: *w = 0; *h = 0; } static int em_yuv_rows_get(void *video __UNUSED__, int w __UNUSED__, int h __UNUSED__, unsigned char **yrows __UNUSED__, unsigned char **urows __UNUSED__, unsigned char **vrows __UNUSED__) { return 0; } static int em_bgra_data_get(void *video __UNUSED__, unsigned char **bgra_data __UNUSED__) { return 0; } static void em_event_feed(void *video __UNUSED__, int event __UNUSED__) { } static void em_event_mouse_button_feed(void *video __UNUSED__, int button __UNUSED__, int x __UNUSED__, int y __UNUSED__) { } static void em_event_mouse_move_feed(void *video __UNUSED__, int x __UNUSED__, int y __UNUSED__) { } /* Video channels */ static int em_video_channel_count(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); return eina_list_count(ev->video_streams); } static void em_video_channel_set(void *video __UNUSED__, int channel __UNUSED__) { #if 0 Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (channel < 0) channel = 0; #endif /* FIXME: a faire... */ } static int em_video_channel_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); return ev->video_stream_nbr; } static const char * em_video_channel_name_get(void *video __UNUSED__, int channel __UNUSED__) { return NULL; } static void em_video_channel_mute_set(void *video, int mute) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; ev->video_mute = mute; } static int em_video_channel_mute_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->video_mute; } /* Audio channels */ static int em_audio_channel_count(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); return eina_list_count(ev->audio_streams); } static void em_audio_channel_set(void *video __UNUSED__, int channel __UNUSED__) { #if 0 Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (channel < -1) channel = -1; #endif /* FIXME: a faire... */ } static int em_audio_channel_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); return ev->audio_stream_nbr; } static const char * em_audio_channel_name_get(void *video __UNUSED__, int channel __UNUSED__) { return NULL; } #define GST_PLAY_FLAG_AUDIO (1 << 1) static void em_audio_channel_mute_set(void *video, int mute) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; int flags; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return ; ev->audio_mute = mute; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "mute", !!mute, NULL); /* This code should stop the decoding of only the audio stream, but everything stop :"( */ /* g_object_get(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "flags", &flags, NULL); */ /* if (mute) */ /* flags &= ~GST_PLAY_FLAG_AUDIO; */ /* else */ /* flags |= GST_PLAY_FLAG_AUDIO; */ /* g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "flags", flags, NULL); */ /* g_object_get(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "flags", &flags, NULL); */ /* fprintf(stderr, "flags-n: %x\n", flags); */ } static int em_audio_channel_mute_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->audio_mute; } static void em_audio_channel_volume_set(void *video, double vol) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return ; if (vol < 0.0) vol = 0.0; if (vol > 1.0) vol = 1.0; ev->volume = vol; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "volume", vol, NULL); } static double em_audio_channel_volume_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->volume; } /* spu stuff */ static int em_spu_channel_count(void *video __UNUSED__) { return 0; } static void em_spu_channel_set(void *video __UNUSED__, int channel __UNUSED__) { } static int em_spu_channel_get(void *video __UNUSED__) { return 1; } static const char * em_spu_channel_name_get(void *video __UNUSED__, int channel __UNUSED__) { return NULL; } static void em_spu_channel_mute_set(void *video __UNUSED__, int mute __UNUSED__) { } static int em_spu_channel_mute_get(void *video __UNUSED__) { return 0; } static int em_chapter_count(void *video __UNUSED__) { return 0; } static void em_chapter_set(void *video __UNUSED__, int chapter __UNUSED__) { } static int em_chapter_get(void *video __UNUSED__) { return 0; } static const char * em_chapter_name_get(void *video __UNUSED__, int chapter __UNUSED__) { return NULL; } static void em_speed_set(void *video __UNUSED__, double speed __UNUSED__) { } static double em_speed_get(void *video __UNUSED__) { return 1.0; } static int em_eject(void *video __UNUSED__) { return 1; } static const char * em_meta_get(void *video, int meta) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; const char *str = NULL; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev || !ev->metadata) return NULL; switch (meta) { case META_TRACK_TITLE: str = ev->metadata->title; break; case META_TRACK_ARTIST: str = ev->metadata->artist; break; case META_TRACK_ALBUM: str = ev->metadata->album; break; case META_TRACK_YEAR: str = ev->metadata->year; break; case META_TRACK_GENRE: str = ev->metadata->genre; break; case META_TRACK_COMMENT: str = ev->metadata->comment; break; case META_TRACK_DISCID: str = ev->metadata->disc_id; break; default: break; } return str; } static Eina_Bool module_open(Evas_Object *obj, const Emotion_Video_Module **module, void **video, Emotion_Module_Options *opt) { if (!module) return EINA_FALSE; if (_emotion_gstreamer_log_domain < 0) { eina_threads_init(); eina_log_threads_enable(); _emotion_gstreamer_log_domain = eina_log_domain_register ("emotion-gstreamer", EINA_COLOR_LIGHTCYAN); if (_emotion_gstreamer_log_domain < 0) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Could not register log domain 'emotion-gstreamer'"); return EINA_FALSE; } } if (!em_module.init(obj, video, opt)) return EINA_FALSE; eina_threads_init(); *module = &em_module; return EINA_TRUE; } static void module_close(Emotion_Video_Module *module __UNUSED__, void *video) { em_module.shutdown(video); eina_threads_shutdown(); } Eina_Bool gstreamer_module_init(void) { GError *error; if (!gst_init_check(0, NULL, &error)) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Could not init GStreamer"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (gst_plugin_register_static(GST_VERSION_MAJOR, GST_VERSION_MINOR, "emotion-sink", "video sink plugin for Emotion", gstreamer_plugin_init, VERSION, "LGPL", "Enlightenment", PACKAGE, "http://www.enlightenment.org/") == FALSE) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Could not load static gstreamer video sink for Emotion."); return EINA_FALSE; } return _emotion_module_register("gstreamer", module_open, module_close); } void gstreamer_module_shutdown(void) { _emotion_module_unregister("gstreamer"); gst_deinit(); } #ifndef EMOTION_STATIC_BUILD_GSTREAMER EINA_MODULE_INIT(gstreamer_module_init); EINA_MODULE_SHUTDOWN(gstreamer_module_shutdown); #endif static void _for_each_tag(GstTagList const* list, gchar const* tag, void *data) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; int i; int count; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video*)data; if (!ev || !ev->metadata) return; count = gst_tag_list_get_tag_size(list, tag); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_TITLE)) { char *str; g_free(ev->metadata->title); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_TITLE, &str)) ev->metadata->title = str; else ev->metadata->title = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_ALBUM)) { gchar *str; g_free(ev->metadata->album); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_ALBUM, &str)) ev->metadata->album = str; else ev->metadata->album = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_ARTIST)) { gchar *str; g_free(ev->metadata->artist); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_ARTIST, &str)) ev->metadata->artist = str; else ev->metadata->artist = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_GENRE)) { gchar *str; g_free(ev->metadata->genre); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_GENRE, &str)) ev->metadata->genre = str; else ev->metadata->genre = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_COMMENT)) { gchar *str; g_free(ev->metadata->comment); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_COMMENT, &str)) ev->metadata->comment = str; else ev->metadata->comment = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_DATE)) { gchar *str; const GValue *date; g_free(ev->metadata->year); date = gst_tag_list_get_value_index(list, GST_TAG_DATE, 0); if (date) str = g_strdup_value_contents(date); else str = NULL; ev->metadata->year = str; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_TRACK_NUMBER)) { gchar *str; const GValue *track; g_free(ev->metadata->count); track = gst_tag_list_get_value_index(list, GST_TAG_TRACK_NUMBER, 0); if (track) str = g_strdup_value_contents(track); else str = NULL; ev->metadata->count = str; break; } #ifdef GST_TAG_CDDA_CDDB_DISCID if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_CDDA_CDDB_DISCID)) { gchar *str; const GValue *discid; g_free(ev->metadata->disc_id); discid = gst_tag_list_get_value_index(list, GST_TAG_CDDA_CDDB_DISCID, 0); if (discid) str = g_strdup_value_contents(discid); else str = NULL; ev->metadata->disc_id = str; break; } #endif } } static void _free_metadata(Emotion_Gstreamer_Metadata *m) { if (!m) return; g_free(m->title); g_free(m->album); g_free(m->artist); g_free(m->genre); g_free(m->comment); g_free(m->year); g_free(m->count); g_free(m->disc_id); free(m); } static void _eos_main_fct(void *data) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Message *send; Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; GstMessage *msg; send = data; ev = send->ev; msg = send->msg; if (ev->play_started && !ev->delete_me) { _emotion_playback_started(ev->obj); ev->play_started = 0; } switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR: { gchar *debug; GError *err; gst_message_parse_error(msg, &err, &debug); g_free(debug); ERR("Error: %s", err->message); g_error_free(err); break; } case GST_MESSAGE_EOS: if (!ev->delete_me) { ev->play = 0; _emotion_decode_stop(ev->obj); _emotion_playback_finished(ev->obj); } break; case GST_MESSAGE_TAG: if (!ev->delete_me) { GstTagList *new_tags; gst_message_parse_tag(msg, &new_tags); if (new_tags) { gst_tag_list_foreach(new_tags, (GstTagForeachFunc)_for_each_tag, ev); gst_tag_list_free(new_tags); } } break; case GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_DONE: if (!ev->delete_me) _emotion_seek_done(ev->obj); break; default: ERR("bus say: %s [%i]", GST_MESSAGE_SRC_NAME(msg), GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)); break; } emotion_gstreamer_message_free(send); } static GstBusSyncReply _eos_sync_fct(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *msg, gpointer data) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev = data; Emotion_Gstreamer_Message *send; switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR: case GST_MESSAGE_EOS: case GST_MESSAGE_TAG: case GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_DONE: send = emotion_gstreamer_message_alloc(ev, msg); if (send) ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_async(_eos_main_fct, send); break; default: WRN("bus say: %s [%i]", GST_MESSAGE_SRC_NAME(msg), GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)); break; } gst_message_unref(msg); return GST_BUS_DROP; } Eina_Bool _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev, Eina_Bool force) { gboolean res; int i; if (ev->pipeline_parsed) return EINA_TRUE; if (force && ev->threads) { Ecore_Thread *t; EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->threads, t) ecore_thread_cancel(t); } if (ev->threads) return EINA_FALSE; res = gst_element_get_state(ev->pipeline, NULL, NULL, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE); if (res == GST_STATE_CHANGE_NO_PREROLL) gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); res = gst_element_get_state(ev->pipeline, NULL, NULL, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE); if (!(res == GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS || res == GST_STATE_CHANGE_NO_PREROLL)) { /** NOTE: you need to set: GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR=/tmp EMOTION_ENGINE=gstreamer to save the $EMOTION_GSTREAMER_DOT file in '/tmp' */ /** then call dot -Tpng -oemotion_pipeline.png /tmp/$TIMESTAMP-$EMOTION_GSTREAMER_DOT.dot */ if (getenv("EMOTION_GSTREAMER_DOT")) GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE_WITH_TS(GST_BIN(ev->pipeline), GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL, getenv("EMOTION_GSTREAMER_DOT")); ERR("Unable to get GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE."); return EINA_FALSE; } g_object_get(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "n-audio", &ev->audio_stream_nbr, "n-video", &ev->video_stream_nbr, NULL); if ((ev->video_stream_nbr == 0) && (ev->audio_stream_nbr == 0)) { ERR("No audio nor video stream found"); return EINA_FALSE; } /* video stream */ for (i = 0; i < ev->video_stream_nbr; i++) { Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; GstPad *pad = NULL; GstCaps *caps; GstStructure *structure; GstQuery *query; const GValue *val; gchar *str; gdouble length_time = 0.0; gint width; gint height; gint fps_num; gint fps_den; guint32 fourcc = 0; g_signal_emit_by_name(ev->pipeline, "get-video-pad", i, &pad); if (!pad) continue; caps = gst_pad_get_negotiated_caps(pad); if (!caps) goto unref_pad_v; structure = gst_caps_get_structure(caps, 0); str = gst_caps_to_string(caps); if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "width", &width)) goto unref_caps_v; if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "height", &height)) goto unref_caps_v; if (!gst_structure_get_fraction(structure, "framerate", &fps_num, &fps_den)) goto unref_caps_v; if (g_str_has_prefix(str, "video/x-raw-yuv")) { val = gst_structure_get_value(structure, "format"); fourcc = gst_value_get_fourcc(val); } else if (g_str_has_prefix(str, "video/x-raw-rgb")) fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC('A', 'R', 'G', 'B'); else goto unref_caps_v; query = gst_query_new_duration(GST_FORMAT_TIME); if (gst_pad_peer_query(pad, query)) { gint64 t; gst_query_parse_duration(query, NULL, &t); length_time = (double)t / (double)GST_SECOND; } else goto unref_query_v; vstream = emotion_video_stream_new(ev); if (!vstream) goto unref_query_v; vstream->length_time = length_time; vstream->width = width; vstream->height = height; vstream->fps_num = fps_num; vstream->fps_den = fps_den; vstream->fourcc = fourcc; vstream->index = i; unref_query_v: gst_query_unref(query); unref_caps_v: gst_caps_unref(caps); unref_pad_v: gst_object_unref(pad); } /* Audio streams */ for (i = 0; i < ev->audio_stream_nbr; i++) { Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; GstPad *pad; GstCaps *caps; GstStructure *structure; GstQuery *query; gdouble length_time = 0.0; gint channels; gint samplerate; g_signal_emit_by_name(ev->pipeline, "get-audio-pad", i, &pad); if (!pad) continue; caps = gst_pad_get_negotiated_caps(pad); if (!caps) goto unref_pad_a; structure = gst_caps_get_structure(caps, 0); if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "channels", &channels)) goto unref_caps_a; if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "rate", &samplerate)) goto unref_caps_a; query = gst_query_new_duration(GST_FORMAT_TIME); if (gst_pad_peer_query(pad, query)) { gint64 t; gst_query_parse_duration(query, NULL, &t); length_time = (double)t / (double)GST_SECOND; } else goto unref_query_a; astream = calloc(1, sizeof(Emotion_Audio_Stream)); if (!astream) continue; ev->audio_streams = eina_list_append(ev->audio_streams, astream); if (eina_error_get()) { free(astream); continue; } astream->length_time = length_time; astream->channels = channels; astream->samplerate = samplerate; unref_query_a: gst_query_unref(query); unref_caps_a: gst_caps_unref(caps); unref_pad_a: gst_object_unref(pad); } /* Visualization sink */ if (ev->video_stream_nbr == 0) { GstElement *vis = NULL; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; gint flags; const char *vis_name; if (!(vis_name = emotion_visualization_element_name_get(ev->vis))) { WRN("pb vis name %d", ev->vis); goto finalize; } astream = eina_list_data_get(ev->audio_streams); vis = gst_element_factory_make(vis_name, "vissink"); vstream = emotion_video_stream_new(ev); if (!vstream) goto finalize; else DBG("could not create visualization stream"); vstream->length_time = astream->length_time; vstream->width = 320; vstream->height = 200; vstream->fps_num = 25; vstream->fps_den = 1; vstream->fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC('A', 'R', 'G', 'B'); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "vis-plugin", vis, NULL); g_object_get(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "flags", &flags, NULL); flags |= 0x00000008; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "flags", flags, NULL); } finalize: ev->video_stream_nbr = eina_list_count(ev->video_streams); ev->audio_stream_nbr = eina_list_count(ev->audio_streams); if (ev->video_stream_nbr == 1) { Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; vstream = eina_list_data_get(ev->video_streams); ev->ratio = (double)vstream->width / (double)vstream->height; _emotion_frame_resize(ev->obj, vstream->width, vstream->height, ev->ratio); } { /* on recapitule : */ Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; vstream = eina_list_data_get(ev->video_streams); if (vstream) { DBG("video size=%dx%d, fps=%d/%d, " "fourcc=%"GST_FOURCC_FORMAT", length=%"GST_TIME_FORMAT, vstream->width, vstream->height, vstream->fps_num, vstream->fps_den, GST_FOURCC_ARGS(vstream->fourcc), GST_TIME_ARGS((guint64)(vstream->length_time * GST_SECOND))); } astream = eina_list_data_get(ev->audio_streams); if (astream) { DBG("audio channels=%d, rate=%d, length=%"GST_TIME_FORMAT, astream->channels, astream->samplerate, GST_TIME_ARGS((guint64)(astream->length_time * GST_SECOND))); } } if (ev->metadata) _free_metadata(ev->metadata); ev->metadata = calloc(1, sizeof(Emotion_Gstreamer_Metadata)); em_audio_channel_volume_set(ev, ev->volume); em_audio_channel_mute_set(ev, ev->audio_mute); if (ev->play_started) { _emotion_playback_started(ev->obj); ev->play_started = 0; } _emotion_open_done(ev->obj); ev->pipeline_parsed = EINA_TRUE; return EINA_TRUE; }