#include "efl_ui_flip.eo.legacy.h" typedef Efl_Ui_Flip_Interaction Elm_Flip_Interaction; #define ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_NONE EFL_UI_FLIP_INTERACTION_NONE #define ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_ROTATE EFL_UI_FLIP_INTERACTION_ROTATE #define ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_CUBE EFL_UI_FLIP_INTERACTION_CUBE #define ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_PAGE EFL_UI_FLIP_INTERACTION_PAGE typedef Efl_Ui_Flip_Mode Elm_Flip_Mode; #define ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_Y_CENTER_AXIS EFL_UI_FLIP_ROTATE_Y_CENTER_AXIS #define ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_X_CENTER_AXIS EFL_UI_FLIP_ROTATE_X_CENTER_AXIS #define ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_XZ_CENTER_AXIS EFL_UI_FLIP_ROTATE_XZ_CENTER_AXIS #define ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_YZ_CENTER_AXIS EFL_UI_FLIP_ROTATE_YZ_CENTER_AXIS #define ELM_FLIP_CUBE_LEFT EFL_UI_FLIP_CUBE_LEFT #define ELM_FLIP_CUBE_RIGHT EFL_UI_FLIP_CUBE_RIGHT #define ELM_FLIP_CUBE_UP EFL_UI_FLIP_CUBE_UP #define ELM_FLIP_CUBE_DOWN EFL_UI_FLIP_CUBE_DOWN #define ELM_FLIP_PAGE_LEFT EFL_UI_FLIP_PAGE_LEFT #define ELM_FLIP_PAGE_RIGHT EFL_UI_FLIP_PAGE_RIGHT #define ELM_FLIP_PAGE_UP EFL_UI_FLIP_PAGE_UP #define ELM_FLIP_PAGE_DOWN EFL_UI_FLIP_PAGE_DOWN typedef enum { ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP = 0, /** Allows interaction with the top of the widget */ ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, /** Allows interaction with the bottom of the widget */ ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, /** Allows interaction with the left portion of the * widget */ ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT /** Allows interaction with the right portion of the * widget */ } Elm_Flip_Direction; /** * @brief Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip. * * Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip, with 0 * representing no area in the flip and 1 representing the entire flip. There * is however a consideration to be made in that the area will never be smaller * than the finger size set (as set in your Elementary configuration), and * dragging must always start from the opposite half of the flip (eg. right * half of the flip when dragging to the left). * * @note The @c dir parameter is not actually related to the direction of the * drag, it only refers to the area in the flip where interaction can occur * (top, bottom, left, right). * * Negative values of @c hitsize will disable this hit area. * * See also @ref elm_flip_interaction_set. * * @param[in] hitsize The amount of that dimension (0.0 to 1.0) to use. * * @ingroup Efl_Ui_Flip */ EAPI void elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(Efl_Ui_Flip *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, double hitsize); /** * @brief Get the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip. * * @param[in] dir The direction to check. * * @return The size set for that direction. * * @ingroup Efl_Ui_Flip */ EAPI double elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_get(Efl_Ui_Flip *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir); /** * @brief Set which directions of the flip respond to interactive flip * * By default all directions are disabled, so you may want to enable the * desired directions for flipping if you need interactive flipping. You must * call this function once for each direction that should be enabled. * * You can also set the appropriate hit area size by calling * @ref efl_ui_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set. By default, a minimum * hit area will be created on the opposite edge of the flip. * * @param[in] enabled If that direction is enabled or not. * * @ingroup Efl_Ui_Flip */ EOAPI void elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(Efl_Ui_Flip *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, Eina_Bool enabled); /** * @brief Get the enabled state of that flip direction. * * @param[in] dir The direction to check. * * @return If that direction is enabled or not. * * @ingroup Efl_Ui_Flip */ EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_get(Efl_Ui_Flip *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir); /** * @brief Add a new flip to the parent * * @param parent The parent object * @return The new object or NULL if it cannot be created * * @ingroup Elm_Flip */ EAPI Evas_Object *elm_flip_add(Evas_Object *parent); /** * @brief Set flip perspective * * @param obj The flip object * @param foc The coordinate to set the focus on * @param x The X coordinate * @param y The Y coordinate * * @warning This function currently does nothing. * * @ingroup Elm_Flip */ EAPI void elm_flip_perspective_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord foc, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y);