enum Elm.Panel.Orient { [[Panel orientation mode]] top, [[Panel (dis)appears from the top]] bottom, [[Panel (dis)appears from the bottom]] left, [[Panel (dis)appears from the left]] right [[Panel (dis)appears from the right]] } class Elm.Panel (Elm.Layout, Elm.Interface_Scrollable, Elm.Interface.Atspi_Widget_Action) { legacy_prefix: elm_panel; eo_prefix: elm_obj_panel; methods { @property orient { set { [[Set the orientation of the panel Set from where the panel will (dis)appear. ]] } get { [[Get the orientation of the panel.]] } values { orient: Elm.Panel.Orient(Elm.Panel.Orient.left); [[The panel orientation.]] } } @property hidden { set { [[Set the state of the panel.]] } get { [[Get the state of the panel.]] } values { hidden: bool; [[If true, the panel will run the animation to disappear.]] } } @property scrollable { set { [[Set the scrollability of the panel.]] } get { [[Get the state of the scrollability. @since 1.12 ]] } values { scrollable: bool; [[The scrollable state.]] } } @property scrollable_content_size { set { [[Set the size of the scrollable panel.]] } values { ratio: double; } } toggle { [[Toggle the hidden state of the panel from code]] } } implements { class.constructor; Eo.Base.constructor; Efl.Canvas.Group.group_add; Efl.Canvas.Group.group_member_add; Efl.Canvas.Group.group_del; Efl.Canvas.Group.group_resize; Efl.Canvas.Group.group_move; Elm.Widget.theme_apply; Elm.Widget.focus_next_manager_is; Elm.Widget.focus_next; Elm.Widget.disable; Elm.Widget.access; Elm.Widget.event; Elm.Widget.on_focus_region; Elm.Layout.sizing_eval; Elm.Interface.Atspi_Widget_Action.elm_actions.get; Efl.Part.part; } }