/***************************************************************************/ /*** emotion xine display engine ***/ /***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "emotion_private.h" #include "emotion_xine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define BLEND_BYTE(dst, src, o) (((src)*o + ((dst)*(0xf-o)))/0xf) /***************************************************************************/ typedef struct _Emotion_Frame Emotion_Frame; typedef struct _Emotion_Driver Emotion_Driver; typedef struct _Emotion_Class Emotion_Class; typedef struct _Emotion_Lut Emotion_Lut; struct _Emotion_Frame { vo_frame_t vo_frame; int width; int height; double ratio; int format; xine_t *xine; Emotion_Xine_Video_Frame frame; unsigned char in_use : 1; }; struct _Emotion_Driver { vo_driver_t vo_driver; config_values_t *config; int ratio; xine_t *xine; Emotion_Xine_Video *ev; }; struct _Emotion_Class { video_driver_class_t driver_class; config_values_t *config; xine_t *xine; }; struct _Emotion_Lut { uint8_t cb : 8; uint8_t cr : 8; uint8_t y : 8; uint8_t foo : 8; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /***************************************************************************/ static void *_emotion_class_init (xine_t *xine, void *visual); static void _emotion_class_dispose (video_driver_class_t *driver_class); static char *_emotion_class_identifier_get (video_driver_class_t *driver_class); static char *_emotion_class_description_get (video_driver_class_t *driver_class); static vo_driver_t *_emotion_open (video_driver_class_t *driver_class, const void *visual); static void _emotion_dispose (vo_driver_t *vo_driver); static int _emotion_redraw (vo_driver_t *vo_driver); static uint32_t _emotion_capabilities_get (vo_driver_t *vo_driver); static int _emotion_gui_data_exchange (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, int data_type, void *data); static int _emotion_property_set (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, int property, int value); static int _emotion_property_get (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, int property); static void _emotion_property_min_max_get (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, int property, int *min, int *max); static vo_frame_t *_emotion_frame_alloc (vo_driver_t *vo_driver); static void _emotion_frame_dispose (vo_frame_t *vo_frame); static void _emotion_frame_format_update (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, double ratio, int format, int flags); static void _emotion_frame_display (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame); static void _emotion_frame_field (vo_frame_t *vo_frame, int which_field); static void _emotion_frame_data_free (Emotion_Frame *fr); static void _emotion_frame_data_unlock (Emotion_Frame *fr); static void _emotion_overlay_begin (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame, int changed); static void _emotion_overlay_end (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame); static void _emotion_overlay_blend (vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame, vo_overlay_t *vo_overlay); static void _emotion_overlay_mem_blend_8 (uint8_t *mem, uint8_t val, uint8_t o, size_t sz); static void _emotion_overlay_blend_yuv (uint8_t *dst_base[3], vo_overlay_t * img_overl, int dst_width, int dst_height, int dst_pitches[3]); static void _emotion_yuy2_to_bgra32 (int width, int height, unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst); /***************************************************************************/ static vo_info_t _emotion_info = { 1, /* priority */ XINE_VISUAL_TYPE_NONE /* visual type */ }; plugin_info_t xine_plugin_info[] = { { PLUGIN_VIDEO_OUT, 20, "emotion", XINE_VERSION_CODE, &_emotion_info, _emotion_class_init }, { PLUGIN_NONE, 0, "", 0, NULL, NULL } }; /***************************************************************************/ static void * _emotion_class_init(xine_t *xine, void *visual) { Emotion_Class *cl; // printf("emotion: _emotion_class_init()\n"); cl = (Emotion_Class *) xine_xmalloc(sizeof(Emotion_Class)); if (!cl) return NULL; cl->driver_class.open_plugin = _emotion_open; cl->driver_class.get_identifier = _emotion_class_identifier_get; cl->driver_class.get_description = _emotion_class_description_get; cl->driver_class.dispose = _emotion_class_dispose; cl->config = xine->config; cl->xine = xine; return cl; } static void _emotion_class_dispose(video_driver_class_t *driver_class) { Emotion_Class *cl; cl = (Emotion_Class *)driver_class; free(cl); } static char * _emotion_class_identifier_get(video_driver_class_t *driver_class) { Emotion_Class *cl; cl = (Emotion_Class *)driver_class; return "emotion"; } static char * _emotion_class_description_get(video_driver_class_t *driver_class) { Emotion_Class *cl; cl = (Emotion_Class *)driver_class; return "Emotion xine video output plugin"; } /***************************************************************************/ static vo_driver_t * _emotion_open(video_driver_class_t *driver_class, const void *visual) { Emotion_Class *cl; Emotion_Driver *dv; cl = (Emotion_Class *)driver_class; /* visual here is the data ptr passed to xine_open_video_driver() */ // printf("emotion: _emotion_open()\n"); dv = (Emotion_Driver *)xine_xmalloc(sizeof(Emotion_Driver)); if (!dv) return NULL; dv->config = cl->config; dv->xine = cl->xine; dv->ratio = XINE_VO_ASPECT_AUTO; dv->vo_driver.get_capabilities = _emotion_capabilities_get; dv->vo_driver.alloc_frame = _emotion_frame_alloc; dv->vo_driver.update_frame_format = _emotion_frame_format_update; dv->vo_driver.overlay_begin = _emotion_overlay_begin; dv->vo_driver.overlay_blend = _emotion_overlay_blend; dv->vo_driver.overlay_end = _emotion_overlay_end; dv->vo_driver.display_frame = _emotion_frame_display; dv->vo_driver.get_property = _emotion_property_get; dv->vo_driver.set_property = _emotion_property_set; dv->vo_driver.get_property_min_max = _emotion_property_min_max_get; dv->vo_driver.gui_data_exchange = _emotion_gui_data_exchange; dv->vo_driver.dispose = _emotion_dispose; dv->vo_driver.redraw_needed = _emotion_redraw; dv->ev = (Emotion_Xine_Video *)visual; return &dv->vo_driver; } static void _emotion_dispose(vo_driver_t *vo_driver) { Emotion_Driver *dv; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; // printf("emotion: _emotion_dispose()\n"); free(dv); } /***************************************************************************/ static int _emotion_redraw(vo_driver_t *vo_driver) { Emotion_Driver *dv; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; // printf("emotion: _emotion_redraw()\n"); return 0; } /***************************************************************************/ static uint32_t _emotion_capabilities_get(vo_driver_t *vo_driver) { Emotion_Driver *dv; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; // printf("emotion: _emotion_capabilities_get()\n"); return VO_CAP_YV12 | VO_CAP_YUY2; } /***************************************************************************/ static int _emotion_gui_data_exchange(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, int data_type, void *data) { Emotion_Driver *dv; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; // printf("emotion: _emotion_gui_data_exchange()\n"); switch (data_type) { case XINE_GUI_SEND_COMPLETION_EVENT: break; case XINE_GUI_SEND_DRAWABLE_CHANGED: break; case XINE_GUI_SEND_EXPOSE_EVENT: break; case XINE_GUI_SEND_TRANSLATE_GUI_TO_VIDEO: break; case XINE_GUI_SEND_VIDEOWIN_VISIBLE: break; case XINE_GUI_SEND_SELECT_VISUAL: break; default: break; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************/ static int _emotion_property_set(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, int property, int value) { Emotion_Driver *dv; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; // printf("emotion: _emotion_property_set()\n"); switch (property) { case VO_PROP_ASPECT_RATIO: if (value >= XINE_VO_ASPECT_NUM_RATIOS) value = XINE_VO_ASPECT_AUTO; printf("DRIVER RATIO SET %i!\n", value); dv->ratio = value; break; default: break; } return value; } static int _emotion_property_get(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, int property) { Emotion_Driver *dv; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; // printf("emotion: _emotion_property_get()\n"); switch (property) { case VO_PROP_ASPECT_RATIO: return dv->ratio; break; default: break; } return 0; } static void _emotion_property_min_max_get(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, int property, int *min, int *max) { Emotion_Driver *dv; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; // printf("emotion: _emotion_property_min_max_get()\n"); *min = 0; *max = 0; } /***************************************************************************/ static vo_frame_t * _emotion_frame_alloc(vo_driver_t *vo_driver) { Emotion_Driver *dv; Emotion_Frame *fr; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; // printf("emotion: _emotion_frame_alloc()\n"); fr = (Emotion_Frame *)xine_xmalloc(sizeof(Emotion_Frame)); if (!fr) return NULL; fr->vo_frame.base[0] = NULL; fr->vo_frame.base[1] = NULL; fr->vo_frame.base[2] = NULL; fr->vo_frame.proc_slice = NULL; fr->vo_frame.proc_frame = NULL; fr->vo_frame.field = _emotion_frame_field; fr->vo_frame.dispose = _emotion_frame_dispose; fr->vo_frame.driver = vo_driver; return (vo_frame_t *)fr; } static void _emotion_frame_dispose(vo_frame_t *vo_frame) { Emotion_Frame *fr; fr = (Emotion_Frame *)vo_frame; // printf("emotion: _emotion_frame_dispose()\n"); _emotion_frame_data_free(fr); free(fr); } static void _emotion_frame_format_update(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, double ratio, int format, int flags) { Emotion_Driver *dv; Emotion_Frame *fr; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; fr = (Emotion_Frame *)vo_frame; if ((fr->width != width) || (fr->height != height) || (fr->format != format) || (!fr->vo_frame.base[0])) { // printf("emotion: _emotion_frame_format_update()\n"); _emotion_frame_data_free(fr); fr->width = width; fr->height = height; fr->format = format; switch (format) { case XINE_IMGFMT_YV12: { int y_size, uv_size; fr->frame.format = EMOTION_YV12; fr->vo_frame.pitches[0] = 8 * ((width + 7) / 8); fr->vo_frame.pitches[1] = 8 * ((width + 15) / 16); fr->vo_frame.pitches[2] = 8 * ((width + 15) / 16); y_size = fr->vo_frame.pitches[0] * height; uv_size = fr->vo_frame.pitches[1] * ((height + 1) / 2); fr->vo_frame.base[0] = malloc(y_size + (2 * uv_size)); fr->vo_frame.base[1] = fr->vo_frame.base[0] + y_size + uv_size; fr->vo_frame.base[2] = fr->vo_frame.base[0] + y_size; fr->frame.w = fr->width; fr->frame.h = fr->height; fr->frame.ratio = fr->vo_frame.ratio; fr->frame.y = fr->vo_frame.base[0]; fr->frame.u = fr->vo_frame.base[1]; fr->frame.v = fr->vo_frame.base[2]; fr->frame.bgra_data = NULL; fr->frame.y_stride = fr->vo_frame.pitches[0]; fr->frame.u_stride = fr->vo_frame.pitches[1]; fr->frame.v_stride = fr->vo_frame.pitches[2]; fr->frame.obj = dv->ev->obj; } break; case XINE_IMGFMT_YUY2: { int y_size, uv_size; fr->frame.format = EMOTION_BGRA; fr->vo_frame.pitches[0] = 8 * ((width + 3) / 4); fr->vo_frame.pitches[1] = 0; fr->vo_frame.pitches[2] = 0; fr->vo_frame.base[0] = malloc(fr->vo_frame.pitches[0] * height); fr->vo_frame.base[1] = NULL; fr->vo_frame.base[2] = NULL; fr->frame.w = fr->width; fr->frame.h = fr->height; fr->frame.ratio = fr->vo_frame.ratio; fr->frame.y = NULL; fr->frame.u = NULL; fr->frame.v = NULL; fr->frame.bgra_data = malloc(fr->width * fr->height * 4); fr->frame.y_stride = 0; fr->frame.u_stride = 0; fr->frame.v_stride = 0; fr->frame.obj = dv->ev->obj; } break; default: break; } if (((format == XINE_IMGFMT_YV12) && ((fr->vo_frame.base[0] == NULL) || (fr->vo_frame.base[1] == NULL) || (fr->vo_frame.base[2] == NULL))) || ((format == XINE_IMGFMT_YUY2) && ((fr->vo_frame.base[0] == NULL) || (fr->frame.bgra_data == NULL)))) { _emotion_frame_data_free(fr); } } fr->frame.ratio = fr->vo_frame.ratio; fr->ratio = ratio; } static void _emotion_frame_display(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame) { Emotion_Driver *dv; Emotion_Frame *fr; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; fr = (Emotion_Frame *)vo_frame; // printf("emotion: _emotion_frame_display()\n"); if (dv->ev) { void *buf; int ret; if (fr->format == XINE_IMGFMT_YUY2) { _emotion_yuy2_to_bgra32(fr->width, fr->height, fr->vo_frame.base[0], fr->frame.bgra_data); } buf = &(fr->frame); fr->frame.timestamp = (double)fr->vo_frame.vpts / 90000.0; fr->frame.done_func = _emotion_frame_data_unlock; fr->frame.done_data = fr; ret = write(dv->ev->fd, &buf, sizeof(void *)); // printf("-- FRAME DEC %p == %i\n", fr->frame.obj, ret); fr->in_use = 1; } /* hmm - must find a way to sanely copy data out... FIXME problem */ // fr->vo_frame.free(&fr->vo_frame); } static void _emotion_frame_field(vo_frame_t *vo_frame, int which_field) { Emotion_Frame *fr; fr = (Emotion_Frame *)vo_frame; // printf("emotion: _emotion_frame_field()\n"); } /***************************************************************************/ static void _emotion_frame_data_free(Emotion_Frame *fr) { if (fr->vo_frame.base[0]) { free(fr->vo_frame.base[0]); fr->vo_frame.base[0] = NULL; fr->vo_frame.base[1] = NULL; fr->vo_frame.base[2] = NULL; fr->frame.y = fr->vo_frame.base[0]; fr->frame.u = fr->vo_frame.base[1]; fr->frame.v = fr->vo_frame.base[2]; } if (fr->frame.bgra_data) { free(fr->frame.bgra_data); fr->frame.bgra_data = NULL; } } static void _emotion_frame_data_unlock(Emotion_Frame *fr) { // printf("emotion: _emotion_frame_data_unlock()\n"); if (fr->in_use) { fr->vo_frame.free(&fr->vo_frame); fr->in_use = 0; } } /***************************************************************************/ static void _emotion_overlay_begin(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame, int changed) { Emotion_Driver *dv; Emotion_Frame *fr; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; fr = (Emotion_Frame *)vo_frame; // printf("emotion: _emotion_overlay_begin()\n"); } static void _emotion_overlay_end(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame) { Emotion_Driver *dv; Emotion_Frame *fr; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; fr = (Emotion_Frame *)vo_frame; // printf("emotion: _emotion_overlay_end()\n"); } static void _emotion_overlay_blend(vo_driver_t *vo_driver, vo_frame_t *vo_frame, vo_overlay_t *vo_overlay) { Emotion_Driver *dv; Emotion_Frame *fr; dv = (Emotion_Driver *)vo_driver; fr = (Emotion_Frame *)vo_frame; // printf("emotion: _emotion_overlay_blend()\n"); _emotion_overlay_blend_yuv(fr->vo_frame.base, vo_overlay, fr->width, fr->height, fr->vo_frame.pitches); } static void _emotion_overlay_mem_blend_8(uint8_t *mem, uint8_t val, uint8_t o, size_t sz) { uint8_t *limit = mem + sz; while (mem < limit) { *mem = BLEND_BYTE(*mem, val, o); mem++; } } static void _emotion_overlay_blend_yuv(uint8_t *dst_base[3], vo_overlay_t * img_overl, int dst_width, int dst_height, int dst_pitches[3]) { Emotion_Lut *my_clut; uint8_t *my_trans; int src_width; int src_height; rle_elem_t *rle; rle_elem_t *rle_limit; int x_off; int y_off; int ymask, xmask; int rle_this_bite; int rle_remainder; int rlelen; int x, y; int clip_right; uint8_t clr = 0; src_width = img_overl->width; src_height = img_overl->height; rle = img_overl->rle; rle_limit = rle + img_overl->num_rle; x_off = img_overl->x; y_off = img_overl->y; if (!rle) return; uint8_t *dst_y = dst_base[0] + dst_pitches[0] * y_off + x_off; uint8_t *dst_cr = dst_base[2] + (y_off / 2) * dst_pitches[1] + (x_off / 2) + 1; uint8_t *dst_cb = dst_base[1] + (y_off / 2) * dst_pitches[2] + (x_off / 2) + 1; my_clut = (Emotion_Lut *) img_overl->clip_color; my_trans = img_overl->clip_trans; /* avoid wraping overlay if drawing to small image */ if( (x_off + img_overl->clip_right) < dst_width ) clip_right = img_overl->clip_right; else clip_right = dst_width - 1 - x_off; /* avoid buffer overflow */ if( (src_height + y_off) >= dst_height ) src_height = dst_height - 1 - y_off; rlelen=rle_remainder=0; for (y = 0; y < src_height; y++) { ymask = ((img_overl->clip_top > y) || (img_overl->clip_bottom < y)); xmask = 0; for (x = 0; x < src_width;) { uint16_t o; if (rlelen == 0) { rle_remainder = rlelen = rle->len; clr = rle->color; rle++; } if (rle_remainder == 0) { rle_remainder = rlelen; } if ((rle_remainder + x) > src_width) { /* Do something for long rlelengths */ rle_remainder = src_width - x; } if (ymask == 0) { if (x <= img_overl->clip_left) { /* Starts outside clip area */ if ((x + rle_remainder - 1) > img_overl->clip_left ) { /* Cutting needed, starts outside, ends inside */ rle_this_bite = (img_overl->clip_left - x + 1); rle_remainder -= rle_this_bite; rlelen -= rle_this_bite; my_clut = (Emotion_Lut *) img_overl->color; my_trans = img_overl->trans; xmask = 0; } else { /* no cutting needed, starts outside, ends outside */ rle_this_bite = rle_remainder; rle_remainder = 0; rlelen -= rle_this_bite; my_clut = (Emotion_Lut *) img_overl->color; my_trans = img_overl->trans; xmask = 0; } } else if (x < clip_right) { /* Starts inside clip area */ if ((x + rle_remainder) > clip_right ) { /* Cutting needed, starts inside, ends outside */ rle_this_bite = (clip_right - x); rle_remainder -= rle_this_bite; rlelen -= rle_this_bite; my_clut = (Emotion_Lut *) img_overl->clip_color; my_trans = img_overl->clip_trans; xmask++; } else { /* no cutting needed, starts inside, ends inside */ rle_this_bite = rle_remainder; rle_remainder = 0; rlelen -= rle_this_bite; my_clut = (Emotion_Lut *) img_overl->clip_color; my_trans = img_overl->clip_trans; xmask++; } } else if (x >= clip_right) { /* Starts outside clip area, ends outsite clip area */ if ((x + rle_remainder ) > src_width ) { /* Cutting needed, starts outside, ends at right edge */ /* It should never reach here due to the earlier test of src_width */ rle_this_bite = (src_width - x ); rle_remainder -= rle_this_bite; rlelen -= rle_this_bite; my_clut = (Emotion_Lut *) img_overl->color; my_trans = img_overl->trans; xmask = 0; } else { /* no cutting needed, starts outside, ends outside */ rle_this_bite = rle_remainder; rle_remainder = 0; rlelen -= rle_this_bite; my_clut = (Emotion_Lut *) img_overl->color; my_trans = img_overl->trans; xmask = 0; } } } else { /* Outside clip are due to y */ /* no cutting needed, starts outside, ends outside */ rle_this_bite = rle_remainder; rle_remainder = 0; rlelen -= rle_this_bite; my_clut = (Emotion_Lut *) img_overl->color; my_trans = img_overl->trans; xmask = 0; } o = my_trans[clr]; if (o) { if(o >= 15) { memset(dst_y + x, my_clut[clr].y, rle_this_bite); if (y & 1) { memset(dst_cr + (x >> 1), my_clut[clr].cr, (rle_this_bite+1) >> 1); memset(dst_cb + (x >> 1), my_clut[clr].cb, (rle_this_bite+1) >> 1); } } else { _emotion_overlay_mem_blend_8(dst_y + x, my_clut[clr].y, o, rle_this_bite); if (y & 1) { /* Blending cr and cb should use a different function, with pre -128 to each sample */ _emotion_overlay_mem_blend_8(dst_cr + (x >> 1), my_clut[clr].cr, o, (rle_this_bite+1) >> 1); _emotion_overlay_mem_blend_8(dst_cb + (x >> 1), my_clut[clr].cb, o, (rle_this_bite+1) >> 1); } } } x += rle_this_bite; if (rle >= rle_limit) { break; } } if (rle >= rle_limit) { break; } dst_y += dst_pitches[0]; if (y & 1) { dst_cr += dst_pitches[2]; dst_cb += dst_pitches[1]; } } } //TODO: Really need to improve this converter! #define LIMIT(x) ((x) > 0xff ? 0xff : ((x) < 0 ? 0 : (x))) static void _emotion_yuy2_to_bgra32(int width, int height, unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst) { int i, j; unsigned char *y, *u, *v; y = src; u = src + 1; v = src + 3; for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (j = 0; j < height; j++) { *dst++ = LIMIT(1.164 * (*y - 16) + 2.018 * (*u - 128)); *dst++ = LIMIT(1.164 * (*y - 16) - 0.813 * (*v - 128) - 0.391 * (*u - 128)); *dst++ = LIMIT(1.164 * (*y - 16) + 1.596 * (*v - 128)); *dst++ = 0; y += 2; if (j % 2 == 1) { u += 4; v += 4; } } } }