#pragma warning disable 1591 using System; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace eina { namespace Callbacks { public delegate int Eina_Compare_Cb(IntPtr data1, IntPtr data2); public delegate void Eina_Free_Cb(IntPtr data); } internal static class NativeCustomExportFunctions { [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern void efl_mono_native_free(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern void efl_mono_native_free_ref(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern IntPtr efl_mono_native_alloc(uint count); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern IntPtr efl_mono_native_memset(IntPtr ptr, uint fill, uint count); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern IntPtr efl_mono_native_alloc_copy(IntPtr val, uint size); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern IntPtr efl_mono_native_strdup(string str); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern IntPtr efl_mono_native_ptr_compare_addr_get(); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern IntPtr efl_mono_native_str_compare_addr_get(); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern IntPtr efl_mono_native_free_addr_get(); [DllImport(efl.Libs.CustomExports)] public static extern IntPtr efl_mono_native_efl_unref_addr_get(); } /// Wrapper around native memory DllImport'd functions public static class MemoryNative { public static void Free(IntPtr ptr) { NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_free(ptr); } public static void FreeRef(IntPtr ptr) { NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_free_ref(ptr); } // This public api uses int as Marshal.SizeOf return an int instead of uint. public static IntPtr Alloc(int count) { return NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_alloc(Convert.ToUInt32(count)); } public static void Memset(IntPtr ptr, int fill, int count) { NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_memset(ptr, Convert.ToUInt32(fill), Convert.ToUInt32(count)); } public static IntPtr AllocCopy(IntPtr ptr, int count) { return NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_alloc_copy(ptr, Convert.ToUInt32(count)); } public static IntPtr StrDup(string str) { return NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_strdup(str); } // IntPtr's for some native functions public static IntPtr PtrCompareFuncPtrGet() { return NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_ptr_compare_addr_get(); } public static IntPtr StrCompareFuncPtrGet() { return NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_str_compare_addr_get(); } public static IntPtr FreeFuncPtrGet() { return NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_free_addr_get(); } public static IntPtr EflUnrefFuncPtrGet() { return NativeCustomExportFunctions.efl_mono_native_efl_unref_addr_get(); } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ConvertWrapper { public T val; } public static class PrimitiveConversion { public static T PointerToManaged(IntPtr nat) { if (nat == IntPtr.Zero) { eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for primitive type."); return default(T); } var w = Marshal.PtrToStructure >(nat); return w.val; } public static IntPtr ManagedToPointerAlloc(T man) { IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf()); Marshal.StructureToPtr(man, ptr, false); return ptr; } } public static class StringConversion { public static IntPtr ManagedStringToNativeUtf8Alloc(string managedString) { if (managedString == null) return IntPtr.Zero; byte[] strbuf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(managedString); IntPtr native = MemoryNative.Alloc(strbuf.Length + 1); Marshal.Copy(strbuf, 0, native, strbuf.Length); Marshal.WriteByte(native + strbuf.Length, 0); // write the terminating null return native; } public static string NativeUtf8ToManagedString(IntPtr pNativeData) { if (pNativeData == IntPtr.Zero) return null; int len = 0; while (Marshal.ReadByte(pNativeData, len) != 0) ++len; byte[] strbuf = new byte[len]; Marshal.Copy(pNativeData, strbuf, 0, strbuf.Length); return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(strbuf); } } /// Enum to handle resource ownership between managed and unmanaged code. public enum Ownership { /// The resource is owned by the managed code. It should free the handle on disposal. Managed, /// The resource is owned by the unmanaged code. It won't be freed on disposal. Unmanaged } }