/* * This example shows how to use color pick algorithm for finding node at scene. * Enable color pick mode of meshes and scene objects. * Click (left for color pick, right for geometry pick) on 3D object and see * in terminal time response of the found node. * Use key UP/DOWN for changing z coordinate of camera * Use key LEFT/RIGHT for scale each node * Use shortcut parameters of commanline: r - rows of objects, c - columns of objects, m - path for model name, * f - path for first texture, s - path for second texture. * Compile with "gcc -o evas-3d-colorpick evas-3d-colorpick.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags evas ecore ecore-evas eo eina efl`" */ //TODO new resources #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #else #define PACKAGE_EXAMPLES_DIR "." #endif #define EFL_EO_API_SUPPORT #define EFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT #include #include #include #include #include #include "evas-3d-common.h" #define WIDTH 800 #define HEIGHT 600 #define ANIMATION_COUNT 3 #define MAX_PATH 128 static const char *model_path = PACKAGE_EXAMPLES_DIR EVAS_3D_MODEL_FOLDER "/M15.obj"; static const char *image1_path = PACKAGE_EXAMPLES_DIR EVAS_3D_IMAGE_FOLDER "/M15.png"; static const char *image2_path = PACKAGE_EXAMPLES_DIR EVAS_3D_IMAGE_FOLDER "/M15_1.png"; Ecore_Evas *ecore_evas = NULL; Evas *evas = NULL; Evas_Object *image = NULL, *bg = NULL; Eina_Bool (*animate_func[ANIMATION_COUNT])(void*); static const Ecore_Getopt optdesc = { "", NULL, "0.0", "", "", "Example mesh color pick mechanism", 0, { ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_INT('r', "row", "Rows of models"), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_INT('c', "column", "Columns of models"), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_STR('m', "name model", "Name of model"), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_STR('f', "texture1", "Name1 of texture"), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_STR('s', "texture2", "Name2 of texture"), ECORE_GETOPT_HELP('h', "help"), ECORE_GETOPT_SENTINEL } }; typedef struct _Mine { Eo *node; Eo *mesh1; Eo *mesh2; Eo *material1; Eo *material2; Eo *texture1; Eo *texture2; Evas_Real speed; Ecore_Timer *animate; Eina_Bool (*m15_init)(void *m15, const char *model, const char *texture1, const char *texture2); Eina_Bool (*m15_animate)(void *data); } MineM15; typedef struct _Scene { Eo *camera; Eo *light; Eo *scene; Eo *root_node; Eo *camera_node; Eo *light_node; int row; int col; Eina_List *mines; Eina_Bool (*scene_init)(const char *model, const char *texture1, const char *texture2); } Scene_Data; Scene_Data globalscene; static void _on_delete(Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED) { Eina_List *l; MineM15 * item; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(globalscene.mines, l, item) { free(item); } eina_list_free(globalscene.mines); ecore_main_loop_quit(); } static void _on_canvas_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee) { int w, h; ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); eo_do(bg, evas_obj_size_set(w, h)); eo_do(image, evas_obj_size_set(w, h)); } static Eina_Bool _animate_mine1(void *data) { static int angle = 0.0; Eo *n = (Eo*)(((MineM15 *)data)->node); eo_do(n, evas_3d_node_orientation_angle_axis_set(angle, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)); angle++; if (angle > 360) angle = 0.0; return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _animate_mine2(void *data) { static int angle = 0.0; Eo *n = (Eo*)(((MineM15 *)data)->node); eo_do(n, evas_3d_node_orientation_angle_axis_set(angle, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)); angle++; if (angle > 360) angle = 0.0; return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _animate_mine3(void *data) { static int angle = 0.0; Eo *n = (Eo*)(((MineM15 *)data)->node); eo_do(n, evas_3d_node_orientation_angle_axis_set(angle, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)); angle++; if (angle > 360) angle = 0.0; return EINA_TRUE; } void _recalculate_position() { int i = 0, j = 0, count = 0; Evas_Real x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, shiftx = 0, shifty = 0; MineM15 *m; eo_do(((MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, 0))->node, evas_3d_object_update()); eo_do(((MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, 0))->node, evas_3d_node_bounding_box_get(&x0, &y0, &z0, &x1, &y1, &z1)); for (i = 0; i < globalscene.row; ++i) { shiftx = i * 2 * x1; for(j = 0; j < globalscene.col; ++j) { shifty = j * 2 * y1; m = (MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, count); eo_do(m->node, evas_3d_node_position_set(shifty, 0.0, shiftx)); count++; } } } static void _on_key_down(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *eo EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info) { Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev = event_info; Evas_Real x, y, z; Eina_List *l; MineM15 * item; if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Down")) { eo_do(globalscene.camera_node, evas_3d_node_position_get(EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, &x, &y, &z)); eo_do(globalscene.camera_node, evas_3d_node_position_set(x, y, (z - 5))); } else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Up")) { eo_do(globalscene.camera_node, evas_3d_node_position_get(EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, &x, &y, &z)); eo_do(globalscene.camera_node, evas_3d_node_position_set(x, y, (z + 5))); } else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Left")) { eo_do(((MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, 0))->node, evas_3d_node_scale_get(EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, &x, &y, &z)); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(globalscene.mines, l, item) { eo_do(item->node, evas_3d_node_scale_set((x - 0.1), (y - 0.1), (z - 0.1))); } _recalculate_position(); } else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Right")) { eo_do(((MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, 0))->node, evas_3d_node_scale_get(EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, &x, &y, &z)); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(globalscene.mines, l, item) { eo_do(item->node, evas_3d_node_scale_set((x + 0.1), (y + 0.1), (z + 0.1))); } _recalculate_position(); } else fprintf(stdout, "Down, Up for position of camera; Left, Right for scale of each node"); } static void _on_mouse_down(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *eo EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info) { Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = event_info; Evas_3D_Node *n; Evas_3D_Mesh *m; Evas_Real s, t; clock_t time; float diff_sec; time = clock(); Eina_Bool flag; if (ev->button == 1) { eo_do(globalscene.scene, evas_3d_scene_color_pick_enable_set(EINA_TRUE)); eo_do(globalscene.scene, flag = evas_3d_scene_pick(ev->canvas.x, ev->canvas.y, &n, &m, NULL, NULL)); time = clock() - time; diff_sec = ((float)time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 10; if (flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Boom! Time expended for color pick: %2.7f .\n", diff_sec); eo_do(n, evas_3d_node_scale_set(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); } } else { eo_do(globalscene.scene, evas_3d_scene_color_pick_enable_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(globalscene.scene, flag = evas_3d_scene_pick(ev->canvas.x, ev->canvas.y, &n, &m, &s, &t)); time = clock() - time; diff_sec = ((float)time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 10; if (flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Boom! Time expended for geometry pick: %2.7f .\n", diff_sec); eo_do(n, evas_3d_node_scale_set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); } } } Eina_Bool _init_m15(void *this, const char *model, const char *texture1, const char *texture2) { MineM15 *m15 = (MineM15 *)this; m15->mesh1 = eo_add(EVAS_3D_MESH_CLASS, evas); m15->mesh2 = eo_add(EVAS_3D_MESH_CLASS, evas); m15->material1 = eo_add(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_CLASS, evas); m15->material2 = eo_add(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_CLASS, evas); eo_do(m15->mesh1, efl_file_set(model, NULL), evas_3d_mesh_frame_material_set(0, m15->material1), evas_3d_mesh_shade_mode_set(EVAS_3D_SHADE_MODE_PHONG)); eo_do(m15->mesh2, efl_file_set(model, NULL), evas_3d_mesh_frame_material_set(0, m15->material2), evas_3d_mesh_shade_mode_set(EVAS_3D_SHADE_MODE_PHONG)); eo_do(m15->mesh1, evas_3d_mesh_color_pick_enable_set(EINA_TRUE)); eo_do(m15->mesh2, evas_3d_mesh_color_pick_enable_set(EINA_TRUE)); m15->texture1 = eo_add(EVAS_3D_TEXTURE_CLASS, evas); eo_do(m15->texture1, evas_3d_texture_file_set(texture1, NULL), evas_3d_texture_filter_set(EVAS_3D_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST, EVAS_3D_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST), evas_3d_texture_wrap_set(EVAS_3D_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT, EVAS_3D_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT)); m15->texture2 = eo_add(EVAS_3D_TEXTURE_CLASS, evas); eo_do(m15->texture2, evas_3d_texture_file_set(texture2, NULL), evas_3d_texture_filter_set(EVAS_3D_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST, EVAS_3D_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST), evas_3d_texture_wrap_set(EVAS_3D_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT, EVAS_3D_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT)); eo_do(m15->material1, evas_3d_material_texture_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE, m15->texture1), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_AMBIENT, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_SPECULAR, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_NORMAL, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_AMBIENT, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_SPECULAR, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_material_shininess_set(50.0)); eo_do(m15->material2, evas_3d_material_texture_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE, m15->texture2), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_AMBIENT, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_SPECULAR, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_enable_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_NORMAL, EINA_TRUE), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_AMBIENT, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_material_color_set(EVAS_3D_MATERIAL_SPECULAR, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_material_shininess_set(50.0)); return EINA_TRUE; } Eina_Bool _init_scene(const char *model, const char *texture1, const char *texture2) { int i = 0, j = 0, count = 0; Evas_Real x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, tmp, shiftx = 0, shifty = 0; MineM15 *m; animate_func[0] = _animate_mine1; animate_func[1] = _animate_mine2; animate_func[2] = _animate_mine3; globalscene.scene = eo_add(EVAS_3D_SCENE_CLASS, evas); globalscene.root_node = eo_add(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_NODE)); globalscene.camera = eo_add(EVAS_3D_CAMERA_CLASS, evas); eo_do(globalscene.camera, evas_3d_camera_projection_perspective_set(60.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1000.0)); globalscene.camera_node = eo_add(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_CAMERA)); eo_do(globalscene.camera_node, evas_3d_node_camera_set(globalscene.camera)); eo_do(globalscene.root_node, evas_3d_node_member_add(globalscene.camera_node)); eo_do(globalscene.camera_node, evas_3d_node_position_set(70.0, 0.0, 300.0), evas_3d_node_look_at_set(EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, 0.0, 0.0, -1000.0, EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); globalscene.light = eo_add(EVAS_3D_LIGHT_CLASS, evas); eo_do(globalscene.light, evas_3d_light_ambient_set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_light_diffuse_set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_light_specular_set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), evas_3d_light_directional_set(EINA_TRUE)); globalscene.light_node = eo_add(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_LIGHT)); eo_do(globalscene.light_node, evas_3d_node_light_set(globalscene.light), evas_3d_node_position_set(100.0, 50.0, 300.0), evas_3d_node_look_at_set(EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, EVAS_3D_SPACE_PARENT, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); eo_do(globalscene.root_node, evas_3d_node_member_add(globalscene.light_node)); tmp = 0.01; for (i = 0; i < globalscene.col * globalscene.row; i++, j++) { MineM15 *m15tmp; m = malloc(sizeof(MineM15)); m->m15_init = _init_m15; if (!i) m->m15_init(m, model, texture1, texture2); else { m15tmp = (MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, 0); m->mesh1 = m15tmp->mesh1; m->mesh2 = m15tmp->mesh2; m->material1 = m15tmp->material1; m->material2 = m15tmp->material2; m->texture1 = m15tmp->texture1; m->texture2 = m15tmp->texture2; } m->node = eo_add(EVAS_3D_NODE_CLASS, evas, evas_3d_node_constructor(EVAS_3D_NODE_TYPE_MESH)); m->speed = tmp; if (j >= ANIMATION_COUNT) j = 0; m->m15_animate = animate_func[j]; m->animate = ecore_timer_add(m->speed, m->m15_animate, m); eo_do(globalscene.root_node, evas_3d_node_member_add(m->node)); eo_do(m->node, evas_3d_node_mesh_add(m->mesh1)); globalscene.mines = eina_list_append(globalscene.mines, m); tmp += 0.01; } eo_do(((MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, 0))->node, evas_3d_object_update()); eo_do(((MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, 0))->node, evas_3d_node_bounding_box_get(&x0, &y0, &z0, &x1, &y1, &z1)); for (i = 0; i < globalscene.row; ++i) { shiftx = i * 2 * x1; for(j = 0; j < globalscene.col; ++j) { shifty = j * 2 * y1; m = (MineM15 *)eina_list_nth(globalscene.mines, count); eo_do(m->node, evas_3d_node_position_set(shifty, 0.0, shiftx)); if (!(i % 2)) { eo_do(m->node, evas_3d_node_mesh_del(m->mesh1)); eo_do(m->node, evas_3d_node_mesh_add(m->mesh2)); } count++; } } eo_do(globalscene.scene, evas_3d_scene_root_node_set(globalscene.root_node), evas_3d_scene_camera_node_set(globalscene.camera_node), evas_3d_scene_size_set(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); return EINA_TRUE; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int row = 0, col = 0; char *model = NULL, *texture1 = NULL, *texture2 = NULL; Eina_Bool r; Ecore_Getopt_Value values[] = { ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_INT(row), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_INT(col), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_STR(model), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_STR(texture1), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_STR(texture2), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_NONE }; if (!ecore_evas_init()) return 0; if (!ecore_init()) return 0; ecore_getopt_parse(&optdesc, values, argc, argv); if (!row) row = 2; if (!col) col = 5; if (!model) model = (char *)model_path; if (!texture1) texture1 = (char *)image1_path; if (!texture2) texture2 = (char *)image2_path; fprintf(stdout, "row - %d, col - %d, model - %s, texture1 - %s, texture2 - %s\n", row, col, model, texture1, texture2); ecore_evas = ecore_evas_new("opengl_x11", 10, 10, WIDTH, HEIGHT, NULL); if (!ecore_evas) return 0; ecore_evas_callback_delete_request_set(ecore_evas, _on_delete); ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(ecore_evas, _on_canvas_resize); ecore_evas_show(ecore_evas); evas = ecore_evas_get(ecore_evas); bg = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas); evas_object_color_set(bg, 100, 100, 100, 255); evas_object_move(bg, 0, 0); evas_object_resize(bg, WIDTH, HEIGHT); evas_object_show(bg); globalscene.scene_init = _init_scene; globalscene.row = row; globalscene.col = col; globalscene.scene_init(model, texture1, texture2); image = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas); eo_do(image, evas_obj_size_set(WIDTH, HEIGHT), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); evas_object_focus_set(image, EINA_TRUE); eo_do(image, evas_obj_image_scene_set(globalscene.scene)); r = evas_object_key_grab(image, "Down", 0, 0, EINA_TRUE); r = evas_object_key_grab(image, "Up", 0, 0, EINA_TRUE); r = evas_object_key_grab(image, "Left", 0, 0, EINA_TRUE); r = evas_object_key_grab(image, "Right", 0, 0, EINA_TRUE); (void) r; evas_object_event_callback_add(image, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _on_mouse_down, NULL); evas_object_event_callback_add(image, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, _on_key_down, NULL); ecore_main_loop_begin(); ecore_evas_free(ecore_evas); ecore_evas_shutdown(); return 0; }