import efl_text_types; abstract Efl.Text_Formatter extends Efl.Object { [[Text Formatter API to manage text formatting(attributes). Use it to insert and remove style attributes (font, size, color, ...) using @Efl.Text_Cursor.Object on EFL Widgets. Attributes can be assigned to character ranges, selected using two @Efl.Text_Cursor.Object instances. Cursor instances are already bound to a text object so there's no need to provide it to this class. Style is specified using format strings as described in @Efl.Canvas.Textblock.style_apply. There is no need to instantiate this class. Use directly the @.attribute_insert and @.attribute_clear static methods. @since 1.24 ]] methods { attribute_insert @static { [[Inserts an attribute format in a specified range [$start, $end - 1]. The $format will be applied to the given range. The passed cursors must belong to same text object, otherwise insertion will be ignored. ]] params { start: const(Efl.Text_Cursor.Object); [[Start of range.]] end: const(Efl.Text_Cursor.Object); [[End of range.]] format: string; [[Format string. Uses same format as $style in @Efl.Canvas.Textblock.style_apply.]] } } attribute_clear @static { [[Clear (remove) attributes in the specified range [$start, $end - 1]. ]] params { start: const(Efl.Text_Cursor.Object); [[Start of range.]] end: const(Efl.Text_Cursor.Object); [[End of range.]] } return: uint; [[Number of removed attributes.]] } } }