class Efl.Network.Client (Efl.Network.Base) { legacy_prefix: ecore_con_client; eo_prefix: efl_network_client_obj; methods { @property server { [[Controls the server representing the socket the client has connected to.]] get { } values { svr: Efl.Network.Server *; [[The server the client is connected to.]] } } } implements { Eo.Base.destructor; Efl.Network.Base.ip.get; Efl.Network.Base.uptime.get; Efl.Network.Base.port.get; Efl.Network.Base.fd.get; Efl.Network.Base.connected.get; Efl.Network.Base.timeout.set; Efl.Network.Base.timeout.get; Efl.Network.Base.flush; Efl.Network.Base.send; } } /* FIXME: Should SSL inherit from client? What's exactly the interaction here? Fix clients to be children of server when created .*/