
847 lines
24 KiB

group { name: "e/modules/ibar/separator/default";
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group { name: "e/modules/ibox/icon";
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// 1 or 0 if u want an icon holder to raise when the mouse (or keyboard) hilights it
data.item: "raise_on_hilight" "0";
// data.item: "item_list" "item item2 item3";
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programs {
// program {
// signal: "e,action,exec"; source: "e";
// }
// program {
// signal: "e,action,start"; source: "e";
// }
// program { name: "go_active";
// signal: "e,state,focused"; source: "e";
// }
// program { name: "go_passive";
// signal: "e,state,unfocused"; source: "e";
// }
// program {
// signal: "e,action,show,label"; source: "e";
// }
// program {
// signal: "e,action,hide,label"; source: "e";
// }
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target: "icon_clip";
target: "glow";
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group { name: "e/modules/ibox/icon_overlay";
alias: "e/modules/ibar/icon_overlay";
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script_recursion: 1;
script {
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// program {
// signal: "e,action,exec"; source: "e";
// }
// program {
// signal: "e,action,start"; source: "e";
// }
program {
signal: "load"; source: "";
script {
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sequence {
script {
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script {
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script {
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program {
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