
41 lines
801 B

abstract Ector.Surface (Eo.Base)
eo_prefix: ector_surface;
properties {
size {
set {
/*@ Changes the size of the given Evas object. */
get {
/*@ Retrieves the (rectangular) size of the given Evas object. */
values {
int w; /*@ in */
int h; /*@ in */
methods {
renderer_factory_new {
return: Ector_Renderer *;
params {
@in const(Eo_Class) * type @nonull;
update_push {
return: bool;
params {
@in const(Eina_Rectangle) * r @nonull;
@in Ector_Update_Type type;
update_reset {
return: bool;
implements {
@virtual .size.set;
@virtual .size.get;