
177 lines
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class Elm.Dayselector (Elm.Layout)
eo_prefix: elm_obj_dayselector;
methods {
@property week_start {
set {
Set the starting day of Dayselector.
@see Elm_Dayselector_Day
@see elm_dayselector_week_start_get()
@ingroup Dayselector */
get {
Get the starting day of Dayselector.
@return Day from where Dayselector displays all the weekdays in order.
@see Elm_Dayselector_Day
@see elm_dayselector_week_start_set()
@ingroup Dayselector */
values {
day: Elm_Dayselector_Day; /*@ Dayselector_Day the first day that the user wants to display. */
@property weekend_length {
set {
Set the weekend length of Dayselector.
@see elm_dayselector_weekend_length_get()
@ingroup Dayselector */
get {
Get the weekend length of Dayselector.
@return Number of days marked as a weekend.
@see Elm_Dayselector_Day
@see elm_dayselector_weekend_length_set()
@ingroup Dayselector */
values {
length: uint; /*@ Weekend length, number of days as an integer. */
@property weekend_start {
set {
Set the weekend starting day of Dayselector.
@see Elm_Dayselector_Day
@see elm_dayselector_weekend_start_get()
@ingroup Dayselector */
get {
Get the weekend starting day of Dayselector.
@return Elm_Dayselector_Day Day from where weekend starts.
@see Elm_Dayselector_Day
@see elm_dayselector_weekend_start_set()
@ingroup Dayselector */
values {
day: Elm_Dayselector_Day; /*@ Dayselector_Day the first day from where weekend starts. */
weekdays_names_set {
Set weekdays names to be displayed by the Dayselector.
By default or if @a weekdays is @c NULL, weekdays abbreviations get from system are displayed:
E.g. for an en_US locale: "Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat"
The first string should be related to Sunday, the second to Monday...
The usage should be like this:
const char *weekdays[] =
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
elm_dayselector_wekdays_names_set(calendar, weekdays);
@see elm_dayselector_weekdays_name_get()
@see elm_dayselector_weekend_start_set()
@since 1.8
@ingroup Dayselector */
params {
@in weekdays: const(char)* * @nullable; /*@ Array of seven strings to be used as weekday names.
@warning It must have 7 elements, or it will access invalid memory.
@warning The strings must be NULL terminated ('@\0'). */
weekdays_names_get @const {
Get weekdays names displayed by the calendar.
@return A list of seven strings to be used as weekday names.
By default, weekdays abbreviations get from system are displayed:
E.g. for an en_US locale: "Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat"
The first string is related to Sunday, the second to Monday...
@see elm_dayselector_weekdays_name_set()
@since 1.8
@ingroup Dayselector */
return: own(list<own(Eina_Stringshare *)> *) @warn_unused;
day_selected_set {
Set the state of given Dayselector_Day.
@see Elm_Dayselector_Day
@see elm_dayselector_day_selected_get()
@ingroup Dayselector */
params {
@in day: Elm_Dayselector_Day; /*@ Dayselector_Day that the user want to set state. */
@in selected: bool; /*@ state of the day. @c EINA_TRUE is selected. */
day_selected_get @const {
Get the state of given Dayselector_Day.
@return @c EINA_TRUE, if the Day is selected
@see Elm_Dayselector_Day
@see elm_dayselector_day_selected_set()
@ingroup Dayselector */
return: bool;
params {
@in day: Elm_Dayselector_Day; /*@ Dayselector_Day that the user want to know state. */
implements {
events {