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* @addtogroup Map
* @{
* Set map's zoom behavior. It can be set to manual or automatic.
* Default value is #ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL.
* Values <b> don't </b> work as bitmask, only one can be chosen.
* @note Valid sizes are 2^zoom, consequently the map may be smaller
* than the scroller view.
* @see elm_map_zoom_mode_set()
* @see elm_map_zoom_mode_get()
typedef enum
ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL, /**< Zoom controlled manually by elm_map_zoom_set(). It's set by default. */
ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FIT, /**< Zoom until map fits inside the scroll frame with no pixels outside this area. */
ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FILL, /**< Zoom until map fills scroll, ensuring no pixels are left unfilled. */
} Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode;
* Set type of a external source (provider).
* @see elm_map_sources_get()
* @see elm_map_source_get()
* @see elm_map_source_set()
typedef enum
ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_TILE, /**< Map tile provider. */
ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_ROUTE, /**< Route service provider. */
ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_NAME, /**< Name service provider. */
} Elm_Map_Source_Type;
* Set type of transport used on route.
* @see elm_map_route_add()
typedef enum
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_MOTOCAR, /**< Route should consider an automobile will be used. */
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_BICYCLE, /**< Route should consider a bicycle will be used by the user. */
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_FOOT, /**< Route should consider user will be walking. */
} Elm_Map_Route_Type;
* Set the routing method, what should be prioritized, time or distance.
* @see elm_map_route_add()
typedef enum
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_METHOD_FASTEST, /**< Route should prioritize time. */
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_METHOD_SHORTEST, /**< Route should prioritize distance. */
} Elm_Map_Route_Method;
* Set the name search method.
* This is for name module interface.
typedef enum
} Elm_Map_Name_Method;
* Set overlay type to be used. This type is resolved
* when the overlay is created.
* You can get this value by elm_map_overlay_type_get().
* @see elm_map_overlay_type_get()
* @see elm_map_overlay_add()
* @see elm_map_overlay_class_add()
* @see elm_map_overlay_bubble_add()
typedef enum
} Elm_Map_Overlay_Type;
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Marker Elm_Map_Marker; /**< A marker to be shown in a specific point of the map. Can be created with elm_map_marker_add() and deleted with elm_map_marker_remove(). */
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Marker_Class Elm_Map_Marker_Class; /**< Each marker must be associated to a class. It's required to add a mark. The class defines the style of the marker when a marker is displayed alone (not grouped). A new class can be created with elm_map_marker_class_new(). */
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Group_Class Elm_Map_Group_Class; /**< Each marker must be associated to a group class. It's required to add a mark. The group class defines the style of the marker when a marker is grouped to other markers. Markers with the same group are grouped if they are close. A new group class can be created with elm_map_marker_group_class_new(). */
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Route Elm_Map_Route; /**< A route to be shown in the map. Can be created with elm_map_route_add() and deleted with elm_map_route_del(). */
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Name Elm_Map_Name; /**< A handle for specific coordinates. */
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Overlay Elm_Map_Overlay; /**< A overlay to be shown in a specific point of the map. This can be created by elm_map_overlay_add() and similar functions and deleted by elm_map_overlay_del(). */
typedef Evas_Object *(*Elm_Map_Marker_Get_Func)(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data); /**< Bubble content fetching class function for marker classes. When the user click on a marker, a bubble is displayed with a content. */
typedef void (*Elm_Map_Marker_Del_Func)(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data, Evas_Object *o); /**< Function to delete bubble content for marker classes. */
typedef Evas_Object *(*Elm_Map_Marker_Icon_Get_Func)(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data); /**< Icon fetching class function for marker classes. */
typedef Evas_Object *(*Elm_Map_Group_Icon_Get_Func)(Evas_Object *obj, void *data); /**< Icon fetching class function for markers group classes. */
typedef void (*Elm_Map_Overlay_Get_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay); /**< Get callback function for the overlay. */
typedef void (*Elm_Map_Overlay_Del_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay); /**< Det callback function for the overlay. @since 1.7 */
typedef void (*Elm_Map_Name_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Name *name); /**< Async-callback function for the name request. */
typedef void (*Elm_Map_Name_List_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Eina_List *name_list); /**< Async-callback function for the name list request. */
typedef void (*Elm_Map_Route_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Route *route); /**< Async-callback function for the route request. */
* Delete a overlay from the map. This function can delete all types
* of overlays.
* @param overlay The overlay to be deleted.
* @see elm_map_overlay_add()
* @see elm_map_overlay_class_add()
* @see elm_map_overlay_bubble_add()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_del(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Get the overlay type.
* @param overlay The overlay to return type.
* @return Return the overlay type.
* This type is resolved when the overlay is created.
* @see elm_map_overlay_add()
* @see elm_map_overlay_class_add()
* @see elm_map_overlay_bubble_add()
EAPI Elm_Map_Overlay_Type elm_map_overlay_type_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Set a pointer of user data for a overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to own the user data.
* @param data A pointer of user data
* @see elm_map_overlay_data_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_data_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, void *data);
* Get the user data stored on a overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to return the user data.
* @return A pointer to data stored using elm_map_overlay_data_set(),
* or @c NULL, if none has been set.
* @see elm_map_overlay_data_set()
EAPI void * elm_map_overlay_data_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Set if the overlay is hidden or not.
* @param overlay The overlay to be hidden.
* @param hide Use @c EINA_TRUE to hide the overlay or @c EINA_FALSE to show.
* @see elm_map_overlay_hide_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_hide_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Eina_Bool hide);
* Get a value whether the overlay is hidden or not.
* @param overlay The overlay to return the hidden state.
* @return @c EINA_TRUE means the overlay is hidden. @c EINA_FALSE indicates
* it is not.
* This gets the current hidden state for the overlay.
* @see elm_map_overlay_hide_set()
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_map_overlay_hide_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Set the minimum zoom from where the overlay is displayed.
* @param overlay The overlay to be set the minimum zoom.
* @param zoom The minimum zoom.
* The overlay only will be displayed when the map is displayed at @p zoom
* or bigger.
* @see elm_map_overlay_displayed_zoom_min_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_displayed_zoom_min_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, int zoom);
* Get the minimum zoom from where the overlay is displayed.
* @param overlay The overlay to return the minimum zoom.
* @return zoom The minimum zoom.
* @see elm_map_overlay_displayed_zoom_min_set()
EAPI int elm_map_overlay_displayed_zoom_min_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Pause or unpause the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to be paused.
* @param paused Use @c EINA_TRUE to pause the @p overlay or @c EINA_FALSE
* to unpause it.
* This sets the paused state to on (@c EINA_TRUE) or off (@c EINA_FALSE)
* for the overlay.
* The default is off.
* This will stop moving the overlay coordinates instantly.
* even if map being scrolled or zoomed.
* @see elm_map_overlay_paused_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_paused_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Eina_Bool paused);
* Get a value whether the overlay is paused or not.
* @param overlay The overlay to return paused state.
* @return @c EINA_TRUE means overlay is paused. @c EINA_FALSE indicates
* it is not.
* This gets the current paused state for the overlay.
* @see elm_map_overlay_paused_set()
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_map_overlay_paused_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Get a value whether the overlay is visible or not.
* @param overlay The overlay to return visible state.
* @return @c EINA_TRUE means overlay is visible. @c EINA_FALSE indicates
* it is not.
* The visible of the overlay can not be set.
* This value can be changed dynamically while zooming and panning
* @since 1.7
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_map_overlay_visible_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Set the content object of the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to be set the content.
* @param obj The evas object will be used to display the overlay.
* Only default and class type overlay support this function.
* The content should be resized or set size hints before set to the overlay.
* <b> Do not modify this object</b> (move, show, hide, del, etc.),
* after set.
* You can only resize this.
* This content is what will be inside the overlay that will be displayed.
* If a content is set, icon and default style layout are no more used before
* the content is deleted.
* If @p obj is @c NULL, content inside the overlay is deleted.
* @see elm_map_overlay_content_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_content_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Evas_Object *obj);
* Get the content object.
* @param overlay The overlay to return the content.
* @return Return the evas object if it exists, else @c NULL.
* Only default and class type overlay support this function.
* Returned content is what being inside the overlay that being displayed.
* <b> Do not modify this object</b> (move, show, hide, del, etc.).
* You can only resize this.
* The content can be set by elm_map_overlay_content_set().
* @see elm_map_overlay_content_set()
EAPI const Evas_Object * elm_map_overlay_content_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Set a icon of the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to be set the icon.
* @param icon The icon will be used to display the overlay.
* Only default and class type overlay support this function.
* <b> Do not modify this object</b> (move, show, hide, resize, del, etc.),
* after set.
* If icon is set, default style layout will not be used.
* If @p icon is @c NULL, icon inside the overlay will be deleted.
* @see elm_map_overlay_icon_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_icon_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Evas_Object *icon);
* Get the icon object.
* @param overlay The overlay to return the icon.
* @return Return the icon object if it exists, else @c NULL.
* Only default and class type overlay support this function.
* Returned icon is what being inside the overlay that being displayed.
* <b> Do not modify this icon </b> (move, show, hide, resize, del, etc.).
* The icon can be set by elm_map_overlay_icon_set().
* @see elm_map_overlay_icon_set()
EAPI const Evas_Object * elm_map_overlay_icon_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Set the geographic coordinates of the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to be set geographic coordinates.
* @param lon Longitude to be set.
* @param lat Latitude to be set.
* Only default and bubble type overlay support this function.
* This sets the center coordinates of the overlay. It can be
* get by elm_map_overlay_region_get().
* @see elm_map_overlay_region_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_region_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, double lon, double lat);
* Get the geographic coordinates of the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to return geographic coordinates.
* @param lon Pointer to store longitude.
* @param lat Pointer to store latitude.
* Only default and bubble type overlay support this function.
* This returns the center coordinates of the overlay. It can be
* set by elm_map_overlay_region_set().
* @see elm_map_overlay_region_set()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_region_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, double *lon, double *lat);
* Set the object color of the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to be set color.
* @param r Red channel value, from 0 to 255.
* @param g Green channel value, from 0 to 255.
* @param b Blue channel value, from 0 to 255.
* @param a Alpha channel value, from 0 to 255.
* It uses an additive color model, so each color channel represents
* how much of each primary colors must to be used. 0 represents
* absence of this color, so if all of the three are set to 0,
* the color will be black.
* These component values should be integers in the range 0 to 255,
* (single 8-bit byte).
* This sets the color used for the overlay. By default, it is set to
* solid red (r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255).
* For alpha channel, 0 represents completely transparent, and 255, opaque.
* and ELM_MAP_OVERLAY_TYPE_ROUTE Elm_Map_Overlay_Type types.
* @see elm_map_overlay_color_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_color_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, int r, int g, int b, int a);
* Get the object color of the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to return color.
* @param r Pointer to store the red channel value.
* @param g Pointer to store the green channel value.
* @param b Pointer to store the blue channel value.
* @param a Pointer to store the alpha channel value.
* @see elm_map_overlay_color_set()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_color_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a);
* Show the given overlay at the center of the map, immediately.
* @param overlay The overlay to be center at.
* This causes map to @b redraw its viewport's contents to the
* region containing the given @p overlay's coordinates, that will be
* moved to the center of the map.
* @see elm_map_overlays_show() if more than one overlay need to be displayed.
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_show(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Move and zoom the map to display a list of overlays.
* @param overlays A list of #Elm_Map_Overlay handles.
* The map will be centered on the center point of the overlays in the list.
* Then the map will be zoomed in order to fit the overlays using the maximum
* zoom which allows display of all the overlays.
* @warning All the overlays should belong to the same map object.
* @see elm_map_overlay_show() to show a single overlay.
EAPI void elm_map_overlays_show(Eina_List *overlays);
* Set the get callback function of the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to own the get callback function.
* @param get_cb The callback function.
* @param data The user callback data.
* If the overlay is clicked, the callback wll be called.
* The clicked overlay is returned by callback.
* You can add callback to the class overlay. If one of the group overlays in this class
* is clicked, callback will be called and return a virtual group overlays.
* You can delete this callback function by setting @c NULL.
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_get_cb_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Elm_Map_Overlay_Get_Cb get_cb, void *data);
* Set the del callback function to call when the overlay is deleted.
* @param overlay The overlay to own the del callback function.
* @param del_cb The callback function.
* @param data The user callback data.
* If the overlay is deleted, the callback wll be called.
* The deleted overlay is returned by callback.
* You can delete this callback function by setting @c NULL.
* @since 1.7
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_del_cb_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Elm_Map_Overlay_Del_Cb del_cb, void *data);
* Add a new overlay member to the class overlay.
* @param clas The class overlay to add a new overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to be added to the class overlay.
* @see elm_map_overlay_class_remove()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_class_append(Elm_Map_Overlay *clas, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Remove a overlay from the class.
* @param clas The class overlay to delete the overlay.
* @param overlay The overlay to be deleted from the class overlay.
* @see elm_map_overlay_class_append()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_class_remove(Elm_Map_Overlay *clas, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay);
* Set the maximum zoom from where the overlay members in the class can be
* grouped.
* @param clas The overlay class has overlay members.
* @param zoom The maximum zoom.
* Overlay members in the class only will be grouped when the map
* is displayed at less than @p zoom.
* @see elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_get()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_set(Elm_Map_Overlay *clas, int zoom);
* Get the maximum zoom from where the overlay members in the class can be
* grouped.
* @param clas The overlay class has overlay members.
* @return The maximum zoom.
* @see elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_set()
EAPI int elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *clas);
* Get the overlay members of the group overlay.
* @param grp The group overlay has overlay members.
* @return The list of group overlay members.
* The group overlays are virtualy overlays. Those are shown and hidden dynamically.
* You can add callback to the class overlay. If one of the group overlays in this class
* is clicked, callback will be called and return a virtual group overlays.
* You can change the state (hidden, paused, etc.) or set the content
* or icon of the group overlays by chaning the state of the class overlay.
* Do not modifty the group overlay itself.
* @see elm_map_overlay_class_add()
EAPI Eina_List * elm_map_overlay_group_members_get(const Elm_Map_Overlay *grp);
* Follow a other overlay.
* @param bubble The bubble overlay to follow a parent overlay.
* @param parent The parent overlay to be followed by the bubble overlay.
* Bubble overlay will follow the parent overlay's movement (hide, show, move).
* @see elm_map_overlay_bubble_add()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_bubble_follow(Elm_Map_Overlay *bubble, const Elm_Map_Overlay *parent);
* Add a content object to the bubble overlay.
* @param bubble The bubble overlay to add a content.
* @param content The content to be added to the bubble overlay.
* Added contents will be displayed inside the bubble overlay.
* @see elm_map_overlay_bubble_content_clear()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_bubble_content_append(Elm_Map_Overlay *bubble, Evas_Object *content);
* Clear all contents inside the bubble overlay.
* @param bubble The bubble overlay to clear the contents.
* This will delete all contents inside the bubble overlay.
* @see elm_map_overlay_bubble_content_append()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_bubble_content_clear(Elm_Map_Overlay *bubble);
* Add a geographic coordinates to the polygon overlay.
* @param overlay The polygon overlay to get a region.
* @param lon The longitude.
* @param lat The latitude.
* At least 3 regions should be added to show the polygon overlay.
* Overlay created with this method can be deleted with elm_map_overlay_del().
* @see elm_map_overlay_polygon_add()
* @see elm_map_overlay_del()
EAPI void elm_map_overlay_polygon_region_add(Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, double lon, double lat);
* Remove a route from the map.
* @param route The route to remove.
* @see elm_map_route_add()
EAPI void elm_map_route_del(Elm_Map_Route *route);
* Get the route distance in kilometers.
* @param route The route object.
* @return The distance of route (unit : km).
EAPI double elm_map_route_distance_get(const Elm_Map_Route *route);
* Get the information of route nodes.
* @param route The route object.
* @return Returns a string with the nodes of route.
EAPI const char *elm_map_route_node_get(const Elm_Map_Route *route);
* Get the information of route waypoint.
* @param route the route object.
* @return Returns a string with information about waypoint of route.
EAPI const char *elm_map_route_waypoint_get(const Elm_Map_Route *route);
* Get the address of the name.
* @param name The name handle.
* @return Returns the address string of @p name.
* This gets the coordinates of the @p name, created with one of the
* conversion functions.
* @see elm_map_name_add()
EAPI const char *elm_map_name_address_get(const Elm_Map_Name *name);
* Get the current coordinates of the name.
* @param name The name handle.
* @param lat Pointer to store the latitude.
* @param lon Pointer to store The longitude.
* This gets the coordinates of the @p name, created with one of the
* conversion functions.
* @see elm_map_name_add()
EAPI void elm_map_name_region_get(const Elm_Map_Name *name, double *lon, double *lat);
* Remove a name from the map.
* @param name The name to remove.
* Basically the struct handled by @p name will be freed, so conversions
* between address and coordinates will be lost.
* @see elm_map_name_add()
EAPI void elm_map_name_del(Elm_Map_Name *name);
* @}