
130 lines
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class Elm.Menu (Elm.Widget, Evas.Clickable_Interface)
eo_prefix: elm_obj_menu;
methods {
@property selected_item {
get {
@brief Get the selected item in the menu
@return The selected item, or NULL if none
@see elm_menu_item_selected_get()
@see elm_menu_item_selected_set()
@ingroup Menu */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
@property items {
get {
@brief Returns a list of @p item's items.
@return An list* of @p item's items
@ingroup Menu */
return: const(list<Elm_Object_Item *>)*;
@property first_item {
get {
@brief Get the first item in the menu
@return The first item, or NULL if none
@ingroup Menu */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
@property last_item {
get {
@brief Get the last item in the menu
@return The last item, or NULL if none
@ingroup Menu */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
move {
@brief Move the menu to a new position
Sets the top-left position of the menu to (@p x,@p y).
@note @p x and @p y coordinates are relative to parent.
@ingroup Menu */
params {
@in x: Evas_Coord; /*@ The new position. */
@in y: Evas_Coord; /*@ The new position. */
item_add {
@brief Add an item at the end of the given menu widget
@return Returns the new item.
@note This function does not accept relative icon path.
@ingroup Menu */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in parent: Elm_Object_Item * @optional; /*@ The parent menu item (optional) */
@in icon: const(char)* @optional; /*@ An icon display on the item. The icon will be destroyed by the menu. */
@in label: const(char)*; /*@ The label of the item. */
@in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; /*@ Function called when the user select the item. */
@in data: const(void)* @optional; /*@ Data sent by the callback. */
close {
@brief Close a opened menu
@return void
Hides the menu and all it's sub-menus.
@ingroup Menu */
item_separator_add {
@brief Add a separator item to menu @p obj under @p parent.
@return The created item or NULL on failure
This is item is a @ref Separator.
@ingroup Menu */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in parent: Elm_Object_Item *; /*@ The item to add the separator under */
implements {
events {