
229 lines
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/* This example demonstrates how to customize movement freedom and backface
* culling.
* By default, bodies only will move on x and y axis, and rotate only
* aroud the z axis. To modify it, the block "movement freedom" should be used.
* This block consists of the "linear" and "angular" attributes, each one
* receiving 3 booleans, to set if movement in each axis is allowed or not.
* When a body has backface culling activated, it will be hidden when
* it's not facing the camera. It's deactivated by default.
* It can be tested with edje_player slave mode
* $ edje_player -S -p physics_backcull.edj
* signal on backcull -> allow movement in all axes, enable backface cull
* signal off backcull -> allow movement in all axes, disable backface cull
* message 1 FLOAT_SET 3 50 -100 0 -> apply an impulse on red box with
* x = 50, y = -100, z = 0, for example
* message 2 FLOAT_SET 3 0 0 8.2 -> apply a torque impulse on red box with
* x = 4, y = 0, z = 0.8, for example
* message 3 FLOAT_SET 3 0 1 0 -> allow linear movement on axes x, y, z
* message 4 FLOAT_SET 3 0 1 0 -> allow angular movement on axes x, y, z
* message 5 STRING "linear" -> return a message with part's movement freedom
* for "linear" or "angular.
#define ID_IMPULSE (1)
#define ID_LIN_SET (3)
#define ID_ANG_SET (4)
#define ID_GET (5)
collections {
group {
name: "example_group";
script {
public message(Msg_Type:type, id, ...) {
if ((id == ID_IMPULSE) && (type == MSG_FLOAT_SET)) {
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
new n = numargs();
if (n < 5) return;
x = getfarg(2);
y = getfarg(3);
z = getfarg(4);
physics_impulse(PART:"red_box", x, y, z);
else if ((id == ID_TORQUE_IMPULSE) && (type == MSG_FLOAT_SET)) {
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
new n = numargs();
if (n < 5) return;
x = getfarg(2);
y = getfarg(3);
z = getfarg(4);
physics_torque_impulse(PART:"red_box", x, y, z);
else if ((id == ID_LIN_SET) && (type == MSG_FLOAT_SET)) {
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
new n = numargs();
if (n < 5) return;
x = getfarg(2);
y = getfarg(3);
z = getfarg(4);
custom_state(PART:"red_box", "default", 0.0);
set_state_val(PART:"red_box", STATE_PHYSICS_MOV_FREEDOM_LIN,
x, y, z);
set_state(PART:"red_box", "custom", 0.0);
else if ((id == ID_ANG_SET) && (type == MSG_FLOAT_SET)) {
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
new n = numargs();
if (n < 5) return;
x = getfarg(2);
y = getfarg(3);
z = getfarg(4);
custom_state(PART:"red_box", "default", 0.0);
set_state_val(PART:"red_box", STATE_PHYSICS_MOV_FREEDOM_ANG,
x, y, z);
set_state(PART:"red_box", "custom", 0.0);
else if ((id == ID_GET) && (type == MSG_STRING)) {
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
new name[1024];
getsarg(2, name, sizeof(name));
if (!strcmp(name, "linear"))
send_message(MSG_STRING_FLOAT_SET, 1, "Linear", x, y, z);
else if (!strcmp(name, "angular"))
send_message(MSG_STRING_FLOAT_SET, 1, "Angular", x, y, z);
parts {
part {
name: "background";
type: RECT;
physics_body: NONE;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 255; /* white */
rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
rel2.relative: 1.0 1.0;
part {
name: "red_box";
type: RECT;
physics_body: RIGID_BOX;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 0 0 255; /* light red */
rel1.relative: 0.45 0.1;
rel2.relative: 0.55 0.2;
aspect: 1 1;
physics {
mass: 30;
restitution: 0.85;
movement_freedom {
linear: 1 1 1;
angular: 1 1 1;
description {
state: "backface_culled" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
physics.backface_cull: 1;
part {
name: "floor";
type: RECT;
physics_body: BOUNDARY_BOTTOM;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
visible: 0;
physics {
restitution: 0.8;
part {
name: "front";
type: RECT;
physics_body: BOUNDARY_FRONT;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
visible: 0;
physics {
restitution: 0.4;
part {
name: "back";
type: RECT;
physics_body: BOUNDARY_BACK;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
visible: 0;
physics {
restitution: 0.4;
part {
name: "left";
type: RECT;
physics_body: BOUNDARY_LEFT;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
visible: 0;
physics {
restitution: 0.4;
part {
name: "right";
type: RECT;
physics_body: BOUNDARY_RIGHT;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
visible: 0;
physics {
restitution: 0.4;
programs {
program {
name: "backcull,on";
signal: "on";
source: "backcull";
action: STATE_SET "backface_culled" 0.0;
target: "red_box";
program {
name: "backcull,off";
signal: "off";
source: "backcull";
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;
target: "red_box";