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interface @beta Efl.Player
[[Efl media player interface]]
methods {
start {
[[Start a playing playable object.]]
stop {
[[Stop playable object.]]
@property playable {
[[Whether or not the playable can be played.]]
get {
values {
play: bool; [[$true if the object have playable data, $false otherwise]]
@property play {
[[Playback state of the media file.
This property sets the currently playback state of the
video. Using this function to play or pause the video
doesn't alter it's current position.
set {
get {
values {
play: bool; [[$true if playing, $false otherwise.]]
@property pos {
[[Position in the media file.
This property sets the current position of the media file
to $sec seconds since the beginning of the media file.
This only works on seekable streams. Setting the
position doesn't change the playing state of the media file.
set {
get {
values {
sec: double; [[The position (in seconds).]]
@property progress {
[[How much of the file has been played.
This function gets the progress in playing the file, the
return value is in the [0, 1] range.
get {
values {
progress: double; [[The progress within the [0, 1] range.]]
@property play_speed {
[[Control the play speed of the media file.
This function control the speed with which the media file will
be played. 1.0 represents the normal speed, 2 double speed, 0.5
half speed and so on.
set {
get {
values {
speed: double; [[The play speed in the [0, infinity) range.]]
@property volume {
[[Control the audio volume.
Controls the audio volume of the stream being played. This has
nothing to do with the system volume. This volume will be
multiplied by the system volume. e.g.: if the current volume
level is 0.5, and the system volume is 50%, it will be
0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25.
set {
get {
values {
volume: double; [[The volume level]]
@property mute {
[[This property controls the audio mute state.]]
set {
get {
values {
mute: bool; [[The mute state. $true or $false.]]
@property length {
[[Get the length of play for the media file.]]
get {
values {
length: double; [[The length of the stream in seconds.]]
@property seekable {
[[Get whether the media file is seekable.]]
get {
values {
seekable: bool; [[$true if seekable.]]