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enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Type
[[Input panel (virtual keyboard) layout types.
Type of input panel (virtual keyboard) to use - this is a hint and may not provide exactly what is desired.
normal, [[Default layout.]]
number, [[Number layout.]]
email, [[Email layout.]]
url, [[URL layout.]]
phonenumber, [[Phone Number layout.]]
ip, [[IP layout.]]
month, [[Month layout.]]
numberonly, [[Number Only layout.]]
invalid, [[Never use this.]]
hex, [[Hexadecimal layout.]]
terminal, [[Command-line terminal layout including esc, alt, ctrl key, so on (no auto-correct, no auto-capitalization).]]
password, [[Like normal, but no auto-correct, no auto-capitalization etc.]]
datetime, [[Date and time layout
@since 1.8]]
emoticon, [[Emoticon layout
@since 1.10]]
voice [[Voice layout, but if the IME does not support voice layout, then normal layout will be shown.
@since 1.19]]
enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Language_Type
[[Input panel (virtual keyboard) language modes.
automatic, [[Automatic]]
alphabet [[Alphabet]]
enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Capitalize_Type
[[Autocapitalization Types.
Choose method of auto-capitalization.
none, [[No auto-capitalization when typing.]]
word, [[Autocapitalize each word typed.]]
sentence, [[Autocapitalize the start of each sentence.]]
allcharacter [[Autocapitalize all letters.]]
enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_Type
[["Return" Key types on the input panel (virtual keyboard).
default, [[Default.]]
done, [[Done.]]
go, [[Go.]]
join, [[Join.]]
login, [[Login.]]
next, [[Next.]]
search, [[Search string or magnifier icon.]]
send, [[Send.]]
signin [[Sign-in
@since 1.8]]
enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_State
[["Return" Key state on the input panel (virtual keyboard).
auto, [[The return key on input panel is disabled when the entry has no text,
if entry has text, return key is enabled.
enabled, [[The return key on input panel is enabled.]]
disabled, [[The return key on input panel is disabled.]]
enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Hints_Type
[[Enumeration that defines the types of Input Hints.
@since 1.12
none = 0, [[No active hints
@since 1.12]]
auto_complete = 1 << 0, [[Suggest word auto completion
@since 1.12]]
sensitive_data = 1 << 1, [[Typed text should not be stored.
@since 1.12]]
autofill_credit_card_expiration_date = 0x100, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration date
@since 1.21]]
autofill_credit_card_expiration_day = 0x200, [[Autofill hint for a credit card expiration day
@since 1.21]]
autofill_credit_card_expiration_month = 0x300, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration month
@since 1.21]]
autofill_credit_card_expiration_year = 0x400, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration year
@since 1.21]]
autofill_credit_card_number = 0x500, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card number
@since 1.21]]
autofill_email_address = 0x600, [[ Autofill hint for an email address
@since 1.21]]
autofill_name = 0x700, [[ Autofill hint for a user's real name
@since 1.21]]
autofill_phone = 0x800, [[ Autofill hint for a phone number
@since 1.21]]
autofill_postal_address = 0x900, [[ Autofill hint for a postal address
@since 1.21]]
autofill_postal_code = 0xA00, [[ Autofill hint for a postal code
@since 1.21]]
autofill_id = 0xB00 [[ Autofill hint for a user's ID
@since 1.21]]
interface @beta Efl.Input_Text {
[[All the functionality relating to input hints
methods {
@property input_panel_show_on_demand {
[[Set/Get the attribute to show the input panel in case of only a user's explicit Mouse Up event.
It doesn't request to show the input panel even though it has focus.]]
set {
get {
values {
ondemand: bool; [[If $true, the input panel will be shown in case of only Mouse up event.
(Focus event will be ignored.)
// FIXME: I don't understand why this is needed in addition to Layout
@property input_panel_language {
[[The language mode of the input panel.
This API can be used if you want to show the alphabet keyboard mode.]]
set {
get {
values {
lang: Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Language_Type; [[Language to be set to the input panel.]]
// FIXME: What is this?
@property input_panel_layout_variation {
[[The input panel layout variation of the entry.]]
set {
get {
values {
variation: int; [[Layout variation type.]]
// FIXME: input_capitalize/capitalization ?
@property autocapitalization {
[[The autocapitalization type on the immodule.]]
set {
get {
values {
autocapital_type: Efl.Input_Text.Capitalize_Type; [[The type of autocapitalization.]]
// FIXME: rename
@property predictable {
[[Whether the entry should allow predictive text.]]
set {
get {
values {
prediction: bool; [[Whether the entry should allow predictive text.]]
// FIXME: I agree with Mike, looks bad
@property input_hint {
[[The input hint which allows input methods to fine-tune their behavior.]]
set {
get {
values {
hints: Efl.Input_Text.Hints_Type; [[Input hint.]]
@property input_panel_layout {
[[The input panel layout of the entry.]]
set {
get {
values {
layout: Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Type(Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Type.invalid); [[Layout type.]]
@property input_panel_return_key_type {
[[The "return" key type. This type is used to set string or icon on the "return" key of the input panel.
An input panel displays the string or icon associated with this type.]]
set {
get {
values {
return_key_type: Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_Type; [[The type of "return" key on the input panel.]]
// FIXME: shouldn't this be "autoshow" or something?
@property input_panel_autoshow {
[[The attribute to show the input panel automatically.]]
set {
get {
values {
enabled: bool; [[If $true, the input panel is appeared when entry is clicked or has a focus.]]
@property input_panel_return_key_state {
[[State for the return key on the input panel see @Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_State.]]
set {
get {
values {
state: Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_State; [[Enable state for return key, see @Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_State.]]
input_panel_show {
[[Show the input panel (virtual keyboard) based on the input panel property of entry such as layout, autocapital types and so on.
Note that input panel is shown or hidden automatically according to the focus state of entry widget.
This API can be used in the case of manually controlling by using @.input_panel_autoshow.set(en, $false).
input_panel_hide {
[[Hide the input panel (virtual keyboard).
Note that input panel is shown or hidden automatically according to the focus state of entry widget.
This API can be used in the case of manually controlling by using @.input_panel_autoshow.set(en, $false).
@property input_panel_imdata {
[[Set/Get the input panel-specific data to deliver to the input panel.
This API is used by applications to deliver specific data to the input panel.
The data format MUST be negotiated by both application and the input panel.
The size and format of data are defined by the input panel.
values {
value: slice<ubyte>; [[The specific data to be set/get to the input panel.]]