
514 lines
17 KiB

# include "elementary_config.h"
#include <Elementary.h>
#include "elm_priv.h"
#include "els_box.h"
/* calculate an object's aspected size */
static Eina_Bool
_box_object_aspect_calc(int *ow, int *oh, int minw, int minh, int maxw, int maxh,
int fw /* fill width */, int fh /* fill height */,
int ww /* "maximum" width */, int hh /* "maximum" height */,
Evas_Aspect_Control aspect, double ratio)
*ow = minw;
*oh = minh;
switch (aspect)
/* set height using aspect+width */
if (fw) *ow = ww;
if ((maxw >= 0) && (maxw < *ow)) *ow = maxw;
*oh = (1 / ratio) * *ow;
/* apply min/max */
if ((maxh >= 0) && (maxh < *oh)) *oh = maxh;
else if ((minh >= 0) && (minh > *oh)) *oh = minh;
else return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
/* set width using aspect+height */
if (fh) *oh = hh;
if ((maxh >= 0) && (maxh < *oh)) *oh = maxh;
*ow = ratio * *oh;
/* apply min/max */
if ((maxw >= 0) && (maxw < *ow)) *ow = maxw;
else if ((minw >= 0) && (minw > *ow)) *ow = minw;
else return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
/* try width then height */
/* set width using aspect+height */
if (fh) *oh = hh;
if ((maxh >= 0) && (maxh < *oh)) *oh = maxh;
*ow = ratio * *oh;
/* apply min/max */
if ((maxw >= 0) && (maxw < *ow)) *ow = maxw;
else if ((minw >= 0) && (minw > *ow)) *ow = minw;
else return EINA_TRUE;
/* set height using aspect+width */
if (fw) *ow = ww;
if ((maxw >= 0) && (maxw < *ow)) *ow = maxw;
*oh = (1 / ratio) * *ow;
/* apply min/max */
if ((maxh >= 0) && (maxh < *oh)) *oh = maxh;
else if ((minh >= 0) && (minh > *oh)) *oh = minh;
else return EINA_TRUE;
/* fallthrough on BOTH failure */
default: break;
/* on failure or ASPECT_NONE, use default size calc:
* - apply fill
* - apply max size constraints
if (fw) *ow = ww;
if ((maxw >= 0) && (maxw < *ow)) *ow = maxw;
if (fh) *oh = hh;
if ((maxh >= 0) && (maxh < *oh)) *oh = maxh;
return EINA_FALSE;
/* add box w/h padding to min/max totals */
static void
_smart_extents_padding_calc(Evas_Object_Box_Data *priv, int *minw, int *minh, int *maxw, int *maxh, Eina_Bool horizontal)
int c;
if ((*maxw >= 0) && (*minw > *maxw)) *maxw = *minw;
if ((*maxh >= 0) && (*minh > *maxh)) *maxh = *minh;
c = eina_list_count(priv->children) - 1;
if (c > 0)
if (horizontal)
*minw += priv->pad.h * c;
if (*maxw != -1) *maxw += priv->pad.h * c;
*minh += priv->pad.v * c;
if (*maxh != -1) *maxh += priv->pad.v * c;
/* calculate extents for non-homogeneous layout;
* called twice if aspected items exist
static Eina_Bool
_smart_extents_non_homogeneous_calc(Evas_Object_Box_Data *priv, int w, int h, int *minw, int *minh, int *maxw, int *maxh, double expand, Eina_Bool horizontal, Eina_Bool do_aspect)
const Eina_List *l;
Evas_Object_Box_Option *opt;
int mnw, mnh, mxw, mxh, cminw, cminh;
Evas_Coord pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b;
Evas_Coord *rw, *rh, *rxw, *rxh, *rminw, *rminh, *rmaxw, *rmaxh;
Eina_Bool max = EINA_TRUE, asp = EINA_FALSE;
cminw = *minw, cminh = *minh;
*minw = *minh = 0;
*maxw = *maxh = -1;
/* use pointers to values to simplify horizontal vs vertical calculations into
* a single algorithm for both orientations
if (!horizontal)
rw = &mnw;
rh = &mnh;
rxw = &mxw;
rxh = &mxh;
rminw = minw;
rminh = minh;
rmaxw = maxw;
rmaxh = maxh;
rw = &mnh;
rh = &mnw;
rxw = &mxh;
rxh = &mxw;
rminw = minh;
rminh = minw;
rmaxw = maxh;
rmaxh = maxw;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt)
Evas_Aspect_Control aspect = EVAS_ASPECT_CONTROL_NONE;
int asx, asy, ow = 0, oh = 0, *rrw, *rrh;
if (!horizontal)
rrw = &ow, rrh = &oh;
rrw = &oh, rrh = &ow;
evas_object_size_hint_padding_get(opt->obj, &pad_l, &pad_r, &pad_t, &pad_b);
evas_object_size_hint_combined_min_get(opt->obj, &mnw, &mnh);
mnw += pad_l + pad_r;
mnh += pad_t + pad_b;
if (*rminw < *rw) *rminw = *rw;
*rminh += *rh;
evas_object_size_hint_aspect_get(opt->obj, &aspect, &asx, &asy);
if (aspect && ((!EINA_DBL_NONZERO(asx)) || (asx < 0.0) ||
(!EINA_DBL_NONZERO(asy)) || (asy < 0.0)))
ERR("Invalid aspect specified!");
/* return whether any aspected items exist */
asp |= !!aspect;
evas_object_size_hint_max_get(opt->obj, &mxw, &mxh);
if (mxw >= 0) mxw += pad_l + pad_r;
if (mxh >= 0) mxh += pad_t + pad_b;
if (*rxh < 0)
*rmaxh = -1;
if (max) *rmaxh += *rxh;
if (do_aspect && aspect)
int ww, hh, fw = 0, fh = 0;
double wx, wy, ax, ay;
evas_object_size_hint_weight_get(opt->obj, &wx, &wy);
if (horizontal)
/* use min size to start */
ww = mnw;
if ((expand > 0) && (wx > 0.0))
/* add remaining container value after applying weight hint */
ow = ((w - cminw) * wx) / expand;
ww += ow;
hh = h;
hh = mnh;
if ((expand > 0) && (wy > 0.0))
oh = ((h - cminh) * wy) / expand;
hh += oh;
ww = w;
evas_object_size_hint_align_get(opt->obj, &ax, &ay);
if (ax < 0) fw = 1;
if (ay < 0) fh = 1;
/* if aspecting succeeds, use aspected size for min size */
if (_box_object_aspect_calc(&ow, &oh, mnw, mnh, mxw, mxh,
fw, fh, ww, hh, aspect, asx / (double)asy))
*rminh += (*rrh - *rh);
if (*rminw < *rrw) *rminw = *rrw;
if (*rxw >= 0)
if (*rmaxw == -1) *rmaxw = *rxw;
else if (*rmaxw > *rxw) *rmaxw = *rxw;
return asp;
static void
_smart_extents_calculate(Evas_Object *box, Evas_Object_Box_Data *priv, int w, int h, double expand, Eina_Bool horizontal, Eina_Bool homogeneous)
Evas_Coord minw, minh, child_mxw, child_mxh, maxw, maxh;
Evas_Coord pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b;
const Eina_List *l;
Evas_Object_Box_Option *opt;
int c;
minw = 0;
minh = 0;
maxw = -1;
maxh = -1;
c = eina_list_count(priv->children);
if (homogeneous || (c == 1))
Evas_Aspect_Control paspect = -1; //causes overflow
int pasx = -1, pasy = -1;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt)
Evas_Aspect_Control aspect = EVAS_ASPECT_CONTROL_NONE;
int asx, asy, ow = 0, oh = 0, fw = 0, fh = 0, ww, hh;
double ax, ay;
evas_object_size_hint_align_get(opt->obj, &ax, &ay);
if (ax < 0) fw = 1;
if (ay < 0) fh = 1;
evas_object_size_hint_padding_get(opt->obj, &pad_l, &pad_r, &pad_t, &pad_b);
evas_object_size_hint_combined_min_get(opt->obj, &child_mxw, &child_mxh);
child_mxw += pad_l + pad_r;
child_mxh += pad_t + pad_b;
if (minh < child_mxh) minh = child_mxh;
if (minw < child_mxw) minw = child_mxw;
evas_object_size_hint_aspect_get(opt->obj, &aspect, &asx, &asy);
if (aspect && ((asx < 1) || (asy < 1)))
ERR("Invalid aspect specified!");
if ((unsigned) paspect < 100) //value starts overflowed as UINT_MAX
/* this condition can cause some items to not be the same size,
* resulting in a non-homogeneous homogeneous layout
if ((aspect != paspect) || (asx != pasx) || (asy != pasy))
ERR("Homogeneous box with differently-aspected items!");
evas_object_size_hint_max_get(opt->obj, &child_mxw, &child_mxh);
if (child_mxh >= 0)
child_mxh += pad_t + pad_b;
if (maxh == -1) maxh = child_mxh;
else if (maxh > child_mxh) maxh = child_mxh;
if (child_mxw >= 0)
child_mxw += pad_l + pad_r;
if (maxw == -1) maxw = child_mxw;
else if (maxw > child_mxw) maxw = child_mxw;
if (aspect)
if (horizontal)
ww = ((w - (c - 1) * priv->pad.h) / c);
hh = h;
hh = ((h - (c - 1) * priv->pad.v) / c);
ww = w;
if (_box_object_aspect_calc(&ow, &oh, child_mxw, child_mxh, maxw, maxh,
fw, fh, ww, hh, aspect, asx / (double)asy))
if ((oh > child_mxh) && (minh < oh)) minh = oh;
if ((ow > child_mxw) && (minw < ow)) minw = ow;
paspect = aspect;
pasx = asx, pasy = asy;
if (horizontal)
minw *= c;
if (maxw != -1)
maxw *= c;
else maxw = -1;
minh *= c;
if (maxh != -1)
maxh *= c;
else maxh = -1;
/* returns true if at least one item has aspect hint */
if (_smart_extents_non_homogeneous_calc(priv, w, h, &minw, &minh,
&maxw, &maxh, expand,
horizontal, EINA_FALSE))
/* aspect can only be accurately calculated after the full (non-aspected) min size of the box has
* been calculated due to the use of this min size during aspect calculations
int aminw = minw;
int aminh = minh;
_smart_extents_padding_calc(priv, &minw, &minh, &maxw, &maxh,
_smart_extents_non_homogeneous_calc(priv, w, h, &aminw, &aminh,
&maxw, &maxh, expand,
horizontal, EINA_TRUE);
if (horizontal) minw = aminw;
else minh = aminh;
_smart_extents_padding_calc(priv, &minw, &minh, &maxw, &maxh, horizontal);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(box, minw, minh);
evas_object_size_hint_max_set(box, maxw, maxh);
_els_box_layout(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Box_Data *priv, Eina_Bool horizontal, Eina_Bool homogeneous, Eina_Bool rtl)
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, xx, yy;
const Eina_List *l;
Evas_Object *obj;
Evas_Coord minw, minh;
int count = 0;
double expand = 0.0;
double ax, ay;
double wx, wy;
double *rwy;
Evas_Object_Box_Option *opt;
evas_object_geometry_get(o, &x, &y, &w, &h);
/* accummulate expand after switched x and y for horizontal mode */
if (!horizontal)
rwy = &wy;
rwy = &wx;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt)
evas_object_size_hint_weight_get(opt->obj, &wx, &wy);
if (*rwy > 0.0) expand += *rwy;
_smart_extents_calculate(o, priv, w, h, expand, horizontal, homogeneous);
evas_object_geometry_get(o, &x, &y, &w, &h);
evas_object_size_hint_combined_min_get(o, &minw, &minh);
evas_object_box_align_get(o, &ax, &ay);
/* if object size is less than min, apply align to trigger viewporting */
if (w < minw)
x = x + ((w - minw) * (1.0 - ax));
w = minw;
if (h < minh)
y = y + ((h - minh) * (1.0 - ay));
h = minh;
count = eina_list_count(priv->children);
if (!expand)
if (rtl) ax = 1.0 - ax;
if (horizontal)
x += (double)(w - minw) * ax;
w = minw;
y += (double)(h - minh) * ay;
h = minh;
xx = x;
yy = y;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt)
Evas_Coord mnw, mnh, mxw, mxh;
Evas_Coord pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b;
int fw, fh, xw, xh;//fillw, fillw, expandw, expandh
Evas_Aspect_Control aspect = EVAS_ASPECT_CONTROL_NONE;
int asx, asy;
obj = opt->obj;
evas_object_size_hint_align_get(obj, &ax, &ay);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_get(obj, &wx, &wy);
evas_object_size_hint_padding_get(obj, &pad_l, &pad_r, &pad_t, &pad_b);
evas_object_size_hint_combined_min_get(obj, &mnw, &mnh);
mnw += pad_l + pad_r;
mnh += pad_t + pad_b;
evas_object_size_hint_max_get(obj, &mxw, &mxh);
if (mxw >= 0) mxw += pad_l + pad_r;
if (mxh >= 0) mxh += pad_t + pad_b;
evas_object_size_hint_aspect_get(obj, &aspect, &asx, &asy);
if (aspect && ((asx < 1) || (asy < 1)))
fw = fh = 0;
xw = xh = 0;
/* align(-1) means fill to maximum apportioned size */
if (ax == -1.0) {fw = 1; ax = 0.5;}
if (ay == -1.0) {fh = 1; ay = 0.5;}
if (rtl) ax = 1.0 - ax;
if (wx > 0.0) xw = 1;
if (wy > 0.0) xh = 1;
if (horizontal)
Evas_Coord ww, hh, ow = 0, oh = 0;
if (homogeneous)
ww = ((w - (count - 1) * priv->pad.h) / (Evas_Coord)count);
ww = mnw;
if ((expand > 0) && (xw))
ow = ((w - minw) * wx) / expand;
ww += ow;
hh = h;
_box_object_aspect_calc(&ow, &oh, mnw, mnh, mxw, mxh, fw, fh,
ww, hh, aspect, asx / (double)asy);
/* non-homogeneous, aspected, expending items are calculated
* based on object size during extents calc, so use this for
* positioning during layout as well
if (aspect && (!homogeneous))
ww = ow;
((!rtl) ? (xx + pad_l) : (x + (w - (xx - x) - ww) + pad_r))
+ (Evas_Coord)(((double)(ww - ow)) * ax),
yy + (Evas_Coord)(((double)(hh - oh)) * ay) + pad_t);
ow -= pad_l + pad_r;
oh -= pad_t + pad_b;
evas_object_resize(obj, ow, oh);
xx += ww;
xx += priv->pad.h;
Evas_Coord ww, hh, ow = 0, oh = 0;
if (homogeneous)
hh = ((h - (count - 1) * priv->pad.v) / (Evas_Coord)count);
hh = mnh;
if ((expand > 0) && (xh))
oh = ((h - minh) * wy) / expand;
hh += oh;
ww = w;
_box_object_aspect_calc(&ow, &oh, mnw, mnh, mxw, mxh, fw, fh,
ww, hh, aspect, asx / (double)asy);
if (aspect && (!homogeneous))
hh = oh;
xx + (Evas_Coord)(((double)(ww - ow)) * ax) + pad_l,
yy + (Evas_Coord)(((double)(hh - oh)) * ay) + pad_t);
ow -= pad_l + pad_r;
oh -= pad_t + pad_b;
evas_object_resize(obj, ow, oh);
yy += hh;
yy += priv->pad.v;