
386 lines
17 KiB

#include <iterator>
#include "grammar/generator.hpp"
#include "grammar/klass_def.hpp"
#include "type_impl.hh" // For call_match
#include "name_helpers.hh"
#include "using_decl.hh"
namespace eolian_mono {
template<typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
struct unpack_event_args_visitor
mutable OutputIterator sink;
Context const* context;
attributes::type_def const& type;
typedef unpack_event_args_visitor<OutputIterator, Context> visitor_type;
typedef bool result_type;
bool operator()(grammar::attributes::regular_type_def const& regular) const
std::string const& arg = "evt.Info";
std::string arg_type = name_helpers::type_full_managed_name(regular);
if (regular.is_struct())
// Structs are usually passed by pointer to events, like having a ptr<> modifier
// Uses implicit conversion from IntPtr
return as_generator(
" evt.Info;"
).generate(sink, attributes::unused, *context);
else if (type.is_ptr)
return as_generator("(" + arg_type + ")Marshal.PtrToStructure(" + arg + ", typeof(" + arg_type + "))")
.generate(sink, attributes::unused, *context);
using attributes::regular_type_def;
struct match
eina::optional<std::string> name;
std::function<std::string()> function;
const match_table [] =
{"bool", [&arg] { return arg + " != IntPtr.Zero"; }}
, {"int", [&arg] { return arg + ".ToInt32()"; }}
, {"uint", [&arg] { return "(uint)" + arg + ".ToInt32()";}}
, {"string", [&arg] { return "Eina.StringConversion.NativeUtf8ToManagedString(" + arg + ")"; }}
, {"Eina.Error", [&arg] { return "(Eina.Error)Marshal.PtrToStructure(" + arg + ", typeof(Eina.Error))"; }}
std::string full_type_name = name_helpers::type_full_eolian_name(regular);
auto filter_func = [&regular, &full_type_name] (match const& m)
return (!m.name || *m.name == regular.base_type || *m.name == full_type_name);
auto accept_func = [&](std::string const& conversion)
return as_generator(conversion).generate(sink, attributes::unused, *context);
if (eina::optional<bool> b = call_match(match_table, filter_func, accept_func))
return *b;
return as_generator("default(" + arg_type + ")").generate(sink, attributes::unused, *context);
bool operator()(grammar::attributes::klass_name const& cls) const
return as_generator("new " + name_helpers::klass_full_concrete_name(cls) + "(evt.Info)").generate(sink, attributes::unused, *context);
bool operator()(attributes::complex_type_def const&) const
return as_generator("new " << eolian_mono::type << "(evt.Info, false, false)").generate(sink, type, *context);
* Generates a struct wrapping the argument of a given event.
struct event_argument_wrapper_generator
template<typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate(OutputIterator sink, attributes::event_def const& evt, Context const& context) const
efl::eina::optional<grammar::attributes::type_def> etype = evt.type;
if (!etype.is_engaged())
return true;
std::string evt_name = name_helpers::managed_event_name(evt.name);
return as_generator("///<summary>Event argument wrapper for event <see cref=\""
<< join_namespaces(evt.klass.namespaces, '.', managed_namespace)
<< klass_interface_name(evt.klass) << "." << evt_name << "\"/>.</summary>\n"
<< "public class " << name_helpers::managed_event_args_short_name(evt) << " : EventArgs {\n"
<< scope_tab << "///<summary>Actual event payload.</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public " << type << " arg { get; set; }\n"
<< "}\n"
).generate(sink, *etype, context);
} const event_argument_wrapper {};
* Generates an event declaration as a C# Interface member.
* In regular/abstract classes they are declared directly in their
* implementation in event_definition_generator.
struct event_declaration_generator
template<typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate(OutputIterator sink, attributes::event_def const& evt, Context const& context) const
std::string wrapper_args_type;
std::string evt_name = name_helpers::managed_event_name(evt.name);
if (evt.type.is_engaged())
wrapper_args_type = "<" + name_helpers::managed_event_args_name(evt) + ">";
if (!as_generator(
<< scope_tab << "event EventHandler" << wrapper_args_type << " " << evt_name << ";\n"
).generate(sink, evt, context))
return false;
return true;
} const event_declaration {};
struct event_registration_generator
attributes::klass_def const& klass;
attributes::klass_def const& leaf_klass;
bool is_inherited_event;
template<typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate(OutputIterator sink, attributes::event_def const& evt, Context const& context) const
std::string wrapper_event_name;
if (is_inherited_event && !helpers::is_unique_event(evt, leaf_klass))
wrapper_event_name = name_helpers::translate_inherited_event_name(evt, klass);
wrapper_event_name = name_helpers::managed_event_name(evt.name);
return as_generator(scope_tab << scope_tab << "evt_" << wrapper_event_name << "_delegate = "
<< "new Efl.EventCb(on_" << wrapper_event_name << "_NativeCallback);\n"
).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context);
struct event_registration_parameterized
event_registration_generator operator()(attributes::klass_def const& klass, attributes::klass_def const& leaf_klass) const
bool is_inherited_event = klass != leaf_klass;
return {klass, leaf_klass, is_inherited_event};
} const event_registration;
struct event_definition_generator
attributes::klass_def const& klass;
attributes::klass_def const& leaf_klass;
bool is_inherited_event;
template<typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate(OutputIterator sink, attributes::event_def const& evt, Context context) const
std::string managed_evt_name = name_helpers::managed_event_name(evt.name);
bool is_unique = helpers::is_unique_event(evt, leaf_klass);
bool use_explicit_impl = is_inherited_event && !is_unique;
// The name of the public event that goes in the public API.
std::string wrapper_evt_name;
if (use_explicit_impl)
wrapper_evt_name = name_helpers::translate_inherited_event_name(evt, klass);
wrapper_evt_name = managed_evt_name;
std::string klass_name;
if (is_inherited_event)
klass_name = name_helpers::klass_full_interface_name(klass);
klass_name = name_helpers::klass_concrete_name(klass);
std::string wrapper_args_type = "EventArgs";
std::string wrapper_args_template = "";
std::string event_args = "EventArgs args = EventArgs.Empty;\n";
efl::eina::optional<grammar::attributes::type_def> etype = evt.type;
if (etype.is_engaged())
wrapper_args_type = name_helpers::managed_event_args_name(evt);
wrapper_args_template = "<" + wrapper_args_type + ">";
std::string arg_initializer = wrapper_args_type + " args = new " + wrapper_args_type + "();\n";
arg_initializer += " args.arg = ";
auto arg_initializer_sink = std::back_inserter(arg_initializer);
if (!(*etype).original_type.visit(unpack_event_args_visitor<decltype(arg_initializer_sink), Context>{arg_initializer_sink, &context, *etype}))
return false;
arg_initializer += ";\n";
event_args = arg_initializer;
if(!as_generator("private static object " << wrapper_evt_name << "Key = new object();\n")
.generate(sink, attributes::unused, context))
return false;
if(!as_generator(documentation(1)).generate(sink, evt, context))
return false;
// Visible event declaration. Either a regular class member or an explicit interface implementation.
if (klass.type == attributes::class_type::interface_ || klass.type == attributes::class_type::mixin)
// Public event implementation.
if (!as_generator(
scope_tab << (!use_explicit_impl ? "public " : " ") << "event EventHandler" << wrapper_args_template << " " << (use_explicit_impl ? (klass_name + ".") : "") << managed_evt_name << "\n"
).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context))
return false;
else // For inheritable classes event handling.
// We may have inherited an event with the same name as this concrete event, thus
// the concrete event would "hide" the interface one, requiring the new keyword.
std::string visibility = "public ";
if (!is_unique)
visibility += "new ";
if (!as_generator(
scope_tab << visibility << "event EventHandler" << wrapper_args_template << " " << wrapper_evt_name << "\n"
).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context))
return false;
if (!generate_event_add_remove(sink, evt, wrapper_evt_name, context))
return false;
if (!generate_event_trigger(sink, wrapper_evt_name, wrapper_args_type, wrapper_args_template, context))
return false;
// Store the delegate for this event in this instance. This is initialized in register_event_proxies()
// We can't initialize them directly here as they depend on the member methods being valid (i.e.
// the constructor being called).
if (!as_generator(scope_tab << "Efl.EventCb evt_" << wrapper_evt_name << "_delegate;\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, context))
return false;
// Callback to be given to C's callback_priority_add
if (!as_generator(
scope_tab << "private void on_" << wrapper_evt_name << "_NativeCallback(System.IntPtr data, ref Efl.Event_StructInternal evt)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << event_args
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "try {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "On_" << wrapper_evt_name << "(args);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "} catch (Exception e) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Eina.Log.Error(e.ToString());\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Eina.Error.Set(Eina.Error.UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n\n"
).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context))
return false;
return true;
template<typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate_event_trigger(OutputIterator sink
, std::string const& event_name
, std::string const& event_args_type
, std::string const& event_template_args
, Context context) const
auto delegate_type = "EventHandler" + event_template_args;
if (!as_generator(
scope_tab << "///<summary>Method to raise event "<< event_name << ".</summary>\n"
<< scope_tab << "public void On_" << event_name << "(" << event_args_type << " e)\n"
<< scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << delegate_type << " evt;\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "lock (eventLock) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "evt = (" << delegate_type << ")eventHandlers[" << event_name << "Key];\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "evt?.Invoke(this, e);\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
).generate(sink, nullptr, context))
return false;
return true;
template<typename OutputIterator, typename Context>
bool generate_event_add_remove(OutputIterator sink, attributes::event_def const &evt, const std::string& event_name, Context context) const
std::string upper_c_name = utils::to_uppercase(evt.c_name);
auto unit = (const Eolian_Unit*) context_find_tag<eolian_state_context>(context).state;
attributes::klass_def klass(get_klass(evt.klass, unit), unit);
auto library_name = context_find_tag<library_context>(context).actual_library_name(klass.filename);
return as_generator(
scope_tab << "{\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "add {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "lock (eventLock) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "string key = \"_" << upper_c_name << "\";\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (add_cpp_event_handler(" << library_name << ", key, this.evt_" << event_name << "_delegate)) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "eventHandlers.AddHandler(" << event_name << "Key , value);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "} else\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Eina.Log.Error($\"Error adding proxy for event {key}\");\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n" // End of lock block
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "remove {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "lock (eventLock) {\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "string key = \"_" << upper_c_name << "\";\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (remove_cpp_event_handler(key, this.evt_" << event_name << "_delegate)) { \n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "eventHandlers.RemoveHandler(" << event_name << "Key , value);\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "} else\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Eina.Log.Error($\"Error removing proxy for event {key}\");\n"
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n" // End of lock block
<< scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
<< scope_tab << "}\n"
).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context);
struct event_definition_parameterized
event_definition_generator operator()(attributes::klass_def const& klass, attributes::klass_def const& leaf_klass) const
bool is_inherited_event = klass != leaf_klass;
return {klass, leaf_klass, is_inherited_event};
} const event_definition;
namespace efl { namespace eolian { namespace grammar {
template <>
struct is_eager_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_argument_wrapper_generator> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_argument_wrapper_generator> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_eager_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_declaration_generator> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_declaration_generator> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_eager_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_registration_generator> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_registration_generator> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_registration_parameterized> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_eager_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_definition_generator> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_definition_generator> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_generator<struct ::eolian_mono::event_definition_parameterized> : std::true_type {};
namespace type_traits {
template <>
struct attributes_needed<struct ::eolian_mono::event_argument_wrapper_generator> : std::integral_constant<int, 1> {};
template <>
struct attributes_needed<struct ::eolian_mono::event_declaration_generator> : std::integral_constant<int, 1> {};
template <>
struct attributes_needed<struct ::eolian_mono::event_registration_generator> : std::integral_constant<int, 1> {};
template <>
struct attributes_needed<struct ::eolian_mono::event_registration_parameterized> : std::integral_constant<int, 1> {};
template <>
struct attributes_needed<struct ::eolian_mono::event_definition_generator> : std::integral_constant<int, 1> {};
template <>
struct attributes_needed<struct ::eolian_mono::event_definition_parameterized> : std::integral_constant<int, 1> {};
} } }