added external example (currently using the C API as long as it's not complete wrapped in C++)

SVN revision: 54660
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Volz 2010-11-17 22:14:33 +00:00
parent d10df68468
commit 64ad1411f2
3 changed files with 124 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
full \
## File created by the gnome-build tools

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
bin_PROGRAMS = \
elementaryxx_example_external_SOURCES = \
elementaryxx_example_external_LDADD = \
elementaryxx_example_external_DEPENDENCIES = \
## File created by the gnome-build tools

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#include <config.h>
#include <evasxx/Evasxx.h>
#include <elementaryxx/Elementaryxx.h>
#include <edjexx/Edjexx.h>
#include "../../common/searchFile.h"
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eflxx;
using namespace Elmxx;
static void
my_win_del(Evasxx::Object &obj, void *event_info)
/* called when my_win_main is requested to be deleted */
Application::exit(); /* exit the program's main loop that runs in elm_run() */
static void testFunc (Evasxx::Object &obj, void *event_info)
cout << "sub-object-del" << endl;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
Application elmApp (argc, argv);
Window *elmWin = Window::factory ("window1", ELM_WIN_BASIC);
elmWin->getEventSignal ("delete-request")->connect (sigc::ptr_fun (&my_win_del));
Background *bg = Background::factory (*elmWin);
Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(bg->obj ());
// TODO: CountedPtr
Evasxx::Canvas *ec = Evasxx::Canvas::wrap (e);
// TODO: CountedPtr
Edjexx::Object *edje = new Edjexx::Object (*ec, searchEdjeFile ("elementaryxx-test_external.edj"), "main");
elmWin->resize (Eflxx::Size (620, 500));
edje->setLayer (0);
edje->show ();
Evas_Object *eo = edje->obj ();
// TODO: C++ wrapper
Evas_Object *ext_eo = edje_object_part_external_object_get (eo, "Button01");
elm_button_label_set (ext_eo, "This is a changed button");
ext_eo = edje_object_part_external_object_get (eo, "List01");
assert (elm_list_item_append (ext_eo, "1. Line", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
assert (elm_list_item_append (ext_eo, "2. Line", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
assert (elm_list_item_append (ext_eo, "3. Line", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
assert (elm_list_item_append (ext_eo, "4. Line", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
elm_list_go (ext_eo);
ext_eo = edje_object_part_external_object_get (eo, "Progressbar01");
elm_progressbar_label_set (ext_eo, "This is the status");
elm_progressbar_value_set (ext_eo, 0.5);
Edje_External_Param param;
param.type = EDJE_EXTERNAL_PARAM_TYPE_DOUBLE; = "value";
param.d = 5;
edje_object_part_external_param_set (eo, "Slider01", &param);
Edje_External_Param param2;
param2.type = EDJE_EXTERNAL_PARAM_TYPE_STRING; = "label";
param2.s = "Changed Slider Value";
edje_object_part_external_param_set (eo, "Slider01", &param2);
bg->setWeightHintSize (1.0, 1.0);
elmWin->addObjectResize (*bg);
/* set size hints. a minimum size for the bg. this should propagate back
* to the window thus limiting its size based off the bg as the bg is one
* of the window's resize objects. */
bg->setMinHintSize (Size (160, 160));
/* and set a maximum size. not needed very often. normally used together
* with evas_object_size_hint_min_set() at the same size to make a
* window not resizable */
bg->setMaxHintSize (Size (640, 640));
elmWin->setTitle ("Elementaryxx Simple Example");
elmWin->setAutoDel (true);
elmWin->show ();
bg->show (); ();