
2298 lines
49 KiB

#include <e.h>
#include "e_mod_main.h"
#define OFFSET 32
#define PLACE_RUNS 10000
#define GROW_RUNS 1000
#define SHRINK_RUNS 2000
#define GROW 6.0
typedef struct _Item Item;
typedef struct _Slot Slot;
struct _Item
Evas_Object *o, *o_win;
E_Border *bd;
E_Manager_Comp_Source *src;
E_Manager *man;
double scale;
Eina_Bool was_hidden;
Eina_Bool was_shaded;
Eina_Bool fade;
double x;
double y;
double w;
double h;
double mx;
double my;
/* border origin (is moved when scale on another desk) */
double bd_x;
double bd_y;
/* current position to draw by compositor */
int cur_x, cur_y, cur_w, cur_h;
/* borders' desk distance to the current desk */
int dx, dy;
Eina_Bool overlaps;
int in_slots;
int slot_x;
int slot_y;
Item *next;
Item *prev;
int mouse_down;
int moved;
double delay;
struct _Slot
Eina_List *items;
int x, y, w, h;
Item *it;
double min;
static Eina_Bool _scale_cb_mouse_down(void *data, int type, void *event);
static Eina_Bool _scale_cb_mouse_up(void *data, int type, void *event);
static Eina_Bool _scale_cb_mouse_move(void *data, int type, void *event);
static void _scale_win_cb_mouse_in(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
static void _scale_win_cb_mouse_out(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
static void _scale_win_cb_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
static void _scale_win_cb_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
static void _scale_win_cb_mouse_move(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
static void _scale_win_cb_delorig(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
static Item *_scale_win_new(Evas *e, E_Manager *man, E_Manager_Comp_Source *src, E_Desk *desk);
static void _scale_win_del(Item *it);
static void _scale_finish(void);
static void _scale_in(void);
static void _scale_out(int mode);
static void _scale_handler(void *data, const char *name, const char *info, int val, E_Object *obj, void *msgdata);
static void _scale_place_natural();
static int _scale_place_slotted();
static int _scale_grow();
static int _scale_place(int offset);
static int _scale_shrink();
static int _cb_sort_center(const void *d1, const void *d2);
static Ecore_X_Window input_win = 0;
static E_Msg_Handler *msg_handler = NULL;
static Eina_List *items = NULL;
static Eina_List *items_fade = NULL;
static Eina_List *popups = NULL;
static Eina_List *handlers = NULL;
static Ecore_Animator *scale_animator = NULL;
static Eina_Bool scale_state = EINA_FALSE;
static double start_time;
static E_Zone *zone = NULL;
static int max_x, max_y, min_x, min_y;
static int use_x, use_y, use_w, use_h;
static int max_width, max_height;
static int spacing;
static int step_count;
static Item *background = NULL;
static Item *selected_item = NULL;
static E_Desk *current_desk = NULL;
static Eina_Bool show_all_desks = EINA_FALSE;
static Eina_Bool show_iconified = EINA_FALSE;
static Eina_Bool send_to_desk = EINA_FALSE;
static int scale_layout;
static int init_method = 0;
static const char *match_class = NULL;
static int mouse_activated = 0;
static int mouse_x, mouse_y;
static int warp_x, warp_y, warp_pointer;
static double warp_start;
static Ecore_Animator *warp_animator = NULL;
static Evas_Object *zone_clip = NULL;
E_Border *bd_move = NULL;
static void
_scale_place_windows(double scale)
Eina_List *l;
Item *it;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
#if 0
double scale = s * (1.0 + it->delay);
if (scale > 1.0) scale = 1.0;
if (scale < 0.0) scale = 0.0;
it->cur_x = it->bd_x * scale + it->x * (1.0 - scale);
it->cur_y = it->bd_y * scale + it->y * (1.0 - scale);
it->cur_w = (double)(it->bd_x + it->bd->w) * scale + (it->x + it->w) * (1.0 - scale) - it->cur_x;
it->cur_h = (double)(it->bd_y + it->bd->h) * scale + (it->y + it->h) * (1.0 - scale) - it->cur_y;
evas_object_move(it->o, it->cur_x, it->cur_y);
evas_object_resize(it->o, it->cur_w, it->cur_h);
static void
_scale_warp_to_win(Item *it, double advance)
(double)warp_x * (1.0 - advance) + (double)(it->x + it->w/2) * advance,
(double)warp_y * (1.0 - advance) + (double)(it->y + it->h/2) * advance + 10);
static Eina_Bool
_scale_warp_pointer(void *data)
Item *it = selected_item;
if (it)
double in = (ecore_loop_time_get() - warp_start) / 0.25;
if (in > 1.0) in = 1.0;
_scale_warp_to_win(it, in);
if (in < 1.0)
warp_animator = NULL;
static Eina_Bool
_scale_redraw(void *data)
Eina_List *l;
Item *it;
double adv, in, duration;
Eina_Bool finish = EINA_FALSE;
if (show_all_desks)
duration = scale_conf->desks_duration;
duration = scale_conf->scale_duration;
in = adv = (ecore_loop_time_get() - start_time) / duration;
if (in >= 1.0)
in = scale_state ? 0.0 : 1.0;
finish = EINA_TRUE;
else if (scale_state)
#if 1
in = log(14) * in;
in = 1.0 / exp(in*in);
in = 1.0 - in;
#if 1
in = log(14) * (1.0 - in);
in = 1.0 / exp(in*in);
adv = 1.0 - adv;
if (scale_conf->fade_windows)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
double a = 255.0;
if (it->was_hidden)
if ((it->bd->desk != current_desk) && (selected_item != it))
a = 255.0 * sqrt(adv);
evas_object_color_set(it->o, a, a, a, a);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
if (it->was_hidden)
double a = 255.0 * adv;
if ((!scale_state) && (it == selected_item))
evas_object_color_set(it->o, a, a, a, a);
if (warp_pointer && selected_item)
_scale_warp_to_win(selected_item, (1.0 - in));
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items_fade, l, it)
double a = 255.0 * in;
if ((it->bd->desk == current_desk) || (it->bd->sticky))
evas_object_color_set(it->o, a, a, a, a);
if (scale_conf->fade_popups)
double a = 255.0 * in;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(popups, l, it)
evas_object_color_set(it->o_win, a, a, a, a);
if (scale_conf->fade_desktop && background)
double a = 255.0 * (0.5 + in/2.0);
evas_object_color_set(background->o_win, a, a, a, 255);
if (finish)
if (!scale_state)
scale_animator = NULL;
static void
start_time = ecore_loop_time_get();
scale_state = EINA_TRUE;
if (!scale_animator)
scale_animator = ecore_animator_add(_scale_redraw, NULL);
static void
_scale_out(int mode)
double duration, now = ecore_loop_time_get();
Item *ot, *it = selected_item;
Eina_List *l;
if (!scale_state) return;
if (mode == 0)
selected_item = NULL;
else if (it && (mode == 1))
/* goto selected windows desk */
current_desk = it->bd->desk;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, ot)
if (ot->bd->desk == it->bd->desk)
ot->bd_x = ot->bd->x;
ot->bd_y = ot->bd->y;
if (ot->dx > it->dx)
ot->bd_x = ot->bd->x + zone->w;
else if (ot->dx < it->dx)
ot->bd_x = ot->bd->x - zone->w;
if (ot->dy > it->dy)
ot->bd_y = ot->bd->y + zone->h;
else if (ot->dy < it->dy)
ot->bd_y = ot->bd->y - zone->h;
else if (it && (mode == 2))
send_to_desk = EINA_TRUE;
it->bd_x = it->bd->x;
it->bd_y = it->bd->y;
if (show_all_desks)
duration = scale_conf->desks_duration;
duration = scale_conf->scale_duration;
if (now - start_time < duration)
start_time = now - (duration - (now - start_time));
start_time = now;
if (!scale_animator)
scale_animator = ecore_animator_add(_scale_redraw, NULL);
if (warp_animator)
warp_animator = NULL;
if (selected_item)
it = selected_item;
if ((!it->moved) && (init_method == GO_KEY) &&
(e_config->focus_policy != E_FOCUS_CLICK))
warp_pointer = 1;
warp_x = it->bd->x + it->bd->w/2;
warp_y = it->bd->y + it->bd->h/2;
e_border_focus_set(it->bd, 1, 1);
e_border_focus_set(it->bd, 1, 1);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
edje_object_signal_emit(it->o, "hide", "e");
scale_state = EINA_FALSE;
static void
Ecore_Event_Handler *handler;
Item *it;
if (selected_item)
E_Desk *desk;
it = selected_item;
desk = e_desk_current_get(zone);
if (it->bd->desk != desk)
if (send_to_desk)
e_border_desk_set(it->bd, desk);
int tmp = e_config->desk_flip_animate_mode;
desk = it->bd->desk;
e_config->desk_flip_animate_mode = 0;
e_config->desk_flip_animate_mode = tmp;
current_desk = desk;
if (it->was_hidden)
it->was_hidden = EINA_FALSE;
it->was_shaded = EINA_FALSE;
EINA_LIST_FREE(items, it)
if (it->moved) bd_move = it->bd;
EINA_LIST_FREE(items_fade, it)
EINA_LIST_FREE(popups, it)
if (background)
Eina_List *l;
E_Manager_Comp_Source *src;
E_Manager *man = zone->container->manager;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH((Eina_List *)e_manager_comp_src_list(man), l, src)
e_manager_comp_src_hidden_set(man, src, EINA_FALSE);
if (!bd_move)
EINA_LIST_FREE(handlers, handler)
e_grabinput_release(input_win, input_win);
input_win = 0;
zone_clip = NULL;
msg_handler = NULL;
zone = NULL;
selected_item = NULL;
current_desk = NULL;
background = NULL;
send_to_desk = EINA_FALSE;
show_all_desks = EINA_FALSE;
eina_stringshare_replace(&match_class, NULL);
static void
_scale_win_cb_mouse_in(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Item *it = data;
if (!mouse_activated)
if (!scale_state)
if (it == selected_item)
mouse_activated = 0;
if (selected_item)
edje_object_signal_emit(selected_item->o, "mouse,out", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(it->o, "mouse,in", "e");
selected_item = it;
static void
_scale_win_cb_mouse_out(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Item *it = data;
if (!mouse_activated)
if (!scale_state)
if (it == selected_item)
edje_object_signal_emit(it->o, "mouse,out", "e");
it->mouse_down = EINA_FALSE;
selected_item = NULL;
static void
_scale_win_cb_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Item *it = data;
Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = event_info;
if (!scale_state)
it->mx = ev->canvas.x;
it->my = ev->canvas.y;
it->mouse_down = EINA_TRUE;
static void
_scale_win_cb_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = event_info;
Item *it = data;
if (!scale_state)
if (!it->mouse_down)
it->mouse_down = EINA_FALSE;
if (it->bd->desk == e_desk_current_get(it->bd->zone))
selected_item = it;
else if (ev->button == 1)
selected_item = it;
else if (ev->button == 3)
selected_item = it;
static void
_scale_win_cb_mouse_move(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev = event_info;
Item *it = data;
if ((!it) || (!it->mouse_down))
if (it->moved)
it->bd_x += (ev->cur.canvas.x - ev->prev.canvas.x);
it->bd_y += (ev->cur.canvas.y - ev->prev.canvas.y);
e_border_move(it->bd, it->bd_x, it->bd_y);
mouse_x = ev->cur.canvas.x;
mouse_y = ev->cur.canvas.y;
if (!scale_state)
if (it->bd->maximized || it->bd->fullscreen || it->bd->lock_user_location)
if (abs(ev->cur.canvas.x - it->mx) +
abs(ev->cur.canvas.y - it->my) < 15)
it->moved = EINA_TRUE;
it->bd_x = ev->cur.canvas.x - (ev->cur.canvas.x - it->cur_x);
it->bd_y = ev->cur.canvas.y - (ev->cur.canvas.y - it->cur_y);
if (it->bd_x + it->bd->w > it->bd->zone->w)
it->bd_x = it->bd->zone->w - it->bd->w;
if (it->bd_y + it->bd->h > it->bd->zone->h)
it->bd_y = it->bd->zone->h - it->bd->h;
static void
_scale_win_cb_delorig(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Item *it = data;
if (it->bd)
items = eina_list_remove(items, it);
popups = eina_list_remove(popups, it);
static void
_scale_win_del(Item *it)
evas_object_event_callback_del(it->o_win, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL,
if (it->bd)
evas_object_event_callback_del(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_IN,
evas_object_event_callback_del(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_OUT,
evas_object_event_callback_del(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN,
evas_object_event_callback_del(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP,
e_manager_comp_src_hidden_set(it->man, it->src, EINA_FALSE);
if ((it->bd->desk != current_desk) && (!it->bd->sticky))
e_border_hide(it->bd, 2);
evas_object_hide(e_manager_comp_src_shadow_get(e_manager_current_get(), it->src));
else if (it->was_hidden)
e_border_hide(it->bd, 1);
evas_object_hide(e_manager_comp_src_shadow_get(e_manager_current_get(), it->src));
if (it->was_shaded)
e_border_shade(it->bd, E_DIRECTION_DOWN);
evas_object_color_set(it->o_win, 255, 255, 255, 255);
static Item *
_scale_win_new(Evas *e, E_Manager *man, E_Manager_Comp_Source *src, E_Desk *desk)
Item *it;
E_Border *bd;
if (!e_manager_comp_src_image_get(man, src))
return NULL;
bd = e_manager_comp_src_border_get(man, src);
if (!bd)
Ecore_X_Window win = e_manager_comp_src_window_get(man, src);
if ((win == zone->container->bg_win) &&
it = E_NEW(Item, 1);
it->man = man;
it->o_win = e_manager_comp_src_shadow_get(man, src);
evas_object_event_callback_add(it->o_win, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL,
_scale_win_cb_delorig, it);
background = it;
return it;
else if (scale_conf->fade_popups)
E_Popup *pop = e_manager_comp_src_popup_get(man, src);
if ((pop) && (pop->zone != zone))
return NULL;
it = E_NEW(Item, 1);
it->man = man;
it->o_win = e_manager_comp_src_shadow_get(man, src);
evas_object_event_callback_add(it->o_win, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL,
_scale_win_cb_delorig, it);
popups = eina_list_append(popups, it);
return it;
return NULL;
if (bd->zone != desk->zone)
return NULL;
if ((!show_all_desks) && (bd->desk != desk))
return NULL;
if (bd->iconic)
if (!show_iconified)
return NULL;
if ((match_class) && (!e_util_glob_match(bd->client.icccm.class, match_class)))
return NULL;
if (e_mod_border_ignore(bd))
const char *class;
if (!bd->visible)
return NULL;
/* fade keyboard and home, ignore other */
if (!(class = bd->client.icccm.class) ||
(strcmp(class, "Virtual-Keyboard") &&
strcmp(class, "Illume-Home") &&
strcmp(class, "everything-window")))
return NULL;
it = E_NEW(Item, 1);
it->scale = 1.0;
it->bd = bd;
it->man = man;
it->src = src;
e_manager_comp_src_hidden_set(man, src, EINA_TRUE);
it->o_win = e_manager_comp_src_image_mirror_add(man, src);
/* it->o_win = evas_object_image_filled_add(e);
* o = e_manager_comp_src_image_get(man, src);
* evas_object_image_source_set(it->o_win, o);
* evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(it->o_win, evas_object_image_smooth_scale_get(o)); */
it->o = edje_object_add(e);
if (!e_theme_edje_object_set(it->o, "base/theme/modules/scale",
edje_object_file_set(it->o, scale_conf->theme_path, "modules/scale/win");
evas_object_stack_below(it->o, it->o_win);
edje_object_part_swallow(it->o, "e.swallow.win", it->o_win);
evas_object_event_callback_add(it->o_win, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL,
_scale_win_cb_delorig, it);
if (it->bd->shaded)
/* int tmp = e_config->border_shade_animate;
* e_config->border_shade_animate = EINA_FALSE;
* e_border_unshade(it->bd, E_DIRECTION_DOWN);
* it->was_shaded = EINA_TRUE;
* e_config->border_shade_animate = tmp; */
it->dx = bd->desk->x - desk->x;
it->dy = bd->desk->y - desk->y;
it->bd_x = (it->bd->x - zone->x);
it->bd_y = (it->bd->y - zone->y);
it->x = it->bd_x + it->dx * desk->zone->w;
it->y = it->bd_y + it->dy * desk->zone->h;
it->w = it->bd->w;
it->h = it->bd->h;
it->cur_x = it->x;
it->cur_y = it->y;
it->cur_w = it->w;
it->cur_h = it->h;
edje_object_part_text_set(it->o, "e.text.label", e_border_name_get(it->bd));
edje_object_signal_emit(it->o, "show", "e");
if (it->bd->iconic)
evas_object_color_set(it->o, 0, 0, 0, 0);
it->was_hidden = EINA_TRUE;
if ((e_mod_border_ignore(it->bd)) ||
((match_class) && (!e_util_glob_match(bd->client.icccm.class, match_class))))
items_fade = eina_list_append(items_fade, it);
if (it->bd->desk != desk)
evas_object_color_set(it->o, 0, 0, 0, 0);
evas_object_move(it->o, it->bd->x, it->bd->y);
evas_object_resize(it->o, it->bd->w, it->bd->h);
evas_object_pass_events_set(it->o, 1);
return it;
if (!it->bd->visible)
evas_object_event_callback_add(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_IN,
_scale_win_cb_mouse_in, it);
evas_object_event_callback_add(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_OUT,
_scale_win_cb_mouse_out, it);
evas_object_event_callback_add(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN,
_scale_win_cb_mouse_down, it);
evas_object_event_callback_add(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP,
_scale_win_cb_mouse_up, it);
evas_object_event_callback_add(it->o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE,
_scale_win_cb_mouse_move, it);
items = eina_list_append(items, it);
return it;
static void
_scale_warp_animator_run(Item *it)
ecore_x_pointer_xy_get(it->bd->zone->container->win, &warp_x, &warp_y);
warp_start = ecore_loop_time_get();
if (!warp_animator)
warp_animator = ecore_animator_add(_scale_warp_pointer, it);
static void
_scale_switch(const char *params)
Item *it, *sel;
sel = selected_item;
if (params[0] == 0)
if ((!sel) || (!sel->next) || (!sel->prev))
if (!strcmp(params, "_next"))
it = sel->next;
else if (!strcmp(params, "_prev"))
it = sel->prev;
else if (!strcmp(params, "_left"))
it = sel->prev;
if (it->slot_y != sel->slot_y)
it = sel;
while(sel->slot_y == it->next->slot_y)
it = it->next;
if (it == sel) break;
else if (!strcmp(params, "_right"))
it = sel->next;
if (it->slot_y != sel->slot_y)
it = sel;
while(sel->slot_y == it->prev->slot_y)
it = it->prev;
if (it == sel) break;
else if (!strcmp(params, "_up"))
it = sel;
while((sel->slot_y == it->slot_y) ||
(sel->slot_x < it->slot_x))
it = it->prev;
if (it == sel) break;
else if (!strcmp(params, "_down"))
it = sel;
while((sel->slot_y == it->slot_y) ||
(sel->slot_x > it->slot_x))
it = it->next;
if (it == sel) break;
if (it == sel)
edje_object_signal_emit(sel->o, "mouse,out", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(it->o, "mouse,in", "e");
selected_item = it;
static Eina_Bool
_scale_cb_key_down(void *data, int type, void *event)
Ecore_Event_Key *ev = event;
if (ev->window != input_win)
if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Up"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Down"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Left"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Right"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "h"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "j"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "k"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "l"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "p"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "n"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Return"))
if (!strcmp(ev->key, "space"))
else if (!strcmp(ev->key, "Escape"))
/* TODO go to previously focused window */
E_Action *act;
Eina_List *l;
E_Config_Binding_Key *bind;
E_Binding_Modifier mod;
for (l = e_config->key_bindings; l; l = l->next)
bind = l->data;
mod = 0;
if (bind->action && strcmp(bind->action, "scale-windows")) continue;
if (!bind->params || strncmp(bind->params, "go_scale", 8)) continue;
if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_SHIFT)
if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_CTRL)
if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_ALT)
if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_EVENT_MODIFIER_WIN)
if (bind->key && (!strcmp(bind->key, ev->keyname)) &&
((bind->modifiers == mod) || (bind->any_mod)))
if (!(act = e_action_find(bind->action))) continue;
if (act->func.go_key)
act->func.go_key(E_OBJECT(zone), bind->params, ev);
else if (act->func.go)
act->func.go(E_OBJECT(zone), bind->params);
static Eina_Bool
_scale_cb_key_up(void *data, int type, void *event)
Ecore_Event_Key *ev = event;
if (ev->window != input_win)
if (!scale_state)
if (!e_mod_hold_modifier_check(event))
static int
_cb_sort_dist(const void *d1, const void *d2)
const Item *it1 = d1;
const Item *it2 = d2;
double dx1 = ((it1->x + it1->w/2.0) - (double)(it1->bd_x + it1->bd->w/2));
double dy1 = ((it1->y + it1->h/2.0) - (double)(it1->bd_y + it1->bd->h/2));
double dx2 = ((it2->x + it2->w/2.0) - (double)(it2->bd_x + it2->bd->w/2));
double dy2 = ((it2->y + it2->h/2.0) - (double)(it2->bd_y + it2->bd->h/2));
return (sqrt(dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1) > sqrt(dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2)) ? -1 : 1;
static Eina_Bool
_scale_run(E_Manager *man)
Eina_List *l;
E_Manager_Comp_Source *src;
Ecore_Event_Handler *h;
Evas *e;
int i;
Item *it;
E_Border *bd;
mouse_activated = 0;
mouse_x = -1;
mouse_y = -1;
warp_pointer = 0;
e = e_manager_comp_evas_get(man);
if (!e) return EINA_FALSE;
zone = e_util_zone_current_get(e_manager_current_get());
if (!zone)
return EINA_FALSE;
current_desk = e_desk_current_get(zone);
if (!current_desk)
return EINA_FALSE;
start_time = ecore_loop_time_get();
input_win = ecore_x_window_input_new(zone->container->win, 0, 0, 1, 1);
if (!e_grabinput_get(input_win, 0, input_win))
input_win = 0;
return EINA_FALSE;
msg_handler = e_msg_handler_add(_scale_handler, NULL);
h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN,
_scale_cb_mouse_down, e);
handlers = eina_list_append(handlers, h);
h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP,
_scale_cb_mouse_up, e);
handlers = eina_list_append(handlers, h);
h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,
_scale_cb_mouse_move, e);
handlers = eina_list_append(handlers, h);
h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN,
_scale_cb_key_down, e);
handlers = eina_list_append(handlers, h);
h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_UP,
_scale_cb_key_up, e);
handlers = eina_list_append(handlers, h);
zone_clip = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
evas_object_move(zone_clip, zone->x, zone->y);
evas_object_resize(zone_clip, zone->w, zone->h);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH((Eina_List *)e_manager_comp_src_list(man), l, src)
Item *it = _scale_win_new(e, man, src, current_desk);
if (it) evas_object_clip_set(it->o, zone_clip);
if (eina_list_count(items) < 1)
return EINA_FALSE;
if ((eina_list_count(items) < 2) && (!show_all_desks))
return EINA_FALSE;
if (show_all_desks)
spacing = scale_conf->desks_spacing;
spacing = scale_conf->spacing;
if (!scale_conf->fade_popups)
e_zone_useful_geometry_get(zone, &use_x, &use_y, &use_w, &use_h);
use_x = use_x - zone->x + spacing;
use_y = use_y - zone->y + spacing;
use_w += use_x - spacing;
use_h += use_y - spacing;
use_x = spacing;
use_y = spacing;
use_w = zone->w - spacing;
use_h = zone->h - spacing;
min_x = 0;
min_y = 0;
max_x = zone->w;
max_y = zone->h;
/* scale all windows down to be next to each other on one zone */
if (scale_layout)
min_x = use_x;
min_y = use_y;
max_x = use_w;
max_y = use_h;
/* EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
* printf(">> %dx%d %d:%d - %s\n",
* (int)it->w, (int)it->h,
* (int)it->x, (int)it->y,
* e_border_name_get(it->bd)); */
if ((scale_conf->grow && !show_all_desks) ||
(scale_conf->desks_grow && show_all_desks))
if ((scale_conf->tight && !show_all_desks) ||
(scale_conf->desks_tight && show_all_desks))
spacing += 5;
i = 0;
while (i++ < GROW_RUNS && _scale_grow());
DBG("grow %d", i);
if ((scale_conf->tight && !show_all_desks) ||
(scale_conf->desks_tight && show_all_desks))
spacing -= 5;
if ((scale_conf->tight && !show_all_desks) ||
(scale_conf->desks_tight && show_all_desks))
items = eina_list_sort(items, eina_list_count(items), _cb_sort_center);
i = 0;
while (i++ < SHRINK_RUNS && _scale_shrink());
DBG("shrunk %d", i);
if (show_all_desks)
/* center and move windows near visible desk
* to make the sliding smoother */
min_x = zone->w;
min_y = zone->h;
max_x = 0;
max_y = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
if (it->x < min_x) min_x = it->x;
if (it->y < min_y) min_y = it->y;
if (it->x + it->w > max_x) max_x = it->x + it->w;
if (it->y + it->h > max_y) max_y = it->y + it->h;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
it->x = (it->x - min_x) + use_x + ((use_w - use_x) - (max_x - min_x))/2.0;
it->y = (it->y - min_y) + use_y + ((use_h - use_y) - (max_y - min_y))/2.0;
if (it->dx > 0) it->bd_x = zone->w;
if (it->dy > 0) it->bd_y = zone->h;
if (it->dx < 0) it->bd_x = -zone->w + (zone->w - it->bd->w);
if (it->dy < 0) it->bd_y = -zone->h + (zone->h - it->bd->h);
double min = 9999.0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
double dx = ((it->x + it->w/2.0) - (double)(it->bd_x + it->bd->w/2));
double dy = ((it->y + it->h/2.0) - (double)(it->bd_y + it->bd->h/2));
it->x += zone->x;
it->y += zone->y;
it->bd_x += zone->x;
it->bd_y += zone->y;
#if 0
it->delay = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) / 1000.0;
if (it->delay < min) min = it->delay;
#if 0
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
it->delay -= min;
DBG("time: %f\n", ecore_loop_time_get() - start_time);
it = NULL;
bd = NULL;
if (init_method == GO_KEY)
E_Border *bd2 = NULL;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_border_focus_stack_get(), l, bd)
if ((bd != bd2) && (bd->desk == current_desk))
if (!bd2) bd2 = bd;
else break;
if (!bd) bd = bd2;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_border_focus_stack_get(), l, bd)
if (bd->desk == current_desk) break;
if (bd)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
if (it->bd == bd) break;
if (it)
selected_item = it;
selected_item = eina_list_data_get(items);
items = eina_list_sort(items, eina_list_count(items), _cb_sort_dist);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
if (it != selected_item)
edje_object_signal_emit(it->o, "mouse,out", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(it->o, "mouse,in", "e");
if (scale_conf->fade_windows)
if (it->bd->desk != current_desk)
evas_object_color_set(it->o, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (init_method == GO_KEY)
evas_event_feed_mouse_in(e, ecore_x_current_time_get(), NULL);
evas_event_feed_mouse_move(e, -1000000, -1000000,
ecore_x_current_time_get(), NULL);
return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
_scale_cb_mouse_move(void *data, int type, void *event)
Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *ev = event;
if (ev->window != input_win)
/* if (!scale_state)
if (bd_move)
bd_move->x + (ev->x - mouse_x),
bd_move->y + (ev->y - mouse_y));
mouse_x = ev->x;
mouse_y = ev->y;
if (warp_animator)
if (mouse_x < 0)
mouse_x = ev->x;
mouse_y = ev->y;
if ((mouse_x == ev->x) || (mouse_y == ev->y))
mouse_activated = 1;
evas_event_feed_mouse_move((Evas *) data, ev->x, ev->y, ev->timestamp, NULL);
static Eina_Bool
_scale_cb_mouse_down(void *data, int type, void *event)
Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button *ev = event;
Evas_Button_Flags flags = EVAS_BUTTON_NONE;
Eina_List *l;
Item *it;
if (ev->window != input_win)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
if (E_INTERSECTS(ev->x, ev->y, 1, 1, it->x, it->y, it->w, it->h))
if (!it)
if (ev->double_click) flags |= EVAS_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK;
if (ev->triple_click) flags |= EVAS_BUTTON_TRIPLE_CLICK;
evas_event_feed_mouse_down((Evas *)data, ev->buttons, flags, ev->timestamp, NULL);
static Eina_Bool
_scale_cb_mouse_up(void *data, int type, void *event)
Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button *ev = event;
Evas_Button_Flags flags = EVAS_BUTTON_NONE;
if (ev->window != input_win)
if (selected_item)
selected_item->moved = EINA_FALSE;
if (bd_move)
Ecore_Event_Handler *handler;
EINA_LIST_FREE(handlers, handler)
e_grabinput_release(input_win, input_win);
input_win = 0;
bd_move = NULL;
evas_event_feed_mouse_up((Evas *)data, ev->buttons, flags, ev->timestamp, NULL);
scale_run(E_Manager *man, const char *params, int _init_method)
Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE;
const char *opt = params;
if (!strncmp(params, "go_scale_all", 12))
scale_layout = scale_conf->desks_layout_mode;
show_all_desks = EINA_TRUE;
show_iconified = scale_conf->desks_show_iconic;
opt = params+12;
else if (!strncmp(params, "go_scale_class:", 15))
if (scale_state)
return ret;
scale_layout = 1; /* slotted */
show_all_desks = EINA_TRUE;
show_iconified = EINA_TRUE;
opt = params+15;
eina_stringshare_replace(&match_class, opt);
else if (!strncmp(params, "go_scale", 8))
scale_layout = scale_conf->layout_mode;
show_all_desks = EINA_FALSE;
show_iconified = scale_conf->show_iconic;
opt = params+8;
return ret;
init_method = _init_method;
if (init_method == GO_KEY)
scale_layout = 1;
if (scale_state)
if (init_method == GO_KEY)
if (input_win)
return ret;
ret = _scale_run(man);
return ret;
static void
_scale_handler(void *data, const char *name, const char *info, int val,
E_Object *obj, void *msgdata)
E_Manager *man = (E_Manager *)obj;
E_Manager_Comp_Source *src = (E_Manager_Comp_Source *)msgdata;
Evas *e;
if (strcmp(name, "comp.manager")) return;
DBG("handler... '%s' '%s'\n", name, info);
/* XXX disabled for now. */
/* return; */
e = e_manager_comp_evas_get(man);
if (!strcmp(info, "change.comp"))
if (!e) DBG("TTT: No comp manager\n");
else DBG("TTT: comp canvas = %p\n", e);
else if (!strcmp(info, "resize.comp"))
DBG("%s: %p | %p\n", info, man, src);
else if (!strcmp(info, "add.src"))
DBG("%s: %p | %p\n", info, man, src);
e_manager_comp_src_hidden_set(man, src, EINA_TRUE);
else if (!strcmp(info, "del.src"))
DBG("%s: %p | %p\n", info, man, src);
else if (!strcmp(info, "config.src"))
DBG("%s: %p | %p\n", info, man, src);
else if (!strcmp(info, "visibility.src"))
DBG("%s: %p | %p\n", info, man, src);
static int
Item *it, *ot;
Eina_List *l, *ll;
int cont = 0;
int overlap;
double grow_l, grow_r, grow_d, grow_u;
double mean = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
it->scale = it->w / (double)it->bd->w;
mean += it->scale;
mean /= (double) eina_list_count(items);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
overlap = 0;
if (it->scale > mean)
if (it->w >= it->bd->w)
if (it->h >= it->bd->h)
if (it->bd->w > it->bd->h)
grow_l = grow_r = GROW;
grow_u = grow_d = GROW * (double)it->bd->h/(double)it->bd->w;
grow_l = grow_r = GROW * (double)it->bd->w/(double)it->bd->h;
grow_u = grow_d = GROW;
if (it->x - grow_l < min_x)
grow_l = 0;
if (it->y - grow_u < min_y)
grow_u = 0;
if (it->x + it->w + grow_r > max_x)
grow_r = 0;
if (it->y + it->h + grow_d > max_y)
grow_d = 0;
if ((grow_l + grow_r) == 0)
if ((grow_u + grow_d) == 0)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, ll, ot)
if (it == ot)
if (grow_l && E_INTERSECTS(it->x - grow_l - spacing ,it->y,
it->w + spacing*2, it->h + spacing*2,
ot->x, ot->y, ot->w, ot->h))
grow_l = 0;
if (grow_r && E_INTERSECTS(it->x - spacing, it->y - spacing,
it->w + grow_r + spacing*2, it->h + spacing*2,
ot->x, ot->y, ot->w, ot->h))
grow_r = 0;
if ((grow_l == 0) && (grow_r == 0) && (overlap = 1))
if (grow_u && E_INTERSECTS(it->x - spacing, it->y - spacing - grow_u,
it->w + spacing*2, it->h + spacing*2,
ot->x, ot->y, ot->w, ot->h))
grow_u = 0;
if (grow_d && E_INTERSECTS(it->x - spacing, it->y - spacing,
it->w + spacing*2, it->h + grow_d + spacing*2,
ot->x, ot->y, ot->w, ot->h))
grow_d = 0;
if ((grow_u == 0) && (grow_d == 0) && (overlap = 1))
if (overlap)
if (it->bd->w > it->bd->h)
if ((grow_u > 0) && (grow_d > 0))
it->w += grow_l + grow_r;
it->w += MAX(grow_l, grow_r);
it->h = it->w * (double)it->bd->h / (double)it->bd->w;
if ((grow_r > 0) && (grow_l > 0))
it->h += grow_u + grow_d;
it->h += MAX(grow_u, grow_d);
it->w = it->h * (double)it->bd->w / (double)it->bd->h;
it->x -= grow_l;
it->y -= grow_u;
return cont;
static void
_scale_displace(Item *it, Item *ot, int disp)
/* cycle items with same center around to get even distribution.
dont try to understand this but these initial conditions
are important.. you can have up to 9 maximized windows.
if you can figure out more please tell me :) */
if (disp % 8 == 0)
// 1.
it->y -= 1;
it->x -= 1;
// 2.
ot->x += 1;
ot->y -= 1;
else if (disp % 8 == 1)
// 3.
ot->y += 1;
else if (disp % 8 == 2)
// 4.
ot->x -= 2;
ot->y += 2;
else if (disp % 8 == 3)
// 5.
ot->x += 2;
ot->y += 2;
else if (disp % 8 == 4)
// 6.
ot->x += 1;
ot->y += 1;
else if (disp % 8 == 5)
// 7.
ot->x -= 1;
ot->y += 1;
else if (disp % 8 == 6)
// 8.
ot->x -= 1;
ot->y -= 1;
else if (disp % 8 == 7)
ot->x += 1;
ot->y -= 1;
static int
_scale_place(int offset)
Item *it, *ot;
Eina_List *l, *ll;
int overlap = 0;
int outside = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
it->mx = it->x;
it->my = it->y;
int disp = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, ll, ot)
int w = it->w;
int h = it->h;
if (it == ot)
if (!E_INTERSECTS(it->x - offset, it->y - offset,
it->w + offset*2, it->h + offset*2,
ot->x, ot->y, ot->w, ot->h))
overlap += 1;
if (it->x < ot->x)
w += it->x - ot->x;
if (w < 0) w = 0;
if (it->x + it->w > ot->x + ot->w)
w = ot->x + ot->w - it->x;
if (it->y < ot->y)
h += it->y - ot->y;
if (h < 0) h = 0;
if (it->y + it->h > ot->y + ot->h)
h = ot->y + ot->h - it->y;
double dist_y = (it->y + it->h/2) - (ot->y + ot->h/2);
double dist_x = (it->x + it->w/2) - (ot->x + ot->w/2);
if (dist_x == 0 && dist_y == 0)
_scale_displace(it, ot, disp);
else if (w > h)
if (dist_y)
dist_y = (dist_y > 0 ? 2 : -2);
it->my += dist_y;
if (dist_x)
dist_x = (dist_x > 0 ? 1 : -1);
it->mx += dist_x;
else //if (w < h)
if (dist_y)
dist_y = (dist_y > 0 ? 1 : -1);
it->my += dist_y;
if (dist_x)
dist_x = (dist_x > 0 ? 2 : -2);
it->mx += dist_x;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
it->x = it->mx;
it->y = it->my;
if (it->x < min_x)
outside = 1;
it->x = min_x;
if (it->y < min_y)
outside = 1;
it->y = min_y;
if (it->x + it->w > max_x)
outside = 1;
it->x = max_x - it->w;
if (it->y + it->h > max_y)
outside = 1;
it->y = max_y - it->h;
if (!(overlap || outside))
return 0;
if (outside && (step_count++ > 50))
double zone_diag = sqrt(zone->w * zone->h);
double sw, sh;
step_count = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
if (!it->overlaps)
if (it->scale <= 0.005)
it->scale -= it->scale *
(0.001 + (sqrt(it->bd->w * it->bd->h) / zone_diag) / 50.0);
sw = (double)it->bd->w * it->scale;
sh = (double)it->bd->h * it->scale;
it->x += (it->w - sw)/2.0;
it->y += (it->h - sh)/2.0;
it->w = sw;
it->h = sh;
it->overlaps = 0;
return 1;
return overlap || outside;
static int
_cb_sort_center(const void *d1, const void *d2)
const Item *it1 = d1;
const Item *it2 = d2;
double dx1 = ((it1->x + it1->w/2.0) - (double)(max_width/2));
double dy1 = ((it1->y + it1->h/2.0) - (double)(max_height/2));
double dx2 = ((it2->x + it2->w/2.0) - (double)(max_width/2));
double dy2 = ((it2->y + it2->h/2.0) - (double)(max_height/2));
return (sqrt(dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1) > sqrt(dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2)) ? -1 : 1;
static void
Eina_List *l;
int offset, i = 0;
Item *it;
max_width = zone->w;
max_height = zone->h;
if (show_all_desks)
max_width = zone->h * zone->desk_x_count;
max_height = zone->w * zone->desk_y_count;
min_x = zone->w * -zone->desk_x_current;
min_y = zone->h * -zone->desk_y_current;
max_x = zone->w * (zone->desk_x_count - zone->desk_x_current);
max_y = zone->h * (zone->desk_y_count - zone->desk_y_current);
items = eina_list_sort(items, eina_list_count(items), _cb_sort_center);
offset = spacing;
if (scale_conf->grow && (spacing < OFFSET))
offset = OFFSET;
if (scale_conf->tight && (spacing < OFFSET))
offset = OFFSET;
step_count = 0;
while ((i++ < PLACE_RUNS) &&
(_scale_place(offset) ||
(min_x < use_x) ||
(min_y < use_y) ||
(max_x > use_w) ||
(max_y > use_h)))
/* shrink region to visible region */
if (min_x < use_x) min_x += 2;
if (min_y < use_y) min_y += 2;
if (min_x > use_x) min_x = use_x;
if (min_y > use_y) min_y = use_y;
if (max_x > use_w) max_x -= 2;
if (max_y > use_h) max_y -= 2;
if (max_x < use_w) max_x = use_w;
if (max_y < use_h) max_y = use_h;
if (!show_all_desks)
/* move other desks windows into visible region */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
if ((min_x < use_x) && (it->dx < 0) && it->x < 0) it->x += 4.0;
if ((min_y < use_y) && (it->dy < 0) && it->y < 0) it->y += 4.0;
if ((max_x > use_w) && (it->dx > 0) && it->x > zone->w) it->x -= 4.0;
if ((max_y > use_h) && (it->dy > 0) && it->y > zone->h) it->y -= 4.0;
static int
Eina_List *l, *ll;
Item *it, *ot;
int shrunk = 0;
double move_x;
double move_y;
int x, y, w, h;
if (show_all_desks)
move_x = ((it->x + it->w/2.0) - zone->w/2.0) / 5.0;
move_y = ((it->y + it->h/2.0) - zone->h/2.0) / 5.0;
move_x = ((it->x + it->w/2.0) -
(double)(it->bd_x + it->bd->w/2.0)) / 10.0;
move_y = ((it->y + it->h/2.0) -
(double)(it->bd_y + it->bd->h/2.0)) / 10.0;
if (!(move_y || move_x))
x = it->x - spacing;
y = it->y - spacing;
w = it->w + spacing*2;
h = it->h + spacing*2;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, ll, ot)
if (it == ot) continue;
while ((move_x) && (E_INTERSECTS(x - move_x, y, w, h, ot->x, ot->y, ot->w, ot->h)))
move_x = move_x / 2.0;
while ((move_y) && (E_INTERSECTS(x, y - move_y, w, h, ot->x, ot->y, ot->w, ot->h)))
move_y = move_y / 2.0;
if (!(move_y || move_x)) break;
it->x -= move_x;
it->y -= move_y;
if (move_y > 1 || move_x > 1)
return shrunk;
/* TODO add slot item an calc distance only once */
static Slot *cur_slot = NULL;
static double
_slot_dist(const Item *it, const Slot *slot)
double dx = it->x - slot->x;
double dy = it->y - slot->y;
double dw = (it->x + it->w) - (slot->x + slot->w);
double dh = (it->y + it->h) - (slot->y + slot->h);
return (sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dw*dw + dh*dh));
static int
_cb_sort_nearest(const void *d1, const void *d2)
const Item *it1 = d1;
const Item *it2 = d2;
return (_slot_dist(it1, cur_slot) < _slot_dist(it2, cur_slot)) ? -1 : 1;
static int
Eina_List *l, *ll, *slots = NULL;
Slot *slot, *slot2;
Item *it, *it2;
int rows, cols, cnt, x, y, w, h, start;
int fast = 0;
int cont = 0, i = 0;
double min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
cnt = eina_list_count(items);
rows = sqrt(cnt);
cols = cnt/rows;
if (cols*rows < cnt)
cols += 1;
if (cnt <= 2)
cols = 2;
rows = 1;
else if (cnt <= 4)
cols = 2;
rows = 2;
else if (cnt <= 6)
cols = 3;
rows = 2;
else if (cnt <= 8)
cols = 3;
rows = 3;
DBG("%d rows, %d cols -- cnt %d\n", rows, cols, cnt);
max_x = max_y = 0;
min_x = min_y = 100000;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
if (it->x < min_x) min_x = it->x;
if (it->y < min_y) min_y = it->y;
if (it->x + it->w > max_x) max_x = it->x + it->w;
if (it->y + it->h > max_y) max_y = it->y + it->h;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(l->next, ll, it2)
if ((it->x + it->w/2 == it2->x + it2->w/2) &&
(it->y + it->h/2 == it2->y + it2->h/2))
it2->x += 1;
it2->y += 1;
w = (max_x - min_x) / cols;
h = (max_y - min_y) / rows;
l = items;
for (y = 0; y < rows; y++)
for (x = 0; x < cols; x++)
if (fast && !l) break;
slot = E_NEW(Slot, 1);
slot->x = min_x + x * w;
slot->y = min_y + y * h;
slot->w = w;
slot->h = h;
if (fast)
slot->it = eina_list_data_get(l);
if (l) l = l->next;
cur_slot = slot;
slot->items = eina_list_clone(items);
slot->items = eina_list_sort(slot->items, cnt,
slot->it = eina_list_data_get(slot->items);
slot->items = eina_list_remove_list(slot->items,
slot->min = _slot_dist(slot->it, slot);
slots = eina_list_append(slots, slot);
DBG("add slot: %dx%d, \t%f -> %d:%d\n",
slot->x, slot->y, slot->min,
(int)(slot->it->x), (int)(slot->it->y));
if (!fast)
cont = 1;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(items, l, it)
it->in_slots = cols * rows;
for (i = 0; (i < PLACE_RUNS) && cont; i++)
cont = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slots, l, slot)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slots, ll, slot2)
if (slot == slot2)
if (slot->it != slot2->it)
Item *it1 = eina_list_data_get(slot->items);
Item *it2 = eina_list_data_get(slot2->items);
if (!it1 || !it2)
double d1 = _slot_dist(it1, slot);
double d2 = _slot_dist(it2, slot2);
cont = 1;
DBG("%dx%d - compare:\n\ts1: %dx%d (%dx%d:%f),"
"\n\ts2 %dx%d (%dx%d:%f)\n",
(int)slot->it->x, (int)slot->it->y,
slot->x, slot->y, (int)it1->x, (int)it1->y, d1,
slot2->x, slot2->y, (int)it2->x, (int)it2->y, d2);
if ((slot->it->in_slots > 1) &&
(slot->min + d1 >= slot2->min + d2))
slot->it = it1;
slot->min = d1;
slot->items = eina_list_remove_list(slot->items,
cont = 1;
for (i = 0; (i < PLACE_RUNS) && cont; i++)
cont = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slots, l, slot)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(l->next, ll, slot2)
double d1, d2;
d1 = _slot_dist(slot->it, slot) + _slot_dist(slot2->it, slot2);
d2 = _slot_dist(slot->it, slot2) + _slot_dist(slot2->it, slot);
if (d1 > d2)
it = slot->it;
slot->it = slot2->it;
slot2->it = it;
cont = 1;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slots, l, slot)
if (!slot->it)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slots, ll, slot2)
if (!slot2->it)
if (slot == slot2)
if (slot->it != slot2->it)
if (_slot_dist(slot->it, slot) > _slot_dist(slot2->it, slot2))
slot->it = NULL;
slot2->it = NULL;
h = (zone->h - spacing) / rows;
w = (zone->w - spacing) / cols;
for (y = 0, l = slots; l && (y < rows); y++)
ll = l;
for (x = 0, cnt = 0; l && x < cols; x++, l = eina_list_next(l))
slot = eina_list_data_get(l);
if (slot->it) cnt++;
if (cnt < cols)
start = (w * (cols - cnt))/2.0;
start = spacing/2.0;
for (x = 0; ll && x < cnt; ll = eina_list_next(ll))
slot = eina_list_data_get(ll);
if (!slot->it) continue;
slot->x = start + x * w;
slot->y = y * h;
slot->w = w;
slot->h = h;
Item *prev = NULL;
Item *first = NULL;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slots, l, slot)
if (slot->it)
it = slot->it;
it->prev = prev;
prev = it;
if (it->prev)
it->prev->next = it;
if (!first)
first = it;
it->slot_x = slot->x;
it->slot_y = slot->y;
if (it->w > slot->w - spacing)
it->w = slot->w - spacing;
it->h = it->w * (double)it->bd->h / (double)it->bd->w;
if (it->h > slot->h - spacing)
it->h = slot->h - spacing;
it->w = it->h * (double)it->bd->w / (double)it->bd->h;
it->x = slot->x + (slot->w - it->w)/2.0;
it->y = slot->y + (slot->h - it->h)/2.0;
DBG("place: %d:%d %dx%d -> %d:%d %dx%d\n",
(int)it->bd_x, (int)it->bd_y, (int)it->bd->w, (int)it->bd->h,
(int)it->x, (int)it->y, (int)it->w, (int)it->h);
EINA_LIST_FREE(slot->items, it);
first->prev = prev;
prev->next = first;
return 1;