Itask NG Module This is the NG module for Enlightenment. It will hold all of your open applications for fast switching and is also an apllication launcher. There are three basic functionalities that you dont want to miss: 1. If you click on an icon the corresponding will be shown and raised to the top and if its on another desk, then you will be switched right to it. 2. If you drag an icon out of NG the App will be shown on the current desktop. 3. Drag an icon to a pagers desk to send it there. lots of other stuff that you have to find out yourself for now :) Installation: ./ make make install when having troubles: check the wiki on: This module is based on ibox and on engages algorithms. though thats where it started. you'll not find much common code anymore _______ATTENTION______________________________________________ you SHOULD have composite manager running like for example bling (from e_modules) xcompmgr or kompmgr(kdebase). run enlightenment_remote -use-composite-set 1 and then restart e to enable the use of composite you dont need it, just looks way cooler B-) otherwise you should at least some kind of grey bg so that your friends dont see the uggly pixel shaped borders ______________________________________________________________ Use middle click on the module to get to the configuration dialog. !!!!!!!!!!! CONFIGURATION: ADD A BAR:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - enable the module in e's module configuration dialog - Goto E-menu->Configuration->Extensions->Itask NG->Add