Extra Menu module for Enlightenment =================================== This is a simple module I have initially written for the OpenGeu distribution. The module is able to generate as many new submenu as you want in the enlightenemnt main menu. The new menus can have unlimited submenus and the names can be translated trough a simple file text file. The menu are generated from .menu files as per FreeDesktop standars. So you can also use all the existing (fdo compliant) menus. The module will search in '~/.e/e/extra_menu' and '/usr/share/menus' directory for new menu to create. Every menu need 3 files (the .menu, .directory and optionally a .desktop for the menu icons). The .menu file ============== This is the first file searched in the user and the system directory. It contains the menu name, the menu structure, all the menu items and even other menus. It also contain a link to a .directory file. it should look like this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE: mymenu.menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MyMenu ./ mymenu.directory xterm.desktop firefox.desktop anjuta.desktop edje_editor.desktop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The .directory file ==================== This file is used to get the icon and the (translated) text for the menu. It should reside where the .menu is, but you can also place in other system directory (see the comments in the .menu file). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE: mymenu.directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Directory Icon=mymenu #Icon=mymenu.png #Icon=/full/path/mymenu.png X-Enlightenment-Menu=main/0 Name=My Own Menu Name[it]=Il mio menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The icon parameter can refer to a global .desktop file (if used without the extension) or can directly link to an image file (if used with the extension) The more reasonable place for icons (following the fdo spec) seems: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/mymenu.png As a last chance you can also give the full path to the icon file... with the extension :P The X-Enlightenment-Menu parameter tell the modules where to place your menu in the enlightenment main menu. It is formed by the name of the parent menu and a number that is in some way related with the position you want. Example: main/0 -> put in the top of the main menu main/11 -> put in the bottom of the main menu sys/0 -> put in the top of the system menu E Menus: main(0-11), sys, config (0-2), ... Note that if the number is too high your menu will not show up. have fun :) DaveMDS REFERENCE: ----------- Freedesktop Menu Specification http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/